The Project Gutenberg EBook of Kellogg's Great Crops of Strawberries, by R. M. Kellogg Co. This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you'll have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this ebook. Title: Kellogg's Great Crops of Strawberries And How to Grow Them The Kellogg Way Author: R. M. Kellogg Co. Release Date: May 9, 2018 [EBook #57123] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK STRAWBERRIES *** Produced by MFR, Harry Lamé and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive)
Please see the Transcriber’s Notes at the end of this text.
Kellogg’s Delicious
“The Strawberry That Satisfies”
A “Delicious” Shortcake
One of the strongest Banks
in Michigan vouches for our reliability
First State Savings Bank
Capital and Surplus $100,000.00
Three Rivers, Mich.
To Whom it May Concern:
We are personally acquainted with the officers and management of R. M. Kellogg Company of Three Rivers, Mich., and take pleasure in endorsing their ideals and business methods as the very highest.
Mr. F. E. Beatty, President and General Manager, is Vice President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of this Bank and in our many intimate business relations he has stood out conspicuously as a man of strict integrity. It is but a natural consequence that under his capable, efficient management, R. M. Kellogg Company has become the world’s largest exclusive strawberry plant nursery.
We unhesitatingly recommend this Company to any prospective buyer of strawberry plants with assurance of fair, courteous treatment also that Kellogg Pedigree Plants will be found exactly as represented.
This is to certify that I have examined the nursery stock of R. M. Kellogg Co., Three Rivers, Mich., and find it apparently free from dangerous insects and dangerously contagious tree and plant diseases. L. R. Taft, State Inspector of Nurseries and Orchards.
(NOTE—A copy of this Certificate of Inspection accompanies every shipment of Kellogg Pedigree Plants. We also attach State Certificate or Permit to conform to requirements of each State.)
This entire book is fully protected by U. S. Copyright. Unauthorized use of any of the illustrations or text contained herein constitutes an infringement which will be vigorously prosecuted. R. M. Kellogg Co.
F. E. BEATTY, President
Characteristic of the mighty oak has been the development and growth of our Company, the origin of which dates back through many years to a modest beginning having as its inception, a firm belief in the World’s demand for bigger crops of better strawberries.
A fervent application of Nature’s inevitable law,—that improvement both in plant and fruit results from continued selection of the strong and elimination of the unfit,—has been largely responsible in winning for Kellogg Pedigree Plants their world-wide reputation for strength, vigor, hardiness and productiveness. It is due to their exceptional merits and the fact that we have followed religiously the Golden Rule in every business transaction, that we now occupy our enviable position as the World’s largest and most successful exclusive strawberry plant breeders.
For many years we have been forging ahead with a steady, healthy growth—not of the mushroom type which springs up over night and withers as quickly,—but rather like the sturdy oak, capable of enduring the elements and adversities of time. With this growth has come also a remarkable degree of success and prosperity. This is of great significance to every present or prospective strawberry grower because the success of any business firm invariably is but a reflection of the success of its customers.
It is but natural that I am proud of our record of achievement and of the success of our customers. And yet I fully realize there is no standing still—that success demands progress and it is this realization that constantly spurs me on to greater aspirations. The spirit of progression prevails throughout our entire organization, but most noticeably perhaps in our experimental and research work as applied both to culture and varieties.
I am ever on the alert for new and improved methods leading to greater efficiency. New varieties and seedlings are under continual test in our experimental beds. Many disqualify and are rejected to every one which proves worthy of adoption and introduction. Discouragement and obstacles are ever present. To overcome them requires unlimited perseverance, determination, energy and above all, a confidence born of the knowledge that we are looked up to and depended upon to render the real, worthwhile service so necessary to the success of strawberry growers everywhere.
But as every cloud has its silver lining, there is also the bright and pleasant side in our work for occasionally our efforts are rewarded with success.
Does it pay? Yes, our customers agree with me that it does. Who, for instance, can place an intelligent estimate of value upon such universally popular varieties as our Kellogg’s Premier, Dr. Burrill, Magic Gem, Kellogg’s Prize, Kellogg’s Big Late, Kellogg’s Big Wonder and Sionilli, all of which are our own introductions representing years of effort and expense?
Kellogg’s Delicious
The Strawberry That Satisfies
Kellogg’s Marvel
of BEAUTY and
It is my pleasure this year to introduce two wonderful new varieties, Kellogg’s Marvel, (the Marvel of Beauty and Productiveness) and Kellogg’s Delicious, (the Strawberry that Satisfies), both destined to become leaders as soon as growers learn of their marvelous superiority. We have tested them thoroughly for several years and never have known their equal in any other varieties of their respective seasons.
These varieties are described on Pages 22 and 23 and illustrated elsewhere in this book, but words and pictures cannot do them justice. They must be grown to be appreciated and I hope you will set as many plants as possible of either or both of these new varieties which promise a pleasant revelation at fruiting time and a clearer understanding why our business enjoys such unparalleled success.
Notwithstanding this success however, I am not satisfied to lean on our past reputation as it is not my disposition to let good enough alone.
Although today we are standing on the highest pinnacle of success, tomorrow will bring a vision of something higher. It is my purpose to continue constantly on our upward progress, improving over the past whenever and wherever possible because our customers place their confidence in us and their success as well as our success demands progress.
Sincerely yours,
P. S.—We thoroughly enjoy visitors and I hope everyone who reads this book will accept this as a personal invitation from me to visit us. I want to show you the wonderful work we are doing; to convince you that our every argument in favor of Kellogg Pedigree Plants is as sound as the proverbial dollar. You will be entertained as our guests and at our expense while here.
You will find us just common folks working hand-in-hand with Nature. When you leave here after your visit we’ll be just like old personal acquaintances and, like all others who have visited our farm, you’ll be glad you came and want to come again. F. E. B.
Page 7 shows our officers and department heads. We employ as many as one hundred fifty people during our busy season and from Mr. Beatty our President and General Manager, right through to our janitor, we are first-name acquaintances. Some of our employes have been with us more than twenty-five years.
Our policy of treating employes as men and brothers has resulted in a corps of loyal, industrious and highly capable department heads and employes, making our organization an ideal of efficiency.
The loyalty of our employes was given forcible expression during recent years when labor difficulties were rife and agitation and unrest seemed the natural state of affairs. Throughout this period when so many firms found it difficult to operate with any degree of satisfaction, our operations were continued unhampered with no indication of labor trouble. This shows the keen loyalty and respect we merit from those who are closely associated with our organization and who consequently know us most intimately.
Conspicuous in our every department is unity of purpose. We are working hand-in-hand, closely co-operating in every way to furnish Kellogg customers with the best plants that can be produced at the lowest possible prices consistent with high quality and to render every service necessary to their complete success with Kellogg strawberries.
A Kellogg Everbearing Plant
in Full Fruit
The Universal Everbearer
Originator of Senator Dunlap
and Dr. Burrill
The following tribute from Rev. J. R. Reasoner, veteran strawberry grower and originator of Senator Dunlap and Dr. Burrill, two of the most popular varieties ever introduced—(each the result of many years of untiring effort in scientific crossing and breeding)—should be of special significance to every one who grows or contemplates growing strawberries. Dr. Reasoner is of quiet, unassuming disposition. To know is to love, respect and admire this grand old gentleman to whom honor and right are paramount. He has been acquainted with us for years and his selection of our Company to present to the world Dr. Burrill, the Million Dollar Strawberry, was a substantial expression of the tribute presented below. Read his letter:
Urbana, Ill., August 10, 1921.
R. M. Kellogg Co.,
Three Rivers, Mich.
For many years I have read with considerable interest “Great Crops of Strawberries and How to Grow Them” and have been very favorably impressed with your fair, honest descriptions of varieties and the scientific methods under which Kellogg Pedigree Plants are produced. Your claims of superiority impress me as being fully justified.
Your efforts in improving the strawberry, stimulating its culture and especially in encouraging the home strawberry garden are highly commendable. I am convinced that you are doing a wonderful work and that as plant breeders, you rank among the country’s great benefactors.
If I were twenty-five years younger and in good health, I would again engage in plant breeding but when a fellow reaches my age, he loses his recuperative forces.
My Senator Dunlap and Dr. Burrill were not financial successes to me counting the years of labor required to perfect them, but the satisfaction that they have been of such great benefit to humanity is ample compensation to me.
You have my best wishes for abundant success which you so fully deserve and I hope that you may realize your largest expectations.
Never have we known of a single instance in which a visit here failed to convince that everything is just as we represent or even better. The following is an extract from a letter written us by one of the officials of the Michigan Horticultural Department upon receiving our catalog:
“I have read your new catalog with much interest. It not only should attract present and prospective strawberry growers but its illustrations and descriptions give a very accurate idea of your different varieties as I have seen them growing on the Kellogg Farm.”
A juicy, tender sirloin costs more than a chuck steak; silver although it glitters is not as valuable as gold and you would expect to pay more for a wool garment than one of a lower grade fabric.
These comparisons emphasize the fact that any article of superior quality—whether food, clothing, luxury, or any commodity—even though sold at a higher price, invariably proves the best and most economical investment.
Ranking as ‘top-notchers’ in every test, dependable as Mother Nature herself and yielding berries of a quality unsurpassed in delicious flavor and smooth texture by anything in the fruit or vegetable kingdom, it is not surprising that Kellogg Pedigree Plants are the choice of such a vast majority of strawberry growers. Many of these growers too are shrewd, seasoned business men and women whose intimate contact with industry has taught them the folly of seeking bargains and the wisdom in investing only where quality is assured. Theirs is indeed a wise discrimination in selecting Kellogg Pedigree Plants for nowhere is the lack or presence of quality more convincingly shown than in strawberry plants at fruiting time.
We of course claim superiority for Kellogg Pedigree Plants. This you would naturally expect and our strongest claims would count for naught were they not verified by thousands who know and grow them. Throughout this book we have reproduced reports selected at random as representative of many which have come to us from growers whose interest in our plants exists merely because they have found them in every way the most profitable and desirable. If better plants were to be had they would readily plant and endorse them.
For every result there must be a corresponding cause. We have referred to the superior qualities of Kellogg Pedigree Plants. Now we are going to explain the reasons why these plants are superior both in plant growth and berry production.
Root of two-months-old legume plant showing numerous bacteria nodules. These vary in size, shape and number according to the age of the plant.
Follow us please through our regular process of crop rotation and soil preparation beginning just as we have finished digging and shipping a crop of Kellogg Pedigree Plants in May.
The ground on which these plants were grown is first plowed deeply (eight to nine inches) after which it is harrowed repeatedly both with spring tooth and disc. Following this it is packed with roller and the result is a perfect seed bed thoroughly pulverized the full depth of plowing. All vegetation which remained at the time of plowing has been cut up and crushed so as to decay rapidly.
The ground is then seeded to alfalfa and remains in this crop for three years. The first two years it is cut for hay. The third year the first crop is mowed and allowed to remain on the field as a mulch just as it falls from the mower blade. The second growth comes up through this mulch and the entire crop is then plowed under.
Alfalfa is a legume or nitrogen gathering plant. An examination of the roots of leguminous plants reveals numerous bacteria nodules which vary in size, shape and number according to the kind and age of the plant. A very close relation has been found to exist between leguminous plants and the bacteria existing within these nodules. The plant furnishes the nourishment required by the bacteria while the bacteria in turn draw nitrogen from the air and render it available for the use of the plant. Nitrogen is essential to plant life. The plowing under and resulting decay of legume plants releases vast quantities of nitrogen into the soil where it may be absorbed and assimilated by succeeding crops.
The accompanying illustration shows the nodule development on the roots of a two-months-old legume plant.
Following the alfalfa, we sow a mixture of rye and vetch which is plowed under when the rye is in head and the vetch in bloom as at this time the vetch (which also is a legume) attains its greatest development of nitrogen nodules and the rye its greatest humus value. After this has been incorporated with the soil and a pulverized seed bed formed as before, it is seeded to a mixture of cow-peas and buckwheat.
Larger illustration (500 kB)
Larger illustration (500 kB)
Operations and Equipment Employed in Producing Kellogg Pedigree Plants | |||
The resulting growth seems almost magic for in a few weeks both the buckwheat and cow-peas are in bloom and the growth becomes so rank and dense that it is difficult if not actually impossible to progress far into the field afoot. Just before the seed ripens this growth is rolled down, cut up with disc and plowed under. The buckwheat adds humus and the cow-peas, (another legume), both humus and additional nitrogen. After this has been thoroughly worked into the soil and a perfect seed-bed again formed fall has arrived and the ground is seeded to oats.
Oats serves a double purpose;—provides to a certain extent a winter protection against the porosity caused by alternate freezing and thawing and its decay renders the soil mellow and easily worked.
During the winter a top dressing of stable manure is applied at the rate of fifteen tons per acre and the oats and manure are plowed under just as early as the soil can be worked the following spring. The manure furnishes nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in quantities which with that already furnished by the rotation crops, makes a properly balanced plant food.
Again it is worked and with spring tooth and disc harrows and rolled until it forms a pulverized seed-bed and after being marked into rows and cross marked, it is again ready for Kellogg Pedigree Plants.
We practice what we preach by setting our plants in the spring exclusively (during April or May) as we have found through many years of experience that spring setting gives surest results in the North. In the Southern States plants may be set with success either in the spring or fall.
Every spring the fields which have just produced plants are plowed at the close of our shipping season and put through our crop rotation process. This thoroughly renovates the soil and supplies in proper proportions nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, the essential elements of plant food together with an abundance of humus, the medium through which plants feed. It is what might be termed a regenerative process because it actually renews or rebuilds the soil.
It is impossible to find any plants on the Kellogg farm more than one year old except in our testing and experimental beds, and the mother plants in our propagating fields. In digging plants for shipment all mother plants are thrown out. Only their offspring,—strong, sturdy, young runner plants, are used in filling orders. This assures Kellogg customers young blood, full of life and stamina. When such plants are set in the customer’s field or garden, growth is rapid and vigorous.
Kellogg Pedigree runner plant pruned and ready for packing. Vigorous, heavily rooted one-year-old plants of this type are responsible for the universal success of Kellogg customers.
During periods of drouth, our Skinner Irrigation System is relied upon as crop insurance. It’s value is not limited to furnishing moisture to Kellogg Pedigree Plants alone for it is just as frequently used in supplying moisture to our rotation crops.
Like the good Samaritan of Sacred History, it brings water from the nearby stream and applies it soothingly to the thirsty plants in the form of gentle, mist-like, refreshing rain which thoroughly saturates the ground to their very root tips. If drouth prevails at seeding time, its near-natural-rainfall insures prompt germination of seed which is necessary to a successful crop. It likewise is depended upon to furnish an uninterrupted supply of moisture ‘whenever Nature refuses’. Often it is the only means of saving the crop.
This system enables us to furnish Kellogg Pedigree Plants with moisture throughout the growing season, insuring unhampered and unchecked development both of plant and root systems.
With this dependable substitute for natural rainfall, the intense and prolonged drouth of 1921 (the most serious in many years) was not the serious matter with us which it otherwise would have been.
There is also another way in which our Skinner Irrigation System serves our customers, for it gives us an increased production of thousands of plants per acre. As the size of our plant crop bears a direct relation to the prices of Kellogg Pedigree Plants, you can readily see that this increased production is an important factor in enabling us to quote the low prices given on Page 66 of this book.
Our propagating fields are hoed and cultivated repeatedly during the
growing season and all blossoms are removed as fast as they appear. WePage
remove the blossoms from the everbearers just as late as we possibly can, but during the fall they blossom
so profusely that this would require a small army. At that time however, they are firmly established
and have a fully developed root and crown system and are therefore not unfavorably affected by these
late blossoms and the few berries which develop.
Dangerous insects and dangerously contagious plant diseases are strangers on the Kellogg farm. As precaution against any possible attacks by pests however, Kellogg Pedigree Plants are sprayed frequently during the growing season with Bordeaux mixture, arsenate of lead and lime-sulphur. This prevents the possibility of contamination of any nature.
Our plants are mulched for winter to the extent that we are able to obtain material for mulching. The mulching is applied after the first heavy freezing in the winter. This protects the ground against alternate freezing and thawing. The mulching is removed in the spring before the plants are dug.
Every Kellogg Plant is freshly dug at time of shipment in the spring and practically every plant is packed and on the way to the customer within twenty-four hours after it is dug. We never dig plants in the fall and hold them in storage over winter for spring shipment as we do not believe in this practice and do not have any storage facilities of this nature.
In packing Kellogg Pedigree Plants for shipment, we use only the highest grade sphagnum moss containing a proper amount of moisture. Larger orders are packed in wooden crates. Smaller orders are either wrapped in heavy moisture-proof paper or packed in strong corrugated cartons. Our packing methods are the most scientific and our containers the highest quality we can obtain.
Kellogg Pedigree Plants are tied into uniform bunches of 25 plants, each bunch containing a label bearing the name of the variety. We never furnish less than 25 plants of any variety, nor can we furnish plants except in exact multiples of 25; that is,—25, 50, 75, 100 and so on. By adopting this uniform size, our counting and bunching department is able to develop the highest efficiency.
A striking contrast which tells more forcibly than words the value of our intensive soil preparation, cultural and packing methods is shown by comparing the health, vigor and productiveness of Kellogg Pedigree Plants with that of common plants. Such comparison proves conclusively that Kellogg Pedigree Plants are far superior to the ordinary.
Their stored up vitality enables them to survive for a long period in transit. Like storage batteries they are charged with energy which gives them a running start in the right direction.
If you feel tempted to set ordinary plants because they may be purchased at a trifle lower price, stop and ask yourself which eventually will be the more desirable—a big crop of fancy delicious berries such as Kellogg Pedigree Plants produce, or a small inferior crop with the satisfaction (if it may be called such) that the plants were a trifle lower in price.
Look ahead to fruiting time when this question may become a reality and let your better judgment influence you in placing your order for plants.
To deny making mistakes is a frank acknowledgment of retrogression or a movement toward ultimate failure. Yes, we make mistakes occasionally but what’s more, we make them serve as stepping stones to successful achievement rather than permitting them to remain as stumbling blocks to retard our progress.
We were gratified at the following voluntary tribute expressed in our office one day last summer by a traveling salesman who, although having called on us many times, had not succeeded in securing our order. In the course of his conversation he remarked: “There’s one thing I like about you people and that is your perfect frankness and the fact that you are just as ready to admit your mistakes as to boast of your achievements.”
While we make as few mistakes as possible, we can truthfully say that they result eventually to the interest of our customers as practically all are made and discovered in our testing and experimental plots. Any new method, plan or variety which emerges therefrom virtually has undergone a test of fire and more than made good.
In other words we never pass anything on to our customers until we have developed it beyond the experimental stage to a point where its value is unquestioned. In this way we constantly safeguard the interests of those who place their confidence in Kellogg Pedigree Plants and our Company.
Senator Dunlap
A question which frequently arises in the mind of the prospective strawberry grower is whether there actually is enough difference in plants to justify the difference in the prices quoted by different plant growers.
If you were to install some modern convenience in your home, would you not be influenced in your selection largely by the service you could reasonably expect from it based on its past reputation? You will agree this would be the logical basis of selection.
It also should be the essential consideration in ordering strawberry plants, as you are to depend upon them for a service just as distinct in terms of quality and quantity of berries produced.
Have you ever considered the very slight relation of “price” to “cost,” also how frequently the word “cost” is misused? An article purchased at a low price often is referred to as being “cheap” when eventually it may prove far more costly than a higher priced article of better quality.
Don’t be deceived into believing that low price represents real economy. There are many factors in addition to price which go to make up ultimate cost and low price very often indicates “cheap quality” resulting invariably in “high cost.”
The one satisfactory way to reconcile “cost” and “price” is to be absolutely sure that the price you pay enables the producer to embody quality in the article.
The following comparison furnishes an intelligent application of the question of economy in the purchase of strawberry plants:
Let us assume that you have a strawberry patch consisting of 2,000 plants divided into two sections, each composed of an equal number of plants of the same varieties. One section is composed of “cheap” plants. You know nothing about the fruiting reputation of their ancestors nor the conditions under which these plants were produced. In fact, for all you know they may have been taken from a fruiting bed. You simply know that they are strawberry plants and that you obtained them at a low price.
The other section is set to Kellogg Pedigree Plants for which of course you paid a higher price. Perhaps you felt that you were unwise in paying the difference as there may be no visible difference in appearance.
At fruiting time however, when each section tells its own story, you will find that the “cheap” plants will have absolutely no argument to offer in their defense as the Kellogg Pedigree Plants will far outyield them and the berries will be of much higher quality.
At the close of the fruiting season you’ll more fully appreciate the difference in “cost.” The “cheap” plants require setting, feeding, hoeing, cultivating and lodging (use of your ground) to the same extent as others. In return you have found them loafers while the plants which at first seemed expensive were constantly on the job at fruiting time producing loads of big fancy berries which found a ready market at profitable prices.
This comparison is being made right along by thousands who are thus brought to a fuller, stronger realization of the folly in being influenced to set “cheap” strawberry plants.
To the thinking person, it is a self-evident fact that Kellogg Pedigree Plants which are bred in conformity with Nature’s laws up to the highest possible standards, must be far more profitable and desirable than plants produced to meet a certain low price.
Kellogg Pedigree Plants although a trifle higher in price, really don’t “cost” as much as ordinary plants because their higher productiveness and better quality berries insures additional returns which justify an expenditure of many times the difference in “price.”
This is not an isolated comparison but applies in every case where the product is measured in definite terms. For example, suppose you have a cow which gives twenty quarts of milk having a high butter test and your neighbor one which produces but half this quantity having a lower test. It wouldn’t take you long to decide that your cow, even at double the price of your neighbor’s would be the more profitable.
It’s quite true that you can obtain plants from various sources, often at prices much lower than we can possibly quote. Kellogg Pedigree Plants however are not grown to meet such competition. They are produced just as good as human understanding of science will permit. As explained on Pages 11 to 15 inclusive, everything necessary in the way of plant food, moisture, cultivation, also protection against insects and disease, is furnished just when and as required to insure the most healthy, vigorous growth and development both of plant and fruit systems.
We never make up our price-list until late in the fall when all requirements have been fully supplied and the plants have snuggled down for their winter nap. Prices then are based on the size of the crop, cost of producing, plus the small profit to which we are entitled.
If you grow or intend growing strawberries either to supply your own home or for profit, remember; the use of ground, cost of labor, fertilizers, etc., is the same whether you set plants of unknown fruiting qualities or Kellogg Pedigree Plants which are absolutely dependable for crops and profits. The strain of plants you set is a big factor in determining your results at the close of the fruiting season.
Even if you don’t know the first thing about strawberry growing, you can grow Kellogg strawberries successfully right from the start by following the instructions given on Pages 47 to 58 inclusive.
And should you encounter individual problems in your strawberry work, a letter to Kellogg’s Free Service Department will bring you reliable advice quickly whenever you find it necessary to ask for information. This service is ABSOLUTELY FREE.
So don’t let lack of experience prevent your enjoying Kellogg strawberries to the full. If you never have grown them, resolve right now to begin this year and as a final caution:—Send us your order early to avoid the disappointment which invariably results from delay in ordering until our plants are all sold.
“The heavy frosts late this spring killed about all the fruit in this vicinity but my strawberry patch resisted the frost and produced a very satisfactory crop. The patch which measures only 30 x 45 feet yielded 172 quarts of which we kept record and besides, the children were in the patch frequently and ate all they wanted. Several friends whose berries were ruined by the frosts couldn’t understand why my patch did so well and I told them where I got the plants and advised them to set Kellogg Pedigree Plants if they want to be sure of a berry crop.” J. T. Counts, West Virginia.
“The Kellogg Pedigree Plants I received from you last spring were grown hill system and today I have the finest strawberry patch I ever have seen. One strawberry grower who has seen my patch says I will have an average of two quarts of berries per plant from the entire patch.” F. J. Dolby, Ohio.
“From 600 Kellogg Pedigree Plants, we sold 564 quarts of berries this year and in addition, used a great many ourselves. Not a quart was sold for less than 30 cents. They certainly were fine berries and everyone who saw the patch remarked at the beauty of the berries and such unusual productiveness.” Mrs. Arthur Smith, New York.
“From one-twentieth of an acre of Kellogg Pedigree Plants, I picked 432 quarts of the finest strawberries we ever have seen. This is at the rate of nearly 9,000 quarts per acre and if it isn’t ‘going some,’ I don’t know what would be considered a big crop.” James M. Reeds, Indiana.
“Kellogg Pedigree Plants are the best I have ever received or seen. I get 40 cents per quart for all the berries I care to sell.” Mrs. L. B. Brozelton, New Mexico.
“My Kellogg Pedigree Plants have produced an excellent crop of fancy berries this season which I sold at 30 and 35 cents per quart. As this was a new venture, I certainly am well pleased with results. By growing Kellogg Strawberries the Kellogg Way anyone can meet with success.” H. F. Weatherhead, Vermont.
Two varieties you can absolutely bank upon:—Kellogg’s Marvel, (The Marvel of Beauty and Productiveness), and Kellogg’s Delicious, (The Strawberry That Satisfies). Read their descriptions on Pages 22 and 23.
Kellogg’s Delicious Shortcake
The Strawberry That Satisfies
(For photo-engravings see Front Cover also Pages 4,
20 and 21)
There is perhaps no more difficult feature connected with the introduction of a new variety than the selection of an appropriate and suggestive name.
We might have named this new origination “Productive” because it is such a wonderful producer. In fact, it is really wonderful in so many ways that “Wonderful” also would have been an appropriate name, yet neither were sufficiently expressive.
This wonderful new mid-season bi-sexual variety which we are offering this year for the first time, is really self-named and it gives us great pleasure to introduce it to you as Kellogg’s Delicious, (The Strawberry That Satisfies).
Dee-licious! Unconsciously,—almost involuntarily, a taste of its berries compels this exclamation for never have you tasted anything more lastingly delicious.
We began testing Kellogg’s Delicious several years ago. Its wonderful productiveness and the supremely delicious flavor of its berries impressed us so favorably that we immediately communicated with the originators, asking for a full and complete description of the variety as it grew and fruited with them. To our satisfaction, they informed us that their experience was practically identical with ours.
Kellogg’s Delicious is the result of scientific crossing and breeding. It was originated by Travis Brothers, Cleveland, N. Y. and their description of this variety is so true to life as it has grown and fruited with us, that we are presenting it with our stamp of approval:
You too, can grow big, fancy, “KELLOGG’S DELICIOUS” Strawberries. It’s easy, profitable and lots of fun. Try it and become convinced.
“Kellogg’s Delicious is the most promising mid-season bi-sexual strawberry grown today. It thrives in practically all soils and climates. The plants are vigorous and healthy and root very deeply. Foliage is beautiful dark green and exceptionally resistant to leaf spot. It is enormously productive and the berries of the last picking are nearly as large as the first. Even in poor soil it will produce a large crop of good sized berries. Berries are uniformly large and fancy, dark red throughout from surface to center and exceedingly easy to pick and hull. They are produced in large clusters on strong, sturdy fruit stalks. Their flavor is delicious beyond description, hence its name.
You cannot recommend Kellogg’s Delicious too highly as its performance more than justifies your most eloquent endorsement.”
We have thoroughly tested Kellogg’s Delicious for several seasons and now are offering it to our customers with the full assurance that it will produce berries of more delicious quality than any other variety of its season and that it is not exceeded in productiveness by any other mid-season variety.
The commercial grower will find it highly profitable because its berries are large and firm and ship and carry splendidly. It also is one of the very choicest and most economical varieties for the home garden as its berries are so sweet, mild and delicious that they are thoroughly relished as dessert even when served with little or no sugar.
Basing our opinion on its performance with us and with the originator under conditions entirely dissimilar, we have the strongest assurance that this is destined to become one of the world’s most popular and most widely grown varieties.
In setting Kellogg’s Delicious, you are assured strong, vigorous plants and big crops of fancy, delicious berries and when it begins fruiting in your own field or garden you’ll say, “Delicious, I’m glad I met you.”
There is sure to be an overwhelming demand for plants of this variety. We cannot too strongly advise that you order early. Delay will probably result in your order reaching us after these plants are all sold. Avoid this disappointing experience by sending us your order as early as possible.
For prices of Kellogg’s Delicious plants see Page 66, column 4.
(For photo-engravings see Back
Cover also Pages 5 and 24)
We never introduce any variety until thorough and extensive tests have convinced us that it is superior to any other variety of its season. As proof of this assertion, we proudly refer to the universal and unrivalled success of new originations which we have introduced in the past.
At last we have found the superior late bi-sexual variety, Kellogg’s Marvel, (The Marvel of Beauty and Productiveness), which we predict will assume leadership among late varieties just as Kellogg’s Premier ranks supreme in the extra-early list.
Kellogg’s Marvel is a strong, late bi-sexual of the same season as Kellogg’s Big Late. The plants grow to enormous size, develop big, robust roots and crowns, are extremely hardy and vigorous and withstand drouth to a remarkable degree. The foliage is bright snappy green, its tough leaf tissue rendering it resistant to leaf spot, insects and weather extremes.
Its marvelous productiveness, the beauty and exquisite flavor of its big, bright, blood-red berries and its strong, healthy, vigorous plants combine to make Kellogg’s Marvel as nearly 100 per cent strawberry perfection as it is possible to obtain.
Kellogg’s Marvel originated with Percy Schuchardt of North Lake, Wisconsin, who furnishes the following description and information:
“I discovered Kellogg’s Marvel seven years ago, about the middle of July in an old sod. The plant growth was so strong that it had practically choked out the grass. I removed six plants to an old flower bed for want of a better place to propagate them and although this original plot has never been weeded, watered, fertilized or cared for in any way since the first season, it has fruited well every year for the past six years and is still in commission, producing some fine large berries this season.
Kellogg’s Marvel is undoubtedly a cross of Senator Dunlap and Warfield as I fruited these two varieties for years prior to the discovery of the Kellogg’s Marvel seedling and I had the only strawberry patch in this vicinity.
The foliage of this variety resembles its presumable parents but is much taller and in plant growth, it is the strongest I ever have seen.
It is the most productive variety that I know of, outyielding all others here two to one.
The berries have a slight neck like Senator Dunlap but are firmer and longer than either Dunlap or Warfield. Their quality is excellent—far better than any other strawberry I have ever tasted. They are beautiful dark red clear through and equally splendid for all purposes. We use them exclusively in our hotel.
My admiration for Kellogg’s Marvel grows stronger every year. I consider it practically a ‘fool proof’ variety—one which may be planted anywhere with assured success.”
“Hats off” to Kellogg’s Marvel, the Marvel of Beauty and Productiveness
Just think of it—the offspring of Senator Dunlap and Warfield, two of the very best of the old-time standard varieties. This alone is sufficient to commend Kellogg’s Marvel if nothing more were said of it.
The photo-engravings shown on Pages 5, 24 and Back Cover give only a slight idea of the size, color and beauty of Kellogg’s Marvel strawberries as it is impossible to reproduce on paper their remarkable splendor.
We have tried to be ultraconservative in our description of this variety but we simply couldn’t—the variety wouldn’t permit. Plant Kellogg’s Marvel this spring and you’ll acknowledge that it merits a more glowing description than we have presented; that this variety really is “The Marvel of Beauty and Productiveness.”
We anticipate a much greater demand for plants than we can possibly supply and our caution, “order early to avoid the disappointing, sold-out experience,” applies with special significance to this variety.
For prices of Kellogg’s Marvel plants see Page 66, column 4.
of BEAUTY and
Dr. Burrill
Million Dollar
(For photo-engravings see Pages 16 and 52)
Kellogg’s Premier today is unquestionably the most popular and most widely grown extra-early variety. Its popularity is well earned and deserved, for no other variety of its season can boast its equal in productiveness, size and quality of berries and adaptability to all soils and climates.
Kellogg’s Premier is a strong growing bisexual and although classed as extra-early because of its unusually early ripening, it perhaps has the longest fruiting season of all standard varieties; an ideal pollenizer for early, medium and late pistillates.
The plants grow large, root deeply and indicate no preference as to soil or climate, thriving everywhere and withstanding drouth to a remarkable degree.
The foliage is tall and heavy, forming a canopy-like protection for the great clusters of mammoth berries which are produced beneath on long, strong fruit stalks. The berries are large, deep red, beautifully formed and of mild, yet most delicious flavor.
Its fruiting capacity is so great as to seem almost magic and in quality its berries outclass all other varieties of its season. Everyone who has grown Kellogg’s Premier or seen this variety in fruit agrees with us that it is indeed “The Prize-Winner and Money-Maker” of all extra-early varieties.
For prices of Kellogg’s Premier plants see page 66, column 3.
“Have just finished picking my Kellogg’s Premier and although this County ships 40 to 60 cars of strawberries daily, my Premier berries made the ‘hit of the season’. I had many opportunities to sell my entire patch for next season, prospective buyers telling me just to name my price.” J. Lloyd Sterling, Maryland.
“Never, during my 37 years’ experience in growing strawberries, have I found any variety that in yield and quality of berries could equal Kellogg’s Premier. My Premier berries sold readily, in fact were in great demand, at an advance of 10 cents per quart over market prices.” Arthur Bickford, Illinois.
“I am very highly pleased with your Kellogg’s Premier. My plants of this variety produced berries last season which laid side by side ran 18 berries to the yard. This variety is certainly all you claim. I am considered the leading authority on strawberries in this vicinity and always recommend Kellogg Pedigree Plants.” F. W. Burlingame, Ohio.
“I have nothing but the highest praise for Kellogg Pedigree Plants. Am especially pleased with Kellogg’s Premier and Dr. Burrill—both ‘Stem Winders’. They are even more than you claim for them.” J. F. Dowell, Oklahoma.
“Our Kellogg’s Premier and Dr. Burrill produced the most beautiful strawberries we ever have seen. Picked about 250 quarts from only 175 plants.” Oscar Larson, Illinois.
“Dr. Burrill is a most wonderful variety. From only five rows 135 feet long, we have all had we could use at home and realized over $41.00 from the surplus berries this season.” M. S. Wiman, Kansas.
“I find Dr. Burrill a strong, vigorous grower, excellent producer and splendid drouth resister.” L. B. Hibschwiler, New York.
“Kellogg Pedigree Plants are fine, especially Dr. Burrill. They are truly wonderful,—such large vigorous plants and such heavy fruiters.” Mrs. Frank L. Jones, Maine.
“Am selling my Dr. Burrill strawberries at 40 cents per quart. They are very large and fancy. I cannot speak highly enough of Kellogg strawberries.” J. E. Parsons, Ontario.
(For photo-engravings see Pages 25 and 53)
Dr. Burrill embodies all desirable qualities necessary to constitute an ideal mid-season variety with none of the undesirable features so frequently present.
This strong, mid-season bisexual was originated by J. R. Reasoner, (originator of Senator Dunlap), and although resembling Senator Dunlap in some respects, it is a separate and distinctly superior variety.
The plants grow large, are heavy crown-builders and prolific runner makers, making it equally desirable for any system of culture. Its dense foliage forms ample protection for the berries.
Outstanding among its many desirable characteristics is its enormous productiveness, for at fruiting time the plants are simply a mass of blossoms and fruit.
The berries are dark red, deliciously flavored and of firm texture—unsurpassed for canning or shipping. Their bright green calyx, golden seeds and beautiful color of the fruit form a striking color contrast which compels more than passing attention.
Dr. Burrill succeeds everywhere. A profitable variety for the commercial strawberry grower—also desirable for the home garden. For prices of Dr. Burrill plants see page 66, column 3.
Magic Gem is of Western origination and in plant growth is a typical representation of the rugged characteristics which symbolize its native section.
Although born in the West however, Magic Gem claims no preference as to soil or climate but has become a leading favorite in home gardens and with commercial strawberry growers in the North, East, South and West alike.
It is a strong mid-season bisexual, its blooming season extending over such a long period that it is successfully used for mating all except extra-early pistillates.
Magic Gem produces abundantly and matures practically every berry. Its berries are large, dark red, with seeds deeply embedded in the flesh. Their firm, solid texture makes them ideal for canning or shipping to distant markets. Crowned with beautiful, well-formed calyxes which remain fresh and bright for an unusual length of time after picking, they present a most attractive appearance when packed.
For home use or market, you will find Magic Gem a splendid medium-late variety. It has been appropriately titled, “The Gem of Perfection.” For prices of Magic Gem plants see Page 66, column 3.
“Magic Gem is the best flavored berry I ever tasted. My Kellogg strawberries last season were the largest I have ever seen anywhere,—on the market, in the garden or on the farm.” W. D. Ferris, Georgia.
“Magic Gem is a splendid variety. I counted 56 berries on one of my Magic Gem plants and another plant of this variety must have produced at least 100 berries. My plants are not allowed to produce any runners.” W. Woodworth, Ohio.
“In the spring of 1918 I set 175 Kellogg Pedigree Plants in our garden, 100 of which were Magic Gem, planning on having only enough fruit for our own use. The next season, from this small plot we sold $42.25 worth of berries and besides used and gave away berries to the value of $13.65, making the total value of our crop $55.90. If I figure correctly, this is at the rate of over $2,400 per acre and is not so rotten, I’ll say. If we hadn’t sold our home and moved away, we no doubt would have had a splendid crop in 1920.” E. G. Whitley, New York.
“In your catalog, you picture some very attractive Magic Gem and Kellogg’s Prize berries but they are no better than berries I have grown of these varieties. Parties who told me I was foolish to pay your prices for plants when I could get plants from other growers for less, have changed their minds. Now they also want to set Kellogg Pedigree Plants.” F. Telford, Ontario, Canada.
“I cannot say enough in praise of Magic Gem, Dr. Burrill and Kellogg’s Premier, all of which are splendid varieties.” J. Berkshire, Connecticut.
“I have been growing Kellogg’s Prize for three years. This variety certainly is a wonder.” Mrs. Lillie Wildish, Wisconsin.
“Kellogg’s Prize is the greatest strawberry under the sun.” Mrs. Saathamp, Illinois.
“Kellogg’s Prize is by far the best berry I ever have grown.” H. S. Tucker, Missouri.
“Kellogg’s Prize is the greatest strawberry on earth. You have made a mistake in pronouncing it ‘wonderful.’ You should have said ‘magnificent’.” W. H. Openshaw, New Jersey.
“Kellogg’s Premier and Kellogg’s Prize can’t be recommended too highly.” J. W. Sims, Kentucky.
(For photo-engraving see Page 28)
Kellogg’s Prize is a late pistillate, grows medium tall and spreading, roots deeply, is strong and hardy and succeeds everywhere. It is a consistently heavy fruiter.
Its berries are uniformly large, beautiful and delicious. They are produced in clusters beneath the heavy texture foliage which admits just enough of the sun’s rays to insure uniform color and ripening. Their deep crimson color splashed with dark red, together with their waxlike surface and beautiful calyx, make Kellogg’s Prize berries an object of beauty which words cannot describe. Their mild, delicious flavor once tasted, creates a lingering desire for more.
Kellogg’s Prize is a favorite in all sections. Its many exceptional merits combine to make this “The Late Strawberry Without a Fault.” For prices of Kellogg’s Prize plants see page 66, column 3.
The Late Strawberry
Without a Fault
Makes Good Everywhere
(For photo-engraving see Page 37)
Kellogg’s Big Late is a strong growing late pistillate, an excellent drouth resister, has a long, heavy root system, large healthy foliage and is a big, robust crown-builder. It is a consistently heavy producer of large, deep scarlet colored berries which are produced abundantly in clusters on long fruiting stems. Their highly delicious flavor and fragrant aroma leaves nothing to be desired. A beautiful bright green calyx which remains fresh and bright longer after picking than most varieties crowns each berry. This, together with the firm, solid berry texture, makes Big Late a desirable shipping variety.
This is the sixth consecutive season we have offered Kellogg’s Big Late to our customers and the increasing orders for this variety each year is evidence of its popularity.
Given an opportunity, Kellogg’s Big Late will convince you that words and pictures are incapable of rendering a just description of this variety,—that it is “The Queen of Quality and Quantity.”
For prices of Kellogg’s Big Late plants see Page 66, column 3.
“Kellogg’s Big Late produces uniformly large berries and the flavor is all that any lover of strawberries could wish for. I would not want any better variety.” John W. Cooper, Kansas.
“Some of my Big Late berries measured 4 to 5 inches in circumference. They have made folks here sit up and take notice and agree with me that it pays to set Kellogg Pedigree Plants.” T. H. Smith, Iowa.
“Kellogg’s Big Late is a wonderful variety. The berries hold up fine after picking.” Mrs. E. S. Eggleston, Indiana.
“Kellogg’s Big Late is all that can be desired in a strawberry. This variety stands extremes of weather unusually well.” Clyde Forman, Kansas.
“This is the fourth year we have grown Kellogg’s Big Late which is now loaded with fruit. Both this variety and your Superb Everbearer are excellent.” Adam Rae, Washington.
“Kellogg’s Big Late is the leading strawberry in our locality. I sold my berries at 40 cents per single quart or $8.00 per crate, realizing $1,213.95 from only one-half acre. In addition, I also paid quite a few pickers’ bills in berries, supplied all our own family of ten could use on the table and we canned and preserved our winter supply, of which no account was kept. The varieties were Kellogg’s Big Four and Big Late.” H. A. Wysong, Indiana.
“This Kellogg Strawberry Garden produced more berries than we could possibly use. It has shown me ‘the open door of opportunity’ and I now want to order about 3,000 Kellogg Pedigree Plants. I am especially interested in Kellogg Everbearers. Please send me your latest price list.”
(Extract from a letter received from Mrs. Pearl Hays of Louisiana, shown above in her Kellogg Strawberry Garden.)
We are listing Gibson this season for the first time in response to an increasing demand for plants of this variety.
Although considered by some to be identical with Parson’s Beauty and Pocomoke and resembling these varieties in some characteristics, we consider it superior to both.
Gibson is a strong mid-season bi-sexual,—an ideal pollenizer.
Its plants grow strong and vigorous and root heavily. The foliage is glossy, dark-green, tough and heavy in texture and remarkably resistant to drouth, insects and disease.
Gibson is wonderfully productive of large, firm, round-conic berries which are uniform in size and shape and beautiful dark crimson from surface to center. They are of mild, delicious flavor; ideal for immediate table use, also excellent for canning or shipping as they retain their beautiful color, form and natural flavor when canned for winter or shipped to distant markets. The berries hold up in size right through the season, practically every berry reaching maturity and ripening evenly.
Gibson is grown almost exclusively as a market berry in some sections and is rapidly increasing in popularity because it “Makes Good Everywhere.” For prices of Gibson plants see Page 66, column 2.
(For photo-engravings see Pages 32 and 64)
Rare indeed are varieties which possess the winning qualities embodied in Kellogg’s Big Wonder. Here is a strong, medium-late bisexual which, in foliage and plant growth, simply “can’t be beat.”
The plants grow very tall and vigorous and the leaves which are borne on strong, heavy stems, are large, dark green, of exceptionally tough texture and practically immune to disease. A long, heavy root system enables this variety to withstand weather extremes to a remarkable degree. Its berries are large, glossy dark-red and highly flavored. It produces abundantly and the berries are well protected by the foliage. You will like Kellogg’s Big Wonder as it is indeed “A Wonderful Strawberry.” For prices of Kellogg’s Big Wonder plants see Page 66, column 3.
“My Kellogg’s Big Wonder plants are such fine specimens that I am enclosing herewith an order for more and remittance of $9.00 in payment.” J. J. Wolfe, Iowa.
“I am very well pleased with Kellogg’s Big Late and Sionilli which I received from you last year. These varieties have given me a big crop of high quality berries for which I received the highest price throughout the season.” J. P. Flynn, Michigan.
“My Sionilli plants did splendidly, producing very dark red berries of excellent quality.” Leon E. Dix, Vermont.
“Kellogg Pedigree Plants pay and pay big. They are rank growers, great drouth resisters, heavy producers and the berries are very large and of highest quality. I have found Sionilli a desirable variety.” J. M. Pasley, Missouri.
“Our yield from Kellogg Pedigree Plants was very, very good and the berries were of such high quality that we could not begin to supply the demand for them among our neighbors. Our fanciest berries were produced by your wonderful variety, Sionilli.” M. J. Perry, New York.
“Sionilli and Kellogg’s Progressive are successes in this climate. None better.” Dr. D. A. Gove, Washington.
“I like Sionilli very much. This variety is a winner.” G. W. Borough, Indiana.
“I have found Sionilli a splendid variety. It is a very heavy cropper. Its berries are large, dark red and of unusually fine flavor. Kellogg Pedigree Plants ‘can’t be beat’.” N. T. Crawford, Virginia.
President P. E. Beatty inspecting a field and picking of Sionilli strawberries on the grounds of the originator of this variety previous to its introduction by us in 1919.
Sionilli is a strong, late bisexual,—an ideal mate for Kellogg’s Prize and Kellogg’s Big Late. Sionilli plants are “Big in Size—Big in Yield,” grow strong and upright with heavy root system which extends as deeply into the soil as the foliage grows above the surface, making it one of the strongest drouth resisters.
The foliage, which is large and of heavy texture, furnishes ample protection for the berries which are produced beneath on strong, upright stems.
Sionilli is an exceptionally heavy producer. Its berries are real dark red from surface to center and of supremely delicious flavor, unlike any other strawberry. They are of firm texture, topped with beautiful, fully developed calyx and possess remarkable keeping and shipping qualities.
Our strongest endorsement cannot express our admiration for Sionilli. We unhesitatingly recommend it as an excellent late variety both for the commercial strawberry grower and the home garden. For prices of Sionilli plants see Page 66, column 3.
A Wonderful Strawberry
Large illustration (430 kB)
Word and picture evidence of their success in all sections of the country—success widespread as the name and fame of Kellogg Pedigree Plants. Lack of space renders it impossible for us to reproduce the many photographs and letters of satisfaction which have come to us. The thousands in our files would fill a volume of many pages. Where, as forcibly as in letters like these, could you find such strong assurance of the satisfaction and success which you too may enjoy from Kellogg Strawberries grown the Kellogg Way?
“We have grown Kellogg Strawberries for the past ten years and always have an abundance of big, delicious berries of the highest quality. NONE BETTER.” E. W. Day, Illinois.
“Kellogg Strawberries certainly have the size, flavor and quality and are abundant fruiters. We preserve and can our surplus as they are TOO GOOD TO SELL.” D. D. Hubbard, California.
“Kellogg Pedigree Plants have proved entirely satisfactory to me and the berries have been the wonder of the neighborhood. I sent you my first order for plants while living in Wisconsin about 20 years ago and have continued to send you my orders ever since.” T. J. Hammond, Oregon.
“I enclose order for Kellogg Pedigree Plants and remittance of $30 in payment. Our last order amounting to only $8, gave us $125 worth of berries besides all we could use. We are VERY WELL SATISFIED.” C. C. Hahn, Ohio.
“My greatest strawberry success has come from Kellogg Pedigree Plants. I wish you could have seen my patch when it was at its best last spring. I had plants that produced as many as 120 berries to the plant and 35 to 40 of these berries made a quart. Our small patch gave us all the berries we could eat three times a day during the summer and fall, (the last on Thanksgiving Day), all we wanted to can for winter and the surplus berries paid all expenses.” Gaston Smathers, North Carolina.
If you now are growing or ever have grown Kellogg Pedigree Plants, you will at once appreciate the sincere satisfaction which has prompted these letters. Perhaps you too at some time have written us or have felt inclined to do so, telling of your success with Kellogg Strawberries. But if you never have grown them, you certainly have missed a splendid opportunity to enjoy Nature’s rarest treat at its best. If you have any available ground, whether only a small backyard garden or a large acreage, set a patch of Kellogg Pedigree Plants this spring and at fruiting time you will be convinced beyond all doubt that you can’t afford to be without them. You’ll be just as enthusiastic over their big delicious berry crops as our thousands of other customers who proclaim them best by test.
Magic Gem
The Queen of Quality & Quantity
(For photo-engravings see Pages 17 and 49)
Wherever strawberries are grown, fields of Senator Dunlap are a familiar sight and the name has become a household word.
Senator Dunlap is a tall, dense, hardy grower. It has an unusually long fruiting season, producing great quantities of handsome, delicious, top-shaped berries having a pronounced neck crowned with a beautiful bright green calyx. The berries are dark, glossy red shading to deep scarlet on under side, with golden seeds embedded in the beautiful waxlike flesh and present a most attractive appearance when packed for market.
For shipping, canning or immediate table use, Senator Dunlap is a “World-Wide Favorite”—the most popular of the old standard varieties. For prices of Senator Dunlap plants see Page 66, column 1.
LATE. Grows low and spreading. Heavy producer of large, rather round, dark-red berries. Extra good shipper and splendid keeper. For prices see Page 66, column 1.
MID-SEASON. Medium tall and heavy grower. Very productive of extra-large, bright-red berries which shade to a lighter color at the tip. Its productiveness, shipping and other good qualities have made this mid-season bi-sexual a favorite in many localities. For prices see Page 66, column 2.
EARLY. Plants grow rather tall and spreading. Exceedingly productive of long, medium-size, bright-red berries. A well known old-time standard variety. For prices see Page 66, column 1.
EARLY. Tall and extra-strong grower. Very hardy and succeeds everywhere. One of the most productive varieties in existence. Berries are medium large, smooth, very dark-red and attractive. One of the best shippers and canners. Warfield will be found wherever strawberries are grown. A choice variety for the home garden or field. For prices see Page 66, column 1.
MID-SEASON. Medium tall grower with very heavy foliage. Produces big, bright-red berries in great abundance. Berries are slightly irregular but of high quality. For prices see Page 66, column 2.
“I have just returned home from my recent trip during which I visited your farm and wish to take this means of thanking you for the very cordial hospitality extended to me and the opportunity to see for myself what you are doing. I was greatly impressed with your organization under which your work is systematized into departments, also the neatness which prevailed everywhere. I was also very favorably impressed with your splendid Skinner Irrigation System which has carried you so successfully through the season’s severe drouth. Your vigorous plant and rotation crops furnish evidence of good judgment in installing this system of irrigation.
The thorough manner in which every detail of your work is carried out naturally adds to the cost of producing Kellogg Pedigree Plants but the resulting improvement in quality amply justifies the expenditure.
Regardless of the price your customers pay for Kellogg Pedigree Plants, their investment is a sound one. Your methods insure success and I am sure you will continue to reap it.” ALBERT J. HARTUNG, Michigan.
(For photo-engravings see Pages 8 and 45)
Kellogg’s Everbearers begin fruiting the first year about three months after plants are set and continue to fruit heavily until checked by severe winter weather. The following year they begin fruiting in June, producing a spring crop fully as large as many of the standard varieties and (after a rest period in July) another enormous crop during the summer and fall. They are not affected by frost or light freezing. We have picked and served delicious Everbearing Strawberries early in December after a six-inch snowfall.
The high prices received for fall berries and the fact that Kellogg’s Everbearers produce a substantial crop the same season the plants are set, makes them highly desirable for the home garden or commercial strawberry grower.
To anyone who never has grown or seen the Everbearers fruiting in the fall and who is inclined to question their summer and fall fruiting habits, we want to say that it is difficult—yes, practically impossible to keep off the late summer and fall blossoms, so persistent is their nature to fruit at that time.
They have been developed out of the experimental stage, their success is absolutely unquestionable and we recommend them with our highest endorsement.
As a result of weather conditions last summer, there is a very small crop of Everbearing plants throughout the country and only by ordering early can you be assured of getting them this spring.
Kellogg’s Perfection won the $1,000 cash prize offered for the Everbearer proving the most perfect in every way, hence its name.
Perfection is strong, hardy and vigorous in plant growth, roots deeply and resists drouth to a remarkable degree.
It is unusually productive of uniformly large, well-formed berries of rich red color, delicate flavor and high quality.
We introduced Kellogg’s Perfection Everbearer in 1920 and its success with our customers amply justifies us in recommending it with assurance that you will find it “The Supreme Everbearer.”
Owing to the fact that Kellogg’s Perfection makes few runners we are unable to quote this variety as low as our other Everbearers. It makes just enough runners to fill a well formed fruiting row, a decided advantage to the strawberry grower. For prices of Kellogg’s Perfection Everbearing plants see Page 66.
“I will fruit about 350 Kellogg’s Perfection this season and if they do as well as my first 25 plants of this variety did, I shall discard all others and plant it exclusively.” J. S. Cook, Iowa.
“The Kellogg Everbearers you shipped me last spring gave splendid satisfaction. We grew them hill system as you advised and had ripe berries from the latter part of July until October 5th, when a severe freeze came. I can safely say that they averaged a quart to the plant.” A. T. Patterson, Alberta, Canada.
“Will you kindly send me four copies of ‘Kellogg’s Great Crops of Strawberries and How to Grow Them’? This may seem a strange request but I desire to place them with certain important people who, after seeing my Perfection Everbearing Strawberries, have requested me to obtain your strawberry book for them. If you will kindly forward four copies, I promise you results from the same.” H. M. Fell, New York.
“Last spring I set 275 Kellogg’s Progressive Everbearers from which we picked 250 quarts up until freezing weather in the fall. They were far beyond my greatest expectations.” Louis Hartley, Oregon.
“I set 200 Kellogg’s Progressive Everbearers last spring and we enjoyed our last berries from these plants November 24th when the ground froze hard. The plants at that time were loaded with blossoms and berries of all sizes. I never saw their equal.” S. A. Reeder, Illinois.
“We set 1,000 Kellogg’s Progressive Everbearing plants last spring and they have produced so wonderfully that we now wish to place an order for 1,000 more. Please advise cost.” Mrs. Geo. Bollman, Idaho.
(For photo-engravings see pages 9 and 41)
Progressive grows rather tall and spreading, has vigorous, healthy foliage, long, heavy root system and is a splendid drouth resister. It is a strong bisexual—an ideal mate for any pistillate variety.
Its berries are medium large, beautiful dark red in color and of most delicious flavor, ideal for serving fresh from the vines or for canning and preserving for the winter.
Progressive is one of the first varieties to ripen in the spring and the last to ripen in the fall. It not only fruits heavily but brings practically every berry to full size and maturity. Its fall crop sells readily at 30 to 50 cents per quart.
The many dependable qualities of Progressive have made this “The Universal Everbearer.” An ideal variety for home use or market. For prices of Progressive Everbearing plants see Page 66, column 5.
Kellogg’s Perfection
The Universal Everbearer
This variety derives its name from its many superb characteristics. Its plants grow low and spreading and are exceedingly vigorous, the heavy foliage completely covering the blossoms and berries and furnishing a splendid protection from the hot summer sun and late fall frosts.
Although Superb does not produce as heavily as our other everbearing varieties, its berries which are of the round type are extra large, strictly fancy and most delicious. They are deep red from surface to center and when packed for market present a most beautiful appearance, always finding ready sale at high prices regardless of market conditions. They are of exceptionally firm texture and ideal for shipping as they will carry a considerable distance and arrive in perfect condition. Superb is universally acknowledged “The Big Everbearing Wonder.” For prices of Superb plants see Page 66, column 5.
“My Superb and Progressive Everbearers fruited forty days last spring. They began fruiting again in August and were loaded with blossoms and fruit right up until winter. The berry illustrations in your catalog have nothing on what I could have shown last season when this patch of Everbearers was fruiting.” R. B. Slaven, West Virginia.
“I have found Kellogg’s Superb Everbearing variety all that you claim for it and expect to set more plants of this variety next season. I have no trouble whatever in disposing of all my extra berries at 35 cents per quart.” Mrs. E. E. Adkins, South Dakota.
“I have had the best of success with Kellogg’s Superb Everbearers. Plants grow as big as a bushel basket and sure are beauties. I am enclosing an order for more plants to be shipped next spring.” Louis Balfanz, Wisconsin.
“Kellogg’s Superb Everbearers and Hearts of Gold Cantaloupes grew side by side in my garden last summer. Both did splendidly and were the very best to be had.” Mrs. L. J. Burckhardt, Kansas.
“We find Kellogg Everbearers fully up to the standard you claim for them. They are the highest quality plants we have ever had.” Peter V. Coddington, New York.
“We are well pleased with Kellogg’s Everbearing strawberries. Had an abundance of berries last year from mid-summer until Thanksgiving.” James G. Cortelyou, California.
“The small trial order of Kellogg Everbearers which we received from you last spring has given wonderful satisfaction. We had ripe berries right up to November. As a result of this experience, I intend to go into the strawberry business on a much larger scale and will set Kellogg Pedigree Plants.” E. H. Dienst, Saskatchewan, Canada.
“Saw your advertisement in Country Gentleman and am sending herewith an order and payment for Kellogg Everbearing Plants. I hope I am not too late to get these plants as strawberries are selling here at 50 cents a quart which is too much for hard working people to pay.” Mrs. C. F. Carr, New York.
“To say the least, we are simply delighted with Kellogg’s Everbearers. People come from miles around to see and purchase our berries. We have picked big, delicious berries in large quantities from May 28th until November 14th, selling all our berries right at home at an average price of 30 cents per quart. Had no trouble in selling all we raised and could have sold many more. We have recommended Kellogg Pedigree Plants to our friends for miles around, and anyone who writes me in regard to them will receive my answer, ‘They are all that is claimed for them and we cannot recommend them too highly.’ Please send me your catalog as I wish to order more Kellogg Plants next spring.” F. A. LaShure, Ohio.
“From one row of Kellogg’s Peerless Everbearers only 113 feet long, I picked 25 quarts at one picking.” J. S. Cook, Iowa.
All who have grown Peerless or seen it in fruit highly recommend this variety both for home use and market.
It produces a big spring crop and throughout the summer and fall the plants are simply a mass of blossoms and fruit.
Peerless, in many respects, bears a close resemblance to Superb. Its foliage, however, grows taller and more upright than Superb. Its berries are fully as large as those produced by Superb but are a trifle darker in color. Both the spring and fall berries are large, round, of glossy dark-red color and highly flavored. Their beauty attracts the eye and their flavor satisfies the most exacting epicure. Peerless has been well termed “The Big Solid Beauty.” For prices of Peerless plants see Page 66, column 5.
(For photo-engravings see Pages 34, 35, 45 and 48)
Although frequently referred to as “The Aristocrat of the Garden,” the strawberry may be more suggestively entitled “Nature’s Priceless Gift” for its many advantages, not restricted to class or clan, are enjoyed by the millions and the millionaire alike.
Like strawberries? The person who doesn’t relish them is an exception. Every red-blooded boy and girl craves them while the older folks too admit a fondness especially when, fresh from the vine, they are so temptingly sweet and delicious that every taste creates a lingering desire for more. From “toddling tot” to “tottering age” there is no period in life when they are not thoroughly welcomed by every member of the family and acknowledged by leading authorities as a wholesome, health-giving food.
Just imagine having heaps of these big delicious nuggets of beauty every day in the year—(the kind money can’t always buy)—with plenty left over to give you a snug profit besides. Kellogg Strawberry Gardens are making this vision of strawberry satisfaction and profit a reality in homes everywhere.
If you have even a small plot of ground, plant a Kellogg Strawberry Garden this spring and you will never again be content without this wonderful source of pleasure, economy and profit. You’ll be just as enthusiastic as thousands of others who after having experienced the thrilling delights these gardens afford, have written us letters like the following:
“I have had a home strawberry garden for fifteen years and Kellogg Pedigree Plants are the only plants which have ever occupied space in this garden. I am so thoroughly satisfied that I will set no others and you are indebted to me for recommending them to many who have ordered from you.” Mrs. M. D. Z. Aiken, Michigan.
“My Kellogg Strawberry Garden has proved a great success. Everyone says the berries were the finest they ever ate.” Mrs. H. G. F. Grant, Virginia.
“My Kellogg Strawberry Garden has given me fine results this season, averaging nearly a quart of fancy berries per plant. I recommend Kellogg Pedigree Plants in every way possible and will certainly send to you when in need of more strawberry plants.” Miss Ella S. Raymond, Missouri.
“The Kellogg Strawberry Garden I set in the spring of 1919 produced 26 gallons of choice berries the following year. This garden has yielded 12 gallons so far this summer and the vines are still loaded. I tell everybody where I buy my plants so they can send to you.” J. T. Counts, West Virginia.
“We cannot say enough in favor of Kellogg Strawberries as our Kellogg Garden consisting of only 200 plants, gave us 324 quarts of most delicious berries this season. We sold 250 quarts at 30 cents per quart, realizing a total of $75.00 and besides, had all we wanted for ourselves. My wife put up 50 quarts for winter. They were the best berries in town and all who saw them were struck with their beauty. We expect to do even better next year as we set another patch this spring.” J. A. Gourd, Connecticut.
Considered from any standpoint, a Kellogg Strawberry Garden is a necessity to the home. Whether Fortune has lavished an abundance upon you and yours or if strict economy must of necessity be the watchword, you’ll find a Kellogg Strawberry Garden indispensable.
It has been well said that the reason strawberries are not grown by every family having a few square feet of ground, is that the determination to plant a strawberry garden comes to so many people during the strawberry season. The time for planting is then so many months away that their enthusiasm wanes before their resolution can be put into effect.
If you want your vision of strawberry satisfaction to become a reality when strawberries ripen, you must send us your order early. Do this and swell your expectations to the highest possible degree for you can’t begin to overestimate the luxurious treat that awaits you when your berries ripen.
If you fail to find among our regular Garden selections, one that fits your requirements, just tell us the number of plants you wish to set, give us the dimensions of your strawberry plot, or better still send us the amount you wish to invest in a garden and we will select one that can’t help pleasing you.
Remember—spring time is planting time. Reserve your Kellogg Strawberry Garden early. It will go forward to you all transportation charges prepaid at planting time in the spring.
Special Delivered Price Only $7.00
Kellogg’s Big Four Garden is composed of 400 plants of Kellogg’s famous Big Four varieties as follows: 100 Kellogg’s Premier, 100 Dr. Burrill, 100 Magic Gem and 100 Kellogg’s Prize (or Big Late). These varieties are fully described on Pages 26, 27 and 30.
Our special price for Kellogg’s Big Four Garden, delivered all transportation charges prepaid to your nearest Express or Post Office, is only $7.00.
Special Delivered Price Only $4.50
This, (our small family Garden), is composed of three standard varieties and one Everbearer. It consists of 200 Kellogg Pedigree Plants of our own selection as follows: 50 plants each of three choice standard varieties (including 50 plants of one of Kellogg’s Big Four) also 50 choice Everbearers.
Our special price for Kellogg’s Junior Garden, delivered all transportation charges prepaid to your nearest Express or Post Office, is only $4.50.
(For photo-engravings see Pages 45 and 48)
This Garden begins fruiting about three months after plants are set, furnishing an abundance of delicious berries fresh from the vines right up until heavy freezing weather. Next year it will begin fruiting with the standard varieties in June and with the exception of a short rest period in July, will yield continuously and abundantly until snow flies.
The photo-engraving on page 45 shows a Kellogg Everbearing Garden fruiting in the fall. The group of fall vegetables, corn in shock and young ladies in fall apparel, tell of the lateness of the season.
It is hardly possible to overestimate the pleasure, profit and economy derived from one of these gardens. It will furnish your own table with an abundance of sweet, delicious berries fresh from the vines throughout the summer and fall, provide a sufficient supply of canned berries, jam and preserves for the long, dreary winter and besides, there also will be a surplus which will sell readily at profitable prices. As a matter of fact, this garden frequently pays all expenses and gives a substantial cash profit besides.
Kellogg’s Everbearing Garden is composed of the following world-famed Kellogg Everbearing Plants, described on pages 39 and 42:*
100 | Progressive, actual value | $ | 4.15 | |
100 | Peerless, actual value | 4.15 | ||
50 | Superb, actual value | 2.60 | ||
250 | Plants | Total value | $ | 10.90 |
Special price (delivered prepaid) only | $ | 9.00 | ||
Actual cash saving to you | $ | 1.90 |
* (Note—We reserve the right to alter this Garden to include more or less plants of any of the varieties named above if crop conditions make it necessary, but agree to furnish a total of 250 Kellogg Everbearing Plants.)
There is nothing gained by delay. On the contrary, you will be disappointed if your order reaches us after these Gardens are all sold. For this reason we advise ordering early so that we can make reservation of yours until spring when the plants will be freshly dug, carefully packed and shipped to you, all transportation charges prepaid.
“I want to tell you of my success with the Kellogg Everbearing Garden I planted last spring and how well pleased I am with this Garden. It has far outyielded my expectations and has been the talk of everyone who has seen it in fruit. As a result of my success, I am sure you will get a great many orders from this locality during the coming season.” L. B. Ross, Indiana.
(For photo-engraving see Page 48)
Kellogg’s Cash Prize Garden is our most popular Garden selection, and deservedly so, because, in addition to its value from a berry producing standpoint and the saving it affords over the regular list prices of plants, it provides an opportunity to compete for one of the three cash prizes totaling $50.00 which we award each year to the three members realizing the greatest yields from this Garden.
“I am enclosing report of yield from my Cash Prize Garden which amounted to 732 quarts and made me $233. My biggest picking was on July 3—24 quarts with an average of 11 to 15 berries to the quart. They were the grandest berries I ever saw. I shall set more Kellogg Plants next April.”
Mrs. J. P. Bleeker,
Iowa City, Iowa.
“Although everything seemed against me—the late frosts, then the drouth—my Cash Prize Garden produced 257 quarts this year, the prevailing price being 45 cents per quart, with some at 50 cents. Judging from the appearance of my garden at the present time, I have excellent prospects for next year.”
Mrs. John T. Harris,
Fairland, Indiana.
“I submit the following report of berries produced in 1921 to date by my Kellogg Cash Prize Garden: 257 quarts at 35 cents per quart—total $89.95. I am pleased to say that these plants were as you represented. My neighbors admired them as being the finest they ever saw. Please send me your new catalog as I want to order more plants from you.”
Mrs. Lafayette Holt,
Burlington, North Carolina.
“I can’t thank you enough for the $25.00 check as First Prize in Kellogg’s Cash Prize Garden Contest. This came as a complete surprise as I never dreamed of winning one of the prizes. In fact, it is the first prize I ever won. I grow Kellogg Pedigree Plants exclusively and follow the Kellogg Way and everyone who has seen my berries asks how I can grow such fine, large berries. I intend setting more Kellogg Plants next spring.” Mrs. John Ragle, Woodlake, California.
“I have just received your letter advising me that I won second prize also your check for $15.00 and am indeed surprised to learn that I won one of the prizes. We consider Kellogg Strawberries the very best and have recommended Kellogg Pedigree Plants to many friends. Whenever I am in need of plants, you will get my order.” Miss Nora Scott, Hartwell, Georgia.
“I wish to thank you for the check for $10.00 received as third prize in your Strawberry Contest. This was ‘some surprise’ to me as I was not expecting such good luck. I cannot say enough in praise of Kellogg Pedigree Plants. I would not take common plants as a gift if I could get Kellogg’s, regardless of their price.” Mrs. Edith M. Grass, Limestone, Maine.
To become a member of this contest, which is open to everyone except members and employes of our Company, it is only necessary to comply with the following simple requirements:
1—Plant a Kellogg Cash Prize Garden (described below) this spring.
2—Follow the hill system. (See “Planting Systems,” Pages 50 and 51.)
3—Send us your report to reach us not later than September 15, 1923, giving accurately the number of quarts of berries produced by this garden in 1923 to September 1, 1923, inclusive and their total value at market prices, stating that the yield was produced in accordance with the requirements named here.
FIRST PRIZE—$25.00 in Cash to the member realizing the greatest number of quarts in 1923 to September 1, 1923, inclusive, from Kellogg’s Cash Prize Garden described below, planted this spring.
SECOND PRIZE—$15.00 in Cash to the member realizing the second greatest yield.
THIRD PRIZE—$10.00 in Cash to the member realizing the third greatest yield.
Our checks will be mailed to the prize-winners as soon as possible after the close of the contest. No contestant will be awarded more than one prize. In case of a tie, each tieing contestant will be awarded the full amount of the prize indicated.
Kellogg’s Cash Prize Garden
50 Kellogg’s Premier, “The Prize-Winner and Money-Maker”
50 Dr. Burrill, “The Million Dollar Strawberry”
50 Magic Gem, “The Gem of Perfection”
50 Kellogg’s Big Late, “The Queen of Quality and Quantity”
50 Kellogg’s Progressive, “The Universal Everbearer”
Special Price
Delivered, all transportation
charges prepaid—
Only $6.50
These varieties are illustrated and described elsewhere in this book. At our special Garden price of $6.50, you save $1.10 and in addition you also have an opportunity to compete for one of the substantial cash prizes mentioned above.
Join (Remember—this is our most popular Garden. Reserve yours early.) KELLOGG’S CASH PRIZE GARDEN CONTEST Now!
Pure-bred, highly productive plants, well prepared fertile soil, thorough cultural methods and proper picking, packing and marketing of the berries are the four essentials necessary to insure big crops and big profits from strawberries.
Pure-bred, highly productive plants always can be depended upon to produce big crops of fancy berries when the other essentials are present.
Well prepared fertile soil is very essential because plants are dependent upon the food elements supplied by the soil and the more fertility the soil contains, the more material each plant has to draw upon in building its crop.
Thorough cultivation serves to retain moisture, increases the activity of the bacteria which convert the plant food into available form, prevents weeds, and promotes heavy root development which in turn increases the growth and productiveness of the plants.
The picking, packing and marketing of the berry crop is the last and one of the most important steps in strawberry growing. Fancy berries can be made to appear more attractive and inviting by proper picking and packing, and by adding to their beauty and attractiveness, you will create a greater demand and the berries will command higher prices.
The most successful strawberry growers put these essentials into practice to the fullest extent.
The quality of the plants you set determines the quality and quantity of berries you will pick.
Pure-bred, true-to-name plants, selected from mother plants of the highest fruiting powers, are the foundation of a profitable berry crop, but plants which are taken from fruiting beds, or which have been propagated without any regard to selection and restriction, soon will deteriorate and become unprofitable.
Whether you grow strawberries for home-use or market, it is to your profit to set plants which will respond readily to the intensive cultural methods described in this book.
Kellogg Pedigree Strawberry Plants are recognized as the world’s most productive and most profitable strain. They can be secured only from R. M. Kellogg Company, Three Rivers, Mich.
Any soil that will produce vegetables or common farm crops also will produce strawberries. However, old timothy sod should be avoided on account of white grubs. The kind of soil you have is not so important as what is put into the soil, the manner in which it is prepared, and the cultural methods followed. The soil is nothing more than the home where the plants live. It is the feeding and care which they receive that encourages their growth and productiveness. Strawberries thrive in high and low altitudes and in all soils and climates therefore instead of seeking better soil, improve your own soil by following the instructions given in this book.
Whenever possible, it is advisable to plow or spade your field or garden in the fall and after plowing, apply stable manure at the rate of about 250 pounds per square rod or 18 tons per acre. The following spring replow the ground.
If it is impossible to plow in the fall, the ground should be manured during the winter and plowed in the spring just as early as soil conditions will permit.
In either case the soil should be thoroughly pulverized and well mixed with the manure after plowing by rolling and harrowing to insure a perfect seed bed the full depth of plowing. This should be done immediately after plowing to retain moisture. In small gardens this may be done with garden rake.
If stable manure is not applied during the winter, it is advisable to apply it between the rows as soon as possible after plants are set. Poultry manure is an ideal fertilizer but if this is used it should be thoroughly composted with earth before applying on account of its heating tendencies. This is done by forming a pile three or four feet in height and of any convenient size composed of alternate layers of earth and manure, each layer from two to four inches deep. This pile should be allowed to stand until the manure has decomposed. It should then be thoroughly forked over to mix the earth and manure. Apply after plowing at the rate of 25 to 50 pounds per square rod or from two to four tons per acre and incorporate thoroughly with the soil before planting.
Pulverized Sheep Manure also is an excellent strawberry fertilizer and offers several decided advantages, viz:—
It is most economical because it contains a high per cent of refined, concentrated plant-food in properly balanced proportions.
It is entirely free from all weed seeds and trash. It becomes almost immediately available for the plants’ use. There is absolutely no danger, either to roots or foliage on account of using too freely.
Pulverized Sheep Manure may be applied either as a top dressing at intervals during the growing season, by broadcasting or drilling, or in furrows. If used as a top dressing, it should be applied three or four times during the growing season at regular intervals directly over the plant rows, each application at the rate of 3 pounds per square rod or 500 pounds per acre. It will be worked into the soil by hoeing and cultivating.
Larger illustration (480 kB)
1 | |||||
2 | 3 | ||||
1. Kellogg’s Everbearing Garden (FRUITING IN THE SPRING) |
A Group of Kellogg Strawberry Gardens grown the Kellogg Way |
4. Kellogg’s Junior Garden |
2. Kellogg’s Big Four Garden |
5. Kellogg’s Big Four Garden |
3. Kellogg’s Big Cash Prize Garden |
6. Kellogg’s Everbearing Garden (FRUITING IN THE FALL) |
4 | 5 | ||||
6 |
Senator Dunlap
For broadcasting or drilling, make one application per season after plowing and just before planting at the rate of 10 to 15 pounds per square rod or one ton per acre.
For furrow fertilizing, a shallow furrow should be made where each row of plants is to be set and the manure distributed evenly in these furrows at the rate of 3 pounds per square rod or 500 pounds per acre. In closing the furrows, the soil and manure should be well mixed after which the ground is ready for planting.
After extensive experiments in which we have become thoroughly convinced of its many merits, we have completed arrangements which enable us to furnish our customers with Pulverized Sheep Manure. For prices see page 63.
If fertilizing with manure is impractical, use any reliable brand of commercial fertilizer which is recommended for fruit growing. This should be applied broadcast after plowing and thoroughly incorporated with the soil before planting.
We are not recommending any formula of commercial fertilizer because the soil requirements in different localities differ so widely. Practically every section of the country is represented by fertilizer dealers or agencies who will be glad to consult with you in regard to your requirements. Your State Agricultural College and Experiment Station also will advise you reliably on this subject.
Any of the above fertilizers, if applied according to our instructions, will give satisfactory results and we suggest using the one best adapted to your particular conditions.
The proper time to set strawberry plants is in the early spring, from the latter part of March until the middle of May, at which time they are in excellent condition for shipping and planting.
Later in the season they will not stand shipping as well nor respond as readily after setting. Therefore it is to the grower’s interest to set plants just as early in the spring as soil conditions will permit. If this cannot be done, plants should be shipped early and heeled-in until they are to be set.
Only in the extreme southern states can plants be set in the fall with any degree of success.
If conditions make it impossible for you to set your plants when they arrive, they should be heeled-in or trenched to keep them in good condition until you can set them.
Select a location that is protected from the wind and sun and dig a “V” shaped trench about 8 inches deep. After separating the different varieties, open the bunches and spread the plants along the side of the trench, roots downward. Then draw loose soil over against the roots and press it down firmly, being careful not to cover the crowns. Place another layer of plants and continue alternating plants and soil, putting about one inch of soil between layers of plants. The varieties should be kept separate in order that each variety may be readily located when setting the plants.
After the plants are heeled-in, water the ground until it is thoroughly soaked around the roots and keep moist until they are set.
It is advisable to have plants shipped early and heel-in until you are ready to set them as this method will keep them in excellent condition for several weeks.
There are many systems for planting and growing strawberries but the most profitable are the hill, single-hedge and double-hedge row.
Sex in strawberry plants graphically presented. Above; pistillate blossom. Below; blossom of a bi-sexual plant.
For the hill system, rows should be made 30 inches apart, plants set 15 inches apart in the row and all runners removed.
By setting in check rows the wide spaces can be cultivated with single-horse cultivator and the narrow spaces with hand cultivator. This leaves only a very small area around each plant to be hoed and reduces considerably the cost of cultivation.
In small gardens the rows may be made two feet apart and plants set one foot apart in the row and if crowded for room they may be set 15 inches apart each way.
Fourteen thousand plants may be set on a single acre when they are set 30 x 15 inches.
(NOTE: By Hill System, we do not refer to hilling or ridging the ground. The plants should be set with the crowns level with the surface the same as in either of the other systems. Never ridge the ground unless there is slow and improper drainage.)
The single-hedge row is formed by setting plants two feet apart in rows which are spaced three feet apart. Each original plant is allowed to make two runner plants which are layered on opposite sides of the mother plant directly in line with the row. All other runners should be removed. Seven thousand plants are required for one acre.
For the double-hedge row, plants are set two feet apart in rows which are spaced three and one-half feet apart. Each original plant is allowed to make six runner plants, two of which are layered on opposite sides of the mother plant directly in line with the row. The other four are layered, two on each side of the mother plant, in the spaces between the rows. This forms three distinct rows, the original row and a row of runner plants on each side. After the rows are thus formed all other runners should be removed. Six thousand plants are required for one acre.
Strawberry varieties are divided into sexes, male, (staminate or bi-sexual), usually indicated by the letter “B”; and female, (pistillate), by “P.”
The blossoms of the male varieties contain both male and female organs and are self-fertilizing while the blossoms of the female varieties contain only female organs and are dependent upon the pollen produced by the male varieties for fertilization. For this reason it is necessary to set plants of pistillate varieties in rows between rows of bisexuals of the same fruiting season. The pollen is carried by the wind and bees and in this manner, the blossoms of the pistillates become fertilized. Three or four rows of pistillates may be set with only one row of bisexuals on each side of the group.
Even with male varieties the crop may be increased and the quality of the berries improved if several bisexuals are set in the same patch as this provides an interchange of pollen which Nature intended.
Strawberry varieties do not mix or become crossed through the runners. Everbearers may be set beside standard varieties, or any number of different varieties may be grown side by side in a garden or field without mixing unless the runners of one variety are allowed to spread and take root in a row of another variety. Prevent this by restricting runners of each variety to their respective rows.
Plants should be pruned before they are set. This is done by cutting off the tip ends of the roots, causing a callous to form where each root is cut off. From these callouses, myriads of fine feeding roots start soon after plants are set.
Dr. Burrill
Million Dollar
In setting plants, make a small “V” shaped opening in the soil, place the roots straight down into this opening holding the crown slightly above ground level and press the soil firmly against the roots.
Kellogg’s All-Metal Corrugated One-Piece Dibble (see page 63) is an ideal tool for setting plants or an ordinary spade will answer the purpose. With a dibble, the setting can be done by one person while it requires two persons if a spade is used. One makes the opening with the spade and presses the soil against the roots and the other places the plant into the opening.
It is a very simple matter to set strawberry plants. Simply use the same judgment as in setting vegetable or flower plants.
Cultivation should begin as soon as plants are set and when soil conditions will permit, should be continued every week or ten days throughout the entire growing season. Never cultivate when the soil is wet but cultivate as soon as the ground can be worked after each rain. Stir the soil to a depth of about two or three inches going as close to the rows as possible and complete the cultivation by hoeing shallow directly around the plants and in the rows where the cultivator teeth do not reach.
Thorough cultivation prevents the formation of crust, keeps the ground free from weeds and promotes plant growth. During dry periods repeated shallow cultivation will prevent the escape of moisture and thereby bring the plants through a long period of drouth in good condition. You will experience very little loss from drouth if you put these instructions into practice.
Every bare spot in your strawberry rows reduces your profits. If for any reason an occasional plant should fail to grow, these vacant places should be filled in as soon as possible to form unbroken rows thereby making every square foot of your ground contribute its full share toward the crop.
In spots where only one or two plants are missing, the vacancy may be filled by allowing the adjoining plants to form the necessary runner plants and layering them in the proper place. If however, the spot is of considerable length, it is advisable to allow several plants to develop runners and reset these runner plants in filling the vacancies. The proper time for doing this work is in the early fall after a good shower. In resetting the runner plants for this purpose, a clump of soil should be taken up with the roots and care exercised not to disturb the roots so that there will be no check in the growth of the plant.
If these simple instructions are carefully followed, you will have perfectly filled rows.
Plants will begin to blossom soon after they are set. The blossoms or fruiting stalks of all standard varieties should be pinched or cut off throughout the first year. This strengthens the plants by preventing exhaustion which results from early pollen secretion and seed production. It is very important that this be done as early as possible to relieve the plants of unnecessary strain. This work is easily and quickly done and is usually necessary only once or twice. (See also “The Everbearers” Page 58.)
The runners also should be removed in accordance with the system you wish to follow.
For all insects which work upon the foliage either eating or folding the leaves, pour sufficient water over three pounds powdered arsenate of lead to make a paste and continue adding water until it becomes a creamy solution. Pour this into fifty gallons of water and mix thoroughly before spraying. For small gardens use at the rate of one ounce of the powdered arsenate of lead to each gallon of water.
For rust or leaf-spot which may be detected by reddish, rusty-looking spots which destroy the leaf cells, use Bordeaux mixture made as follows:
Suspend a coarsely woven sack containing four pounds blue vitriol into twenty-five gallons of water so that the vitriol in the sack will float on the surface of the water. Put four pounds lump or hydrated lime into a bucket and pour over it hot water, stirring until you have three gallons of creamy mixture. Pour this into twelve gallons of water, then combine this lime solution with the vitriol solution and the result is a Bordeaux mixture known as 4-4-40 solution. Mix thoroughly before spraying. This is a preventive rather than a cure and should be used at the first appearance of any leaf-spot.
The presence of black ants indicates that aphides or root lice are working upon the roots. Repeated cultivation and hoeing are the best remedies.
White grubs which eat off the roots of plants causing them to wilt and die can be destroyed only by digging about the roots of the wilted plants and killing the grub. While this may not always save the affected plant, it will prevent the grub from doing further damage. Late fall plowing is the best preventive against root lice, white grubs, and all other underground insects.
For mildew which causes the leaves to cup or curl and the leaf-stems to become dark, use lime-sulphur at the rate of three gallons to sufficient water to make fifty gallons. The lime-sulphur can be obtained from any manufacturer of spray materials. It is put up in small cans and fifty gallon barrels, and as it deteriorates with age or by freezing, enough for one season only should be purchased when ordering.
For smaller areas, prepare at the above rate in amounts determined by the area you have to spray.
These remedies may be applied with small hand-spray machines or large power sprayers.
(NOTE: Avoid spraying when plants are in blossom or while berries are ripening.)
Kellogg Pedigree Plants are sprayed frequently throughout the entire growing season to insure absolute
freedom from all insects and plant diseases. Our plant fields are kept free from contamination
of this nature and every shipment which leaves our farm is likewise free from insects
and disease. WePage
are giving the foregoing instructions for spraying simply that
you may be familiar with the proper course to follow should
any pest find its way into your field after plants are set.
Strawberries, properly packed like those illustrated above, sell at sight and at profitable prices.
Kellogg Pedigree Plants themselves furnish as strong insurance as can be had against the possibility of having to spray either for insects or diseases.
Mulching protects the plants during the winter, retains moisture in the soil, keeps down weed growth during the fruiting season and keeps the berries clean.
In cold climates mulching is necessary to protect the plants during alternate freezing and thawing. If not mulched this expansion and contraction breaks off the fine roots and greatly weakens the plants.
Any material such as oat, wheat or rye straw, marsh hay, shredded corn fodder, or coarse stable manure makes ideal mulching, or leaves will serve the purpose. It should be spread over the field or garden in the early winter soon after the first freeze, covering the plants and ground to a depth of about three inches. If stable manure is used it should be applied thinner, spreading the strawy matter directly over the rows of plants and the fine material between the rows.
In the spring as soon as the frost leaves the ground, remove the mulching which lies directly over the rows to the spaces between the rows. This permits the plants to grow without any obstruction.
In warm climates where freezing is very light, it is unnecessary to cover the plants. Simply apply the mulching between the rows and under the foliage, forming a bedding for the berries to ripen upon.
Mulching adds materially to the strawberry crop and gives the grower bright, clean berries which are in big demand at fancy prices.
The proper method of picking strawberries is to leave about one inch of the stem attached to the berry. This adds greatly to the appearance, shipping and keeping qualities of the berries thereby making it possible to obtain higher prices.
Unless absolutely necessary, never pick berries when the plants are wet from dew or rain as berries picked when the vines are dry remain fresh and retain their lustre much longer.
The berries should be graded by putting each grade into separate boxes when picking. This eliminates the expense of re-handling and prevents unnecessary bruising when packing.
The top layer in each box should be arranged in rows so as to present an attractive appearance and make the top as level as possible. This requires but little time and adds greatly to their appearance.
Long berries should be packed on their side while round or top-shaped berries present the best appearance packed with the calyx and stem down. The boxes should then be carefully placed into the crates.
Placards posted in garages and at gasoline filling stations will be read by hundreds of automobile owners with the result that you will find it easy to dispose of your entire strawberry crop right at the patch. Try this simple, inexpensive advertising.
Berries of high quality packed in this manner will soon establish a reputation for the grower which will greatly increase his profits.
Your selling plan should be governed by local conditions. If you have a large acreage, it is advisable to sell to grocers while if your acreage is small and you can devote time, it is more profitable to sell direct to the consumer. In either case you should adopt a trade-name for your berries and label your crates and boxes so that the public will become acquainted with your name and particular brand of berries. Large placards should be placed in stores where your berries are for sale and by also placarding garages and gasoline filling stations, many buyers can be brought direct to your patch. Small advertisements in local papers are also effective.
Big, Solid Beauty
the BIG
Strawberry plants should not be permitted to fruit more than two years.
After the first crop has been picked, the foliage of standard varieties should be mowed off and removed from the patch. The rows should then be narrowed down by plowing a furrow from each side of the row leaving a ridge or back-furrow between the rows. This should be worked down with harrow and cultivator until the furrows have been filled and the ground again made level. A spike-tooth harrow may be used but the teeth should be set with a back slant so as not to tear out the plants when crossing the rows. In small gardens this work may be done with spade and garden rake. Continue working the ground until the surface is smooth. This will slightly cover the crowns and the plants which remain in the rows will soon come up through the fine covering of soil. Apply a top-dressing of manure, continue to cultivate the same as the first year, and your second crop will be fully as profitable as the first.
After fruiting the second year plow the plants under and plant the ground to some other crop at least one year before again setting to strawberries.
The everbearers are so exceedingly productive and their fruiting season covers such a long period that it is absolutely necessary that the soil contain an abundance of plant-food and berry building material.
A heavy dressing of manure should be plowed under and thoroughly worked into the soil before plants are set and a top dressing of manure applied soon after setting, spreading the coarse material close around the plants under the foliage to serve as mulching when they begin fruiting.
The season the plants are set, all blossoms should be removed from Superb and Peerless until the latter part of June and from Perfection and Progressive until the early part of July, after which they may be allowed to fruit to full capacity. They should then fruit heavily until freezing weather. The following year they will fruit abundantly from early summer until late fall with the exception of a short rest period during July.
The everbearers may be grown either hill, single-hedge or double-hedge row system, but the hill system has proved the most profitable. It is unnecessary to mow the foliage off the everbearers although this may be done if desired the second year after the early summer crop has been picked, when the plants enter their rest period. If this is done prepare the bed the same as for standard varieties.
If these simple instructions are followed, the everbearers will prove exceedingly profitable either for home use or market.
Crop rotation is very essential in strawberry growing. After plants have fruited two years, they should be plowed under and the ground planted to some other crop. This may be done as soon as they have finished their second crop.
Cantaloupes make an ideal crop for rotation because they do not draw heavily upon the fertility of the soil and their viny nature keeps the soil mellow. Two years in strawberries, one year in cantaloupes then back to strawberries, with a legume crop to rest and replenish the soil once every five years, fertilizing each year, makes the very best program of rotation for the strawberry grower.
Any of the legumes—clover, cow-peas, soy beans, velvet beans, vetch or alfalfa, are ideal crops for rotation because they add great quantities of humus and nitrogen to the soil. Vegetables or farm crops also may be used to advantage as rotation crops.
Irrigation is an insurance policy on the crop, therefore, if you are situated so that you can irrigate you will find it highly profitable to do so. One can realize only through actual experience, the increased profits which result from irrigation.
The two systems most generally used are the overhead or sprinkling system and the ditch or gravity system. With the overhead system, the water is applied in the form of a fine rain. With the ditch system, shallow furrows or corrugations are made between the rows into which water is run until the entire ground is wet. The water may be obtained either from a well, lake, river or city supply. It may be applied during the heat of the day if desired without any injury to the crop, however if applied at night the evaporation is less. The ground should be cultivated as soon after irrigation as conditions will permit.
We have in operation on the Kellogg Farm, 120 acres of Skinner Overhead Irrigation which was selected by us as the best after a thorough testing of several different systems. Our experience with Skinner Irrigation has been so satisfactory that we recommend it to our customers with absolute confidence that it will prove equally satisfactory and profitable both for the small home garden and the large commercial strawberry grower. For irrigating the small strawberry or vegetable garden or the lawn and shrubbery, Kellogg’s Rain-Maker, manufactured for us by the Skinner Irrigation Company, is unequalled as it furnishes positive insurance against drouth. For description and price, see Page 63.
“In the spring of 1920 I set 1,250 Kellogg Pedigree Plants. The varieties were Kellogg’s Premier, Dr. Burrill, Magic Gem, Kellogg’s Prize and Kellogg’s Big Late. Plants made excellent growth until August, when a severe hail storm which caused over $50,000.00 damage in our County, stripped their foliage giving them a serious set-back. In spite of this, they produced 600 quarts of fine berries this season which brought 25 and 30 cents per quart with ready sale. I follow the Kellogg Way and find it most profitable. I intend to order 1,200 more Kellogg Plants in time to be sure of getting them next spring.” James C. Tarrance, Kansas.
Note: In the following recipes (with the exception of uncooked sun preserves), any light colored syrup may be substituted for sugar by using equal weights of berries and syrup and adding one cup sugar to each quart syrup. If boiling is required, boil slowly.
Folks ’way down South eat strawberries in wholesale lots and make them up in many tasteful ways. A favorite breakfast dish in the South is to sprinkle hot waffles with sugar and then spread over them plenty of freshly mashed strawberries. Another good dish is hot toast moistened with butter and cream and then covered with mashed or cut berries.
The pie-eating members of the family will enjoy the Southern way of making strawberry custard pie. Make your favorite recipe for custard pie with milk, eggs, sugar and grated nutmeg, but leave out the strawberry juice or any acid flavoring; then, just before serving, cut some berries in half and spread them thickly over the top of the pie, and cover with a meringue flavored with lemon juice.
Line tart tins with nice puff paste, filling with plum pits, corn or some such thing so they will keep their shape while baking. When done, fill with sweetened strawberries and heap up with whipped cream.
Pour one cupful boiling water over two cups sugar, boil for five minutes, then cool. Separate the whites from yolks of four eggs and beat the yolks until thick; then add the syrup to them, beating constantly; now add two cups flour sifted with one and one-half teaspoons baking powder; add a pinch of salt and one teaspoon lemon juice, then fold in the whites, beaten stiff and dry; spread in two round layer cake tins, bake in a quick oven. When done, remove to warm platter; spread with fine sugar and crushed berries. Place on top a thick meringue of beaten egg whites seasoned with sugar and arrange berries about the cake.
Strawberries hold the color and shape better when preserved in the sun. Weigh the fruit; to each pound allow three-quarters of a pound of sugar; put a layer of sugar, a layer of fruit, another layer of sugar on a large granite or stoneware platter, cover with glass and stand in the hot sun. As the sun cools toward evening bring them in and put them out again the next day. Lift each berry carefully with a fork and arrange them neatly in tumblers or bottles. Boil the syrup for five or six minutes, pour it over the fruit, cover with the glass and let them stand all night in a cold place. Next morning cover the jars with melted paraffine, over which stretch tissue paper and fasten it down with white of egg. When the covers are dry brush them over with water.
Mash one quart berries with one cup powdered sugar and rub through fine sieve; dissolve one and one-half ounces gelatine in one pint sweet milk; strain and add one pint whipped cream and the berry juice. Pour into a wet mould and set on the ice to form.
Take equal parts of berries and granulated sugar, mash them together, put into a preserving kettle and cook for more than half an hour. Put into jars and when cold, seal.
Add one-third currant or rhubarb juice to the strawberry juice before cooking and proceed as for other jellies.
For every quart of fresh, firm berries allow one teacupful of granulated sugar. Add the sugar in layers and allow the fruit to stand covered for an hour. Bring slowly to the boiling point and let simmer two minutes. Do not stir the fruit and when done dip carefully into cans and seal.
To three quarts of cleaned berries use two quarts of sugar. Make a thick syrup of the sugar and when it is boiling up like taffy, turn the berries in and after they begin boiling, let them boil briskly for twenty minutes. Turn out into platters or shallow dishes, putting just a layer of berries and plenty of juice on each dish. Set them in the hot sun until evening, then bring in, let stand until morning and put into clean (and cold) jars or glasses and seal. Any surplus juice may be put out in the sun until it turns to jelly.
If there is no sun or it is too cold, leave the preserves in the plates for two or three days or more and they will thicken and be just as good.
Wash, pick over and hull two boxes berries. Sprinkle with two cups sugar, cover and let stand two hours. Mash and squeeze through cheesecloth; then add three pints thin cream and a few grains salt. Freeze, using three parts finely crushed ice to one part rock salt.
Beat up one cupful of sugar with one-half cupful of butter, add two well beaten eggs, two-thirds cupful of milk, two teaspoons of baking powder and enough flour to make a stiff batter. Bake in a buttered ring mold in a moderate oven and turn out when ready. Fill the center with sugared strawberries and serve with whipped and sweetened cream.
One quart berries, one-half box gelatine, one and one-half cups water, one cup sugar, juice of one lemon, beaten whites of four eggs. Soak the gelatine in one-half cup of water; mash the berries and add half the sugar to them; boil the remainder of sugar and the cup of water gently twenty minutes; rub the berries through a hair sieve; add gelatine to boiling syrup; take from the fire and add berry juice; place the bowl in pan of ice water and beat with egg beater five minutes, add beaten whites and beat until it begins to thicken. Pour into well moistened moulds and set on ice. Serve with cream.
Line a pie plate with a good crust and fill with strawberries. Sweeten to taste and cover with a sponge batter made as follows: Beat yolks of eggs until lemon colored, add sugar and beat until creamy, then add flour sifted three times and fold in stiffly beaten whites. Bake in a moderate oven. When cool, cover the top with sweetened whipped cream.
Ingredients: 1 quart strawberries, 3 eggs, pie crust, 1⁄2 cupful sugar, 1⁄2 cupful flour, 1⁄2 pint sweet cream.
One quart sifted flour, one-half cup butter and lard mixed, two teaspoons baking powder, sweet milk enough to make a soft dough. Divide into three equal parts, roll out, spread melted butter on each and place on top of each other and bake.
A Trio
Kellogg Strawberry
Strawberry Shrub
A Healthful, Delicious
and Refreshing Beverage
One quart of strawberries, one large cup of white sugar, juice of one lemon, one-third of a package of Cox’s gelatine soaked in one cup of cold water, one pint of boiling water; mash the berries to a pulp and strain through coarse muslin. Mix the sugar and lemon juice with the soaked gelatine, stir up well and pour over them the boiling water. Stir until clear; strain through a flannel bag; add the strawberry juice; strain again without shaking or pressing the bag. Wet a mold with cylinder in center in cold water; fill it and set it in ice to form. Turn out upon a cold dish; fill with whipped cream made quite sweet with powdered sugar and serve at once. It is very fine.
Put a layer of strawberries into a deep dish, cover thickly with pulverized sugar; then a layer of berries and so on until all are used. Pour over them orange juice in the proportion of three oranges to a quart of berries. Let stand for an hour and just before serving sprinkle with crushed ice.
Crush two teacups of very ripe berries with a cup of granulated sugar. Press through a fine strainer to remove the seeds. Beat the whites of four eggs so stiff that the dish may be inverted without spilling the contents. Add gradually one-half cup of powdered sugar. Next beat in the juice by degrees and continue until the mass becomes so stiff it stands in ragged peaks. Serve with a soft custard made of the unused yolks, cup and a half of milk and four tablespoons of sugar cooked in a double boiler until thick as cream. Pour custard into a pretty dish and slip the blanc-mange upon it while custard is hot.
Beat the white of an egg for a minute or so. Dip berries one by one into this, roll in powdered sugar and let dry.
To a pint of double cream add the juice of a lemon and a cup of strawberry preserve. Beat until thick to the bottom of the bowl. Have ready a three-pint mould lined with lemon, orange or pineapple sherbet. Put the mousse mixture into the center and cover with more sherbet. Adjust the cover over paper and pack in equal parts of ice and salt. Let stand about two hours. Lining the mould with sherbet may be omitted, but it is a great improvement to the dish. Thus lined, it is removed from the mould with ease.
Make a good crust, not too rich, for the undercrust and one more rich for the upper. Fill the pie well with berries, sprinkle generously with flour, then the sugar. Put no water in the pie, but dip the finger tips into water and wet the undercrust all around the edge, running the fingers around until a sort of paste is formed. Then put on upper crust and press down firmly. Do not bake too quickly.
Pour three quarts of best cider vinegar over nine pounds of fine, ripe strawberries, let it stand for twenty-four hours, then bring to a boil and strain. Add a pint and a half of sugar for every pint of juice, boil together five minutes, then strain again. Put up in self-sealing cans. A tablespoonful or two added to a glass of water makes a delicious and refreshing drink.
Boil one-half cupful of rice in milk until done. When nearly cool stir in gently, fine ripe strawberries. Sweeten to taste. Serve with a nice custard or whipped cream.
Sugar syrup, rather than sugar in a crude form, is preferable for sweetening any kind of beverage and is especially desirable when the foundation of the beverage is a fruit juice or a combination of several varieties of fruit juices.
Boil three pints of water and three cups of sugar twenty minutes. When cold add a pint of strawberry juice, a cup of orange juice, juice of three lemons and one quart or more of water.
Cover one cup pearl tapioca with a pint of cold water and soak two hours. Put it over the fire, add one pint of water and sugar to taste. Cook about thirty minutes or until clear. Pour while hot over a quart of stemmed strawberries and put by to cool. Serve with powdered sugar and cream.
One quart of fine, ripe fruit, put through a press, and one pound of sugar; let stand until the sugar is dissolved, then add a quart of water and freeze until thick, but not stiff.
Boil together one quart of water and one pint of sugar fifteen minutes. Add a teaspoonful of softened gelatine and when cold strain over one pint of strawberry juice and the juice of a lemon. Freeze in the usual manner.
Wash and stem the berries. Fill into jars, jostling down but not enough to break the berries, (have the jar on folded cloth), and when filled, screw on the lid, (partially). Set in a vessel deep enough to come above jars and have board or rack in bottom, then fill almost to top of jars with cold water. Watch closely and let boil one minute, by the clock. Then lift out and fill the jars with a rather thin hot syrup which has been prepared; put on hot rubbers and seal tight.
One-third cup of butter, one cup powdered sugar, one teaspoon lemon or orange extract. Cream the butter, add sugar gradually and flavoring. To this add one cup strawberry pulp and the lightly beaten white of one egg. Chill thoroughly.
Cream together butter and powdered sugar. Add flavor and when ready to serve mix in one or two crushed berries to tint the sauce and a generous quantity of hulled berries,—sliced.
Crush berries and add almost an equal weight of sugar. Put mixture in preserving kettle and let come to boiling point. Stir well and when whole mass is boiling, let boil twenty or twenty-five minutes. Then stir into this mixture one tablespoon of cornstarch to every gallon of jam. Wet the starch with enough cold water to thin it good, add to boiling jam and continue boiling for five minutes. Then seal in jars.
Note: I have found Kellogg’s Delicious (The Strawberry That Satisfies) a splendid variety;—unsurpassed for canning, preserving and immediate table use. This variety is a very heavy producer and I recommend it with positive assurance that its berries, whether served in any of the foregoing recipes or in any other manner, will give you a new and lasting impression of how deliciously satisfying strawberries can be.
Kellogg’s Rain-Maker
You don’t need to gaze wistfully at the sky and wish for rain if you have Kellogg’s Rain-Maker. Solves the watering problem for garden, lawn or shrubbery as it is light and portable (weighs only 25 lbs.) and is easily moved wherever you need rain. It is manufactured for us by the Skinner Irrigation Company of Troy, Ohio, and embodies on a smaller scale, the same principle of Skinner Irrigation which we use exclusively on the Kellogg Farm and which we have found most desirable and efficient. Consists of two nine-foot sections of 3⁄4 inch galvanized pipe fitted with nine of the famous Skinner System Silver Stream nozzles. Attaches to water supply with hose and at ordinary city pressure irrigates a strip 50 x 18 feet. Supported by three pointed iron rods. Nothing to get out of order—lasts a lifetime.
We use and recommend Kellogg’s Rain-Maker. Make certain having yours when you need it by ordering today. After using the first time, you wouldn’t part with it at any price if you couldn’t get another. Weight packed for shipment, about 30 pounds. In ordering, please specify whether you prefer shipment by Express or Freight.
Price only $11.00 each f. o. b. Troy, Ohio.
Hearts of Gold Cantaloupe
Enormously productive,—thrives everywhere. Melons are of uniformly supreme quality, round, medium-size, with thick, golden flesh, small seed-cavity and thin, perfectly netted rind. Sells readily at highest prices on all markets.
We quote genuine Hearts of Gold seed,—grown, packed and shipped direct to our customers by Roland Morrill, the originator of this famous melon, at the following prices:
Seed for planting one acre, $5.00; one-half acre, $3.00; one-fourth acre, $1.75; family garden, $1.00; trial packet, 50 cents. (Postpaid.)
Sheep Manure
We use and recommend this reliable brand of concentrated, Pulverized Sheep Manure. Ideal for strawberries, vegetables and flowers. A whole wagon-load of manure in a bag. For full information regarding use and rate of application of Pulverized Sheep Manure, see “Soil Preparation and Fertilizers,” Pages 47 and 50.
Send us your order today for enough to last through the growing season. In ordering, please specify whether you prefer shipment by Express or Freight. Price, $2.25 per 100 pounds, f. o. b. Chicago, Ill. Prices in ton lots quoted upon request.
Your gardening success, whether with several acres or in a small back-yard, demands that plants must be properly set. Disappointing, unprofitable crops express with unfailing certainty Nature’s disapproval of careless, slip-shod transplanting. Avoid disappointment and enjoy the satisfaction resulting from bigger, more profitable crops
By Planting With
The Practical, Efficient Plant-Setting Tool
Just the tool for setting your vegetable, fruit and flower plants. Light, strong and durable. Will last indefinitely. Every home and market gardener should have one or more of these profitable money-savers.
Price Only 75 Cents Each—3 for $1.50
Delivered, all transportation charges prepaid
A Wonderful Strawberry
(NOTE: These prices supersede and cancel all previous quotations and are for acceptance not later than May 25, 1922)
(See also paragraph below entitled “Kellogg’s Free Delivery”)
Beneath the variety names in each column below are complete scales of prices of 25 to 1,000 plants. The price which appears opposite any given quantity of plants applies separately to each variety in that column and not to a combination of varieties. For example; 200 plants of any one variety in column 3 are priced at $3.20, but should you order 100 plants each of more than one variety listed in that column, the price of each 100 plants will be $2.00. Regardless of how many varieties you may order, figure the price of each separately the same as though you were ordering that one variety only. 500 or more plants of any one variety are sold at the 1,000 rate. A 5 per cent discount is allowed on orders amounting to $50.00 to $100.00, and 10 per cent discount on orders amounting to more than $100.00.
COLUMN 1 Standard Varieties |
COLUMN 2 Standard Varieties |
COLUMN 3 Standard Varieties |
COLUMN 4 Standard Varieties |
COLUMN 5 Everbearers |
Aroma B Haverland (P) Senator Dunlap (B) Warfield (P) |
Gibson (B) Glen Mary (B) Wm. Belt (B) |
Kellogg’s Premier (B) Dr. Burrill (B) Magic Gem (B) Kellogg’s Prize (P) Kellogg’s Big Late (P) Kellogg’s Big Wonder (B) Sionilli (B) |
Kellogg’s Delicious (B) Kellogg’s Marvel (B) |
Peerless (B) Progressive (B) Superb (B) (See prices of Kellogg’s Perfection, Everbearer beneath scale of prices.) |
25 | plants | $ | .60 | 25 | plants | $ | .70 | 25 | plants | $ | .85 | 25 | plants | $ | 2.80 | 25 | plants | $ | 1.75 |
50 | plants | 1.00 | 50 | plants | 1.05 | 50 | plants | 1.25 | 50 | plants | 4.30 | 50 | plants | 2.60 | |||||
75 | plants | 1.25 | 75 | plants | 1.40 | 75 | plants | 1.65 | 75 | plants | 5.40 | 75 | plants | 3.40 | |||||
100 | plants | 1.50 | 100 | plants | 1.70 | 100 | plants | 2.00 | 100 | plants | 6.70 | 100 | plants | 4.15 | |||||
125 | plants | 1.65 | 125 | plants | 1.95 | 125 | plants | 2.30 | 125 | plants | 7.70 | 125 | plants | 4.75 | |||||
150 | plants | 1.80 | 150 | plants | 2.20 | 150 | plants | 2.60 | 150 | plants | 8.70 | 150 | plants | 5.40 | |||||
175 | plants | 1.95 | 175 | plants | 2.45 | 175 | plants | 2.90 | 175 | plants | 9.70 | 175 | plants | 6.00 | |||||
200 | plants | 2.10 | 200 | plants | 2.70 | 200 | plants | 3.20 | 200 | plants | 10.70 | 200 | plants | 6.65 | |||||
225 | plants | 2.30 | 225 | plants | 2.95 | 225 | plants | 3.50 | 225 | plants | 11.70 | 225 | plants | 7.25 | |||||
250 | plants | 2.50 | 250 | plants | 3.20 | 250 | plants | 3.80 | 250 | plants | 12.70 | 250 | plants | 7.90 | |||||
275 | plants | 2.65 | 275 | plants | 3.45 | 275 | plants | 4.10 | 275 | plants | 13.70 | 275 | plants | 8.50 | |||||
300 | plants | 2.85 | 300 | plants | 3.70 | 300 | plants | 4.40 | 300 | plants | 14.70 | 300 | plants | 9.15 | |||||
325 | plants | 3.00 | 325 | plants | 3.90 | 325 | plants | 4.60 | 325 | plants | 15.50 | 325 | plants | 9.65 | |||||
350 | plants | 3.20 | 350 | plants | 4.10 | 350 | plants | 4.85 | 350 | plants | 16.30 | 350 | plants | 10.15 | |||||
375 | plants | 3.35 | 375 | plants | 4.30 | 375 | plants | 5.10 | 375 | plants | 17.10 | 375 | plants | 10.65 | |||||
400 | plants | 3.50 | 400 | plants | 4.50 | 400 | plants | 5.35 | 400 | plants | 17.90 | 400 | plants | 11.15 | |||||
425 | plants | 3.65 | 425 | plants | 4.65 | 425 | plants | 5.50 | 425 | plants | 18.40 | 425 | plants | 11.50 | |||||
450 | plants | 3.75 | 450 | plants | 4.75 | 450 | plants | 5.65 | 450 | plants | 18.90 | 450 | plants | 11.85 | |||||
475 | plants | 3.90 | 475 | plants | 4.90 | 475 | plants | 5.80 | 475 | plants | 19.50 | 475 | plants | 12.20 | |||||
500 | plants | 4.00 | 500 | plants | 5.00 | 500 | plants | 6.00 | 500 | plants | 20.00 | 500 | plants | 12.50 | |||||
1000 | plants | 8.00 | 1000 | plants | 10.00 | 1000 | plants | 12.00 | 1000 | plants | 40.00 | 1000 | plants | 25.00 |
25 plants, $2.50; 50, $4.50; 75, $6.50; 100, $8.00. More than 100 plants, at the rate of $8.00 per 100.
Kellogg’s Junior Garden | $4.50 |
Kellogg’s Cash Prize Garden | 6.50 |
Kellogg’s Big Four Garden | 7.00 |
Kellogg’s Everbearing Garden | 9.00 |
One acre | $5.00 | One-fourth acre | $1.75 |
One-half acre | 3.00 | Family Garden | 1.00 |
Trial packet50c |
Kellogg’s All-Metal, Corrugated, One-Piece Dibble, 75 cents each. Three for $1.50.
The prices quoted above on Kellogg Pedigree Plants, Kellogg Strawberry Gardens, Hearts of Gold Cantaloupe Seed and Kellogg’s All-Metal, Corrugated, One-Piece Dibble, include delivery to your nearest Express or Post Office as we prepay all Transportation charges on these items. We reserve the right however, to ship either by Express or Parcel Post. We do not prepay Duty on Canadian Shipments. This must be paid by the customer when plants arrive at Custom House.
Kellogg’s Rain-Maker, $11.00 each, f. o. b.
Troy, Ohio. Weight packed for shipment, about 30 pounds.
Wizard Brand Pulverized Sheep Manure, $2.25 per 100 pounds f. o. b. Chicago, Ill. Prices in ton lots quoted upon request.
(When ordering Kellogg’s Rain-Maker or Pulverized Sheep Manure, please state
whether you prefer shipment by Express or Freight.)
To avoid misunderstanding and unnecessary correspondence,
please read this page carefully before making out your order
Be sure your order is correctly made out by following closely the instructions given on this page. Always sign your name the same and please write plainly as this assists us in giving orders and letters prompt attention.
Beware of anyone claiming to be our agent. Genuine Kellogg Pedigree Plants can be obtained only by sending your order direct to R. M. Kellogg Company, Three Rivers, Mich.
Your order should be sent to us as early as possible. The earlier it is received, the more certain you will be to get your choice of varieties.
We acknowledge receipt of all orders promptly. If you do not receive acknowledgment within a reasonable time, write us,—giving full description of your order and remittance.
If you have occasion to write us regarding order after it has been booked, always refer to the order number.
Additional plants may be ordered at any time but if an additional order is received after April 1st, it will be booked and shipped separately. Orders are not subject to cancellation and we cannot change any order after April 1st.
Kellogg Pedigree Plants are accurately counted and tied into bunches of 25 plants, each bunch containing a label giving the name and sex of the variety. We do not furnish less than 25 plants of any variety and plants of each variety must be ordered in exact multiples of 25; that is, 25, 50, 75, 100 and so on.
Advise us promptly of change of address, giving both your old and new addresses.
With the single exception of Public Institutions, we do not ship plants until full payment has been received. Please do not ask us to ship C. O. D. as we positively cannot deviate from this rule. If your order amounts to more than $5.00 and you cannot conveniently remit full amount when ordering, a remittance of one-third will reserve the plants but the balance must be remitted not later than April 1st. Full payment should accompany orders amounting to less than $5.00 and all orders which are sent to us after March 15th.
If possible, remittance should be made by Postoffice or Express Money Order or by Bank Draft. If this is not convenient send registered letter or personal check, adding 10 cents for exchange if you remit by check.
It is advisable to have your plants shipped as early as possible. We begin digging and shipping in the spring as soon as weather permits (usually about April 1st) and continue until May 25th. We positively cannot ship at any other time of the year. If you specify shipping date, we shall follow your instructions as closely as possible, otherwise we shall use our own judgment.
We seldom find it necessary to substitute but if, when it comes time to ship your order, we are unable to furnish certain varieties you have ordered, may we substitute in their place varieties of equal or greater value? It is very important that you answer “Yes” or “No” in proper place on Order Sheet, naming second choice of varieties if substitution will meet with your approval. If you do not indicate your wish, we shall assume that you wish us to use our judgment. We shall not substitute, however, unless necessary.
Any claim for mistakes or adjustment must be made immediately upon receipt of plants. In reporting any discrepancy please state the number of plants of each variety, also number of crates or packages received and date received. This will assist us in making a prompt investigation.
With our careful methods of growing, labeling and packing plants, mistakes are practically impossible. We therefore guarantee Kellogg Pedigree Plants to be true to name and free from insects and fungous diseases, however in no event will we be responsible for more than the amount paid us for the plants.
Kellogg Pedigree Plants are delivered to the Transportation Company in first-class condition and thereupon our responsibility ceases. We cannot and will not be in any way responsible for the crop, for loss or delay after plants are turned over to the Transportation Company, or for inability to fill any order on account of shortage of plants, conditions resulting from an act of Nature, labor situation or any other cause beyond our control. It is mutually understood and agreed between the customer and ourselves that all orders are placed and accepted in accordance with the terms and conditions herein provided.
Don’t overlook ordering Kellogg’s Marvel, (The Marvel of Beauty and Productiveness) and Kellogg’s Delicious, (The Strawberry that Satisfies). These two varieties will give you something extraordinary in Strawberries.
The Marvel of
Beauty and Productiveness
The spelling used in the printed work has been retained. Sion-illi and Sionilli both occur in the original work, and have not been standardised, nor have other inconsistently hyphenated words.
Gray captions under illustrations are transcriptions of the text within the illustration. The Kellogg Trade Mark illustration (“THOROUGHBRED PEDIGREE--TRADE MARK--STRAWBERRY PLANTS”) occurs in many illustrations, but has been transcribed just once (on the front page).
Depending on the hard- and software used to read this text and their settings, not all elements may display as intended.
Changes made:
The page header (“KELLOGG’S GREAT CROPS OF STRAWBERRIES and HOW to GROW THEM the KELLOGG WAY”) has been moved from page six to page three, and deleted from subsequent pages on which it occurs.
Some minor obvious typographical errors have been corrected silently.
End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Kellogg's Great Crops of Strawberries, by R. M. Kellogg Co. *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK STRAWBERRIES *** ***** This file should be named 57123-h.htm or ***** This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Produced by MFR, Harry Lamé and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive) Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from print editions not protected by U.S. copyright law means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. 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