Gnumeric 1.3.1

        * Handle borders in latex export correctly
	* Save current sheet as csv (rather than first sheet)
	* Fix default colour handling in manage sheet dialog
	* Add interface to allow the visibility of sheets to be toggled
	* Make sure zoom-box shows current zoom factor
	* Improve `Descriptive Statistics' tool
	* Improve `One-Factor ANOVA' tool
	* Improve `Correlations' tool
	* Improve `Covariances' tool
	* Add CLIPBOARD over PRIMARY choice to preference dialog

Christian Neumair:
	* Put delete actions from edit main menu into their own submenu.
	* HIGify some dialogs when it comes to spacing.

Emmanuel Pacaud:
	* In a line graph, don't use '0' if Y value is missing.
	* fix a double draw of chart childs.

Jean Brefort:
	* Add error bars in bars, columns, lines and areas plots.

	* Edit and display rich text in cells (no persistence yet)
	* Make the last dependency above gtk optional to enable a win32 build
	* Major re-org of xls string import to handle rich text
	* Improve xls import of old < xl95 variants
	* Fix xls chart import for value dimensions
	* Fix autoformat dialog
	* Fix db functions
	* Pango uses _byte_ offsets for attributes.  Fix everything
	* Fix xls import of chart background and outline
	* Support richtext during autofill
  	* A huge performance improvement when scrolling images
	* Fix font handling in chart labels and titles
	* Fix crash when undoing a cut from a different workbook
	* Fix MS XL crash when there are too many strings
	* MS XL import for chart gradient backgrounds
	* Support series without legend entries, including xls import
	* Started on an OOo exporter
	* Tweak XL import and export for named expressions / addins
	* Use first rather than last conditional value fmt as catch-all
	* Implicit iteration for operators
	* Make the unary operators XL compatible
	* basic xls export for charts
	* start work on OOo export
	* Skip ticks/labels for discrete axes
	* Drag files from nautilus -> gnumeric
	* fix grid printing
	* fix merged cell printing and diagonal borders
	* Allow themed series with gradients
	* Fix application prop dialog
	* Support repeat for several commands
	* Ancient autofill leak on constant string fills

	* Fix crash related to database functions (#138600).  [backported]
	* Fix [h]:mm precision (#138182).  [backported]
	* Make it possible to hide toolbars.
	* Make it possible to hide the statusbar.
	* A few multihead fixes.
	* Upgrade to R's development version.
	* Add cumulative distribution to HYPGEOMDIST.
	* Fix pgeom for small x.  (Fixes accuracy of GEOMDIST.)
	* Fix pbinom for very large n.  (Fixes accuracy of BINOMDIST.)
	* Replace R's pbeta function.  (Fixes accuracy of BETADIST,
	* Replace R's pcauchy function .  (Fixes accuracy of CAUCHY.)
	* Replace R's pf function.  (Fixes accuracy of FDIST, FTEST, F-test
	  tool, regression tool, ANOVA tools..)
	* Replace R's phyper function.  (Fixes accuracy and evaluation speed
	* Fix accuracy of our versions of various long-double functions
	  that Solaris lacks.  (Fixes, for example, ERF.)
	* Improve accuracy of FISHER.
	* Improve accuracy of EFFECT, NOMINAL, MIRR, IRR, XNPV, NPV, PMT,
	  RATE, PV, FV, IPMT, PPMT for small rates.
	* Fix accuracy of ZTEST.
	* Improve prevision of the bessel functions.
	* Fix validation crash due to excel import.  [backported]
	* Fix custom validation export.  [backported]
	* New functions EXPM1 and LN1P.
	* Fix image-inside-xls problem.  [backported]
	* Ignore more spaces in expression entry.
	* Improve error handling in xbase plugin.  [backported]
	* Fix a weird IF semantics where the argument count including
	  empties matters.
	* Fix parser problem with single empty arg after expression.  [backported]
	* Avoid keeping passwords in memory.  (Will need gtk+ fix to be really
	* Switch to keeping URIs, not filenames, inside and in history.
	* Implement copy-right (Ctrl-R) and copy-down (Ctrl-D).

	(For those worrying over the pile of accuracy fixes above it should
	be noted that prior versions of Gnumeric were already pretty good,
	certainly far better than Excel.  Most of the fixes above are for
	extreme-case arguments where most other software packages will give
	totally incorrect answers and/or take extremely long time to
	produce any answer at all.  We are slowly feeding some of these
	fixes back to, say, the R Project.)
