# $Id: $
PortSystem        1.0
name              cogito
version           0.14.1
categories        devel
maintainers       bryan.larsen@gmail.com
description       Git core + cogito tools to provide a full distributed SCM.
long_description  The git core, developed by Linus Torvalds provides \
		  an extremely fast and flexible filesystem-based \
		  database designed to store directory trees with \
		  regard to their history.  The cogito tools, \
		  developed by Petr Baudis, provide full distributed \
		  SCM (software change management) functionality.
homepage          http://kernel.org/pub/software/scm/cogito/
master_sites      http://kernel.org/pub/software/scm/cogito/
configure	  {}
depends_lib       bin:gstat:coreutils
depends_lib	  lib:libz.dylib:zlib
build.type        gnu
destroot.type     gnu
destroot.destdir  prefix=${prefix} DESTDIR=${destroot}
test.run          yes
test.cmd          make
test.target       test
test.dir          ${worksrcpath}
checksums md5  a17ea463dd07d884691c6db001f0f90f