3.15.0  20-Feb-2015
        - Avoid copying bytearrays from Python to C when transfer nothing (Garrett Regier) (#743278)
        - Allows passing arguments to opaque Boxed types (Garrett Regier) (#743214)
        - Emit ImportWarning when gi.require_version() is not used (Christoph Reiter) (#727379)
        - Refactor overrides import/modules (Christoph Reiter) (#736678)
        - Replace statically bound GLib.Variant.new_tuple() with GI (Simon Feltman) (#735199)
        - overrides: Add Gdk.EventTouch union discrimination (Simon Feltman) (#736380)
        - PyGObjectFlags: Remove a trailing comma on the enum. (Murray Cumming)
        - Remove redefinitions of function and vfunc cache typedefs (Simon Feltman) (#737874)