diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/omap/omap.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/omap/omap.txt
index 2ecc712..e026391 100644
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/omap/omap.txt
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/omap/omap.txt
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ Optional properties:
 - ti,no-reset-on-init: When present, the module should not be reset at init
 - ti,no-idle-on-init: When present, the module should not be idled at init
 - ti,no-idle: When present, the module is never allowed to idle.
+- ti,deassert-hard-reset: list of hwmod and hardware reset line name pairs
+  (ascii strings) to be deasserted upon device instantiation.
diff --git a/Documentation/pwm.txt b/Documentation/pwm.txt
index 8fbf0aa..72db8dd 100644
--- a/Documentation/pwm.txt
+++ b/Documentation/pwm.txt
@@ -85,9 +85,11 @@ will find:
 The PWM channels are numbered using a per-chip index from 0 to npwm-1.
-When a PWM channel is exported a pwmX directory will be created in the
+When a PWM channel is exported a pwm-N:X directory will be created in the
 pwmchipN directory it is associated with, where X is the number of the
-channel that was exported. The following properties will then be available:
+channel that was exported. It will also be exposed at /sys/class/pwm/ and
+can be identified by the pwm_channel device type.
+The following properties will then be available:
     The total period of the PWM signal (read/write).
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/Makefile b/arch/arm/boot/Makefile
index a3af4dc..5e9c1d6 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/Makefile
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/Makefile
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ export ZRELADDR INITRD_PHYS PARAMS_PHYS
 targets := Image zImage xipImage bootpImage uImage
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_OF_OVERLAY),y)
+DTC_FLAGS += -@
 ifeq ($(CONFIG_XIP_KERNEL),y)
 cmd_deflate_xip_data = $(CONFIG_SHELL) -c \
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/Makefile b/arch/arm/boot/dts/Makefile
index 37a3de7..e58e47e 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/Makefile
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_OF_OVERLAY),y)
+DTC_FLAGS += -@
 dtb-$(CONFIG_MACH_ARTPEC6) += \
@@ -190,6 +195,7 @@ dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_EXYNOS5) += \
 	exynos5420-arndale-octa.dtb \
 	exynos5420-peach-pit.dtb \
 	exynos5420-smdk5420.dtb \
+	exynos5422-artik10-eval.dtb \
 	exynos5422-odroidhc1.dtb \
 	exynos5422-odroidxu3.dtb \
 	exynos5422-odroidxu3-lite.dtb \
@@ -438,6 +444,7 @@ dtb-$(CONFIG_SOC_IMX6Q) += \
 	imx6q-b650v3.dtb \
 	imx6q-b850v3.dtb \
 	imx6q-cm-fx6.dtb \
+	imx6q-ccimx6sbc.dtb \
 	imx6q-cubox-i.dtb \
 	imx6q-cubox-i-emmc-som-v15.dtb \
 	imx6q-cubox-i-som-v15.dtb \
@@ -533,6 +540,7 @@ dtb-$(CONFIG_SOC_IMX6SX) += \
 dtb-$(CONFIG_SOC_IMX6UL) += \
 	imx6ul-14x14-evk.dtb \
+	imx6ul-14x14-evk-ism43362-b81-evb.dtb \
 	imx6ul-geam.dtb \
 	imx6ul-isiot-emmc.dtb \
 	imx6ul-isiot-nand.dtb \
@@ -679,6 +687,18 @@ dtb-$(CONFIG_SOC_AM33XX) += \
 	am335x-base0033.dtb \
 	am335x-bone.dtb \
 	am335x-boneblack.dtb \
+	am335x-bonegreen-wireless-uboot-univ.dtb \
+	am335x-boneblack-uboot-univ.dtb \
+	am335x-bone-uboot-univ.dtb \
+	am335x-boneblack-audio.dtb \
+	am335x-boneblack-bbb-exp-r.dtb \
+	am335x-boneblack-bbb-exp-c.dtb \
+	am335x-boneblack-bbbmini.dtb \
+	am335x-boneblack-wl1835mod.dtb \
+	am335x-olimex-som.dtb \
+	am335x-abbbi.dtb \
+	am335x-sancloud-bbe.dtb \
+	am335x-boneblack-uboot.dtb \
 	am335x-boneblack-wireless.dtb \
 	am335x-boneblue.dtb \
 	am335x-bonegreen.dtb \
@@ -706,6 +726,7 @@ dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP4) += \
 	omap4-panda.dtb \
 	omap4-panda-a4.dtb \
 	omap4-panda-es.dtb \
+	omap4-panda-es-b3.dtb \
 	omap4-sdp.dtb \
 	omap4-sdp-es23plus.dtb \
 	omap4-var-dvk-om44.dtb \
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-abbbi.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-abbbi.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43efead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-abbbi.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ * Copyright 2015 Konsulko Group
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include "am33xx.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-common.dtsi"
+/ {
+	model = "Arrow BeagleBone Black Industrial";
+	compatible = "arrow,am335x-abbbi", "ti,am335x-bone", "ti,am33xx";
+&ldo3_reg {
+	regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-always-on;
+&mmc1 {
+	vmmc-supply = <&vmmcsd_fixed>;
+&mmc2 {
+	vmmc-supply = <&vmmcsd_fixed>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&emmc_pins>;
+	bus-width = <8>;
+	status = "okay";
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	adi_hdmi_bbbi_pins: adi_hdmi_bbbi_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x9b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3)	/* xdma_event_intr0 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8a0, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data0.lcd_data0 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8a4, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data1.lcd_data1 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8a8, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data2.lcd_data2 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8ac, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data3.lcd_data3 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8b0, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data4.lcd_data4 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8b4, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data5.lcd_data5 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8b8, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data6.lcd_data6 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8bc, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data7.lcd_data7 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8c0, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data8.lcd_data8 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8c4, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data9.lcd_data9 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8c8, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data10.lcd_data10 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8cc, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data11.lcd_data11 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8d0, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data12.lcd_data12 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8d4, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data13.lcd_data13 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8d8, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data14.lcd_data14 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8dc, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data15.lcd_data15 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8e0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* lcd_vsync.lcd_vsync */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8e4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* lcd_hsync.lcd_hsync */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8e8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* lcd_pclk.lcd_pclk */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8ec, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* lcd_ac_bias_en.lcd_ac_bias_en */
+		>;
+	};
+	adi_hdmi_bbbi_off_pins: adi_hdmi_bbbi_off_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x9b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3)	/* xdma_event_intr0 */
+		>;
+	};
+	mcasp0_pins: mcasp0_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x1ac (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mcasp0_ahclkx.mcasp0_ahclkx */
+			0x19c (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2) /* mcasp0_ahclkr.mcasp0_axr2 */
+			0x194 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mcasp0_fsx.mcasp0_fsx */
+			0x190 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* mcasp0_aclkx.mcasp0_aclkx */
+			0x06c (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)	/* gpmc_a11.GPIO1_27 */
+		>;
+	};
+	mcasp0_pins_sleep: mcasp0_pins_sleep {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x1ac (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)	/* mcasp0_ahclkx.mcasp0_ahclkx */
+			0x19c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* mcasp0_ahclkr.mcasp0_axr2 */
+			0x194 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)	/* mcasp0_fsx.mcasp0_fsx */
+			0x190 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)	/* mcasp0_aclkx.mcasp0_aclkx */
+			0x06c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)	/* gpmc_a11.GPIO1_27 */
+		>;
+	};
+&lcdc {
+	status = "okay";
+	port {
+		lcdc_0: endpoint@0 {
+			remote-endpoint = <&hdmi_0>;
+		};
+	};
+&i2c0 {
+	adv7511w {
+		compatible = "adi,adv7511w";
+		reg = <0x39>;
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "off";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&adi_hdmi_bbbi_pins>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&adi_hdmi_bbbi_off_pins>;
+		port {
+			hdmi_0: endpoint@0 {
+				remote-endpoint = <&lcdc_0>;
+			};
+		};
+	};
+&mcasp0	{
+	pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&mcasp0_pins>;
+	pinctrl-1 = <&mcasp0_pins_sleep>;
+	status = "okay";
+	op-mode = <0>;	/* MCASP_IIS_MODE */
+	tdm-slots = <2>;
+	serial-dir = <	/* 0: INACTIVE, 1: TX, 2: RX */
+			0 0 1 0
+		>;
+	tx-num-evt = <1>;
+	rx-num-evt = <1>;
+/ {
+	clk_mcasp0_fixed: clk_mcasp0_fixed {
+	      #clock-cells = <0>;
+	      compatible = "fixed-clock";
+	      clock-frequency = <24576000>;
+	};
+	clk_mcasp0: clk_mcasp0 {
+	      #clock-cells = <0>;
+	      compatible = "gpio-gate-clock";
+	      clocks = <&clk_mcasp0_fixed>;
+	      enable-gpios = <&gpio1 27 0>; /* BeagleBone Black Clk enable on GPIO1_27 */
+	};
+	hdmi_audio: hdmi_audio@0 {
+	       compatible = "linux,hdmi-audio";
+	       status = "okay";
+	};
+	sound {
+		compatible = "ti,beaglebone-black-audio";
+		ti,model = "TI BeagleBone Black";
+		ti,audio-codec = <&hdmi_audio>;
+		ti,mcasp-controller = <&mcasp0>;
+		ti,audio-routing =
+			"HDMI Out",	"TX";
+		clocks = <&clk_mcasp0>;
+		clock-names = "mclk";
+	};
+&rtc {
+	system-power-controller;
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-common-no-capemgr.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-common-no-capemgr.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73d5f54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-common-no-capemgr.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+/ {
+	cpus {
+		cpu@0 {
+			cpu0-supply = <&dcdc2_reg>;
+		};
+	};
+	memory@80000000 {
+		device_type = "memory";
+		reg = <0x80000000 0x10000000>; /* 256 MB */
+	};
+	chosen {
+		stdout-path = &uart0;
+	};
+	leds {
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&user_leds_s0>;
+		compatible = "gpio-leds";
+		led2 {
+			label = "beaglebone:green:usr0";
+			gpios = <&gpio1 21 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+			linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";
+			default-state = "off";
+		};
+		led3 {
+			label = "beaglebone:green:usr1";
+			gpios = <&gpio1 22 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+			linux,default-trigger = "mmc0";
+			default-state = "off";
+		};
+		led4 {
+			label = "beaglebone:green:usr2";
+			gpios = <&gpio1 23 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+			linux,default-trigger = "cpu0";
+			default-state = "off";
+		};
+		led5 {
+			label = "beaglebone:green:usr3";
+			gpios = <&gpio1 24 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+			linux,default-trigger = "mmc1";
+			default-state = "off";
+		};
+	};
+	vmmcsd_fixed: fixedregulator0 {
+		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+		regulator-name = "vmmcsd_fixed";
+		regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+		regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+	};
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	user_leds_s0: user_leds_s0 {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x854, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)	/* gpmc_a5.gpio1_21 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x858, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7)	/* gpmc_a6.gpio1_22 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x85c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)	/* gpmc_a7.gpio1_23 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x860, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7)	/* gpmc_a8.gpio1_24 */
+		>;
+	};
+	i2c0_pins: pinmux_i2c0_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x988, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* i2c0_sda.i2c0_sda */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x98c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* i2c0_scl.i2c0_scl */
+		>;
+	};
+	i2c2_pins: pinmux_i2c2_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x978, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3)	/* uart1_ctsn.i2c2_sda */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x97c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3)	/* uart1_rtsn.i2c2_scl */
+		>;
+	};
+	uart0_pins: pinmux_uart0_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x970, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* uart0_rxd.uart0_rxd */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x974, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* uart0_txd.uart0_txd */
+		>;
+	};
+	cpsw_default: cpsw_default {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* Slave 1 */
+			0x108 (PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* mii1_col.mii1_col */
+			0x10c (PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* mii1_crs.mii1_crs */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x910, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_rxerr.mii1_rxerr */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x914, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_txen.mii1_txen */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x918, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_rxdv.mii1_rxdv */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x91c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_txd3.mii1_txd3 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x920, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_txd2.mii1_txd2 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x924, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_txd1.mii1_txd1 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x928, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_txd0.mii1_txd0 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x92c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_txclk.mii1_txclk */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x930, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_rxclk.mii1_rxclk */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x934, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_rxd3.mii1_rxd3 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x938, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_rxd2.mii1_rxd2 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x93c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_rxd1.mii1_rxd1 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x940, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_rxd0.mii1_rxd0 */
+		>;
+	};
+	cpsw_sleep: cpsw_sleep {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* Slave 1 reset value */
+		>;
+	};
+	davinci_mdio_default: davinci_mdio_default {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* MDIO */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x948, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | SLEWCTRL_FAST | MUX_MODE0)	/* mdio_data.mdio_data */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x94c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)			/* mdio_clk.mdio_clk */
+		>;
+	};
+	davinci_mdio_sleep: davinci_mdio_sleep {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* MDIO reset value */
+		>;
+	};
+	mmc1_pins: pinmux_mmc1_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x960, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7)		/* spio0_cs1.gpio0_6 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8fc, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mmc0_dat0.mmc0_dat0 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8f8, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mmc0_dat1.mmc0_dat1 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8f4, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mmc0_dat2.mmc0_dat2 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8f0, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mmc0_dat3.mmc0_dat3 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x904, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mmc0_cmd.mmc0_cmd */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x900, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mmc0_clk.mmc0_clk */
+		>;
+	};
+	emmc_pins: pinmux_emmc_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x880, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) /* gpmc_csn1.mmc1_clk */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x884, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) /* gpmc_csn2.mmc1_cmd */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x800, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad0.mmc1_dat0 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x804, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad1.mmc1_dat1 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x808, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad2.mmc1_dat2 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x80c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad3.mmc1_dat3 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x810, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad4.mmc1_dat4 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x814, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad5.mmc1_dat5 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x818, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad6.mmc1_dat6 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x81c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad7.mmc1_dat7 */
+		>;
+	};
+&uart0 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&uart0_pins>;
+	status = "okay";
+&usb {
+	status = "okay";
+&usb_ctrl_mod {
+	status = "okay";
+&usb0_phy {
+	status = "okay";
+&usb1_phy {
+	status = "okay";
+&usb0 {
+	status = "okay";
+	dr_mode = "peripheral";
+	interrupts-extended = <&intc 18 &tps 0>;
+	interrupt-names = "mc", "vbus";
+&usb1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	dr_mode = "host";
+&cppi41dma  {
+	status = "okay";
+&i2c0 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&i2c0_pins>;
+	status = "okay";
+	clock-frequency = <400000>;
+	tps: tps@24 {
+		reg = <0x24>;
+	};
+	baseboard_eeprom: baseboard_eeprom@50 {
+		compatible = "atmel,24c256";
+		reg = <0x50>;
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <1>;
+		baseboard_data: baseboard_data@0 {
+			reg = <0 0x100>;
+		};
+	};
+/include/ "tps65217.dtsi"
+&tps {
+	/*
+	 * Configure pmic to enter OFF-state instead of SLEEP-state ("RTC-only
+	 * mode") at poweroff.  Most BeagleBone versions do not support RTC-only
+	 * mode and risk hardware damage if this mode is entered.
+	 *
+	 * For details, see linux-omap mailing list May 2015 thread
+	 *	[PATCH] ARM: dts: am335x-bone* enable pmic-shutdown-controller
+	 * In particular, messages:
+	 *	http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-omap/msg118585.html
+	 *	http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-omap/msg118615.html
+	 *
+	 * You can override this later with
+	 *	&tps {  /delete-property/ ti,pmic-shutdown-controller;  }
+	 * if you want to use RTC-only mode and made sure you are not affected
+	 * by the hardware problems. (Tip: double-check by performing a current
+	 * measurement after shutdown: it should be less than 1 mA.)
+	 */
+	interrupts = <7>; /* NMI */
+	interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
+	ti,pmic-shutdown-controller;
+	charger {
+		status = "okay";
+	};
+	pwrbutton {
+		status = "okay";
+	};
+	regulators {
+		dcdc1_reg: regulator@0 {
+			regulator-name = "vdds_dpr";
+			regulator-always-on;
+		};
+		dcdc2_reg: regulator@1 {
+			/* VDD_MPU voltage limits 0.95V - 1.26V with +/-4% tolerance */
+			regulator-name = "vdd_mpu";
+			regulator-min-microvolt = <925000>;
+			regulator-max-microvolt = <1351500>;
+			regulator-boot-on;
+			regulator-always-on;
+		};
+		dcdc3_reg: regulator@2 {
+			/* VDD_CORE voltage limits 0.95V - 1.1V with +/-4% tolerance */
+			regulator-name = "vdd_core";
+			regulator-min-microvolt = <925000>;
+			regulator-max-microvolt = <1150000>;
+			regulator-boot-on;
+			regulator-always-on;
+		};
+		ldo1_reg: regulator@3 {
+			regulator-name = "vio,vrtc,vdds";
+			regulator-always-on;
+		};
+		ldo2_reg: regulator@4 {
+			regulator-name = "vdd_3v3aux";
+			regulator-always-on;
+		};
+		ldo3_reg: regulator@5 {
+			regulator-name = "vdd_1v8";
+			regulator-always-on;
+		};
+		ldo4_reg: regulator@6 {
+			regulator-name = "vdd_3v3a";
+			regulator-always-on;
+		};
+	};
+&cpsw_emac0 {
+	phy_id = <&davinci_mdio>, <0>;
+	phy-mode = "mii";
+&mac {
+	slaves = <1>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&cpsw_default>;
+	pinctrl-1 = <&cpsw_sleep>;
+	status = "okay";
+&davinci_mdio {
+	pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&davinci_mdio_default>;
+	pinctrl-1 = <&davinci_mdio_sleep>;
+	status = "okay";
+&mmc1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	bus-width = <0x4>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&mmc1_pins>;
+	cd-gpios = <&gpio0 6 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+&aes {
+	status = "okay";
+&sham {
+	status = "okay";
+&rtc {
+	clocks = <&clk_32768_ck>, <&l4_per_clkctrl AM3_CLKDIV32K_CLKCTRL 0>;
+	clock-names = "ext-clk", "int-clk";
+	system-power-controller;
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-common-univ.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-common-univ.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa69240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-common-univ.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,2919 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	/************************/
+	/* P8 Header */
+	/************************/
+	/* P8_01                GND */
+	/* P8_02                GND */
+	/* P8_03 (ZCZ ball R9) emmc */
+	P8_03_default_pin: pinmux_P8_03_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0818, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad6.gpio1_6 */
+	P8_03_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_03_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0818, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad6.gpio1_6 */
+	P8_03_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_03_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0818, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad6.gpio1_6 */
+	P8_03_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_03_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0818, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad6.gpio1_6 */
+	P8_03_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_03_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0818, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad6.gpio1_6 */
+	/* P8_04 (ZCZ ball T9) emmc */
+	P8_04_default_pin: pinmux_P8_04_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x081c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad7.gpio1_7 */
+	P8_04_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_04_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x081c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad7.gpio1_7 */
+	P8_04_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_04_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x081c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad7.gpio1_7 */
+	P8_04_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_04_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x081c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad7.gpio1_7 */
+	P8_04_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_04_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x081c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad7.gpio1_7 */
+	/* P8_05 (ZCZ ball R8) emmc */
+	P8_05_default_pin: pinmux_P8_05_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0808, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad2.gpio1_2 */
+	P8_05_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_05_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0808, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad2.gpio1_2 */
+	P8_05_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_05_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0808, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad2.gpio1_2 */
+	P8_05_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_05_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0808, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad2.gpio1_2 */
+	P8_05_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_05_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0808, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad2.gpio1_2 */
+	/* P8_06 (ZCZ ball T8) emmc */
+	P8_06_default_pin: pinmux_P8_06_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x080c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad3.gpio1_3 */
+	P8_06_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_06_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x080c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad3.gpio1_3 */
+	P8_06_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_06_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x080c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad3.gpio1_3 */
+	P8_06_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_06_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x080c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad3.gpio1_3 */
+	P8_06_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_06_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x080c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad3.gpio1_3 */
+	/* P8_07 (ZCZ ball R7) gpio2_2 */
+	P8_07_default_pin: pinmux_P8_07_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0890, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_advn_ale.gpio2_2 */
+	P8_07_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_07_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0890, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_advn_ale.gpio2_2 */
+	P8_07_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_07_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0890, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_advn_ale.gpio2_2 */
+	P8_07_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_07_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0890, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_advn_ale.gpio2_2 */
+	P8_07_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_07_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0890, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_advn_ale.gpio2_2 */
+	P8_07_timer_pin: pinmux_P8_07_timer_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0890, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* gpmc_advn_ale.timer4 */
+	/* P8_08 (ZCZ ball T7) gpio2_3 */
+	P8_08_default_pin: pinmux_P8_08_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0894, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_oen_ren.gpio2_3 */
+	P8_08_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_08_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0894, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_oen_ren.gpio2_3 */
+	P8_08_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_08_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0894, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_oen_ren.gpio2_3 */
+	P8_08_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_08_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0894, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_oen_ren.gpio2_3 */
+	P8_08_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_08_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0894, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_oen_ren.gpio2_3 */
+	P8_08_timer_pin: pinmux_P8_08_timer_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0894, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* gpmc_oen_ren.timer7 */
+	/* P8_09 (ZCZ ball T6) gpio2_5 */
+	P8_09_default_pin: pinmux_P8_09_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x089c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_be0n_cle.gpio2_5 */
+	P8_09_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_09_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x089c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_be0n_cle.gpio2_5 */
+	P8_09_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_09_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x089c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_be0n_cle.gpio2_5 */
+	P8_09_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_09_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x089c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_be0n_cle.gpio2_5 */
+	P8_09_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_09_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x089c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_be0n_cle.gpio2_5 */
+	P8_09_timer_pin: pinmux_P8_09_timer_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x089c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* gpmc_be0n_cle.timer5 */
+	/* P8_10 (ZCZ ball U6) gpio2_4 */
+	P8_10_default_pin: pinmux_P8_10_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0898, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wen.gpio2_4 */
+	P8_10_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_10_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0898, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_wen.gpio2_4 */
+	P8_10_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_10_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0898, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wen.gpio2_4 */
+	P8_10_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_10_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0898, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wen.gpio2_4 */
+	P8_10_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_10_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0898, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_wen.gpio2_4 */
+	P8_10_timer_pin: pinmux_P8_10_timer_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0898, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* gpmc_wen.timer6 */
+	/* P8_11 (ZCZ ball R12) gpio1_13 */
+	P8_11_default_pin: pinmux_P8_11_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad13.gpio1_13 */
+	P8_11_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_11_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad13.gpio1_13 */
+	P8_11_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_11_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad13.gpio1_13 */
+	P8_11_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_11_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad13.gpio1_13 */
+	P8_11_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_11_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad13.gpio1_13 */
+	P8_11_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_11_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad13.eqep2b_in */
+	P8_11_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_11_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_ad13.pru0_out15 */
+	/* P8_12 (ZCZ ball T12) gpio1_12 */
+	P8_12_default_pin: pinmux_P8_12_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad12.gpio1_12 */
+	P8_12_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_12_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad12.gpio1_12 */
+	P8_12_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_12_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad12.gpio1_12 */
+	P8_12_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_12_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad12.gpio1_12 */
+	P8_12_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_12_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad12.gpio1_12 */
+	P8_12_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_12_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad12.eqep2a_in */
+	P8_12_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_12_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_ad12.pru0_out14 */
+	/* P8_13 (ZCZ ball T10) gpio0_23 */
+	P8_13_default_pin: pinmux_P8_13_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad9.gpio0_23 */
+	P8_13_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_13_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad9.gpio0_23 */
+	P8_13_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_13_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad9.gpio0_23 */
+	P8_13_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_13_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad9.gpio0_23 */
+	P8_13_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_13_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad9.gpio0_23 */
+	P8_13_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_13_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad9.ehrpwm2b */
+	/* P8_14 (ZCZ ball T11) gpio0_26 */
+	P8_14_default_pin: pinmux_P8_14_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0828, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad10.gpio0_26 */
+	P8_14_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_14_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0828, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad10.gpio0_26 */
+	P8_14_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_14_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0828, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad10.gpio0_26 */
+	P8_14_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_14_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0828, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad10.gpio0_26 */
+	P8_14_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_14_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0828, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad10.gpio0_26 */
+	P8_14_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_14_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0828, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad10.ehrpwm2_tripzone_input */
+	/* P8_15 (ZCZ ball U13) gpio1_15 */
+	P8_15_default_pin: pinmux_P8_15_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad15.gpio1_15 */
+	P8_15_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_15_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad15.gpio1_15 */
+	P8_15_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_15_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad15.gpio1_15 */
+	P8_15_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_15_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad15.gpio1_15 */
+	P8_15_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_15_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad15.gpio1_15 */
+	P8_15_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_15_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad15.eqep2_strobe */
+	P8_15_pru_ecap_pin: pinmux_P8_15_pru_ecap_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* gpmc_ad15.pr1_ecap0_ecap_capin_apwm_o */
+	P8_15_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_15_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* gpmc_ad15.pru0_in15 */
+	/* P8_16 (ZCZ ball V13) gpio1_14 */
+	P8_16_default_pin: pinmux_P8_16_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad14.gpio1_14 */
+	P8_16_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_16_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad14.gpio1_14 */
+	P8_16_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_16_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad14.gpio1_14 */
+	P8_16_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_16_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad14.gpio1_14 */
+	P8_16_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_16_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad14.gpio1_14 */
+	P8_16_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_16_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad14.eqep2_index */
+	P8_16_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_16_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* gpmc_ad14.pru0_in14 */
+	/* P8_17 (ZCZ ball U12) gpio0_27 */
+	P8_17_default_pin: pinmux_P8_17_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x082c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad11.gpio0_27 */
+	P8_17_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_17_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x082c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad11.gpio0_27 */
+	P8_17_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_17_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x082c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad11.gpio0_27 */
+	P8_17_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_17_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x082c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad11.gpio0_27 */
+	P8_17_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_17_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x082c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad11.gpio0_27 */
+	P8_17_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_17_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x082c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad11.ehrpwm0_synco */
+	/* P8_18 (ZCZ ball V12) gpio2_1 */
+	P8_18_default_pin: pinmux_P8_18_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x088c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_clk.gpio2_1 */
+	P8_18_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_18_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x088c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_clk.gpio2_1 */
+	P8_18_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_18_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x088c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_clk.gpio2_1 */
+	P8_18_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_18_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x088c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_clk.gpio2_1 */
+	P8_18_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_18_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x088c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_clk.gpio2_1 */
+	/* P8_19 (ZCZ ball U10) gpio0_22 */
+	P8_19_default_pin: pinmux_P8_19_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0820, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad8.gpio0_22 */
+	P8_19_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_19_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0820, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad8.gpio0_22 */
+	P8_19_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_19_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0820, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad8.gpio0_22 */
+	P8_19_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_19_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0820, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad8.gpio0_22 */
+	P8_19_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_19_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0820, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad8.gpio0_22 */
+	P8_19_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_19_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0820, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad8.ehrpwm2a */
+	/* P8_20 (ZCZ ball V9) emmc */
+	P8_20_default_pin: pinmux_P8_20_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0884, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn2.gpio1_31 */
+	P8_20_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_20_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0884, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_csn2.gpio1_31 */
+	P8_20_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_20_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0884, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn2.gpio1_31 */
+	P8_20_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_20_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0884, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn2.gpio1_31 */
+	P8_20_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_20_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0884, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_csn2.gpio1_31 */
+	P8_20_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_20_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0884, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* gpmc_csn2.pru1_out13 */
+	P8_20_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_20_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0884, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* gpmc_csn2.pru1_in13 */
+	/* P8_21 (ZCZ ball U9) emmc */
+	P8_21_default_pin: pinmux_P8_21_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0880, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn1.gpio1_30 */
+	P8_21_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_21_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0880, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_csn1.gpio1_30 */
+	P8_21_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_21_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0880, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn1.gpio1_30 */
+	P8_21_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_21_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0880, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn1.gpio1_30 */
+	P8_21_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_21_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0880, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_csn1.gpio1_30 */
+	P8_21_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_21_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0880, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* gpmc_csn1.pru1_out12 */
+	P8_21_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_21_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0880, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* gpmc_csn1.pru1_in12 */
+	/* P8_22 (ZCZ ball V8) emmc */
+	P8_22_default_pin: pinmux_P8_22_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0814, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad5.gpio1_5 */
+	P8_22_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_22_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0814, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad5.gpio1_5 */
+	P8_22_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_22_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0814, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad5.gpio1_5 */
+	P8_22_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_22_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0814, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad5.gpio1_5 */
+	P8_22_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_22_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0814, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad5.gpio1_5 */
+	/* P8_23 (ZCZ ball U8) emmc */
+	P8_23_default_pin: pinmux_P8_23_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0810, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad4.gpio1_4 */
+	P8_23_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_23_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0810, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad4.gpio1_4 */
+	P8_23_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_23_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0810, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad4.gpio1_4 */
+	P8_23_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_23_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0810, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad4.gpio1_4 */
+	P8_23_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_23_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0810, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad4.gpio1_4 */
+	/* P8_24 (ZCZ ball V7) emmc */
+	P8_24_default_pin: pinmux_P8_24_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0804, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad1.gpio1_1 */
+	P8_24_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_24_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0804, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad1.gpio1_1 */
+	P8_24_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_24_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0804, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad1.gpio1_1 */
+	P8_24_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_24_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0804, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad1.gpio1_1 */
+	P8_24_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_24_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0804, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad1.gpio1_1 */
+	/* P8_25 (ZCZ ball U7) emmc */
+	P8_25_default_pin: pinmux_P8_25_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0800, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad0.gpio1_0 */
+	P8_25_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_25_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0800, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad0.gpio1_0 */
+	P8_25_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_25_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0800, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad0.gpio1_0 */
+	P8_25_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_25_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0800, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad0.gpio1_0 */
+	P8_25_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_25_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0800, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad0.gpio1_0 */
+	/* P8_26 (ZCZ ball V6) gpio1_29 */
+	P8_26_default_pin: pinmux_P8_26_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x087c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn0.gpio1_29 */
+	P8_26_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_26_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x087c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_csn0.gpio1_29 */
+	P8_26_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_26_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x087c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn0.gpio1_29 */
+	P8_26_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_26_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x087c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn0.gpio1_29 */
+	P8_26_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_26_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x087c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_csn0.gpio1_29 */
+	/* P8_27 (ZCZ ball U5) hdmi */
+	P8_27_default_pin: pinmux_P8_27_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_vsync.gpio2_22 */
+	P8_27_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_27_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_vsync.gpio2_22 */
+	P8_27_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_27_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_vsync.gpio2_22 */
+	P8_27_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_27_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_vsync.gpio2_22 */
+	P8_27_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_27_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_vsync.gpio2_22 */
+	P8_27_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_27_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_vsync.pru1_out8 */
+	P8_27_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_27_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_vsync.pru1_in8 */
+	/* P8_28 (ZCZ ball V5) hdmi */
+	P8_28_default_pin: pinmux_P8_28_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_pclk.gpio2_24 */
+	P8_28_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_28_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_pclk.gpio2_24 */
+	P8_28_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_28_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_pclk.gpio2_24 */
+	P8_28_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_28_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_pclk.gpio2_24 */
+	P8_28_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_28_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_pclk.gpio2_24 */
+	P8_28_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_28_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_pclk.pru1_out10 */
+	P8_28_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_28_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_pclk.pru1_in10 */
+	/* P8_29 (ZCZ ball R5) hdmi */
+	P8_29_default_pin: pinmux_P8_29_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_hsync.gpio2_23 */
+	P8_29_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_29_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_hsync.gpio2_23 */
+	P8_29_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_29_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_hsync.gpio2_23 */
+	P8_29_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_29_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_hsync.gpio2_23 */
+	P8_29_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_29_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_hsync.gpio2_23 */
+	P8_29_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_29_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_hsync.pru1_out9 */
+	P8_29_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_29_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_hsync.pru1_in9 */
+	/* P8_30 (ZCZ ball R6) hdmi */
+	P8_30_default_pin: pinmux_P8_30_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_ac_bias_en.gpio2_25 */
+	P8_30_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_30_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_ac_bias_en.gpio2_25 */
+	P8_30_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_30_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_ac_bias_en.gpio2_25 */
+	P8_30_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_30_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_ac_bias_en.gpio2_25 */
+	P8_30_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_30_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_ac_bias_en.gpio2_25 */
+	P8_30_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_30_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_ac_bias_en.pru1_out11 */
+	P8_30_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_30_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_ac_bias_en.pru1_in11 */
+	/* P8_31 (ZCZ ball V4) hdmi */
+	P8_31_default_pin: pinmux_P8_31_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data14.gpio0_10 */
+	P8_31_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_31_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d8, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data14.gpio0_10 */
+	P8_31_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_31_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data14.gpio0_10 */
+	P8_31_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_31_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data14.gpio0_10 */
+	P8_31_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_31_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data14.gpio0_10 */
+	P8_31_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_31_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* lcd_data14.eqep1_index */
+	P8_31_uart_pin: pinmux_P8_31_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* lcd_data14.uart5_rxd */
+	/* P8_32 (ZCZ ball T5) hdmi */
+	P8_32_default_pin: pinmux_P8_32_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08dc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data15.gpio0_11 */
+	P8_32_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_32_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08dc, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data15.gpio0_11 */
+	P8_32_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_32_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08dc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data15.gpio0_11 */
+	P8_32_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_32_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08dc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data15.gpio0_11 */
+	P8_32_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_32_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08dc, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data15.gpio0_11 */
+	P8_32_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_32_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08dc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* lcd_data15.eqep1_strobe */
+	/* P8_33 (ZCZ ball V3) hdmi */
+	P8_33_default_pin: pinmux_P8_33_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data13.gpio0_9 */
+	P8_33_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_33_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d4, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data13.gpio0_9 */
+	P8_33_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_33_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data13.gpio0_9 */
+	P8_33_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_33_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data13.gpio0_9 */
+	P8_33_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_33_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data13.gpio0_9 */
+	P8_33_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_33_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* lcd_data13.eqep1b_in */
+	/* P8_34 (ZCZ ball U4) hdmi */
+	P8_34_default_pin: pinmux_P8_34_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08cc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data11.gpio2_17 */
+	P8_34_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_34_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08cc, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data11.gpio2_17 */
+	P8_34_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_34_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08cc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data11.gpio2_17 */
+	P8_34_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_34_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08cc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data11.gpio2_17 */
+	P8_34_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_34_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08cc, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data11.gpio2_17 */
+	P8_34_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_34_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08cc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* lcd_data11.ehrpwm1b */
+	/* P8_35 (ZCZ ball V2) hdmi */
+	P8_35_default_pin: pinmux_P8_35_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data12.gpio0_8 */
+	P8_35_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_35_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d0, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data12.gpio0_8 */
+	P8_35_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_35_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data12.gpio0_8 */
+	P8_35_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_35_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data12.gpio0_8 */
+	P8_35_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_35_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data12.gpio0_8 */
+	P8_35_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_35_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* lcd_data12.eqep1a_in */
+	/* P8_36 (ZCZ ball U3) hdmi */
+	P8_36_default_pin: pinmux_P8_36_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data10.gpio2_16 */
+	P8_36_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_36_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c8, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data10.gpio2_16 */
+	P8_36_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_36_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data10.gpio2_16 */
+	P8_36_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_36_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data10.gpio2_16 */
+	P8_36_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_36_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data10.gpio2_16 */
+	P8_36_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_36_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* lcd_data10.ehrpwm1a */
+	/* P8_37 (ZCZ ball U1) hdmi */
+	P8_37_default_pin: pinmux_P8_37_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data8.gpio2_14 */
+	P8_37_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_37_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c0, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data8.gpio2_14 */
+	P8_37_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_37_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data8.gpio2_14 */
+	P8_37_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_37_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data8.gpio2_14 */
+	P8_37_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_37_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data8.gpio2_14 */
+	P8_37_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_37_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* lcd_data8.ehrpwm1_tripzone_input */
+	P8_37_uart_pin: pinmux_P8_37_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* lcd_data8.uart5_txd */
+	/* P8_38 (ZCZ ball U2) hdmi */
+	P8_38_default_pin: pinmux_P8_38_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data9.gpio2_15 */
+	P8_38_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_38_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c4, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data9.gpio2_15 */
+	P8_38_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_38_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data9.gpio2_15 */
+	P8_38_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_38_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data9.gpio2_15 */
+	P8_38_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_38_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data9.gpio2_15 */
+	P8_38_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_38_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* lcd_data9.ehrpwm0_synco */
+	P8_38_uart_pin: pinmux_P8_38_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* lcd_data9.uart5_rxd */
+	/* P8_39 (ZCZ ball T3) hdmi */
+	P8_39_default_pin: pinmux_P8_39_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data6.gpio2_12 */
+	P8_39_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_39_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b8, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data6.gpio2_12 */
+	P8_39_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_39_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data6.gpio2_12 */
+	P8_39_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_39_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data6.gpio2_12 */
+	P8_39_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_39_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data6.gpio2_12 */
+	P8_39_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_39_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* lcd_data6.eqep2_index */
+	P8_39_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_39_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_data6.pru1_out6 */
+	P8_39_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_39_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_data6.pru1_in6 */
+	/* P8_40 (ZCZ ball T4) hdmi */
+	P8_40_default_pin: pinmux_P8_40_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08bc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data7.gpio2_13 */
+	P8_40_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_40_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08bc, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data7.gpio2_13 */
+	P8_40_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_40_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08bc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data7.gpio2_13 */
+	P8_40_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_40_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08bc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data7.gpio2_13 */
+	P8_40_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_40_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08bc, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data7.gpio2_13 */
+	P8_40_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_40_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08bc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* lcd_data7.eqep2_strobe */
+	P8_40_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_40_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08bc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_data7.pru1_out7 */
+	P8_40_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_40_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08bc, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_data7.pru1_in7 */
+	/* P8_41 (ZCZ ball T1) hdmi */
+	P8_41_default_pin: pinmux_P8_41_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data4.gpio2_10 */
+	P8_41_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_41_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b0, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data4.gpio2_10 */
+	P8_41_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_41_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data4.gpio2_10 */
+	P8_41_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_41_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data4.gpio2_10 */
+	P8_41_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_41_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data4.gpio2_10 */
+	P8_41_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_41_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* lcd_data4.eqep2a_in */
+	P8_41_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_41_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_data4.pru1_out4 */
+	P8_41_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_41_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_data4.pru1_in4 */
+	/* P8_42 (ZCZ ball T2) hdmi */
+	P8_42_default_pin: pinmux_P8_42_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data5.gpio2_11 */
+	P8_42_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_42_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b4, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data5.gpio2_11 */
+	P8_42_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_42_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data5.gpio2_11 */
+	P8_42_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_42_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data5.gpio2_11 */
+	P8_42_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_42_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data5.gpio2_11 */
+	P8_42_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_42_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* lcd_data5.eqep2b_in */
+	P8_42_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_42_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_data5.pru1_out5 */
+	P8_42_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_42_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_data5.pru1_in5 */
+	/* P8_43 (ZCZ ball R3) hdmi */
+	P8_43_default_pin: pinmux_P8_43_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data2.gpio2_8 */
+	P8_43_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_43_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a8, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data2.gpio2_8 */
+	P8_43_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_43_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data2.gpio2_8 */
+	P8_43_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_43_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data2.gpio2_8 */
+	P8_43_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_43_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data2.gpio2_8 */
+	P8_43_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_43_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* lcd_data2.ehrpwm2_tripzone_input */
+	P8_43_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_43_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_data2.pru1_out2 */
+	P8_43_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_43_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_data2.pru1_in2 */
+	/* P8_44 (ZCZ ball R4) hdmi */
+	P8_44_default_pin: pinmux_P8_44_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data3.gpio2_9 */
+	P8_44_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_44_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ac, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data3.gpio2_9 */
+	P8_44_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_44_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data3.gpio2_9 */
+	P8_44_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_44_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data3.gpio2_9 */
+	P8_44_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_44_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ac, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data3.gpio2_9 */
+	P8_44_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_44_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* lcd_data3.ehrpwm0_synco */
+	P8_44_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_44_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_data3.pru1_out3 */
+	P8_44_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_44_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ac, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_data3.pru1_in3 */
+	/* P8_45 (ZCZ ball R1) hdmi */
+	P8_45_default_pin: pinmux_P8_45_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data0.gpio2_6 */
+	P8_45_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_45_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a0, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data0.gpio2_6 */
+	P8_45_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_45_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data0.gpio2_6 */
+	P8_45_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_45_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data0.gpio2_6 */
+	P8_45_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_45_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data0.gpio2_6 */
+	P8_45_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_45_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* lcd_data0.ehrpwm2a */
+	P8_45_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_45_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_data0.pru1_out0 */
+	P8_45_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_45_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_data0.pru1_in0 */
+	/* P8_46 (ZCZ ball R2) hdmi */
+	P8_46_default_pin: pinmux_P8_46_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data1.gpio2_7 */
+	P8_46_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_46_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a4, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data1.gpio2_7 */
+	P8_46_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_46_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data1.gpio2_7 */
+	P8_46_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_46_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data1.gpio2_7 */
+	P8_46_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_46_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data1.gpio2_7 */
+	P8_46_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_46_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* lcd_data1.ehrpwm2b */
+	P8_46_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_46_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_data1.pru1_out1 */
+	P8_46_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_46_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_data1.pru1_in1 */
+	/************************/
+	/* P9 Header */
+	/************************/
+	/* P9_01                GND */
+	/* P9_02                GND */
+	/* P9_03                3V3 */
+	/* P9_04                3V3 */
+	/* P9_05                VDD_5V */
+	/* P9_06                VDD_5V */
+	/* P9_07                SYS_5V */
+	/* P9_08                SYS_5V */
+	/* P9_09                PWR_BUT */
+	/* P9_10                RSTn */
+	/* P9_11 (ZCZ ball T17) gpio0_30 */
+	P9_11_default_pin: pinmux_P9_11_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wait0.gpio0_30 */
+	P9_11_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_11_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_wait0.gpio0_30 */
+	P9_11_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_11_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wait0.gpio0_30 */
+	P9_11_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_11_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wait0.gpio0_30 */
+	P9_11_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_11_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_wait0.gpio0_30 */
+	P9_11_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_11_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_wait0.uart4_rxd */
+	/* P9_12 (ZCZ ball U18) gpio1_28 */
+	P9_12_default_pin: pinmux_P9_12_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0878, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_be1n.gpio1_28 */
+	P9_12_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_12_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0878, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_be1n.gpio1_28 */
+	P9_12_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_12_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0878, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_be1n.gpio1_28 */
+	P9_12_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_12_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0878, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_be1n.gpio1_28 */
+	P9_12_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_12_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0878, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_be1n.gpio1_28 */
+	/* P9_13 (ZCZ ball U17) gpio0_31 */
+	P9_13_default_pin: pinmux_P9_13_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wpn.gpio0_31 */
+	P9_13_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_13_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_wpn.gpio0_31 */
+	P9_13_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_13_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wpn.gpio0_31 */
+	P9_13_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_13_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wpn.gpio0_31 */
+	P9_13_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_13_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_wpn.gpio0_31 */
+	P9_13_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_13_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_wpn.uart4_txd */
+	/* P9_14 (ZCZ ball U14) gpio1_18 */
+	P9_14_default_pin: pinmux_P9_14_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a2.gpio1_18 */
+	P9_14_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_14_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_a2.gpio1_18 */
+	P9_14_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_14_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a2.gpio1_18 */
+	P9_14_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_14_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a2.gpio1_18 */
+	P9_14_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_14_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_a2.gpio1_18 */
+	P9_14_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_14_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_a2.ehrpwm1a */
+	/* P9_15 (ZCZ ball R13) gpio1_16 */
+	P9_15_default_pin: pinmux_P9_15_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0840, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a0.gpio1_16 */
+	P9_15_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_15_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0840, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_a0.gpio1_16 */
+	P9_15_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_15_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0840, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a0.gpio1_16 */
+	P9_15_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_15_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0840, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a0.gpio1_16 */
+	P9_15_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_15_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0840, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_a0.gpio1_16 */
+	P9_15_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_15_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0840, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_a0.ehrpwm1_tripzone_input */
+	/* P9_16 (ZCZ ball T14) gpio1_19 */
+	P9_16_default_pin: pinmux_P9_16_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x084c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a3.gpio1_19 */
+	P9_16_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_16_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x084c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_a3.gpio1_19 */
+	P9_16_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_16_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x084c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a3.gpio1_19 */
+	P9_16_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_16_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x084c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a3.gpio1_19 */
+	P9_16_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_16_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x084c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_a3.gpio1_19 */
+	P9_16_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_16_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x084c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_a3.ehrpwm1b */
+	/* P9_17 (ZCZ ball A16) gpio0_5 */
+	P9_17_default_pin: pinmux_P9_17_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.gpio0_5 */
+	P9_17_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_17_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* spi0_cs0.gpio0_5 */
+	P9_17_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_17_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.gpio0_5 */
+	P9_17_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_17_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.gpio0_5 */
+	P9_17_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_17_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* spi0_cs0.gpio0_5 */
+	P9_17_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P9_17_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.spi0_cs0 */
+	P9_17_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_17_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.i2c1_scl */
+	P9_17_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_17_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.ehrpwm0_synci */
+	P9_17_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_17_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.pr1_uart0_txd */
+	/* P9_18 (ZCZ ball B16) gpio0_4 */
+	P9_18_default_pin: pinmux_P9_18_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_d1.gpio0_4 */
+	P9_18_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_18_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* spi0_d1.gpio0_4 */
+	P9_18_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_18_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_d1.gpio0_4 */
+	P9_18_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_18_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_d1.gpio0_4 */
+	P9_18_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_18_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* spi0_d1.gpio0_4 */
+	P9_18_spi_pin: pinmux_P9_18_spi_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* spi0_d1.spi0_d1 */
+	P9_18_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_18_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* spi0_d1.i2c1_sda */
+	P9_18_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_18_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* spi0_d1.ehrpwm0_tripzone_input */
+	P9_18_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_18_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* spi0_d1.pr1_uart0_rxd */
+	/* P9_19 (ZCZ ball D17) i2c2_scl */
+	P9_19_default_pin: pinmux_P9_19_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.i2c2_scl */
+	P9_19_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_19_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart1_rtsn.gpio0_13 */
+	P9_19_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_19_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.gpio0_13 */
+	P9_19_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_19_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.gpio0_13 */
+	P9_19_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_19_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart1_rtsn.gpio0_13 */
+	P9_19_timer_pin: pinmux_P9_19_timer_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.timer5 */
+	P9_19_can_pin: pinmux_P9_19_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart1_rtsn.dcan0_rx */
+	P9_19_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_19_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.i2c2_scl */
+	P9_19_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P9_19_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.spi1_cs1 */
+	P9_19_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_19_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.pr1_uart0_rts_n */
+	/* P9_20 (ZCZ ball D18) i2c2_sda */
+	P9_20_default_pin: pinmux_P9_20_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.i2c2_sda */
+	P9_20_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_20_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart1_ctsn.gpio0_12 */
+	P9_20_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_20_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.gpio0_12 */
+	P9_20_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_20_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.gpio0_12 */
+	P9_20_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_20_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart1_ctsn.gpio0_12 */
+	P9_20_timer_pin: pinmux_P9_20_timer_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.timer6 */
+	P9_20_can_pin: pinmux_P9_20_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart1_ctsn.dcan0_tx */
+	P9_20_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_20_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.i2c2_sda */
+	P9_20_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P9_20_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.spi1_cs0 */
+	P9_20_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_20_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.pr1_uart0_cts_n */
+	/* P9_21 (ZCZ ball B17) gpio0_3 */
+	P9_21_default_pin: pinmux_P9_21_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_d0.gpio0_3 */
+	P9_21_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_21_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* spi0_d0.gpio0_3 */
+	P9_21_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_21_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_d0.gpio0_3 */
+	P9_21_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_21_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_d0.gpio0_3 */
+	P9_21_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_21_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* spi0_d0.gpio0_3 */
+	P9_21_spi_pin: pinmux_P9_21_spi_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* spi0_d0.spi0_d0 */
+	P9_21_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_21_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* spi0_d0.uart2_txd */
+	P9_21_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_21_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* spi0_d0.i2c2_scl */
+	P9_21_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_21_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* spi0_d0.ehrpwm0b */
+	P9_21_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_21_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* spi0_d0.pr1_uart0_rts_n */
+	/* P9_22 (ZCZ ball A17) gpio0_2 */
+	P9_22_default_pin: pinmux_P9_22_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.gpio0_2 */
+	P9_22_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_22_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* spi0_sclk.gpio0_2 */
+	P9_22_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_22_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.gpio0_2 */
+	P9_22_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_22_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.gpio0_2 */
+	P9_22_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_22_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* spi0_sclk.gpio0_2 */
+	P9_22_spi_sclk_pin: pinmux_P9_22_spi_sclk_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.spi0_sclk */
+	P9_22_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_22_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.uart2_rxd */
+	P9_22_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_22_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.i2c2_sda */
+	P9_22_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_22_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.ehrpwm0a */
+	P9_22_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_22_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.pr1_uart0_cts_n */
+	/* P9_23 (ZCZ ball V14) gpio1_17 */
+	P9_23_default_pin: pinmux_P9_23_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0844, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a1.gpio1_17 */
+	P9_23_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_23_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0844, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_a1.gpio1_17 */
+	P9_23_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_23_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0844, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a1.gpio1_17 */
+	P9_23_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_23_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0844, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a1.gpio1_17 */
+	P9_23_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_23_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0844, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_a1.gpio1_17 */
+	P9_23_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_23_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0844, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_a1.ehrpwm0_synco */
+	/* P9_24 (ZCZ ball D15) gpio0_15 */
+	P9_24_default_pin: pinmux_P9_24_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_txd.gpio0_15 */
+	P9_24_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_24_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart1_txd.gpio0_15 */
+	P9_24_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_24_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_txd.gpio0_15 */
+	P9_24_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_24_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_txd.gpio0_15 */
+	P9_24_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_24_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart1_txd.gpio0_15 */
+	P9_24_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_24_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* uart1_txd.uart1_txd */
+	P9_24_can_pin: pinmux_P9_24_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart1_txd.dcan1_rx */
+	P9_24_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_24_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_txd.i2c1_scl */
+	P9_24_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_24_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* uart1_txd.pr1_uart0_txd */
+	P9_24_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_24_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* uart1_txd.pru0_in16 */
+	/* P9_25 (ZCZ ball A14) audio */
+	P9_25_default_pin: pinmux_P9_25_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkx.gpio3_21 */
+	P9_25_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_25_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_ahclkx.gpio3_21 */
+	P9_25_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_25_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkx.gpio3_21 */
+	P9_25_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_25_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkx.gpio3_21 */
+	P9_25_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_25_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_ahclkx.gpio3_21 */
+	P9_25_qep_pin: pinmux_P9_25_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkx.eqep0_strobe */
+	P9_25_pruout_pin: pinmux_P9_25_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkx.pru0_out7 */
+	P9_25_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_25_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_ahclkx.pru0_in7 */
+	/* P9_26 (ZCZ ball D16) gpio0_14 */
+	P9_26_default_pin: pinmux_P9_26_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.gpio0_14 */
+	P9_26_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_26_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart1_rxd.gpio0_14 */
+	P9_26_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_26_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.gpio0_14 */
+	P9_26_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_26_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.gpio0_14 */
+	P9_26_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_26_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart1_rxd.gpio0_14 */
+	P9_26_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_26_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.uart1_rxd */
+	P9_26_can_pin: pinmux_P9_26_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart1_rxd.dcan1_tx */
+	P9_26_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_26_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.i2c1_sda */
+	P9_26_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_26_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.pr1_uart0_rxd */
+	P9_26_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_26_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* uart1_rxd.pru1_in16 */
+	/* P9_27 (ZCZ ball C13) gpio3_19 */
+	P9_27_default_pin: pinmux_P9_27_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsr.gpio3_19 */
+	P9_27_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_27_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_fsr.gpio3_19 */
+	P9_27_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_27_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsr.gpio3_19 */
+	P9_27_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_27_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsr.gpio3_19 */
+	P9_27_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_27_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_fsr.gpio3_19 */
+	P9_27_qep_pin: pinmux_P9_27_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsr.eqep0b_in */
+	P9_27_pruout_pin: pinmux_P9_27_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsr.pru0_out5 */
+	P9_27_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_27_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_fsr.pru0_in5 */
+	/* P9_28 (ZCZ ball C12) audio */
+	P9_28_default_pin: pinmux_P9_28_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.gpio3_17 */
+	P9_28_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_28_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_ahclkr.gpio3_17 */
+	P9_28_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_28_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.gpio3_17 */
+	P9_28_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_28_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.gpio3_17 */
+	P9_28_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_28_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_ahclkr.gpio3_17 */
+	P9_28_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_28_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.ehrpwm0_synci */
+	P9_28_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P9_28_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.spi1_cs0 */
+	P9_28_pwm2_pin: pinmux_P9_28_pwm2_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.ecap2_in_pwm2_out */
+	P9_28_pruout_pin: pinmux_P9_28_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.pru0_out3 */
+	P9_28_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_28_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_ahclkr.pru0_in3 */
+	/* P9_29 (ZCZ ball B13) audio */
+	P9_29_default_pin: pinmux_P9_29_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsx.gpio3_15 */
+	P9_29_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_29_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_fsx.gpio3_15 */
+	P9_29_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_29_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsx.gpio3_15 */
+	P9_29_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_29_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsx.gpio3_15 */
+	P9_29_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_29_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_fsx.gpio3_15 */
+	P9_29_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_29_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsx.ehrpwm0b */
+	P9_29_spi_pin: pinmux_P9_29_spi_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsx.spi1_d0 */
+	P9_29_pruout_pin: pinmux_P9_29_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsx.pru0_out1 */
+	P9_29_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_29_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_fsx.pru0_in1 */
+	/* P9_30 (ZCZ ball D12) gpio3_16 */
+	P9_30_default_pin: pinmux_P9_30_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr0.gpio3_16 */
+	P9_30_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_30_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_axr0.gpio3_16 */
+	P9_30_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_30_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr0.gpio3_16 */
+	P9_30_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_30_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr0.gpio3_16 */
+	P9_30_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_30_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_axr0.gpio3_16 */
+	P9_30_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_30_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr0.ehrpwm0_tripzone_input */
+	P9_30_spi_pin: pinmux_P9_30_spi_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr0.spi1_d1 */
+	P9_30_pruout_pin: pinmux_P9_30_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr0.pru0_out2 */
+	P9_30_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_30_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_axr0.pru0_in2 */
+	/* P9_31 (ZCZ ball A13) audio */
+	P9_31_default_pin: pinmux_P9_31_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.gpio3_14 */
+	P9_31_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_31_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_aclkx.gpio3_14 */
+	P9_31_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_31_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.gpio3_14 */
+	P9_31_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_31_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.gpio3_14 */
+	P9_31_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_31_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_aclkx.gpio3_14 */
+	P9_31_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_31_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.ehrpwm0a */
+	P9_31_spi_sclk_pin: pinmux_P9_31_spi_sclk_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.spi1_sclk */
+	P9_31_pruout_pin: pinmux_P9_31_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.pru0_out0 */
+	P9_31_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_31_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_aclkx.pru0_in0 */
+	/* P9_32                VADC */
+	/* P9_33 (ZCZ ball C8)  AIN4         */
+	/* P9_34                AGND */
+	/* P9_35 (ZCZ ball A8)  AIN6         */
+	/* P9_36 (ZCZ ball B8)  AIN5         */
+	/* P9_37 (ZCZ ball B7)  AIN2         */
+	/* P9_38 (ZCZ ball A7)  AIN3         */
+	/* P9_39 (ZCZ ball B6)  AIN0         */
+	/* P9_40 (ZCZ ball C7)  AIN1         */
+	/* P9_41 (ZCZ ball D14) gpio0_20 */
+	P9_41_default_pin: pinmux_P9_41_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* xdma_event_intr1.gpio0_20 */
+	P9_41_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_41_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* xdma_event_intr1.gpio0_20 */
+	P9_41_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_41_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* xdma_event_intr1.gpio0_20 */
+	P9_41_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_41_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* xdma_event_intr1.gpio0_20 */
+	P9_41_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_41_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* xdma_event_intr1.gpio0_20 */
+	P9_41_timer_pin: pinmux_P9_41_timer_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* xdma_event_intr1.timer7 */
+	P9_41_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_41_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE5) >; };			/* xdma_event_intr1.pru0_in16 */
+	/* P9_41.1 */
+	/* P9_91 (ZCZ ball D13) gpio3_20 */
+	P9_91_default_pin: pinmux_P9_91_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr1.gpio3_20 */
+	P9_91_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_91_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_axr1.gpio3_20 */
+	P9_91_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_91_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr1.gpio3_20 */
+	P9_91_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_91_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr1.gpio3_20 */
+	P9_91_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_91_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_axr1.gpio3_20 */
+	P9_91_qep_pin: pinmux_P9_91_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr1.eqep0_index */
+	P9_91_pruout_pin: pinmux_P9_91_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr1.pru0_out6 */
+	P9_91_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_91_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_axr1.pru0_in6 */
+	/* P9_42 (ZCZ ball C18) gpio0_7 */
+	P9_42_default_pin: pinmux_P9_42_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.gpio0_7 */
+	P9_42_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_42_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.gpio0_7 */
+	P9_42_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_42_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.gpio0_7 */
+	P9_42_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_42_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.gpio0_7 */
+	P9_42_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_42_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.gpio0_7 */
+	P9_42_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_42_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.ecap0_in_pwm0_out */
+	P9_42_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_42_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.uart3_txd */
+	P9_42_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P9_42_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.spi1_cs1 */
+	P9_42_pru_ecap_pin: pinmux_P9_42_pru_ecap_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.pr1_ecap0_ecap_capin_apwm_o */
+	P9_42_spi_sclk_pin: pinmux_P9_42_spi_sclk_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.spi1_sclk */
+	/* P9_42.1 */
+	/* P9_92 (ZCZ ball B12) gpio3_18 */
+	P9_92_default_pin: pinmux_P9_92_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkr.gpio3_18 */
+	P9_92_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_92_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_aclkr.gpio3_18 */
+	P9_92_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_92_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkr.gpio3_18 */
+	P9_92_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_92_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkr.gpio3_18 */
+	P9_92_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_92_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_aclkr.gpio3_18 */
+	P9_92_qep_pin: pinmux_P9_92_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkr.eqep0a_in */
+	P9_92_pruout_pin: pinmux_P9_92_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkr.pru0_out4 */
+	P9_92_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_92_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_aclkr.pru0_in4 */
+	/* P9_43                GND */
+	/* P9_44                GND */
+	/* P9_45                GND */
+	/* P9_46                GND */
+&i2c1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+	clock-frequency = <100000>;
+&i2c2 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+	clock-frequency = <100000>;
+&uart1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&uart2 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&uart3 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&uart4 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&uart5 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&dcan0 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&dcan1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&eqep0 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+	count_mode = <0>; /* 0 - Quadrature mode, normal 90 phase offset cha & chb. 1 - Direction mode. cha input = clock, chb input = direction */
+	swap_inputs = <0>; /* Are channel A and channel B swapped? (0 - no, 1 - yes) */
+	invert_qa = <1>; /* Should we invert the channel A input? */
+	invert_qb = <1>; /* Should we invert the channel B input? I invert these because my encoder outputs drive transistors that pull down the pins */
+	invert_qi = <0>; /* Should we invert the index input? */
+	invert_qs = <0>; /* Should we invert the strobe input? */
+&eqep1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+	count_mode = <0>; /* 0 - Quadrature mode, normal 90 phase offset cha & chb. 1 - Direction mode. cha input = clock, chb input = direction */
+	swap_inputs = <0>; /* Are channel A and channel B swapped? (0 - no, 1 - yes) */
+	invert_qa = <1>; /* Should we invert the channel A input? */
+	invert_qb = <1>; /* Should we invert the channel B input? I invert these because my encoder outputs drive transistors that pull down the pins */
+	invert_qi = <0>; /* Should we invert the index input? */
+	invert_qs = <0>; /* Should we invert the strobe input? */
+&eqep2 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+	count_mode = <0>; /* 0 - Quadrature mode, normal 90 phase offset cha & chb. 1 - Direction mode. cha input = clock, chb input = direction */
+	swap_inputs = <0>; /* Are channel A and channel B swapped? (0 - no, 1 - yes) */
+	invert_qa = <1>; /* Should we invert the channel A input? */
+	invert_qb = <1>; /* Should we invert the channel B input? I invert these because my encoder outputs drive transistors that pull down the pins */
+	invert_qi = <0>; /* Should we invert the index input? */
+	invert_qs = <0>; /* Should we invert the strobe input? */
+&epwmss0 {
+	status = "okay";
+&epwmss1 {
+	status = "okay";
+&epwmss2 {
+	status = "okay";
+&ehrpwm0 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&ehrpwm1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&ehrpwm2 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&ecap0 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&ecap1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&ecap2 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&spi0 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+	channel@0 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		compatible = "spidev";
+		reg = <0>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <16000000>;
+		spi-cpha;
+	};
+	channel@1 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		compatible = "spidev";
+		reg = <1>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <16000000>;
+	};
+&spi1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+	channel@0 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		compatible = "spidev";
+		reg = <0>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <16000000>;
+		spi-cpha;
+	};
+	channel@1 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		compatible = "spidev";
+		reg = <1>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <16000000>;
+	};
+/* Pin Multiplex Helpers                                              */
+/*                                                                    */
+/* These provide userspace runtime pin configuration for the          */
+/* BeagleBone cape expansion headers                                  */
+&ocp {
+	/************************/
+	/* P8 Header */
+	/************************/
+	/* P8_01                GND */
+	/* P8_02                GND */
+	/* P8_03 (ZCZ ball R9) emmc */
+	P8_03_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_03_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_03_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_03_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_03_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_03_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_04 (ZCZ ball T9) emmc */
+	P8_04_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_04_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_04_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_04_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_04_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_04_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_05 (ZCZ ball R8) emmc */
+	P8_05_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_05_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_05_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_05_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_05_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_05_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_06 (ZCZ ball T8) emmc */
+	P8_06_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_06_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_06_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_06_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_06_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_06_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_07 (ZCZ ball R7) */
+	P8_07_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "timer";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_07_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_07_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_07_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_07_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_07_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_07_timer_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_08 (ZCZ ball T7) */
+	P8_08_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "timer";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_08_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_08_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_08_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_08_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_08_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_08_timer_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_09 (ZCZ ball T6) */
+	P8_09_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "timer";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_09_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_09_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_09_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_09_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_09_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_09_timer_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_10 (ZCZ ball U6) */
+	P8_10_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "timer";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_10_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_10_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_10_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_10_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_10_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_10_timer_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_11 (ZCZ ball R12) */
+	P8_11_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_11_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_11_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_11_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_11_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_11_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_11_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_11_pruout_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_12 (ZCZ ball T12) */
+	P8_12_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_12_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_12_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_12_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_12_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_12_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_12_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_12_pruout_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_13 (ZCZ ball T10) */
+	P8_13_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_13_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_13_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_13_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_13_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_13_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_13_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_14 (ZCZ ball T11) */
+	P8_14_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_14_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_14_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_14_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_14_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_14_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_14_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_15 (ZCZ ball U13) */
+	P8_15_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pru_ecap", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_15_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_15_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_15_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_15_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_15_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_15_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_15_pru_ecap_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_15_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_16 (ZCZ ball V13) */
+	P8_16_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_16_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_16_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_16_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_16_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_16_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_16_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_16_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_17 (ZCZ ball U12) */
+	P8_17_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_17_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_17_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_17_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_17_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_17_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_17_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_18 (ZCZ ball V12) */
+	P8_18_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_18_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_18_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_18_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_18_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_18_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_19 (ZCZ ball U10) */
+	P8_19_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_19_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_19_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_19_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_19_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_19_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_19_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_20 (ZCZ ball V9) emmc */
+	P8_20_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_20_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_20_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_20_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_20_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_20_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_20_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_20_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_21 (ZCZ ball U9) emmc */
+	P8_21_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_21_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_21_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_21_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_21_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_21_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_21_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_21_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_22 (ZCZ ball V8) emmc */
+	P8_22_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_22_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_22_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_22_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_22_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_22_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_23 (ZCZ ball U8) emmc */
+	P8_23_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_23_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_23_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_23_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_23_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_23_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_24 (ZCZ ball V7) emmc */
+	P8_24_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_24_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_24_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_24_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_24_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_24_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_25 (ZCZ ball U7) emmc */
+	P8_25_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_25_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_25_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_25_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_25_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_25_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_26 (ZCZ ball V6) */
+	P8_26_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_26_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_26_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_26_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_26_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_26_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_27 (ZCZ ball U5) hdmi */
+	P8_27_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_27_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_27_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_27_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_27_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_27_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_27_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_27_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_28 (ZCZ ball V5) hdmi */
+	P8_28_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_28_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_28_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_28_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_28_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_28_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_28_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_28_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_29 (ZCZ ball R5) hdmi */
+	P8_29_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_29_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_29_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_29_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_29_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_29_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_29_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_29_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_30 (ZCZ ball R6) hdmi */
+	P8_30_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_30_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_30_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_30_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_30_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_30_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_30_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_30_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_31 (ZCZ ball V4) hdmi */
+	P8_31_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart", "qep";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_31_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_31_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_31_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_31_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_31_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_31_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_31_qep_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_32 (ZCZ ball T5) hdmi */
+	P8_32_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_32_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_32_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_32_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_32_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_32_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_32_qep_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_33 (ZCZ ball V3) hdmi */
+	P8_33_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_33_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_33_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_33_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_33_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_33_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_33_qep_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_34 (ZCZ ball U4) hdmi */
+	P8_34_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_34_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_34_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_34_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_34_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_34_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_34_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_35 (ZCZ ball V2) hdmi */
+	P8_35_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_35_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_35_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_35_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_35_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_35_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_35_qep_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_36 (ZCZ ball U3) hdmi */
+	P8_36_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_36_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_36_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_36_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_36_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_36_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_36_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_37 (ZCZ ball U1) hdmi */
+	P8_37_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_37_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_37_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_37_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_37_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_37_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_37_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_37_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_38 (ZCZ ball U2) hdmi */
+	P8_38_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_38_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_38_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_38_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_38_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_38_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_38_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_38_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_39 (ZCZ ball T3) hdmi */
+	P8_39_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_39_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_39_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_39_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_39_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_39_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_39_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_39_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_39_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_40 (ZCZ ball T4) hdmi */
+	P8_40_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_40_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_40_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_40_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_40_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_40_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_40_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_40_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_40_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_41 (ZCZ ball T1) hdmi */
+	P8_41_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_41_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_41_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_41_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_41_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_41_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_41_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_41_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_41_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_42 (ZCZ ball T2) hdmi */
+	P8_42_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_42_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_42_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_42_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_42_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_42_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_42_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_42_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_42_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_43 (ZCZ ball R3) hdmi */
+	P8_43_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_43_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_43_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_43_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_43_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_43_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_43_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_43_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_43_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_44 (ZCZ ball R4) hdmi */
+	P8_44_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_44_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_44_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_44_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_44_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_44_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_44_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_44_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_44_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_45 (ZCZ ball R1) hdmi */
+	P8_45_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_45_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_45_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_45_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_45_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_45_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_45_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_45_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_45_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_46 (ZCZ ball R2) hdmi */
+	P8_46_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_46_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_46_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_46_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_46_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_46_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_46_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_46_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_46_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/************************/
+	/* P9 Header */
+	/************************/
+	/* P9_01                GND */
+	/* P9_02                GND */
+	/* P9_03                3V3 */
+	/* P9_04                3V3 */
+	/* P9_05                VDD_5V */
+	/* P9_06                VDD_5V */
+	/* P9_07                SYS_5V */
+	/* P9_08                SYS_5V */
+	/* P9_09                PWR_BUT */
+	/* P9_10                RSTn */
+	/* P9_11 (ZCZ ball T17) */
+	P9_11_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_11_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_11_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_11_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_11_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_11_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_11_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_12 (ZCZ ball U18) */
+	P9_12_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_12_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_12_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_12_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_12_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_12_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_13 (ZCZ ball U17) */
+	P9_13_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_13_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_13_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_13_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_13_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_13_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_13_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_14 (ZCZ ball U14) */
+	P9_14_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_14_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_14_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_14_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_14_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_14_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_14_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_15 (ZCZ ball R13) */
+	P9_15_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_15_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_15_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_15_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_15_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_15_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_15_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_16 (ZCZ ball T14) */
+	P9_16_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_16_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_16_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_16_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_16_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_16_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_16_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_17 (ZCZ ball A16) */
+	P9_17_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "i2c", "pwm", "pru_uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_17_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_17_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_17_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_17_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_17_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_17_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_17_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_17_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_17_pru_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_18 (ZCZ ball B16) */
+	P9_18_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi", "i2c", "pwm", "pru_uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_18_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_18_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_18_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_18_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_18_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_18_spi_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_18_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_18_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_18_pru_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_19 (ZCZ ball D17) i2c */
+	P9_19_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "can", "i2c", "pru_uart", "timer";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_19_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_19_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_19_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_19_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_19_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_19_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_19_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_19_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_19_pru_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_19_timer_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_20 (ZCZ ball D18) i2c */
+	P9_20_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "can", "i2c", "pru_uart", "timer";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_20_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_20_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_20_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_20_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_20_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_20_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_20_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_20_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_20_pru_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_20_timer_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_21 (ZCZ ball B17) */
+	P9_21_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi", "uart", "i2c", "pwm", "pru_uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_21_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_21_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_21_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_21_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_21_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_21_spi_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_21_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_21_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_21_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_21_pru_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_22 (ZCZ ball A17) */
+	P9_22_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_sclk", "uart", "i2c", "pwm", "pru_uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_22_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_22_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_22_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_22_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_22_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_22_spi_sclk_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_22_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_22_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_22_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_22_pru_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_23 (ZCZ ball V14) */
+	P9_23_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_23_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_23_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_23_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_23_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_23_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_23_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_24 (ZCZ ball D15) */
+	P9_24_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart", "can", "i2c", "pru_uart", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_24_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_24_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_24_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_24_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_24_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_24_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_24_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_24_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_24_pru_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_24_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_25 (ZCZ ball A14) audio */
+	P9_25_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_25_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_25_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_25_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_25_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_25_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_25_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_25_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_25_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_26 (ZCZ ball D16) */
+	P9_26_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart", "can", "i2c", "pru_uart", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_26_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_26_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_26_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_26_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_26_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_26_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_26_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_26_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_26_pru_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_26_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_27 (ZCZ ball C13) */
+	P9_27_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_27_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_27_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_27_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_27_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_27_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_27_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_27_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_27_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_28 (ZCZ ball C12) audio */
+	P9_28_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "pwm", "pwm2", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_28_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_28_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_28_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_28_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_28_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_28_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_28_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_28_pwm2_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_28_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_28_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_29 (ZCZ ball B13) audio */
+	P9_29_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi", "pwm", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_29_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_29_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_29_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_29_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_29_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_29_spi_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_29_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_29_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_29_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_30 (ZCZ ball D12) */
+	P9_30_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi", "pwm", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_30_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_30_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_30_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_30_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_30_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_30_spi_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_30_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_30_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_30_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_31 (ZCZ ball A13) audio */
+	P9_31_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_sclk", "pwm", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_31_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_31_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_31_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_31_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_31_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_31_spi_sclk_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_31_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_31_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_31_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_32                VADC */
+	/* P9_33 (ZCZ ball C8)  AIN4         */
+	/* P9_34                AGND */
+	/* P9_35 (ZCZ ball A8)  AIN6         */
+	/* P9_36 (ZCZ ball B8)  AIN5         */
+	/* P9_37 (ZCZ ball B7)  AIN2         */
+	/* P9_38 (ZCZ ball A7)  AIN3         */
+	/* P9_39 (ZCZ ball B6)  AIN0         */
+	/* P9_40 (ZCZ ball C7)  AIN1         */
+	/* P9_41 (ZCZ ball D14) */
+	P9_41_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "timer", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_41_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_41_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_41_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_41_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_41_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_41_timer_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_41_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_41.1 */
+	/* P9_91 (ZCZ ball D13) */
+	P9_91_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_91_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_91_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_91_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_91_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_91_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_91_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_91_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_91_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_42 (ZCZ ball C18) */
+	P9_42_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "spi_sclk", "uart", "pwm", "pru_ecap";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_42_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_42_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_42_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_42_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_42_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_42_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_42_spi_sclk_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_42_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_42_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_42_pru_ecap_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_42.1 */
+	/* P9_92 (ZCZ ball B12) */
+	P9_92_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_92_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_92_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_92_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_92_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_92_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_92_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_92_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_92_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_43                GND */
+	/* P9_44                GND */
+	/* P9_45                GND */
+	/* P9_46                GND */
+	cape-universal {
+		compatible = "gpio-of-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <>;
+		P8_03 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_03";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 6 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_04 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_04";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 7 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_05 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_05";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 2 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_06 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_06";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 3 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_07 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_07";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 2 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_08 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_08";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 3 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_09 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_09";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 5 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_10 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_10";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 4 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_11 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_11";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 13 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_12 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_12";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 12 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_13 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_13";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 23 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_14 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_14";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 26 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_15 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_15";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 15 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_16 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_16";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 14 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_17 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_17";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 27 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_18 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_18";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 1 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_19 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_19";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 22 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_20 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_20";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 31 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_21 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_21";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 30 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_22 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_22";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 5 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_23 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_23";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 4 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_24 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_24";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 1 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_25 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_25";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 0 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_26 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_26";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 29 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_27 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_27";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 22 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_28 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_28";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 24 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_29 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_29";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 23 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_30 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_30";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 25 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_31 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_31";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 10 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_32 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_32";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 11 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_33 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_33";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 9 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_34 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_34";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 17 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_35 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_35";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 8 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_36 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_36";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 16 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_37 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_37";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 14 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_38 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_38";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 15 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_39 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_39";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 12 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_40 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_40";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 13 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_41 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_41";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 10 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_42 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_42";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 11 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_43 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_43";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 8 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_44 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_44";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 9 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_45 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_45";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 6 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_46 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_46";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 7 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_11 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_11";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 30 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_12 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_12";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 28 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_13 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_13";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 31 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_14 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_14";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 18 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_15 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_15";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 16 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_16 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_16";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 19 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_17 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_17";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 5 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_18 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_18";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 4 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_19 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_19";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 13 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_20 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_20";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 12 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_21 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_21";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 3 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_22 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_22";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 2 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_23 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_23";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 17 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_24 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_24";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 15 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_25 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_25";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 21 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_26 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_26";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 14 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_27 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_27";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 19 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_28 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_28";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 17 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_29 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_29";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 15 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_30 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_30";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 16 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_31 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_31";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 14 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_41 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_41";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 20 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_91 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_91";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 20 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_42 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_42";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 7 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_92 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_92";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 18 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+	};
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-common.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-common.dtsi
index 73b514d..c0ca520 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-common.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-common.dtsi
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@
 		compatible = "gpio-leds";
 		led2 {
-			label = "beaglebone:green:heartbeat";
+			label = "beaglebone:green:usr0";
 			gpios = <&gpio1 21 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
 			linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";
 			default-state = "off";
 		led3 {
-			label = "beaglebone:green:mmc0";
+			label = "beaglebone:green:usr1";
 			gpios = <&gpio1 22 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
 			linux,default-trigger = "mmc0";
 			default-state = "off";
@@ -66,9 +66,6 @@
 &am33xx_pinmux {
-	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&clkout2_pin>;
 	user_leds_s0: user_leds_s0 {
 		pinctrl-single,pins = <
 			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x854, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)	/* gpmc_a5.gpio1_21 */
@@ -85,12 +82,12 @@
-	i2c2_pins: pinmux_i2c2_pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x978, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3)	/* uart1_ctsn.i2c2_sda */
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x97c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3)	/* uart1_rtsn.i2c2_scl */
-		>;
-	};
+//	i2c2_pins: pinmux_i2c2_pins {
+//		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+//			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x978, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3)	/* uart1_ctsn.i2c2_sda */
+//			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x97c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3)	/* uart1_rtsn.i2c2_scl */
+//		>;
+//	};
 	uart0_pins: pinmux_uart0_pins {
 		pinctrl-single,pins = <
@@ -99,15 +96,11 @@
-	clkout2_pin: pinmux_clkout2_pin {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x9b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3)	/* xdma_event_intr1.clkout2 */
-		>;
-	};
 	cpsw_default: cpsw_default {
 		pinctrl-single,pins = <
 			/* Slave 1 */
+			0x108 (PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* mii1_col.mii1_col */
+			0x10c (PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* mii1_crs.mii1_crs */
 			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x910, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_rxerr.mii1_rxerr */
 			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x914, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_txen.mii1_txen */
 			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x918, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_rxdv.mii1_rxdv */
@@ -127,6 +120,8 @@
 	cpsw_sleep: cpsw_sleep {
 		pinctrl-single,pins = <
 			/* Slave 1 reset value */
@@ -185,6 +180,50 @@
 			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x81c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad7.mmc1_dat7 */
+	/* P9_19 (ZCZ ball D17) i2c2_scl */
+	P9_19_default_pin: pinmux_P9_19_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.i2c2_scl */
+	P9_19_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_19_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart1_rtsn.gpio0_13 */
+	P9_19_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_19_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.gpio0_13 */
+	P9_19_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_19_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.gpio0_13 */
+	P9_19_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_19_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart1_rtsn.gpio0_13 */
+	P9_19_timer_pin: pinmux_P9_19_timer_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.timer5 */
+	P9_19_can_pin: pinmux_P9_19_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart1_rtsn.dcan0_rx */
+	P9_19_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_19_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.i2c2_scl */
+	P9_19_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P9_19_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.spi1_cs1 */
+	P9_19_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_19_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.pr1_uart0_rts_n */
+	/* P9_20 (ZCZ ball D18) i2c2_sda */
+	P9_20_default_pin: pinmux_P9_20_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.i2c2_sda */
+	P9_20_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_20_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart1_ctsn.gpio0_12 */
+	P9_20_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_20_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.gpio0_12 */
+	P9_20_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_20_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.gpio0_12 */
+	P9_20_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_20_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart1_ctsn.gpio0_12 */
+	P9_20_timer_pin: pinmux_P9_20_timer_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.timer6 */
+	P9_20_can_pin: pinmux_P9_20_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart1_ctsn.dcan0_tx */
+	P9_20_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_20_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.i2c2_sda */
+	P9_20_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P9_20_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.spi1_cs0 */
+	P9_20_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_20_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.pr1_uart0_cts_n */
 &uart0 {
@@ -251,7 +290,8 @@
 &i2c2 {
 	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&i2c2_pins>;
+	//pinctrl-0 = <&i2c2_pins>;
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
 	status = "okay";
 	clock-frequency = <100000>;
@@ -417,4 +457,64 @@
 &rtc {
 	clocks = <&clk_32768_ck>, <&l4_per_clkctrl AM3_CLKDIV32K_CLKCTRL 0>;
 	clock-names = "ext-clk", "int-clk";
+	system-power-controller;
+&ocp {
+	/* P9_19 (ZCZ ball D17) i2c */
+	P9_19_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "can", "i2c", "pru_uart", "timer";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_19_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_19_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_19_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_19_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_19_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_19_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_19_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_19_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_19_pru_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_19_timer_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_20 (ZCZ ball D18) i2c */
+	P9_20_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "can", "i2c", "pru_uart", "timer";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_20_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_20_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_20_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_20_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_20_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_20_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_20_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_20_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_20_pru_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_20_timer_pin>;
+	};
+	cape-universal {
+		compatible = "gpio-of-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <>;
+		P9_19 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_19";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 13 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_20 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_20";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 12 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+	};
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-emmc-in-reset.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-emmc-in-reset.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d8f673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-emmc-in-reset.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+/* standard */
+&gpio1 {
+	emmc_rst {
+		gpio-hog;
+		gpios = <20 0>;
+		output-high;
+		line-name = "EMMC ResetN";
+	};
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-jtag.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-jtag.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..603ef0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-jtag.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * Device Tree Source for bone jtag
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Robert Nelson <robertcnelson@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&clkout2_pin>;
+	clkout2_pin: pinmux_clkout2_pin {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x9b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3)	/* xdma_event_intr1.clkout2 */
+		>;
+	};
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-can0.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-can0.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0961216
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-can0.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h>
+#include "am335x-peripheral-can0.dtsi"
+/* cape universal */
+ *&ocp {
+ *	P9_19_pinmux {
+ *		mode = "can";
+ *	};
+ *	P9_20_pinmux {
+ *		mode = "can";
+ *	};
+ *};
+ *
+ *&dcan0 {
+ *	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+ *};
+ *
+ */
+/* standard */
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	dcan0_pins: pinmux_dcan0_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* P9_20: uart1_ctsn.d_can0_tx */
+			/* P9_19: uart1_rtsn.d_can0_rx */
+		>;
+	};
+&dcan0 {
+	pinctrl-0 = <&dcan0_pins>;
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-can1.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-can1.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e26413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-can1.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h>
+#include "am335x-peripheral-can1.dtsi"
+/* cape universal */
+ *&ocp {
+ *	P9_24_pinmux {
+ *		mode = "can";
+ *	};
+ *	P9_26_pinmux {
+ *		mode = "can";
+ *	};
+ *};
+ *
+ *&dcan1 {
+ *	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+ *};
+ *
+ */
+/* standard */
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	dcan1_pins: pinmux_dcan1_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* P9_26: uart1_rxd.d_can1_tx */
+			/* P9_24: uart1_txd.d_can1_rx */
+		>;
+	};
+&dcan1 {
+	pinctrl-0 = <&dcan1_pins>;
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-emmc.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-emmc.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22cf462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-emmc.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+/* Testing */
+/* lsblk */
+#include <dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h>
+#include "am335x-peripheral-emmc.dtsi"
+/* cape universal */
+ *&ocp {
+ *	P8_21_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_20_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_25_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_24_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_05_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_06_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_23_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_22_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_03_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_04_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *};
+ *
+ *&mmc2 {
+ *	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+ *};
+ *
+ */
+/* standard */
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	emmc_pins: pinmux_emmc_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* P8_21: gpmc_csn1.mmc1_clk */
+			/* P8_20: gpmc_csn2.mmc1_cmd */
+			/* P8_25: gpmc_ad0.mmc1_dat0 */
+			/* P8_24: gpmc_ad1.mmc1_dat1 */
+			/* P8_05: gpmc_ad2.mmc1_dat2 */
+			/* P8_06: gpmc_ad3.mmc1_dat3 */
+			/* P8_23: gpmc_ad4.mmc1_dat4 */
+			/* P8_22: gpmc_ad5.mmc1_dat5 */
+			/* P8_03: gpmc_ad6.mmc1_dat6 */
+			/* P8_04: gpmc_ad7.mmc1_dat7 */
+		>;
+	};
+&mmc2 {
+	pinctrl-0 = <&emmc_pins>;
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-i2c2.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-i2c2.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abf3b57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-i2c2.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h>
+#include "am335x-peripheral-i2c2.dtsi"
+/* cape universal */
+ *&ocp {
+ *	P9_19_pinmux {
+ *		mode = "i2c";
+ *	};
+ *	P9_20_pinmux {
+ *		mode = "i2c";
+ *	};
+ *};
+ *
+ *&dcan0 {
+ *	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+ *};
+ *
+ */
+/* standard */
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	i2c2_pins: pinmux_i2c2_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* P9_20: uart1_ctsn.i2c2_sda */
+			/* P9_19: uart1_rtsn.i2c2_scl */
+		>;
+	};
+&i2c2 {
+	pinctrl-0 = <&i2c2_pins>;
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-nxp-hdmi.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-nxp-hdmi.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5205fa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-nxp-hdmi.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include "am335x-peripheral-nxp-hdmi.dtsi"
+/* cape universal */
+ *&ocp {
+ *	P8_27_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_28_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_29_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_30_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_31_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_32_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_33_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_34_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_35_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_36_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_37_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_38_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_39_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_40_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_41_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_42_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_43_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_44_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_45_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_46_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *};
+ */
+/* standard */
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	nxp_hdmi_pins: pinmux_nxp_hdmi_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x9b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3)	/* xdma_event_intr0 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8a0, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data0.lcd_data0 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8a4, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data1.lcd_data1 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8a8, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data2.lcd_data2 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8ac, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data3.lcd_data3 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8b0, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data4.lcd_data4 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8b4, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data5.lcd_data5 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8b8, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data6.lcd_data6 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8bc, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data7.lcd_data7 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8c0, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data8.lcd_data8 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8c4, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data9.lcd_data9 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8c8, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data10.lcd_data10 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8cc, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data11.lcd_data11 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8d0, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data12.lcd_data12 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8d4, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data13.lcd_data13 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8d8, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data14.lcd_data14 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8dc, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* lcd_data15.lcd_data15 */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8e0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* lcd_vsync.lcd_vsync */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8e4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* lcd_hsync.lcd_hsync */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8e8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* lcd_pclk.lcd_pclk */
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8ec, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* lcd_ac_bias_en.lcd_ac_bias_en */
+		>;
+	};
+	nxp_hdmi_off_pins: nxp_hdmi_off_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x9b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3)	/* xdma_event_intr0 */
+		>;
+	};
+&i2c0 {
+	tda19988 {
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "off";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&nxp_hdmi_bonelt_pins>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&nxp_hdmi_bonelt_off_pins>;
+	};
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-panel-1024x600-24bit.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-panel-1024x600-24bit.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65e5fbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-panel-1024x600-24bit.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h>
+#include "am335x-peripheral-panel-1024x600-24bit.dtsi"
+/* cape universal */
+ *&ocp {
+ *	P8_27_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_28_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_29_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_30_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_31_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_32_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_33_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_34_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_35_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_36_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_37_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_38_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_39_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_40_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_41_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_42_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_43_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_44_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_45_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_46_pinmux {
+ *		state = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *};
+ */
+/* standard */
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	lcd_24bit_pins: pinmux_lcd_24bit_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* P8_45: lcd_data0.lcd_data0 */
+			/* P8_46: lcd_data1.lcd_data1 */
+			/* P8_43: lcd_data2.lcd_data2 */
+			/* P8_44: lcd_data3.lcd_data3 */
+			/* P8_41: lcd_data4.lcd_data4 */
+			/* P8_42: lcd_data5.lcd_data5 */
+			/* P8_39: lcd_data6.lcd_data6 */
+			/* P8_40: lcd_data7.lcd_data7 */
+			/* P8_37: lcd_data8.lcd_data8 */
+			/* P8_38: lcd_data9.lcd_data9 */
+			/* P8_36: lcd_data10.lcd_data10 */
+			/* P8_34: lcd_data11.lcd_data11 */
+			/* P8_35: lcd_data12.lcd_data12 */
+			/* P8_33: lcd_data13.lcd_data13 */
+			/* P8_31: lcd_data14.lcd_data14 */
+			/* P8_32: lcd_data15.lcd_data15 */
+			/* gpmc_ad15.lcd_data16 */
+			/* gpmc_ad14.lcd_data17 */
+			/* gpmc_ad13.lcd_data18 */
+			/* gpmc_ad12.lcd_data19 */
+			/* gpmc_ad11.lcd_data20 */
+			/* gpmc_ad10.lcd_data21 */
+			/* gpmc_ad9.lcd_data22 */
+			/* gpmc_ad8.lcd_data23 */
+			/* P8_27: lcd_vsync.lcd_vsync */
+			/* P8_29: lcd_hsync.lcd_hsync */
+			/* P8_28: lcd_pclk.lcd_pclk*/
+			/* P8_30: lcd_ac_bias_en.lcd_ac_bias_en */
+		>;
+	};
+/ {
+	panel {
+		pinctrl-0 = <&lcd_24bit_pins>;
+	};
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-spi0.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-spi0.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..354e66a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-spi0.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h>
+#include "am335x-peripheral-spi0.dtsi"
+/* cape universal */
+ *&ocp {
+ *	P9_17_pinmux {
+ *		status = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P9_18_pinmux {
+ *		status = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P9_21_pinmux {
+ *		status = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *	P9_22_pinmux {
+ *		status = "disabled";
+ *	};
+ *};
+ *
+ *&spi0 {
+ *	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+ *};
+ *
+ */
+/* standard */
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	spi0_pins: pinmux_spi0_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x150 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* spi0_sclk.spi0_sclk */
+			0x154 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* spi0_d0.spi0_d0 */
+			0x158 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* spi0_d1.spi0_d1 */
+			0x15c (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* spi0_cs0.spi0_cs0 */
+		>;
+	};
+&spi0 {
+	pinctrl-0 = <&spi0_pins>;
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-spi1.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-spi1.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bff7f8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-spi1.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h>
+#include "am335x-peripheral-spi1.dtsi"
+/* standard */
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	spi1_pins: pinmux_spi1_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x190 0x33	/* mcasp0_aclkx.spi1_sclk, INPUT_PULLUP | MODE3 */
+			0x194 0x33	/* mcasp0_fsx.spi1_d0, INPUT_PULLUP | MODE3 */
+			0x198 0x13	/* mcasp0_axr0.spi1_d1, OUTPUT_PULLUP | MODE3 */
+			0x19c 0x13	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.spi1_cs0, OUTPUT_PULLUP | MODE3 */
+			// 0x164 0x12	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.spi1_cs1 OUTPUT_PULLUP | MODE2 */		>;
+	};
+&spi1 {
+	pinctrl-0 = <&spi1_pins>;
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-spi1a.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-spi1a.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62874c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-spi1a.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h>
+#include "am335x-peripheral-spi1.dtsi"
+/* standard */
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	spi1a_pins: pinmux_spi1a_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x164 0x34	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.spi1_sclk, INPUT_PULLUP | MODE4 */
+					/* NOTE: P9.42 is connected to two pads */
+			// 0x1A0 0x27	/* set the other pad to gpio input */
+			0x194 0x33	/* mcasp0_fsx.spi1_d0, INPUT_PULLUP | MODE3 */
+			0x198 0x13	/* mcasp0_axr0.spi1_d1, OUTPUT_PULLUP | MODE3 */
+			0x178 0x14	/* uart1_ctsn.spi1_cs0, OUTPUT_PULLUP | MODE4 */		>;
+	};
+&spi1 {
+	pinctrl-0 = <&spi1a_pins>;
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS1.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS1.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae5b813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS1.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+/* Testing */
+/* sudo /sbin/getty -L ttyS1 115200 vt102 */
+#include <dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h>
+#include "am335x-peripheral-ttyS1.dtsi"
+/* cape universal */
+ *&ocp {
+ *	P9_24_pinmux {
+ *		mode = "uart";
+ *	};
+ *	P9_26_pinmux {
+ *		mode = "uart";
+ *	};
+ *};
+ *
+ *&uart1 {
+ *	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+ *};
+ *
+ */
+/* standard */
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	uart1_pins: pinmux_uart1_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* P9_24: uart1_txd.uart1_txd */
+			/* P9_26: uart1_rxd.uart1_rxd */
+		>;
+	};
+&uart1 {
+	pinctrl-0 = <&uart1_pins>;
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS2.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS2.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fa593a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS2.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+/* Testing */
+/* sudo /sbin/getty -L ttyS2 115200 vt102 */
+#include <dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h>
+#include "am335x-peripheral-ttyS2.dtsi"
+/* cape universal */
+ *&ocp {
+ *	P9_21_pinmux {
+ *		mode = "uart";
+ *	};
+ *	P9_22_pinmux {
+ *		mode = "uart";
+ *	};
+ *};
+ *
+ *&uart2 {
+ *	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+ *};
+ *
+ */
+/* standard */
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	uart2_pins: pinmux_uart2_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* P9_21: spi0_d0.uart2_txd */
+			/* P9_22: spi0_sclk.uart2_rxd */
+		>;
+	};
+&uart2 {
+	pinctrl-0 = <&uart2_pins>;
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS4.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS4.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d22a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS4.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+/* Testing */
+/* sudo /sbin/getty -L ttyS4 115200 vt102 */
+#include <dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h>
+#include "am335x-peripheral-ttyS4.dtsi"
+/* cape universal */
+ *&ocp {
+ *	P9_11_pinmux {
+ *		mode = "uart";
+ *	};
+ *	P9_13_pinmux {
+ *		mode = "uart";
+ *	};
+ *};
+ *
+ *&uart4 {
+ *	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+ *};
+ *
+ */
+/* standard */
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	uart4_pins: pinmux_uart4_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* P9_11: gpmc_wait0.uart4_rxd_mux2 */
+			/* P9_13: gpmc_wpn.uart4_txd_mux2  */
+		>;
+	};
+&uart4 {
+	pinctrl-0 = <&uart4_pins>;
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS5.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS5.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01d0aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS5.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+/* Testing */
+/* sudo /sbin/getty -L ttyS5 115200 vt102 */
+#include <dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h>
+#include "am335x-peripheral-ttyS5.dtsi"
+/* cape universal */
+ *&ocp {
+ *	P8_37_pinmux {
+ *		mode = "uart";
+ *	};
+ *	P8_38_pinmux {
+ *		mode = "uart";
+ *	};
+ *};
+ *
+ *&uart5 {
+ *	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+ *};
+ *
+ */
+/* standard */
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	uart5_pins: pinmux_uart5_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* P8_38: lcd_data9.uart5_rxd */
+			/* P8_37: lcd_data8.uart5_txd */
+		>;
+	};
+&uart5 {
+	pinctrl-0 = <&uart5_pins>;
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-uboot-univ.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-uboot-univ.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24cc695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone-uboot-univ.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include "am33xx.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-common.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-common-univ.dtsi"
+/ {
+	model = "TI AM335x BeagleBone";
+	compatible = "ti,am335x-bone", "ti,am33xx";
+&ldo3_reg {
+	regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+	regulator-always-on;
+&mmc1 {
+	vmmc-supply = <&ldo3_reg>;
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone.dts
index 6b84937..3688fff 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bone.dts
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include "am33xx.dtsi"
 #include "am335x-bone-common.dtsi"
+/* #include "am335x-bone-jtag.dtsi" */
 / {
 	model = "TI AM335x BeagleBone";
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-audio.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-audio.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a938c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-audio.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include "am33xx.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-common.dtsi"
+/ {
+	model = "TI AM335x BeagleBone Black";
+	compatible = "ti,am335x-bone-black", "ti,am335x-bone", "ti,am33xx";
+	clk_mcasp0_fixed: clk_mcasp0_fixed {
+	      #clock-cells = <0>;
+	      compatible = "fixed-clock";
+	      clock-frequency = <24576000>;
+	};
+	clk_mcasp0: clk_mcasp0 {
+	      #clock-cells = <0>;
+	      compatible = "gpio-gate-clock";
+	      clocks = <&clk_mcasp0_fixed>;
+	      enable-gpios = <&gpio1 27 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; /* BeagleBone Black Clk enable on GPIO1_27 */
+	};
+&ldo3_reg {
+	regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-always-on;
+&mmc1 {
+	vmmc-supply = <&vmmcsd_fixed>;
+&cpu0_opp_table {
+	/*
+	 * All PG 2.0 silicon may not support 1GHz but some of the early
+	 * BeagleBone Blacks have PG 2.0 silicon which is guaranteed
+	 * to support 1GHz OPP so enable it for PG 2.0 on this board.
+	 */
+	oppnitro@1000000000 {
+		opp-supported-hw = <0x06 0x0100>;
+	};
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-bbb-exp-c.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-bbb-exp-c.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d795c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-bbb-exp-c.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include "am33xx.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-common-no-capemgr.dtsi"
+/ {
+	model = "TI AM335x BeagleBone Black";
+	compatible = "ti,am335x-bone-black", "ti,am335x-bone", "ti,am33xx";
+&ldo3_reg {
+	regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-always-on;
+&mmc1 {
+	vmmc-supply = <&vmmcsd_fixed>;
+&mmc2 {
+	vmmc-supply = <&vmmcsd_fixed>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&emmc_pins>;
+	bus-width = <8>;
+	status = "okay";
+&cpu0_opp_table {
+	/*
+	 * All PG 2.0 silicon may not support 1GHz but some of the early
+	 * BeagleBone Blacks have PG 2.0 silicon which is guaranteed
+	 * to support 1GHz OPP so enable it for PG 2.0 on this board.
+	 */
+	oppnitro@1000000000 {
+		opp-supported-hw = <0x06 0x0100>;
+	};
+#include "am335x-cape-bbb-exp-c.dtsi"
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-bbb-exp-r.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-bbb-exp-r.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5df881e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-bbb-exp-r.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include "am33xx.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-common-no-capemgr.dtsi"
+/ {
+	model = "TI AM335x BeagleBone Black";
+	compatible = "ti,am335x-bone-black", "ti,am335x-bone", "ti,am33xx";
+&ldo3_reg {
+	regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-always-on;
+&mmc1 {
+	vmmc-supply = <&vmmcsd_fixed>;
+&mmc2 {
+	vmmc-supply = <&vmmcsd_fixed>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&emmc_pins>;
+	bus-width = <8>;
+	status = "okay";
+&cpu0_opp_table {
+	/*
+	 * All PG 2.0 silicon may not support 1GHz but some of the early
+	 * BeagleBone Blacks have PG 2.0 silicon which is guaranteed
+	 * to support 1GHz OPP so enable it for PG 2.0 on this board.
+	 */
+	oppnitro@1000000000 {
+		opp-supported-hw = <0x06 0x0100>;
+	};
+#include "am335x-cape-bbb-exp-r.dtsi"
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-bbbmini.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-bbbmini.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68c5a6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-bbbmini.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *                    Modified by Mirko Denecke <mirkix@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include "am33xx.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-common.dtsi"
+#include <dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/pinctrl/am33xx.h>
+/ {
+	model = "TI AM335x BeagleBone Black";
+	compatible = "ti,am335x-bone-black", "ti,am335x-bone", "ti,am33xx";
+&ldo3_reg {
+	regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-always-on;
+&mmc1 {
+	vmmc-supply = <&vmmcsd_fixed>;
+&mmc2 {
+	vmmc-supply = <&vmmcsd_fixed>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&emmc_pins>;
+	bus-width = <8>;
+	status = "okay";
+&cpu0_opp_table {
+	/*
+	 * All PG 2.0 silicon may not support 1GHz but some of the early
+	 * BeagleBone Blacks have PG 2.0 silicon which is guaranteed
+	 * to support 1GHz OPP so enable it for PG 2.0 on this board.
+	 */
+	oppnitro@1000000000 {
+		opp-supported-hw = <0x06 0x0100>;
+	};
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	dcan1_pins: pinmux_dcan1_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* P9_26: uart1_rxd.d_can1_tx */
+			/* P9_24: uart1_txd.d_can1_rx */
+		>;
+	};
+	pru_pins: pinmux_pru_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x03c 0x35	/* ecap0_in_pwm0_out.pr1_ecap0_ecap_capin, MODE5 | INPUT_PULLUP | PRU, PPM-sum, SBUS, DSM  */
+			0x0e8 0x25	/* lcd_pclk.pr1_pru1_pru_r30_10, MODE5 | OUTPUT | PRU, CH_1 */
+			0x0e0 0x25	/* lcd_vsync.pr1_pru1_pru_r30_8, MODE5 | OUTPUT | PRU, CH_2 */
+			0x0ec 0x25	/* lcd_ac_bias_en.pr1_pru1_pru_r30_11, MODE5 | OUTPUT | PRU, CH_3 */
+			0x0e4 0x25	/* lcd_hsync.pr1_pru1_pru_r30_9, MODE5 | OUTPUT | PRU, CH_4 */
+			0x0bc 0x25	/* lcd_data7.pr1_pru1_pru_r30_7, MODE5 | OUTPUT | PRU, CH_5 */
+			0x0b8 0x25	/* lcd_data6.pr1_pru1_pru_r30_6, MODE5 | OUTPUT | PRU, CH_6 */
+			0x0b4 0x25	/* lcd_data5.pr1_pru1_pru_r30_5, MODE5 | OUTPUT | PRU, CH_7 */
+			0x0b0 0x25	/* lcd_data4.pr1_pru1_pru_r30_4, MODE5 | OUTPUT | PRU, CH_8 */
+			0x0ac 0x25	/* lcd_data3.pr1_pru1_pru_r30_3, MODE5 | OUTPUT | PRU, CH_9 */
+			0x0a8 0x25	/* lcd_data2.pr1_pru1_pru_r30_2, MODE5 | OUTPUT | PRU, CH_10 */
+			0x0a4 0x25	/* lcd_data1.pr1_pru1_pru_r30_1, MODE5 | OUTPUT | PRU, CH_11 */
+			0x0a0 0x25	/* lcd_data0.pr1_pru1_pru_r30_0, MODE5 | OUTPUT | PRU, CH_12 */
+		>;
+	};
+	spi0_pins: pinmux_spi0_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* P9_22: spi0_sclk.spi0_sclk */
+			/* P9_21: spi0_d0.spi0_d0 */
+			/* P9_18: spi0_d1.spi0_d1 */
+			/* P9_17: spi0_cs0.spi0_cs0 */
+		>;
+	};
+	spi1_pins: pinmux_spi1_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* P9_31: mcasp0_aclkx.spi1_sclk */
+			/* P9_29: mcasp0_fsx.spi1_d0 */
+			/* P9_30: mcasp0_axr0.spi1_d1 */
+			/* P9_28: mcasp0_ahclkr.spi1_cs0 */
+			/* P9_19: uart1_rtsn.spi1_cs1 */
+			/* P9_42: ecap0_in_pwm0_out.spi1_cs1 */
+		>;
+	};
+	uart4_pins: pinmux_uart4_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* P9_11: gpmc_wait0.uart4_rxd_mux2 */
+			/* P9_13: gpmc_wpn.uart4_txd_mux2  */
+		>;
+	};
+	uart5_pins: pinmux_uart5_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* P8_38: lcd_data9.uart5_rxd */
+			/* P8_37: lcd_data8.uart5_txd */
+		>;
+	};
+&dcan1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&dcan1_pins>;
+	status = "okay";
+&i2c2 {
+	clock-frequency = <400000>;
+&spi0 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&spi0_pins>;
+	status = "okay";
+	spi0_0 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <24000000>;
+		reg = <0>;
+		compatible = "spidev";
+	};
+&spi1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&spi1_pins>;
+	status = "okay";
+	spi1_0 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		reg = <0>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <24000000>;
+		compatible = "spidev";
+	};
+	spi1_1 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		reg = <1>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <24000000>;
+		compatible = "spidev";
+	};
+&tscadc {
+	adc {
+		ti,adc-channels = <0 1>;
+	};
+&pruss {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pru_pins>;
+	status = "okay";
+&uart4 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&uart4_pins>;
+	status = "okay";
+&uart5 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&uart5_pins>;
+	status = "okay";
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-uboot-univ.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-uboot-univ.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b4bf96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-uboot-univ.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include "am33xx.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-common.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-common-univ.dtsi"
+/ {
+	model = "TI AM335x BeagleBone Black";
+	compatible = "ti,am335x-bone-black", "ti,am335x-bone", "ti,am33xx";
+&cpu0_opp_table {
+	/*
+	* All PG 2.0 silicon may not support 1GHz but some of the early
+	* BeagleBone Blacks have PG 2.0 silicon which is guaranteed
+	* to support 1GHz OPP so enable it for PG 2.0 on this board.
+	*/
+	oppnitro-1000000000 {
+		opp-supported-hw = <0x06 0x0100>;
+	};
+&ldo3_reg {
+	regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-always-on;
+&mmc1 {
+	vmmc-supply = <&vmmcsd_fixed>;
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-uboot.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-uboot.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..738fa39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-uboot.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include "am33xx.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-common.dtsi"
+/ {
+	model = "TI AM335x BeagleBone Black";
+	compatible = "ti,am335x-bone-black", "ti,am335x-bone", "ti,am33xx";
+&cpu0_opp_table {
+	/*
+	* All PG 2.0 silicon may not support 1GHz but some of the early
+	* BeagleBone Blacks have PG 2.0 silicon which is guaranteed
+	* to support 1GHz OPP so enable it for PG 2.0 on this board.
+	*/
+	oppnitro-1000000000 {
+		opp-supported-hw = <0x06 0x0100>;
+	};
+&ldo3_reg {
+	regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-always-on;
+&mmc1 {
+	vmmc-supply = <&vmmcsd_fixed>;
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-wireless.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-wireless.dts
index 83f49f6..4664f20 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-wireless.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-wireless.dts
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include "am335x-bone-common.dtsi"
 #include "am335x-boneblack-common.dtsi"
 #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h>
+/* #include "am335x-bone-jtag.dtsi" */
 / {
 	model = "TI AM335x BeagleBone Black Wireless";
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-wl1835mod-cape.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-wl1835mod-cape.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94caa22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-wl1835mod-cape.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h>
+/ {
+	wlan_en_reg: fixedregulator@2 {
+		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+		regulator-name = "wlan-en-regulator";
+		regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+		regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+		/* WL_EN */
+		gpio = <&gpio0 26 0>;
+		enable-active-high;
+	};
+	kim {
+	        compatible = "kim";
+	        nshutdown_gpio = <44>; /* Bank1, pin12 */
+	        dev_name = "/dev/ttyO4";
+	        flow_cntrl = <1>;
+	        baud_rate = <3000000>;
+	};
+	btwilink {
+	        compatible = "btwilink";
+	};
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	bt_pins: pinmux_bt_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x30 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7)	/* gpmc_ad12.gpio1_12 */
+		>;
+	};
+	mmc2_pins: pinmux_mmc2_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x80 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) /* gpmc_csn1.mmc1_clk */
+			0x84 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) /* gpmc_csn2.mmc1_cmd */
+			0x00 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad0.mmc1_dat0 */
+			0x04 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad1.mmc1_dat1 */
+			0x08 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad2.mmc1_dat2 */
+			0x0c (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad3.mmc1_dat3 */
+		>;
+	};
+	mmc2_pins_sleep: pinmux_mmc2_pins_sleep {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x80 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* gpmc_csn1.mmc1_clk */
+			0x84 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* gpmc_csn2.mmc1_cmd */
+			0x00 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* gpmc_ad0.mmc1_dat0 */
+			0x04 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* gpmc_ad1.mmc1_dat1 */
+			0x08 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* gpmc_ad2.mmc1_dat2 */
+			0x0c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* gpmc_ad3.mmc1_dat3 */
+		>;
+	};
+	/* wl18xx card enable/irq GPIOs. */
+	wlan_pins: pinmux_wlan_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x28 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)	/* gpmc_ad10.gpio0_26 WL_EN*/
+			0x2C (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7)	/* gpmc_ad11.gpio0_27 WL_IRQ*/
+			0x7C (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* gpmc_csn0.gpio1_29 BF_EN*/
+		>;
+	};
+	/* wl18xx card enable/irq GPIOs. */
+	wlan_pins_sleep: pinmux_wlan_pins_sleep {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x28 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7)	/* gpmc_ad10.gpio0_26 WL_EN*/
+			0x2C (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7)	/* gpmc_ad11.gpio0_27 WL_IRQ*/
+			0x7C (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* gpmc_csn0.gpio1_29 BF_EN*/
+		>;
+	};
+	uart4_pins_default: pinmux_uart4_pins_default {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0xD0 (PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6)		/* lcd_data12.uart4_cts */
+			0xD4 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE6)	/* lcd_data13.uart4_rts */
+			0x70 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE6)	/* gpmc_wait0.uart4_rxd */
+			0x74 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE6)	/* gpmc_wpn.uart4_txd */
+		>;
+	};
+	uart4_pins_sleep: pinmux_uart4_pins_sleep {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0xD0 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)	/* lcd_data12.uart4_cts */
+			0xD4 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)	/* lcd_data13.uart4_rts */
+			0x70 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)	/* gpmc_wait0.uart4_rxd */
+			0x74 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)	/* gpmc_wpn.uart4_txd */
+		>;
+	};
+&mmc2 {
+	status = "okay";
+	vmmc-supply = <&wlan_en_reg>;
+	bus-width = <4>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&mmc2_pins &wlan_pins>;
+	pinctrl-1 = <&mmc2_pins_sleep &wlan_pins_sleep>;
+	ti,non-removable;
+	ti,needs-special-hs-handling;
+	cap-power-off-card;
+	keep-power-in-suspend;
+	#address-cells = <1>;
+	#size-cells = <0>;
+	wlcore: wlcore@0 {
+		compatible = "ti,wl1835";
+		reg = <2>;
+		interrupt-parent = <&gpio0>;
+		interrupts = <27 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+	};
+&uart4 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&uart4_pins_default>;
+	pinctrl-1 = <&uart4_pins_sleep>;
+	status = "okay";
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-wl1835mod.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-wl1835mod.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be7cab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack-wl1835mod.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include "am33xx.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-common-no-capemgr.dtsi"
+/ {
+	model = "TI AM335x BeagleBone Black";
+	compatible = "ti,am335x-bone-black", "ti,am335x-bone", "ti,am33xx";
+&cpu0_opp_table {
+	/*
+	 * All PG 2.0 silicon may not support 1GHz but some of the early
+	 * BeagleBone Blacks have PG 2.0 silicon which is guaranteed
+	 * to support 1GHz OPP so enable it for PG 2.0 on this board.
+	 */
+	oppnitro@1000000000 {
+		opp-supported-hw = <0x06 0x0100>;
+	};
+&ldo3_reg {
+	regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-always-on;
+&mmc1 {
+	vmmc-supply = <&vmmcsd_fixed>;
+/* EMMC in reset */
+&gpio1 {
+	emmc_rst {
+		gpio-hog;
+		gpios = <20 0>;
+		output-high;
+		line-name = "EMMC ResetN";
+	};
+#include "am335x-boneblack-wl1835mod-cape.dtsi"
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack.dts
index d154d31..e620232 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblack.dts
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include "am33xx.dtsi"
 #include "am335x-bone-common.dtsi"
 #include "am335x-boneblack-common.dtsi"
+/* #include "am335x-bone-jtag.dtsi" */
 / {
 	model = "TI AM335x BeagleBone Black";
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblue.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblue.dts
index 7bcd726..49b965a 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblue.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-boneblue.dts
@@ -125,9 +125,179 @@
 		gpio = <&gpio3 9 0>;
+	bt_en {
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&bt_pins>;
+		compatible = "gpio-leds";
+		wl18xx_bt_en {
+			label = "wl18xx_bt_en";
+			gpios = <&gpio0 28 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+			default-state = "off";
+		};
+	};
+&cpu0_opp_table {
+	/*
+	* All PG 2.0 silicon may not support 1GHz but some of the early
+	* BeagleBone Blacks have PG 2.0 silicon which is guaranteed
+	* to support 1GHz OPP so enable it for PG 2.0 on this board.
+	*/
+	oppnitro-1000000000 {
+		opp-supported-hw = <0x06 0x0100>;
+	};
 &am33xx_pinmux {
+	/***************************************************************************
+	* Static Pinmux
+	***************************************************************************/
+	mux_helper_pins: pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* GPIO Inputs */
+			0x09c 0x37	/*P8.9  Pause BUTTON, input pullup*/
+			0x098 0x37	/*P8.10 MODE BUTTON input pullup*/
+			0x1AC 0x37	/*P9.25 MPU-9150 INTERRUPT IN*/
+			/* Motor Control GPIO Out*/
+			0x088 ( PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7 ) /* (T13) gpmc_csn3.gpio2[0] - MDIR_1A different from cape! */
+			0x074 ( PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7 ) /* (U17) gpmc_wpn.gpio0[31] - P9.13, MDIR_1B */
+			0x040 ( PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7 ) /* (R13) gpmc_a0.gpio1[16] - P9.15, MDIR_2A */
+			0x0D8 ( PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7 ) /* (V4) lcd_data14.gpio0[10] - P8.31, MDIR_2B different from cape! */
+			0x0AC ( PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7 ) /* (R4) lcd_data3.gpio2[9] - P8.44, MDIR_3A */
+			0x0A8 ( PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7 ) /* (R3) lcd_data2.gpio2[8] - P8.43, MDIR_3B */
+			0x0A0 ( PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7 ) /* (R1) lcd_data0.gpio2[6] - P8.45, MDIR_4A */
+			0x0A4 ( PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7 ) /* (R2) lcd_data1.gpio2[7] - P8.46, MDIR_4B */
+			0x1B4 ( PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7 ) /* (D14) xdma_event_intr1.gpio0[20] - P9.41, MOT_STBY */
+			/* PRU encoder input */
+			0x038 0x36	/* P8_16,PRU0_r31_16,MODE6 */
+			/* PRU Servo output */
+			0x0e0 0x05	/*pru1_pru_r30_8, MODE5*/
+			0x0e8 0x05	/*pru1_pru_r30_10, MODE5 */
+			0x0e4 0x05	/*pr1_pru1_pru_r30_9, MODE5 */
+			0x0ec 0x05	/*pru1_pru_r30_11, MODE5 */
+			0x0b8 0x05	/*pru1_pru_r30_6, MODE5 */
+			0x0bc 0x05	/*pru1_pru_r30_7, MODE5 */
+			0x0b0 0x05	/*pru1_pru_r30_4, MODE5 */
+			0x0b4 0x05	/*pru1_pru_r30_5, MODE5 */
+			0x0C8 0x0F	/*P8.36, SERVO_PWR GPIO OUT*/
+			/* WILINK 8 */
+			0x08c 0x0F	/*P8.18 V12 A2DP FSYNC */
+			0x078 0x0F	/*P9.12 A2DP_CLOCK*/
+		>;
+		/* D13 BLUE_GP0_PIN_5 gpio 3_20  */
+		D13_default_pin: pinmux_D13_default_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = < 0x1A8 ( PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7 ) >; };
+		D13_gpio_pin: pinmux_D13_gpio_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = < 0x1A8 ( PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7 ) >; };
+		D13_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_D13_gpio_pu_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = < 0x1A8 ( PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7 ) >; };
+		D13_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_D13_gpio_pd_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = < 0x1A8 ( PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7 ) >; };
+		/* H17 BLUE_GP1_PIN_4 gpio 3_1  */
+		H17_default_pin: pinmux_H17_default_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = < 0x10C ( PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7 ) >; };
+		H17_gpio_pin: pinmux_H17_gpio_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = < 0x10C ( PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7 ) >; };
+		H17_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_H17_gpio_pu_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = < 0x10C ( PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7 ) >; };
+		H17_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_H17_gpio_pd_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = < 0x10C ( PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7 ) >; };
+		/* J15 BLUE_GP1_PIN_3 gpio 3_2  */
+		J15_default_pin: pinmux_J15_default_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = < 0x110 ( PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7 ) >; };
+		J15_gpio_pin: pinmux_J15_gpio_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = < 0x110 ( PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7 ) >; };
+		J15_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_J15_gpio_pu_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = < 0x110 ( PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7 ) >; };
+		J15_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_J15_gpio_pd_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = < 0x110 ( PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7 ) >; };
+		/* P8_15 (ZCZ ball U13) */
+		P8_15_default_pin: pinmux_P8_15_default_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x03c  0x27>; };     /* Mode 7, Pull-Down, RxActive */
+		P8_15_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_15_gpio_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x03c  0x2F>; };     /* Mode 7, RxActive */
+		P8_15_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_15_gpio_pu_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x03c  0x37>; };     /* Mode 7, Pull-Up, RxActive */
+		P8_15_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_15_gpio_pd_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x03c  0x27>; };     /* Mode 7, Pull-Down, RxActive */
+		P8_15_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_15_pruin_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x03c  0x26>; };     /* Mode 6, Pull-Down, RxActive */
+		P8_15_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_15_qep_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x03c  0x24>; };     /* Mode 4, Pull-Down, RxActive */
+		P8_15_pruin_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_15_pruin_pu_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x03c  0x36>; };     /* Mode 6, Pull-Up, RxActive */
+		P8_15_pruecapin_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_15_pruecapin_pu_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x03c  0x35>; };     /* Mode 5, Pull-Up, RxActive */
+		/* P9_11 (ZCZ ball T17) */
+		P9_11_default_pin: pinmux_P9_11_default_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x070  0x37>; };     /* Mode 7, Pull-Up, RxActive */
+		P9_11_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_11_gpio_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x070  0x2F>; };     /* Mode 7, RxActive */
+		P9_11_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_11_gpio_pu_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x070  0x37>; };     /* Mode 7, Pull-Up, RxActive */
+		P9_11_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_11_gpio_pd_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x070  0x27>; };     /* Mode 7, Pull-Down, RxActive */
+		P9_11_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_11_uart_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x070  0x36>; };     /* Mode 6, Pull-Up, RxActive */
+		/* P9_23 (ZCZ ball V14) */
+		P9_23_default_pin: pinmux_P9_23_default_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x044  0x27>; };     /* Mode 7, Pull-Down, RxActive */
+		P9_23_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_23_gpio_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x044  0x2F>; };     /* Mode 7, RxActive */
+		P9_23_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_23_gpio_pu_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x044  0x37>; };     /* Mode 7, Pull-Up, RxActive */
+		P9_23_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_23_gpio_pd_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x044  0x27>; };     /* Mode 7, Pull-Down, RxActive */
+		P9_23_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_23_pwm_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x044  0x26>; };     /* Mode 6, Pull-Down, RxActive */
+		/* P9_28 (ZCZ ball C12) Audio   */
+		P9_28_default_pin: pinmux_P9_28_default_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x19c  0x27>; };     /* Mode 7, Pull-Down, RxActive */
+		P9_28_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_28_gpio_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x19c  0x2F>; };     /* Mode 7, RxActive */
+		P9_28_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_28_gpio_pu_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x19c  0x37>; };     /* Mode 7, Pull-Up, RxActive */
+		P9_28_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_28_gpio_pd_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x19c  0x27>; };     /* Mode 7, Pull-Down, RxActive */
+		P9_28_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_28_pwm_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x19c  0x21>; };     /* Mode 1, Pull-Down, RxActive */
+		P9_28_spi_pin: pinmux_P9_28_spi_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x19c  0x23>; };     /* Mode 3, Pull-Down, RxActive */
+		P9_28_pwm2_pin: pinmux_P9_28_pwm2_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x19c  0x24>; };     /* Mode 4, Pull-Down, RxActive */
+		P9_28_pruout_pin: pinmux_P9_28_pruout_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x19c  0x25>; };     /* Mode 5, Pull-Down, RxActive */
+		P9_28_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_28_pruin_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x19c  0x26>; };     /* Mode 6, Pull-Down, RxActive */
+		P9_28_audio_pin: pinmux_P9_28_audio_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <0x19c  (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)>; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.mcasp0_axr2 */
+		/* U16 BLUE_GP0_PIN_3 gpio 1_25   */
+		U16_default_pin: pinmux_U16_default_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = < 0x064 ( PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7 ) >; };
+		U16_gpio_pin: pinmux_U16_gpio_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = < 0x064 ( PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7 ) >; };
+		U16_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_U16_gpio_pu_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = < 0x064 ( PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7 ) >; };
+		U16_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_U16_gpio_pd_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = < 0x064 ( PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7 ) >; };
+	};
 	user_leds_s0: user_leds_s0 {
 		pinctrl-single,pins = <
 			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x854, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7) /* (V15) gpmc_a5.gpio1[21] - USR_LED_0 */
@@ -141,7 +311,6 @@
 			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8dc, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7) /* (T5) lcd_data15.gpio0[11] - P8.32, BATT_LED_2 */
 			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x87c, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7) /* (V6) gpmc_csn0.gpio1[29] - P8.26, BATT_LED_3 */
 			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x828, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7) /* (T11) gpmc_ad10.gpio0[26] - P8.14, BATT_LED_4 */
@@ -184,11 +353,11 @@
 	/* DSM2 */
-	uart4_pins: pinmux_uart4_pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x870, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE6)	/* (T17) gpmc_wait0.uart4_rxd */
-		>;
-	};
+	//uart4_pins: pinmux_uart4_pins {
+	//	pinctrl-single,pins = <
+	//		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x870, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE6)	/* (T17) gpmc_wait0.uart4_rxd */
+	//	>;
+	//};
 	/* UT5 */
 	uart5_pins: pinmux_uart5_pins {
@@ -261,6 +430,51 @@
 			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x940, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE7)		/* (M16) gmii1_rxd0.gpio2[21] */
+	ehrpwm1_pins: pinmux_ehrpwm1_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x020  0x24 /* P8_19_pwm_pin */
+			0x024  0x24 /* P8_13_pwm_pin */
+		>;
+	};
+	ehrpwm2_pins: pinmux_ehrpwm2_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x048  0x26 /* P9_14_pwm_pin */
+			0x04c  0x26 /* P9_16_pwm_pin */
+		>;
+	};
+	eqep0_pins: pinmux_eqep0_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x1a0  0x21 /* P9_92_qep_pin */
+			0x1a4  0x21 /* P9_27_qep_pin */
+		>;
+	};
+	eqep1_pins: pinmux_eqep1_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x0d4  0x22 /* P8_33_qep_pin */
+			0x0d0  0x22 /* P8_35_qep_pin */
+		>;
+	};
+	eqep2_pins: pinmux_eqep2_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x030  0x24 /* P8_12_qep_pin */
+			0x034  0x24 /* P8_11_qep_pin */
+		>;
+	};
+	spi1_pins: pinmux_spi1_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x190  0x23 /* spi1_sclk */
+			0x194  0x23 /* spi1_d0 */
+			0x198  0x23 /* spi1_d1 */
+			0x144 ( PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE2 ) /* spi1_cs0 */
+			0x164 ( PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE2 ) /* spi1_cs1 */
+		>;
+	};
 &uart0 {
@@ -284,12 +498,12 @@
 	status = "okay";
-&uart4 {
-	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&uart4_pins>;
-	status = "okay";
+//&uart4 {
+//	pinctrl-names = "default";
+//	pinctrl-0 = <&uart4_pins>;
+//	status = "okay";
 &uart5 {
 	pinctrl-names = "default";
@@ -387,6 +601,8 @@
 	interrupts = <7>; /* NMI */
 	interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
+	ti,pmic-shutdown-controller;
 	charger {
 		interrupts = <0>, <1>;
 		interrupt-names = "USB", "AC";
@@ -487,22 +703,23 @@
-&tscadc {
-	status = "okay";
-	adc {
-		ti,adc-channels = <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7>;
-	};
+//&tscadc {
+//	status = "okay";
+//	adc {
+//		ti,adc-channels = <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7>;
+//	};
 &uart3 {
 	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&uart3_pins &bt_pins>;
+	//pinctrl-0 = <&uart3_pins &bt_pins>;
+	pinctrl-0 = <&uart3_pins>;
 	status = "okay";
-	bluetooth {
-		compatible = "ti,wl1835-st";
-		enable-gpios = <&gpio0 28 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
-	};
+//	bluetooth {
+//		compatible = "ti,wl1835-st";
+//		enable-gpios = <&gpio0 28 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+//	};
 &aes {
@@ -515,8 +732,10 @@
 &rtc {
-	clocks = <&clk_32768_ck>, <&l4_per_clkctrl AM3_CLKDIV32K_CLKCTRL 0>;
-	clock-names = "ext-clk", "int-clk";
+&wkup_m3_ipc {
+	ti,scale-data-fw = "am335x-bone-scale-data.bin";
 &dcan1 {
@@ -533,3 +752,215 @@
 		line-name = "LS_BUF_EN";
+&ocp {
+	/* activate the static pinmux helper list of pin modes above */
+	test_helper: helper {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&mux_helper_pins>;
+		status = "okay";
+	};
+	/* Encoder 4 (U13) */
+	P8_15_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "pruin_pu", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "pruin", "qep", "pruecapin_pu";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_15_pruin_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_15_pruin_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_15_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_15_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_15_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_15_pruin_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_15_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_15_pruecapin_pu_pin>;
+	};
+	/* UART4 RX DSM */
+	P9_11_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "uart", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_11_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_11_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_11_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_11_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_11_gpio_pd_pin>;
+	};
+	/* U16 BLUE_GP0_PIN_3 gpio 1_25*/
+	U16_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&U16_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&U16_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&U16_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&U16_gpio_pd_pin>;
+	};
+	/* BLUE_GP0_PIN_3 gpio1_17*/
+	P9_23_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_23_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_23_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_23_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_23_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_23_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* BLUE_GP0_PIN_5 gpio3_20 */
+	D13_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&D13_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&D13_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&D13_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&D13_gpio_pd_pin>;
+	};
+	/* BLUE_GP0_PIN_6 gpio3_17 */
+	P9_28_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "pwm", "spi", "pwm2", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_28_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_28_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_28_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_28_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_28_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_28_spi_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_28_pwm2_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_28_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_28_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* BLUE_GP1_PIN_3 gpio3_2 */
+	J15_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&J15_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&J15_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&J15_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&J15_gpio_pd_pin>;
+	};
+	/* BLUE_GP1_PIN_4 gpio3_1 */
+	H17_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&H17_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&H17_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&H17_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&H17_gpio_pd_pin>;
+	};
+&epwmss0 {
+	status = "okay";
+&epwmss1 {
+	status = "okay";
+&epwmss2 {
+	status = "okay";
+&ehrpwm0 {
+	status = "okay";
+&ehrpwm1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&ehrpwm1_pins>;
+	status = "okay";
+&ehrpwm2 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&ehrpwm2_pins>;
+	status = "okay";
+&eqep0 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&eqep0_pins>;
+	count_mode = <0>;  /* 0 - Quadrature mode, normal 90 phase offset cha & chb.  1 - Direction mode.  cha input = clock, chb input = direction */
+	swap_inputs = <0>; /* Are channel A and channel B swapped? (0 - no, 1 - yes) */
+	invert_qa = <1>;   /* Should we invert the channel A input?  */
+	invert_qb = <1>;   /* Should we invert the channel B input? I invert these because my encoder outputs drive transistors that pull down the pins */
+	invert_qi = <0>;   /* Should we invert the index input? */
+	invert_qs = <0>;   /* Should we invert the strobe input? */
+	status = "okay";
+&eqep1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&eqep1_pins>;
+	count_mode = <0>;  /* 0 - Quadrature mode, normal 90 phase offset cha & chb.  1 - Direction mode.  cha input = clock, chb input = direction */
+	swap_inputs = <0>; /* Are channel A and channel B swapped? (0 - no, 1 - yes) */
+	invert_qa = <1>;   /* Should we invert the channel A input?  */
+	invert_qb = <1>;   /* Should we invert the channel B input? I invert these because my encoder outputs drive transistors that pull down the pins */
+	invert_qi = <0>;   /* Should we invert the index input? */
+	invert_qs = <0>;   /* Should we invert the strobe input? */
+	status = "okay";
+&eqep2 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&eqep2_pins>;
+	count_mode = <0>;  /* 0 - Quadrature mode, normal 90 phase offset cha & chb.  1 - Direction mode.  cha input = clock, chb input = direction */
+	swap_inputs = <0>; /* Are channel A and channel B swapped? (0 - no, 1 - yes) */
+	invert_qa = <1>;   /* Should we invert the channel A input?  */
+	invert_qb = <1>;   /* Should we invert the channel B input? I invert these because my encoder outputs drive transistors that pull down the pins */
+	invert_qi = <0>;   /* Should we invert the index input? */
+	invert_qs = <0>;   /* Should we invert the strobe input? */
+	status = "okay";
+&spi1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&spi1_pins>;
+	#address-cells = <1>;
+	#size-cells = <0>;
+	status = "okay";
+	channel@0 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		compatible = "spidev";
+		reg = <0>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <24000000>;
+	};
+	channel@1 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		compatible = "spidev";
+		reg = <1>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <24000000>;
+	};
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bonegreen-wireless-common-univ.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bonegreen-wireless-common-univ.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61c0361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bonegreen-wireless-common-univ.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,2793 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	/************************/
+	/* P8 Header */
+	/************************/
+	/* P8_01                GND */
+	/* P8_02                GND */
+	/* P8_03 (ZCZ ball R9) emmc */
+	P8_03_default_pin: pinmux_P8_03_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0818, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad6.gpio1_6 */
+	P8_03_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_03_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0818, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad6.gpio1_6 */
+	P8_03_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_03_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0818, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad6.gpio1_6 */
+	P8_03_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_03_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0818, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad6.gpio1_6 */
+	P8_03_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_03_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0818, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad6.gpio1_6 */
+	/* P8_04 (ZCZ ball T9) emmc */
+	P8_04_default_pin: pinmux_P8_04_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x081c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad7.gpio1_7 */
+	P8_04_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_04_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x081c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad7.gpio1_7 */
+	P8_04_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_04_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x081c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad7.gpio1_7 */
+	P8_04_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_04_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x081c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad7.gpio1_7 */
+	P8_04_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_04_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x081c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad7.gpio1_7 */
+	/* P8_05 (ZCZ ball R8) emmc */
+	P8_05_default_pin: pinmux_P8_05_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0808, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad2.gpio1_2 */
+	P8_05_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_05_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0808, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad2.gpio1_2 */
+	P8_05_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_05_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0808, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad2.gpio1_2 */
+	P8_05_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_05_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0808, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad2.gpio1_2 */
+	P8_05_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_05_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0808, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad2.gpio1_2 */
+	/* P8_06 (ZCZ ball T8) emmc */
+	P8_06_default_pin: pinmux_P8_06_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x080c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad3.gpio1_3 */
+	P8_06_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_06_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x080c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad3.gpio1_3 */
+	P8_06_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_06_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x080c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad3.gpio1_3 */
+	P8_06_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_06_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x080c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad3.gpio1_3 */
+	P8_06_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_06_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x080c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad3.gpio1_3 */
+	/* P8_07 (ZCZ ball R7) gpio2_2 */
+	P8_07_default_pin: pinmux_P8_07_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0890, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_advn_ale.gpio2_2 */
+	P8_07_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_07_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0890, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_advn_ale.gpio2_2 */
+	P8_07_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_07_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0890, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_advn_ale.gpio2_2 */
+	P8_07_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_07_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0890, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_advn_ale.gpio2_2 */
+	P8_07_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_07_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0890, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_advn_ale.gpio2_2 */
+	P8_07_timer_pin: pinmux_P8_07_timer_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0890, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* gpmc_advn_ale.timer4 */
+	/* P8_08 (ZCZ ball T7) gpio2_3 */
+	P8_08_default_pin: pinmux_P8_08_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0894, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_oen_ren.gpio2_3 */
+	P8_08_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_08_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0894, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_oen_ren.gpio2_3 */
+	P8_08_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_08_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0894, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_oen_ren.gpio2_3 */
+	P8_08_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_08_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0894, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_oen_ren.gpio2_3 */
+	P8_08_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_08_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0894, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_oen_ren.gpio2_3 */
+	P8_08_timer_pin: pinmux_P8_08_timer_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0894, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* gpmc_oen_ren.timer7 */
+	/* P8_09 (ZCZ ball T6) gpio2_5 */
+	P8_09_default_pin: pinmux_P8_09_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x089c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_be0n_cle.gpio2_5 */
+	P8_09_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_09_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x089c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_be0n_cle.gpio2_5 */
+	P8_09_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_09_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x089c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_be0n_cle.gpio2_5 */
+	P8_09_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_09_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x089c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_be0n_cle.gpio2_5 */
+	P8_09_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_09_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x089c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_be0n_cle.gpio2_5 */
+	P8_09_timer_pin: pinmux_P8_09_timer_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x089c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* gpmc_be0n_cle.timer5 */
+	/* P8_10 (ZCZ ball U6) gpio2_4 */
+	P8_10_default_pin: pinmux_P8_10_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0898, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wen.gpio2_4 */
+	P8_10_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_10_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0898, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_wen.gpio2_4 */
+	P8_10_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_10_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0898, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wen.gpio2_4 */
+	P8_10_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_10_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0898, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wen.gpio2_4 */
+	P8_10_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_10_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0898, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_wen.gpio2_4 */
+	P8_10_timer_pin: pinmux_P8_10_timer_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0898, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* gpmc_wen.timer6 */
+	/* P8_11 (ZCZ ball R12) gpio1_13 */
+	P8_11_default_pin: pinmux_P8_11_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad13.gpio1_13 */
+	P8_11_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_11_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad13.gpio1_13 */
+	P8_11_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_11_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad13.gpio1_13 */
+	P8_11_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_11_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad13.gpio1_13 */
+	P8_11_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_11_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad13.gpio1_13 */
+	P8_11_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_11_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad13.eqep2b_in */
+	P8_11_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_11_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_ad13.pru0_out15 */
+	/* P8_12 (ZCZ ball T12) gpio1_12 */
+	P8_12_default_pin: pinmux_P8_12_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad12.gpio1_12 */
+	P8_12_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_12_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad12.gpio1_12 */
+	P8_12_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_12_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad12.gpio1_12 */
+	P8_12_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_12_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad12.gpio1_12 */
+	P8_12_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_12_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad12.gpio1_12 */
+	P8_12_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_12_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad12.eqep2a_in */
+	P8_12_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_12_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_ad12.pru0_out14 */
+	/* P8_13 (ZCZ ball T10) gpio0_23 */
+	P8_13_default_pin: pinmux_P8_13_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad9.gpio0_23 */
+	P8_13_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_13_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad9.gpio0_23 */
+	P8_13_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_13_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad9.gpio0_23 */
+	P8_13_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_13_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad9.gpio0_23 */
+	P8_13_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_13_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad9.gpio0_23 */
+	P8_13_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_13_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad9.ehrpwm2b */
+	/* P8_14 (ZCZ ball T11) wl1835: wl_en */
+	/* P8_15 (ZCZ ball U13) gpio1_15 */
+	P8_15_default_pin: pinmux_P8_15_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad15.gpio1_15 */
+	P8_15_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_15_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad15.gpio1_15 */
+	P8_15_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_15_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad15.gpio1_15 */
+	P8_15_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_15_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad15.gpio1_15 */
+	P8_15_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_15_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad15.gpio1_15 */
+	P8_15_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_15_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad15.eqep2_strobe */
+	P8_15_pru_ecap_pin: pinmux_P8_15_pru_ecap_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* gpmc_ad15.pr1_ecap0_ecap_capin_apwm_o */
+	P8_15_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_15_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* gpmc_ad15.pru0_in15 */
+	/* P8_16 (ZCZ ball V13) gpio1_14 */
+	P8_16_default_pin: pinmux_P8_16_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad14.gpio1_14 */
+	P8_16_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_16_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad14.gpio1_14 */
+	P8_16_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_16_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad14.gpio1_14 */
+	P8_16_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_16_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad14.gpio1_14 */
+	P8_16_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_16_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad14.gpio1_14 */
+	P8_16_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_16_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad14.eqep2_index */
+	P8_16_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_16_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* gpmc_ad14.pru0_in14 */
+	/* P8_17 (ZCZ ball U12) wl1835: wl_irq */
+	/* P8_18 (ZCZ ball V12) gpio2_1 */
+	P8_18_default_pin: pinmux_P8_18_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x088c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_clk.gpio2_1 */
+	P8_18_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_18_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x088c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_clk.gpio2_1 */
+	P8_18_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_18_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x088c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_clk.gpio2_1 */
+	P8_18_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_18_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x088c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_clk.gpio2_1 */
+	P8_18_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_18_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x088c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_clk.gpio2_1 */
+	/* P8_19 (ZCZ ball U10) gpio0_22 */
+	P8_19_default_pin: pinmux_P8_19_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0820, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad8.gpio0_22 */
+	P8_19_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_19_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0820, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad8.gpio0_22 */
+	P8_19_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_19_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0820, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad8.gpio0_22 */
+	P8_19_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_19_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0820, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad8.gpio0_22 */
+	P8_19_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_19_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0820, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad8.gpio0_22 */
+	P8_19_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_19_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0820, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad8.ehrpwm2a */
+	/* P8_20 (ZCZ ball V9) emmc */
+	P8_20_default_pin: pinmux_P8_20_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0884, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn2.gpio1_31 */
+	P8_20_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_20_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0884, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_csn2.gpio1_31 */
+	P8_20_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_20_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0884, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn2.gpio1_31 */
+	P8_20_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_20_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0884, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn2.gpio1_31 */
+	P8_20_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_20_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0884, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_csn2.gpio1_31 */
+	P8_20_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_20_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0884, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* gpmc_csn2.pru1_out13 */
+	P8_20_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_20_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0884, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* gpmc_csn2.pru1_in13 */
+	/* P8_21 (ZCZ ball U9) emmc */
+	P8_21_default_pin: pinmux_P8_21_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0880, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn1.gpio1_30 */
+	P8_21_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_21_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0880, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_csn1.gpio1_30 */
+	P8_21_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_21_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0880, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn1.gpio1_30 */
+	P8_21_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_21_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0880, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn1.gpio1_30 */
+	P8_21_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_21_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0880, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_csn1.gpio1_30 */
+	P8_21_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_21_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0880, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* gpmc_csn1.pru1_out12 */
+	P8_21_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_21_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0880, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* gpmc_csn1.pru1_in12 */
+	/* P8_22 (ZCZ ball V8) emmc */
+	P8_22_default_pin: pinmux_P8_22_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0814, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad5.gpio1_5 */
+	P8_22_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_22_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0814, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad5.gpio1_5 */
+	P8_22_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_22_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0814, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad5.gpio1_5 */
+	P8_22_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_22_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0814, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad5.gpio1_5 */
+	P8_22_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_22_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0814, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad5.gpio1_5 */
+	/* P8_23 (ZCZ ball U8) emmc */
+	P8_23_default_pin: pinmux_P8_23_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0810, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad4.gpio1_4 */
+	P8_23_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_23_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0810, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad4.gpio1_4 */
+	P8_23_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_23_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0810, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad4.gpio1_4 */
+	P8_23_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_23_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0810, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad4.gpio1_4 */
+	P8_23_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_23_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0810, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad4.gpio1_4 */
+	/* P8_24 (ZCZ ball V7) emmc */
+	P8_24_default_pin: pinmux_P8_24_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0804, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad1.gpio1_1 */
+	P8_24_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_24_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0804, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad1.gpio1_1 */
+	P8_24_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_24_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0804, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad1.gpio1_1 */
+	P8_24_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_24_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0804, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad1.gpio1_1 */
+	P8_24_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_24_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0804, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad1.gpio1_1 */
+	/* P8_25 (ZCZ ball U7) emmc */
+	P8_25_default_pin: pinmux_P8_25_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0800, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad0.gpio1_0 */
+	P8_25_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_25_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0800, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad0.gpio1_0 */
+	P8_25_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_25_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0800, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad0.gpio1_0 */
+	P8_25_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_25_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0800, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad0.gpio1_0 */
+	P8_25_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_25_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0800, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad0.gpio1_0 */
+	/* P8_26 (ZCZ ball V6) gpio-hog wl1835 */
+	/* P8_27 (ZCZ ball U5) hdmi */
+	P8_27_default_pin: pinmux_P8_27_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_vsync.gpio2_22 */
+	P8_27_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_27_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_vsync.gpio2_22 */
+	P8_27_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_27_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_vsync.gpio2_22 */
+	P8_27_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_27_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_vsync.gpio2_22 */
+	P8_27_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_27_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_vsync.gpio2_22 */
+	P8_27_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_27_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_vsync.pru1_out8 */
+	P8_27_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_27_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_vsync.pru1_in8 */
+	/* P8_28 (ZCZ ball V5) hdmi */
+	P8_28_default_pin: pinmux_P8_28_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_pclk.gpio2_24 */
+	P8_28_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_28_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_pclk.gpio2_24 */
+	P8_28_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_28_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_pclk.gpio2_24 */
+	P8_28_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_28_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_pclk.gpio2_24 */
+	P8_28_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_28_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_pclk.gpio2_24 */
+	P8_28_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_28_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_pclk.pru1_out10 */
+	P8_28_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_28_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_pclk.pru1_in10 */
+	/* P8_29 (ZCZ ball R5) hdmi */
+	P8_29_default_pin: pinmux_P8_29_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_hsync.gpio2_23 */
+	P8_29_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_29_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_hsync.gpio2_23 */
+	P8_29_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_29_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_hsync.gpio2_23 */
+	P8_29_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_29_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_hsync.gpio2_23 */
+	P8_29_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_29_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_hsync.gpio2_23 */
+	P8_29_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_29_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_hsync.pru1_out9 */
+	P8_29_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_29_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_hsync.pru1_in9 */
+	/* P8_30 (ZCZ ball R6) hdmi */
+	P8_30_default_pin: pinmux_P8_30_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_ac_bias_en.gpio2_25 */
+	P8_30_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_30_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_ac_bias_en.gpio2_25 */
+	P8_30_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_30_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_ac_bias_en.gpio2_25 */
+	P8_30_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_30_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_ac_bias_en.gpio2_25 */
+	P8_30_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_30_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_ac_bias_en.gpio2_25 */
+	P8_30_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_30_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_ac_bias_en.pru1_out11 */
+	P8_30_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_30_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_ac_bias_en.pru1_in11 */
+	/* P8_31 (ZCZ ball V4) hdmi */
+	P8_31_default_pin: pinmux_P8_31_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data14.gpio0_10 */
+	P8_31_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_31_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d8, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data14.gpio0_10 */
+	P8_31_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_31_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data14.gpio0_10 */
+	P8_31_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_31_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data14.gpio0_10 */
+	P8_31_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_31_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data14.gpio0_10 */
+	P8_31_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_31_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* lcd_data14.eqep1_index */
+	P8_31_uart_pin: pinmux_P8_31_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* lcd_data14.uart5_rxd */
+	/* P8_32 (ZCZ ball T5) hdmi */
+	P8_32_default_pin: pinmux_P8_32_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08dc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data15.gpio0_11 */
+	P8_32_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_32_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08dc, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data15.gpio0_11 */
+	P8_32_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_32_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08dc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data15.gpio0_11 */
+	P8_32_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_32_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08dc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data15.gpio0_11 */
+	P8_32_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_32_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08dc, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data15.gpio0_11 */
+	P8_32_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_32_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08dc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* lcd_data15.eqep1_strobe */
+	/* P8_33 (ZCZ ball V3) hdmi */
+	P8_33_default_pin: pinmux_P8_33_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data13.gpio0_9 */
+	P8_33_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_33_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d4, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data13.gpio0_9 */
+	P8_33_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_33_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data13.gpio0_9 */
+	P8_33_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_33_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data13.gpio0_9 */
+	P8_33_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_33_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data13.gpio0_9 */
+	P8_33_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_33_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* lcd_data13.eqep1b_in */
+	/* P8_34 (ZCZ ball U4) hdmi */
+	P8_34_default_pin: pinmux_P8_34_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08cc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data11.gpio2_17 */
+	P8_34_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_34_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08cc, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data11.gpio2_17 */
+	P8_34_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_34_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08cc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data11.gpio2_17 */
+	P8_34_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_34_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08cc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data11.gpio2_17 */
+	P8_34_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_34_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08cc, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data11.gpio2_17 */
+	P8_34_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_34_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08cc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* lcd_data11.ehrpwm1b */
+	/* P8_35 (ZCZ ball V2) hdmi */
+	P8_35_default_pin: pinmux_P8_35_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data12.gpio0_8 */
+	P8_35_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_35_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d0, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data12.gpio0_8 */
+	P8_35_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_35_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data12.gpio0_8 */
+	P8_35_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_35_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data12.gpio0_8 */
+	P8_35_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_35_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data12.gpio0_8 */
+	P8_35_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_35_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08d0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* lcd_data12.eqep1a_in */
+	/* P8_36 (ZCZ ball U3) hdmi */
+	P8_36_default_pin: pinmux_P8_36_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data10.gpio2_16 */
+	P8_36_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_36_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c8, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data10.gpio2_16 */
+	P8_36_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_36_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data10.gpio2_16 */
+	P8_36_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_36_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data10.gpio2_16 */
+	P8_36_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_36_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data10.gpio2_16 */
+	P8_36_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_36_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* lcd_data10.ehrpwm1a */
+	/* P8_37 (ZCZ ball U1) hdmi */
+	P8_37_default_pin: pinmux_P8_37_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data8.gpio2_14 */
+	P8_37_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_37_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c0, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data8.gpio2_14 */
+	P8_37_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_37_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data8.gpio2_14 */
+	P8_37_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_37_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data8.gpio2_14 */
+	P8_37_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_37_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data8.gpio2_14 */
+	P8_37_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_37_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* lcd_data8.ehrpwm1_tripzone_input */
+	P8_37_uart_pin: pinmux_P8_37_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* lcd_data8.uart5_txd */
+	/* P8_38 (ZCZ ball U2) hdmi */
+	P8_38_default_pin: pinmux_P8_38_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data9.gpio2_15 */
+	P8_38_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_38_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c4, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data9.gpio2_15 */
+	P8_38_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_38_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data9.gpio2_15 */
+	P8_38_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_38_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data9.gpio2_15 */
+	P8_38_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_38_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data9.gpio2_15 */
+	P8_38_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_38_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* lcd_data9.ehrpwm0_synco */
+	P8_38_uart_pin: pinmux_P8_38_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08c4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* lcd_data9.uart5_rxd */
+	/* P8_39 (ZCZ ball T3) hdmi */
+	P8_39_default_pin: pinmux_P8_39_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data6.gpio2_12 */
+	P8_39_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_39_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b8, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data6.gpio2_12 */
+	P8_39_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_39_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data6.gpio2_12 */
+	P8_39_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_39_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data6.gpio2_12 */
+	P8_39_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_39_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data6.gpio2_12 */
+	P8_39_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_39_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* lcd_data6.eqep2_index */
+	P8_39_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_39_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_data6.pru1_out6 */
+	P8_39_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_39_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_data6.pru1_in6 */
+	/* P8_40 (ZCZ ball T4) hdmi */
+	P8_40_default_pin: pinmux_P8_40_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08bc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data7.gpio2_13 */
+	P8_40_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_40_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08bc, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data7.gpio2_13 */
+	P8_40_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_40_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08bc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data7.gpio2_13 */
+	P8_40_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_40_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08bc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data7.gpio2_13 */
+	P8_40_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_40_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08bc, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data7.gpio2_13 */
+	P8_40_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_40_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08bc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* lcd_data7.eqep2_strobe */
+	P8_40_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_40_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08bc, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_data7.pru1_out7 */
+	P8_40_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_40_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08bc, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_data7.pru1_in7 */
+	/* P8_41 (ZCZ ball T1) hdmi */
+	P8_41_default_pin: pinmux_P8_41_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data4.gpio2_10 */
+	P8_41_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_41_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b0, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data4.gpio2_10 */
+	P8_41_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_41_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data4.gpio2_10 */
+	P8_41_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_41_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data4.gpio2_10 */
+	P8_41_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_41_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data4.gpio2_10 */
+	P8_41_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_41_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* lcd_data4.eqep2a_in */
+	P8_41_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_41_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_data4.pru1_out4 */
+	P8_41_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_41_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_data4.pru1_in4 */
+	/* P8_42 (ZCZ ball T2) hdmi */
+	P8_42_default_pin: pinmux_P8_42_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data5.gpio2_11 */
+	P8_42_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_42_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b4, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data5.gpio2_11 */
+	P8_42_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_42_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data5.gpio2_11 */
+	P8_42_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_42_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data5.gpio2_11 */
+	P8_42_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_42_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data5.gpio2_11 */
+	P8_42_qep_pin: pinmux_P8_42_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* lcd_data5.eqep2b_in */
+	P8_42_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_42_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_data5.pru1_out5 */
+	P8_42_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_42_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08b4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_data5.pru1_in5 */
+	/* P8_43 (ZCZ ball R3) hdmi */
+	P8_43_default_pin: pinmux_P8_43_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data2.gpio2_8 */
+	P8_43_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_43_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a8, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data2.gpio2_8 */
+	P8_43_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_43_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data2.gpio2_8 */
+	P8_43_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_43_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data2.gpio2_8 */
+	P8_43_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_43_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data2.gpio2_8 */
+	P8_43_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_43_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* lcd_data2.ehrpwm2_tripzone_input */
+	P8_43_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_43_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_data2.pru1_out2 */
+	P8_43_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_43_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_data2.pru1_in2 */
+	/* P8_44 (ZCZ ball R4) hdmi */
+	P8_44_default_pin: pinmux_P8_44_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data3.gpio2_9 */
+	P8_44_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_44_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ac, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data3.gpio2_9 */
+	P8_44_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_44_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data3.gpio2_9 */
+	P8_44_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_44_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data3.gpio2_9 */
+	P8_44_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_44_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ac, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data3.gpio2_9 */
+	P8_44_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_44_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* lcd_data3.ehrpwm0_synco */
+	P8_44_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_44_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_data3.pru1_out3 */
+	P8_44_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_44_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ac, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_data3.pru1_in3 */
+	/* P8_45 (ZCZ ball R1) hdmi */
+	P8_45_default_pin: pinmux_P8_45_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data0.gpio2_6 */
+	P8_45_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_45_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a0, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data0.gpio2_6 */
+	P8_45_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_45_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data0.gpio2_6 */
+	P8_45_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_45_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data0.gpio2_6 */
+	P8_45_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_45_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data0.gpio2_6 */
+	P8_45_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_45_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* lcd_data0.ehrpwm2a */
+	P8_45_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_45_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_data0.pru1_out0 */
+	P8_45_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_45_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_data0.pru1_in0 */
+	/* P8_46 (ZCZ ball R2) hdmi */
+	P8_46_default_pin: pinmux_P8_46_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data1.gpio2_7 */
+	P8_46_gpio_pin: pinmux_P8_46_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a4, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_data1.gpio2_7 */
+	P8_46_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P8_46_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data1.gpio2_7 */
+	P8_46_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P8_46_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_data1.gpio2_7 */
+	P8_46_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P8_46_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_data1.gpio2_7 */
+	P8_46_pwm_pin: pinmux_P8_46_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* lcd_data1.ehrpwm2b */
+	P8_46_pruout_pin: pinmux_P8_46_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_data1.pru1_out1 */
+	P8_46_pruin_pin: pinmux_P8_46_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08a4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_data1.pru1_in1 */
+	/************************/
+	/* P9 Header */
+	/************************/
+	/* P9_01                GND */
+	/* P9_02                GND */
+	/* P9_03                3V3 */
+	/* P9_04                3V3 */
+	/* P9_05                VDD_5V */
+	/* P9_06                VDD_5V */
+	/* P9_07                SYS_5V */
+	/* P9_08                SYS_5V */
+	/* P9_09                PWR_BUT */
+	/* P9_10                RSTn */
+	/* P9_11 (ZCZ ball T17) gpio0_30 */
+	P9_11_default_pin: pinmux_P9_11_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wait0.gpio0_30 */
+	P9_11_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_11_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_wait0.gpio0_30 */
+	P9_11_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_11_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wait0.gpio0_30 */
+	P9_11_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_11_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wait0.gpio0_30 */
+	P9_11_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_11_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_wait0.gpio0_30 */
+	P9_11_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_11_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_wait0.uart4_rxd */
+	/* P9_12 (ZCZ ball U18) gpio1_28 */
+	P9_12_default_pin: pinmux_P9_12_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0878, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_be1n.gpio1_28 */
+	P9_12_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_12_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0878, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_be1n.gpio1_28 */
+	P9_12_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_12_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0878, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_be1n.gpio1_28 */
+	P9_12_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_12_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0878, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_be1n.gpio1_28 */
+	P9_12_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_12_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0878, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_be1n.gpio1_28 */
+	/* P9_13 (ZCZ ball U17) gpio0_31 */
+	P9_13_default_pin: pinmux_P9_13_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wpn.gpio0_31 */
+	P9_13_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_13_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_wpn.gpio0_31 */
+	P9_13_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_13_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wpn.gpio0_31 */
+	P9_13_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_13_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wpn.gpio0_31 */
+	P9_13_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_13_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_wpn.gpio0_31 */
+	P9_13_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_13_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_wpn.uart4_txd */
+	/* P9_14 (ZCZ ball U14) gpio1_18 */
+	P9_14_default_pin: pinmux_P9_14_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a2.gpio1_18 */
+	P9_14_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_14_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_a2.gpio1_18 */
+	P9_14_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_14_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a2.gpio1_18 */
+	P9_14_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_14_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a2.gpio1_18 */
+	P9_14_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_14_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_a2.gpio1_18 */
+	P9_14_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_14_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_a2.ehrpwm1a */
+	/* P9_15 (ZCZ ball R13) gpio1_16 */
+	P9_15_default_pin: pinmux_P9_15_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0840, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a0.gpio1_16 */
+	P9_15_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_15_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0840, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_a0.gpio1_16 */
+	P9_15_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_15_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0840, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a0.gpio1_16 */
+	P9_15_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_15_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0840, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a0.gpio1_16 */
+	P9_15_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_15_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0840, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_a0.gpio1_16 */
+	P9_15_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_15_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0840, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_a0.ehrpwm1_tripzone_input */
+	/* P9_16 (ZCZ ball T14) gpio1_19 */
+	P9_16_default_pin: pinmux_P9_16_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x084c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a3.gpio1_19 */
+	P9_16_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_16_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x084c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_a3.gpio1_19 */
+	P9_16_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_16_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x084c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a3.gpio1_19 */
+	P9_16_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_16_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x084c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a3.gpio1_19 */
+	P9_16_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_16_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x084c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_a3.gpio1_19 */
+	P9_16_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_16_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x084c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_a3.ehrpwm1b */
+	/* P9_17 (ZCZ ball A16) gpio0_5 */
+	P9_17_default_pin: pinmux_P9_17_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.gpio0_5 */
+	P9_17_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_17_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* spi0_cs0.gpio0_5 */
+	P9_17_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_17_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.gpio0_5 */
+	P9_17_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_17_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.gpio0_5 */
+	P9_17_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_17_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* spi0_cs0.gpio0_5 */
+	P9_17_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P9_17_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.spi0_cs0 */
+	P9_17_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_17_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.i2c1_scl */
+	P9_17_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_17_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.ehrpwm0_synci */
+	P9_17_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_17_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.pr1_uart0_txd */
+	/* P9_18 (ZCZ ball B16) gpio0_4 */
+	P9_18_default_pin: pinmux_P9_18_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_d1.gpio0_4 */
+	P9_18_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_18_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* spi0_d1.gpio0_4 */
+	P9_18_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_18_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_d1.gpio0_4 */
+	P9_18_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_18_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_d1.gpio0_4 */
+	P9_18_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_18_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* spi0_d1.gpio0_4 */
+	P9_18_spi_pin: pinmux_P9_18_spi_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* spi0_d1.spi0_d1 */
+	P9_18_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_18_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* spi0_d1.i2c1_sda */
+	P9_18_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_18_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* spi0_d1.ehrpwm0_tripzone_input */
+	P9_18_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_18_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* spi0_d1.pr1_uart0_rxd */
+	/* P9_19 (ZCZ ball D17) i2c2_scl */
+	P9_19_default_pin: pinmux_P9_19_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.i2c2_scl */
+	P9_19_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_19_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart1_rtsn.gpio0_13 */
+	P9_19_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_19_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.gpio0_13 */
+	P9_19_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_19_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.gpio0_13 */
+	P9_19_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_19_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart1_rtsn.gpio0_13 */
+	P9_19_timer_pin: pinmux_P9_19_timer_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.timer5 */
+	P9_19_can_pin: pinmux_P9_19_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart1_rtsn.dcan0_rx */
+	P9_19_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_19_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.i2c2_scl */
+	P9_19_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P9_19_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.spi1_cs1 */
+	P9_19_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_19_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.pr1_uart0_rts_n */
+	/* P9_20 (ZCZ ball D18) i2c2_sda */
+	P9_20_default_pin: pinmux_P9_20_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.i2c2_sda */
+	P9_20_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_20_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart1_ctsn.gpio0_12 */
+	P9_20_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_20_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.gpio0_12 */
+	P9_20_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_20_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.gpio0_12 */
+	P9_20_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_20_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart1_ctsn.gpio0_12 */
+	P9_20_timer_pin: pinmux_P9_20_timer_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.timer6 */
+	P9_20_can_pin: pinmux_P9_20_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart1_ctsn.dcan0_tx */
+	P9_20_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_20_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.i2c2_sda */
+	P9_20_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P9_20_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.spi1_cs0 */
+	P9_20_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_20_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.pr1_uart0_cts_n */
+	/* P9_21 (ZCZ ball B17) gpio0_3 */
+	P9_21_default_pin: pinmux_P9_21_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_d0.gpio0_3 */
+	P9_21_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_21_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* spi0_d0.gpio0_3 */
+	P9_21_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_21_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_d0.gpio0_3 */
+	P9_21_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_21_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_d0.gpio0_3 */
+	P9_21_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_21_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* spi0_d0.gpio0_3 */
+	P9_21_spi_pin: pinmux_P9_21_spi_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* spi0_d0.spi0_d0 */
+	P9_21_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_21_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* spi0_d0.uart2_txd */
+	P9_21_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_21_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* spi0_d0.i2c2_scl */
+	P9_21_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_21_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* spi0_d0.ehrpwm0b */
+	P9_21_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_21_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* spi0_d0.pr1_uart0_rts_n */
+	/* P9_22 (ZCZ ball A17) gpio0_2 */
+	P9_22_default_pin: pinmux_P9_22_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.gpio0_2 */
+	P9_22_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_22_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* spi0_sclk.gpio0_2 */
+	P9_22_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_22_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.gpio0_2 */
+	P9_22_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_22_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.gpio0_2 */
+	P9_22_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_22_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* spi0_sclk.gpio0_2 */
+	P9_22_spi_sclk_pin: pinmux_P9_22_spi_sclk_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.spi0_sclk */
+	P9_22_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_22_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.uart2_rxd */
+	P9_22_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_22_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.i2c2_sda */
+	P9_22_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_22_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.ehrpwm0a */
+	P9_22_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_22_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.pr1_uart0_cts_n */
+	/* P9_23 (ZCZ ball V14) gpio1_17 */
+	P9_23_default_pin: pinmux_P9_23_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0844, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a1.gpio1_17 */
+	P9_23_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_23_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0844, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_a1.gpio1_17 */
+	P9_23_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_23_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0844, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a1.gpio1_17 */
+	P9_23_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_23_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0844, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a1.gpio1_17 */
+	P9_23_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_23_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0844, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_a1.gpio1_17 */
+	P9_23_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_23_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0844, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_a1.ehrpwm0_synco */
+	/* P9_24 (ZCZ ball D15) gpio0_15 */
+	P9_24_default_pin: pinmux_P9_24_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_txd.gpio0_15 */
+	P9_24_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_24_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart1_txd.gpio0_15 */
+	P9_24_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_24_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_txd.gpio0_15 */
+	P9_24_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_24_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_txd.gpio0_15 */
+	P9_24_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_24_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart1_txd.gpio0_15 */
+	P9_24_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_24_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* uart1_txd.uart1_txd */
+	P9_24_can_pin: pinmux_P9_24_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart1_txd.dcan1_rx */
+	P9_24_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_24_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_txd.i2c1_scl */
+	P9_24_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_24_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* uart1_txd.pr1_uart0_txd */
+	P9_24_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_24_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* uart1_txd.pru0_in16 */
+	/* P9_25 (ZCZ ball A14) audio */
+	P9_25_default_pin: pinmux_P9_25_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkx.gpio3_21 */
+	P9_25_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_25_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_ahclkx.gpio3_21 */
+	P9_25_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_25_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkx.gpio3_21 */
+	P9_25_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_25_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkx.gpio3_21 */
+	P9_25_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_25_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_ahclkx.gpio3_21 */
+	P9_25_qep_pin: pinmux_P9_25_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkx.eqep0_strobe */
+	P9_25_pruout_pin: pinmux_P9_25_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkx.pru0_out7 */
+	P9_25_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_25_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_ahclkx.pru0_in7 */
+	/* P9_26 (ZCZ ball D16) gpio0_14 */
+	P9_26_default_pin: pinmux_P9_26_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.gpio0_14 */
+	P9_26_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_26_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart1_rxd.gpio0_14 */
+	P9_26_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_26_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.gpio0_14 */
+	P9_26_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_26_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.gpio0_14 */
+	P9_26_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_26_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart1_rxd.gpio0_14 */
+	P9_26_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_26_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.uart1_rxd */
+	P9_26_can_pin: pinmux_P9_26_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart1_rxd.dcan1_tx */
+	P9_26_i2c_pin: pinmux_P9_26_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.i2c1_sda */
+	P9_26_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_26_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.pr1_uart0_rxd */
+	P9_26_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_26_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* uart1_rxd.pru1_in16 */
+	/* P9_27 (ZCZ ball C13) gpio3_19 */
+	P9_27_default_pin: pinmux_P9_27_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsr.gpio3_19 */
+	P9_27_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_27_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_fsr.gpio3_19 */
+	P9_27_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_27_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsr.gpio3_19 */
+	P9_27_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_27_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsr.gpio3_19 */
+	P9_27_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_27_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_fsr.gpio3_19 */
+	P9_27_qep_pin: pinmux_P9_27_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsr.eqep0b_in */
+	P9_27_pruout_pin: pinmux_P9_27_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsr.pru0_out5 */
+	P9_27_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_27_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_fsr.pru0_in5 */
+	/* P9_28 (ZCZ ball C12) audio */
+	P9_28_default_pin: pinmux_P9_28_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.gpio3_17 */
+	P9_28_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_28_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_ahclkr.gpio3_17 */
+	P9_28_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_28_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.gpio3_17 */
+	P9_28_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_28_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.gpio3_17 */
+	P9_28_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_28_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_ahclkr.gpio3_17 */
+	P9_28_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_28_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.ehrpwm0_synci */
+	P9_28_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P9_28_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.spi1_cs0 */
+	P9_28_pwm2_pin: pinmux_P9_28_pwm2_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.ecap2_in_pwm2_out */
+	P9_28_pruout_pin: pinmux_P9_28_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.pru0_out3 */
+	P9_28_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_28_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_ahclkr.pru0_in3 */
+	/* P9_29 (ZCZ ball B13) audio */
+	P9_29_default_pin: pinmux_P9_29_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsx.gpio3_15 */
+	P9_29_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_29_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_fsx.gpio3_15 */
+	P9_29_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_29_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsx.gpio3_15 */
+	P9_29_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_29_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsx.gpio3_15 */
+	P9_29_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_29_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_fsx.gpio3_15 */
+	P9_29_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_29_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsx.ehrpwm0b */
+	P9_29_spi_pin: pinmux_P9_29_spi_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsx.spi1_d0 */
+	P9_29_pruout_pin: pinmux_P9_29_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsx.pru0_out1 */
+	P9_29_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_29_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_fsx.pru0_in1 */
+	/* P9_30 (ZCZ ball D12) gpio-hog wl1835 */
+	/* P9_31 (ZCZ ball A13) audio */
+	P9_31_default_pin: pinmux_P9_31_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.gpio3_14 */
+	P9_31_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_31_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_aclkx.gpio3_14 */
+	P9_31_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_31_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.gpio3_14 */
+	P9_31_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_31_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.gpio3_14 */
+	P9_31_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_31_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_aclkx.gpio3_14 */
+	P9_31_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_31_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.ehrpwm0a */
+	P9_31_spi_sclk_pin: pinmux_P9_31_spi_sclk_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.spi1_sclk */
+	P9_31_pruout_pin: pinmux_P9_31_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.pru0_out0 */
+	P9_31_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_31_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_aclkx.pru0_in0 */
+	/* P9_32                VADC */
+	/* P9_33 (ZCZ ball C8)  AIN4         */
+	/* P9_34                AGND */
+	/* P9_35 (ZCZ ball A8)  AIN6         */
+	/* P9_36 (ZCZ ball B8)  AIN5         */
+	/* P9_37 (ZCZ ball B7)  AIN2         */
+	/* P9_38 (ZCZ ball A7)  AIN3         */
+	/* P9_39 (ZCZ ball B6)  AIN0         */
+	/* P9_40 (ZCZ ball C7)  AIN1         */
+	/* P9_41 (ZCZ ball D14) gpio0_20 */
+	P9_41_default_pin: pinmux_P9_41_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* xdma_event_intr1.gpio0_20 */
+	P9_41_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_41_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* xdma_event_intr1.gpio0_20 */
+	P9_41_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_41_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* xdma_event_intr1.gpio0_20 */
+	P9_41_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_41_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* xdma_event_intr1.gpio0_20 */
+	P9_41_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_41_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* xdma_event_intr1.gpio0_20 */
+	P9_41_timer_pin: pinmux_P9_41_timer_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* xdma_event_intr1.timer7 */
+	P9_41_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_41_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE5) >; };			/* xdma_event_intr1.pru0_in16 */
+	/* P9_41.1 */
+	/* P9_91 (ZCZ ball D13) gpio3_20 */
+	P9_91_default_pin: pinmux_P9_91_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr1.gpio3_20 */
+	P9_91_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_91_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_axr1.gpio3_20 */
+	P9_91_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_91_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr1.gpio3_20 */
+	P9_91_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_91_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr1.gpio3_20 */
+	P9_91_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_91_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_axr1.gpio3_20 */
+	P9_91_qep_pin: pinmux_P9_91_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr1.eqep0_index */
+	P9_91_pruout_pin: pinmux_P9_91_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr1.pru0_out6 */
+	P9_91_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_91_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_axr1.pru0_in6 */
+	/* P9_42 (ZCZ ball C18) gpio0_7 */
+	P9_42_default_pin: pinmux_P9_42_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.gpio0_7 */
+	P9_42_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_42_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.gpio0_7 */
+	P9_42_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_42_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.gpio0_7 */
+	P9_42_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_42_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.gpio0_7 */
+	P9_42_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_42_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.gpio0_7 */
+	P9_42_pwm_pin: pinmux_P9_42_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.ecap0_in_pwm0_out */
+	P9_42_uart_pin: pinmux_P9_42_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.uart3_txd */
+	P9_42_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P9_42_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.spi1_cs1 */
+	P9_42_pru_ecap_pin: pinmux_P9_42_pru_ecap_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.pr1_ecap0_ecap_capin_apwm_o */
+	P9_42_spi_sclk_pin: pinmux_P9_42_spi_sclk_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.spi1_sclk */
+	/* P9_42.1 */
+	/* P9_92 (ZCZ ball B12) gpio3_18 */
+	P9_92_default_pin: pinmux_P9_92_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkr.gpio3_18 */
+	P9_92_gpio_pin: pinmux_P9_92_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_aclkr.gpio3_18 */
+	P9_92_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P9_92_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkr.gpio3_18 */
+	P9_92_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P9_92_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkr.gpio3_18 */
+	P9_92_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P9_92_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_aclkr.gpio3_18 */
+	P9_92_qep_pin: pinmux_P9_92_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkr.eqep0a_in */
+	P9_92_pruout_pin: pinmux_P9_92_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkr.pru0_out4 */
+	P9_92_pruin_pin: pinmux_P9_92_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_aclkr.pru0_in4 */
+	/* P9_43                GND */
+	/* P9_44                GND */
+	/* P9_45                GND */
+	/* P9_46                GND */
+&i2c1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+	clock-frequency = <100000>;
+&i2c2 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+	clock-frequency = <100000>;
+&uart1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&uart2 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&uart3 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&uart4 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&uart5 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&dcan0 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&dcan1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&eqep0 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+	count_mode = <0>; /* 0 - Quadrature mode, normal 90 phase offset cha & chb. 1 - Direction mode. cha input = clock, chb input = direction */
+	swap_inputs = <0>; /* Are channel A and channel B swapped? (0 - no, 1 - yes) */
+	invert_qa = <1>; /* Should we invert the channel A input? */
+	invert_qb = <1>; /* Should we invert the channel B input? I invert these because my encoder outputs drive transistors that pull down the pins */
+	invert_qi = <0>; /* Should we invert the index input? */
+	invert_qs = <0>; /* Should we invert the strobe input? */
+&eqep1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+	count_mode = <0>; /* 0 - Quadrature mode, normal 90 phase offset cha & chb. 1 - Direction mode. cha input = clock, chb input = direction */
+	swap_inputs = <0>; /* Are channel A and channel B swapped? (0 - no, 1 - yes) */
+	invert_qa = <1>; /* Should we invert the channel A input? */
+	invert_qb = <1>; /* Should we invert the channel B input? I invert these because my encoder outputs drive transistors that pull down the pins */
+	invert_qi = <0>; /* Should we invert the index input? */
+	invert_qs = <0>; /* Should we invert the strobe input? */
+&eqep2 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+	count_mode = <0>; /* 0 - Quadrature mode, normal 90 phase offset cha & chb. 1 - Direction mode. cha input = clock, chb input = direction */
+	swap_inputs = <0>; /* Are channel A and channel B swapped? (0 - no, 1 - yes) */
+	invert_qa = <1>; /* Should we invert the channel A input? */
+	invert_qb = <1>; /* Should we invert the channel B input? I invert these because my encoder outputs drive transistors that pull down the pins */
+	invert_qi = <0>; /* Should we invert the index input? */
+	invert_qs = <0>; /* Should we invert the strobe input? */
+&epwmss0 {
+	status = "okay";
+&epwmss1 {
+	status = "okay";
+&epwmss2 {
+	status = "okay";
+&ehrpwm0 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&ehrpwm1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&ehrpwm2 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&ecap0 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&ecap1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&ecap2 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&spi0 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+	channel@0 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		compatible = "spidev";
+		reg = <0>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <16000000>;
+		spi-cpha;
+	};
+	channel@1 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		compatible = "spidev";
+		reg = <1>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <16000000>;
+	};
+&spi1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+	channel@0 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		compatible = "spidev";
+		reg = <0>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <16000000>;
+		spi-cpha;
+	};
+	channel@1 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		compatible = "spidev";
+		reg = <1>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <16000000>;
+	};
+/* Pin Multiplex Helpers                                              */
+/*                                                                    */
+/* These provide userspace runtime pin configuration for the          */
+/* BeagleBone cape expansion headers                                  */
+&ocp {
+	/************************/
+	/* P8 Header */
+	/************************/
+	/* P8_01                GND */
+	/* P8_02                GND */
+	/* P8_03 (ZCZ ball R9) emmc */
+	P8_03_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_03_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_03_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_03_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_03_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_03_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_04 (ZCZ ball T9) emmc */
+	P8_04_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_04_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_04_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_04_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_04_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_04_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_05 (ZCZ ball R8) emmc */
+	P8_05_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_05_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_05_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_05_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_05_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_05_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_06 (ZCZ ball T8) emmc */
+	P8_06_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_06_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_06_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_06_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_06_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_06_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_07 (ZCZ ball R7) */
+	P8_07_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "timer";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_07_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_07_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_07_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_07_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_07_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_07_timer_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_08 (ZCZ ball T7) */
+	P8_08_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "timer";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_08_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_08_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_08_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_08_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_08_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_08_timer_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_09 (ZCZ ball T6) */
+	P8_09_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "timer";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_09_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_09_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_09_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_09_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_09_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_09_timer_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_10 (ZCZ ball U6) */
+	P8_10_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "timer";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_10_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_10_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_10_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_10_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_10_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_10_timer_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_11 (ZCZ ball R12) */
+	P8_11_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_11_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_11_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_11_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_11_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_11_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_11_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_11_pruout_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_12 (ZCZ ball T12) */
+	P8_12_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_12_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_12_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_12_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_12_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_12_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_12_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_12_pruout_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_13 (ZCZ ball T10) */
+	P8_13_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_13_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_13_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_13_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_13_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_13_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_13_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_14 (ZCZ ball T11) wl1835: wl_en */
+	/* P8_15 (ZCZ ball U13) */
+	P8_15_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pru_ecap", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_15_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_15_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_15_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_15_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_15_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_15_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_15_pru_ecap_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_15_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_16 (ZCZ ball V13) */
+	P8_16_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_16_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_16_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_16_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_16_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_16_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_16_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_16_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_17 (ZCZ ball U12) wl1835: wl_irq */
+	/* P8_18 (ZCZ ball V12) */
+	P8_18_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_18_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_18_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_18_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_18_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_18_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_19 (ZCZ ball U10) */
+	P8_19_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_19_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_19_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_19_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_19_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_19_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_19_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_20 (ZCZ ball V9) emmc */
+	P8_20_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_20_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_20_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_20_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_20_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_20_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_20_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_20_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_21 (ZCZ ball U9) emmc */
+	P8_21_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_21_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_21_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_21_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_21_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_21_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_21_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_21_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_22 (ZCZ ball V8) emmc */
+	P8_22_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_22_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_22_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_22_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_22_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_22_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_23 (ZCZ ball U8) emmc */
+	P8_23_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_23_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_23_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_23_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_23_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_23_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_24 (ZCZ ball V7) emmc */
+	P8_24_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_24_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_24_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_24_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_24_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_24_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_25 (ZCZ ball U7) emmc */
+	P8_25_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_25_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_25_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_25_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_25_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_25_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_26 (ZCZ ball V6) gpio-hog wl1835 */
+	/* P8_27 (ZCZ ball U5) hdmi */
+	P8_27_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_27_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_27_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_27_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_27_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_27_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_27_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_27_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_28 (ZCZ ball V5) hdmi */
+	P8_28_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_28_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_28_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_28_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_28_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_28_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_28_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_28_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_29 (ZCZ ball R5) hdmi */
+	P8_29_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_29_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_29_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_29_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_29_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_29_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_29_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_29_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_30 (ZCZ ball R6) hdmi */
+	P8_30_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_30_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_30_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_30_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_30_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_30_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_30_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_30_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_31 (ZCZ ball V4) hdmi */
+	P8_31_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart", "qep";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_31_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_31_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_31_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_31_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_31_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_31_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_31_qep_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_32 (ZCZ ball T5) hdmi */
+	P8_32_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_32_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_32_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_32_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_32_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_32_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_32_qep_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_33 (ZCZ ball V3) hdmi */
+	P8_33_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_33_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_33_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_33_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_33_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_33_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_33_qep_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_34 (ZCZ ball U4) hdmi */
+	P8_34_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_34_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_34_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_34_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_34_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_34_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_34_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_35 (ZCZ ball V2) hdmi */
+	P8_35_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_35_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_35_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_35_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_35_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_35_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_35_qep_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_36 (ZCZ ball U3) hdmi */
+	P8_36_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_36_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_36_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_36_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_36_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_36_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_36_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_37 (ZCZ ball U1) hdmi */
+	P8_37_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_37_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_37_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_37_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_37_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_37_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_37_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_37_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_38 (ZCZ ball U2) hdmi */
+	P8_38_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_38_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_38_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_38_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_38_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_38_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_38_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_38_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_39 (ZCZ ball T3) hdmi */
+	P8_39_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_39_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_39_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_39_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_39_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_39_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_39_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_39_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_39_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_40 (ZCZ ball T4) hdmi */
+	P8_40_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_40_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_40_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_40_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_40_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_40_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_40_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_40_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_40_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_41 (ZCZ ball T1) hdmi */
+	P8_41_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_41_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_41_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_41_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_41_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_41_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_41_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_41_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_41_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_42 (ZCZ ball T2) hdmi */
+	P8_42_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_42_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_42_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_42_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_42_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_42_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_42_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_42_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_42_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_43 (ZCZ ball R3) hdmi */
+	P8_43_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_43_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_43_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_43_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_43_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_43_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_43_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_43_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_43_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_44 (ZCZ ball R4) hdmi */
+	P8_44_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_44_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_44_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_44_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_44_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_44_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_44_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_44_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_44_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_45 (ZCZ ball R1) hdmi */
+	P8_45_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_45_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_45_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_45_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_45_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_45_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_45_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_45_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_45_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P8_46 (ZCZ ball R2) hdmi */
+	P8_46_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P8_46_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P8_46_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P8_46_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P8_46_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P8_46_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P8_46_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P8_46_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P8_46_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/************************/
+	/* P9 Header */
+	/************************/
+	/* P9_01                GND */
+	/* P9_02                GND */
+	/* P9_03                3V3 */
+	/* P9_04                3V3 */
+	/* P9_05                VDD_5V */
+	/* P9_06                VDD_5V */
+	/* P9_07                SYS_5V */
+	/* P9_08                SYS_5V */
+	/* P9_09                PWR_BUT */
+	/* P9_10                RSTn */
+	/* P9_11 (ZCZ ball T17) */
+	P9_11_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_11_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_11_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_11_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_11_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_11_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_11_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_12 (ZCZ ball U18) */
+	P9_12_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_12_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_12_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_12_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_12_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_12_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_13 (ZCZ ball U17) */
+	P9_13_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_13_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_13_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_13_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_13_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_13_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_13_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_14 (ZCZ ball U14) */
+	P9_14_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_14_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_14_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_14_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_14_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_14_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_14_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_15 (ZCZ ball R13) */
+	P9_15_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_15_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_15_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_15_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_15_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_15_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_15_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_16 (ZCZ ball T14) */
+	P9_16_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_16_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_16_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_16_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_16_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_16_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_16_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_17 (ZCZ ball A16) */
+	P9_17_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "i2c", "pwm", "pru_uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_17_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_17_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_17_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_17_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_17_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_17_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_17_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_17_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_17_pru_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_18 (ZCZ ball B16) */
+	P9_18_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi", "i2c", "pwm", "pru_uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_18_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_18_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_18_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_18_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_18_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_18_spi_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_18_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_18_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_18_pru_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_19 (ZCZ ball D17) i2c */
+	P9_19_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "can", "i2c", "pru_uart", "timer";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_19_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_19_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_19_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_19_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_19_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_19_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_19_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_19_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_19_pru_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_19_timer_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_20 (ZCZ ball D18) i2c */
+	P9_20_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "can", "i2c", "pru_uart", "timer";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_20_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_20_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_20_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_20_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_20_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_20_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_20_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_20_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_20_pru_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_20_timer_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_21 (ZCZ ball B17) */
+	P9_21_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi", "uart", "i2c", "pwm", "pru_uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_21_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_21_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_21_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_21_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_21_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_21_spi_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_21_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_21_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_21_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_21_pru_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_22 (ZCZ ball A17) */
+	P9_22_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_sclk", "uart", "i2c", "pwm", "pru_uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_22_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_22_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_22_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_22_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_22_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_22_spi_sclk_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_22_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_22_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_22_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_22_pru_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_23 (ZCZ ball V14) */
+	P9_23_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_23_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_23_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_23_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_23_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_23_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_23_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_24 (ZCZ ball D15) */
+	P9_24_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart", "can", "i2c", "pru_uart", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_24_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_24_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_24_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_24_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_24_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_24_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_24_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_24_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_24_pru_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_24_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_25 (ZCZ ball A14) audio */
+	P9_25_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_25_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_25_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_25_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_25_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_25_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_25_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_25_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_25_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_26 (ZCZ ball D16) */
+	P9_26_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart", "can", "i2c", "pru_uart", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_26_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_26_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_26_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_26_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_26_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_26_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_26_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_26_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_26_pru_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_26_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_27 (ZCZ ball C13) */
+	P9_27_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_27_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_27_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_27_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_27_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_27_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_27_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_27_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_27_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_28 (ZCZ ball C12) audio */
+	P9_28_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "pwm", "pwm2", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_28_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_28_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_28_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_28_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_28_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_28_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_28_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_28_pwm2_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_28_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_28_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_29 (ZCZ ball B13) audio */
+	P9_29_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi", "pwm", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_29_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_29_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_29_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_29_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_29_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_29_spi_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_29_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_29_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_29_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_30 (ZCZ ball D12) gpio-hog wl1835 */
+	/* P9_31 (ZCZ ball A13) audio */
+	P9_31_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_sclk", "pwm", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_31_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_31_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_31_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_31_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_31_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_31_spi_sclk_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_31_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_31_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_31_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_32                VADC */
+	/* P9_33 (ZCZ ball C8)  AIN4         */
+	/* P9_34                AGND */
+	/* P9_35 (ZCZ ball A8)  AIN6         */
+	/* P9_36 (ZCZ ball B8)  AIN5         */
+	/* P9_37 (ZCZ ball B7)  AIN2         */
+	/* P9_38 (ZCZ ball A7)  AIN3         */
+	/* P9_39 (ZCZ ball B6)  AIN0         */
+	/* P9_40 (ZCZ ball C7)  AIN1         */
+	/* P9_41 (ZCZ ball D14) */
+	P9_41_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "timer", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_41_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_41_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_41_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_41_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_41_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_41_timer_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_41_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_41.1 */
+	/* P9_91 (ZCZ ball D13) */
+	P9_91_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_91_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_91_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_91_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_91_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_91_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_91_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_91_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_91_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_42 (ZCZ ball C18) */
+	P9_42_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "spi_sclk", "uart", "pwm", "pru_ecap";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_42_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_42_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_42_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_42_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_42_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_42_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_42_spi_sclk_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_42_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P9_42_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P9_42_pru_ecap_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_42.1 */
+	/* P9_92 (ZCZ ball B12) */
+	P9_92_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P9_92_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P9_92_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P9_92_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P9_92_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P9_92_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P9_92_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P9_92_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P9_92_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P9_43                GND */
+	/* P9_44                GND */
+	/* P9_45                GND */
+	/* P9_46                GND */
+	cape-universal {
+		compatible = "gpio-of-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <>;
+		P8_03 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_03";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 6 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_04 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_04";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 7 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_05 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_05";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 2 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_06 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_06";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 3 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_07 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_07";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 2 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_08 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_08";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 3 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_09 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_09";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 5 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_10 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_10";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 4 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_11 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_11";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 13 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_12 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_12";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 12 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_13 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_13";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 23 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_15 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_15";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 15 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_16 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_16";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 14 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_18 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_18";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 1 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_19 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_19";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 22 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_20 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_20";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 31 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_21 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_21";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 30 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_22 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_22";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 5 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_23 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_23";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 4 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_24 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_24";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 1 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_25 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_25";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 0 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_27 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_27";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 22 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_28 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_28";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 24 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_29 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_29";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 23 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_30 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_30";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 25 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_31 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_31";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 10 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_32 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_32";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 11 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_33 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_33";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 9 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_34 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_34";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 17 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_35 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_35";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 8 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_36 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_36";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 16 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_37 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_37";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 14 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_38 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_38";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 15 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_39 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_39";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 12 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_40 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_40";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 13 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_41 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_41";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 10 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_42 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_42";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 11 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_43 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_43";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 8 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_44 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_44";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 9 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_45 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_45";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 6 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P8_46 {
+			gpio-name = "P8_46";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 7 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_11 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_11";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 30 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_12 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_12";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 28 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_13 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_13";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 31 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_14 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_14";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 18 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_15 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_15";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 16 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_16 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_16";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 19 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_17 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_17";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 5 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_18 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_18";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 4 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_19 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_19";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 13 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_20 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_20";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 12 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_21 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_21";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 3 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_22 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_22";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 2 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_23 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_23";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 17 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_24 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_24";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 15 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_25 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_25";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 21 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_26 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_26";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 14 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_27 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_27";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 19 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_28 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_28";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 17 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_29 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_29";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 15 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_31 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_31";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 14 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_41 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_41";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 20 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_91 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_91";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 20 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_42 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_42";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 7 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P9_92 {
+			gpio-name = "P9_92";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 18 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+	};
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bonegreen-wireless-uboot-univ.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bonegreen-wireless-uboot-univ.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d87c70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bonegreen-wireless-uboot-univ.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include "am33xx.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-common.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bonegreen-wireless-common-univ.dtsi"
+/ {
+	model = "TI AM335x BeagleBone Green Wireless";
+	compatible = "ti,am335x-bone-green-wireless", "ti,am335x-bone-green", "ti,am335x-bone-black", "ti,am335x-bone", "ti,am33xx";
+&ldo3_reg {
+	regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-always-on;
+&mmc1 {
+	vmmc-supply = <&vmmcsd_fixed>;
+&gpio1 {
+	ls_buf_en {
+		gpio-hog;
+		gpios = <29 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+		output-high;
+		line-name = "LS_BUF_EN";
+	};
+/* BT_AUD_OUT from wl1835 has to be pulled low when WL_EN is activated.*/
+/* in case it isn't, wilink8 ends up in one of the test modes that     */
+/* intruces various issues (elp wkaeup timeouts etc.)                  */
+/* On the BBGW this pin is routed through the level shifter (U21) that */
+/* introduces a pullup on the line and wilink8 ends up in a bad state. */
+/* use a gpio hog to force this pin low. An alternative may be adding  */
+/* an external pulldown on U21 pin 4.                                  */
+&gpio3 {
+	bt_aud_in {
+		gpio-hog;
+		gpios = <16 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+		output-low;
+		line-name = "MCASP0_AHCLKR";
+	};
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bonegreen-wireless.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bonegreen-wireless.dts
index 57731f0..de299ad 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bonegreen-wireless.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bonegreen-wireless.dts
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include "am335x-bone-common.dtsi"
 #include "am335x-bonegreen-common.dtsi"
 #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h>
+/* #include "am335x-bone-jtag.dtsi" */
 / {
 	model = "TI AM335x BeagleBone Green Wireless";
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bonegreen.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bonegreen.dts
index a8b4d96..575a5a9 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bonegreen.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-bonegreen.dts
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include "am33xx.dtsi"
 #include "am335x-bone-common.dtsi"
 #include "am335x-bonegreen-common.dtsi"
+/* #include "am335x-bone-jtag.dtsi" */
 / {
 	model = "TI AM335x BeagleBone Green";
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-cape-bbb-exp-c.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-cape-bbb-exp-c.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2704c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-cape-bbb-exp-c.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h>
+#include "am335x-peripheral-can0.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-pinmux-can0.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-peripheral-ttyS1.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS1.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-peripheral-ttyS2.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS2.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-peripheral-ttyS4.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS4.dtsi"
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	user_leds_s1: user_leds_s1 {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x98 0x7	/* gpmc_wen.gpio2_4, OUTPUT | MODE7 */
+			0x9c 0x7	/* gpmc_ben0_cle.gpio2_5, OUTPUT | MODE7 */
+		>;
+	};
+	bb_lcd_pwm_backlight_pins: pinmux_bb_lcd_pwm_backlight_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			BONE_P9_14 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE6) /* gpmc_a2.ehrpwm1a */
+		>;
+	};
+	keymap3_pins: pinmux_keymap3_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x040 0x2f	/* KEY_UP gpmc_a0.gpio1_16, INPUT | PULLDIS | MODE7 */
+			0x04c 0x2f	/* KEY_DOWN gpmc_a3.gpio1_19, INPUT | PULLDIS | MODE7 */
+			0x078 0x2f	/* KEY_RIGHT gpmc_ben1.gpio1_28, INPUT | PULLDIS | MODE7 */
+			0x164 0x2f	/* KEY_LEFT ecap0_in_pwm0_out.gpio0_7, INPUT | PULLDIS | MODE7 */
+			0x1a4 0x2f	/* KEY_ENTER mcasp0_fxr.gpio3_19, INPUT | PULLDIS | MODE7 */
+		>;
+	};
+	edt_ft5306_ts_pins: pinmux_edt_ft5306_ts_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* CAP_TSC gpmc_a1.gpio1_17, INPUT | MODE7 */
+		>;
+	};
+	i2c1_pins: pinmux_i2c1_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* spi0_d1.i2c1_sda, SLEWCTRL_SLOW | INPUT_PULLUP | MODE2 */
+			/* spi0_cs0.i2c1_scl, SLEWCTRL_SLOW | INPUT_PULLUP | MODE2 */
+		>;
+	};
+	mcasp0_pins: pinmux_mcasp0_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x190 0x20      /* mcasp0_aclkx.mcasp0_aclkx, INPUT | MODE0 */
+			0x194 0x20      /* mcasp0_fsx.mcasp0_fsx, INPUT | MODE0 */
+			0x198 0x20      /* mcasp0_axr0.mcasp0_axr0, INPUT | MODE0 */
+			0x19c 0x22      /* mcasp0_ahclkr.mcasp0_axr2, INPUT | MODE2 */
+		>;
+	};
+&epwmss1 {
+	status = "okay";
+&ehrpwm1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&bb_lcd_pwm_backlight_pins>;
+	status = "okay";
+&i2c1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&i2c1_pins>;
+	clock-frequency = <400000>;
+	edt-ft5306@38 {
+		status = "okay";
+		compatible = "edt,edt-ft5306", "edt,edt-ft5x06";
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&edt_ft5306_ts_pins>;
+		reg = <0x38>;
+		interrupt-parent = <&gpio1>;
+		interrupts = <17 0>;
+		touchscreen-size-x = <600>;
+		touchscreen-size-y = <1024>;
+		touchscreen-inverted-x;
+		touchscreen-inverted-y;
+		touchscreen-swapped-x-y;
+	};
+	tlv320aic3x: tlv320aic3x@1b {
+		compatible = "ti,tlv320aic3x";
+		reg = <0x1b>;
+		status = "okay";
+	};
+&mcasp0 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&mcasp0_pins>;
+	status = "okay";
+	op-mode = <0>;          /* MCASP_IIS_MODE */
+	tdm-slots = <2>;
+	num-serializer = <16>;
+	serial-dir = <  /* 0: INACTIVE, 1: TX, 2: RX */
+		1 0 2 0
+		0 0 0 0
+		0 0 0 0
+		0 0 0 0
+	>;
+	tx-num-evt = <1>;
+	rx-num-evt = <1>;
+/ {
+	backlight {
+		status = "okay";
+		compatible = "pwm-backlight";
+		pwms = <&ehrpwm1 0 50000 0>;
+		brightness-levels = <0 51 53 56 62 75 101 152 255>;
+		default-brightness-level = <8>;
+	};
+	gpio_keys {
+		compatible = "gpio-keys";
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&keymap3_pins>;
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		button@1 {
+			debounce_interval = <50>;
+			linux,code = <105>;
+			label = "left";
+			gpios = <&gpio0 7 0x1>;
+			gpio-key,wakeup;
+			autorepeat;
+		};
+		button@2 {
+			debounce_interval = <50>;
+			linux,code = <106>;
+			label = "right";
+			gpios = <&gpio1 28 0x1>;
+			gpio-key,wakeup;
+			autorepeat;
+		};
+		button@3 {
+			debounce_interval = <50>;
+			linux,code = <103>;
+			label = "up";
+			gpios = <&gpio1 16 0x1>;
+			gpio-key,wakeup;
+			autorepeat;
+		};
+		button@4 {
+			debounce_interval = <50>;
+			linux,code = <108>;
+			label = "down";
+			gpios = <&gpio1 19 0x1>;
+			gpio-key,wakeup;
+			autorepeat;
+		};
+		button@5 {
+			debounce_interval = <50>;
+			linux,code = <28>;
+			label = "enter";
+			gpios = <&gpio3 19 0x1>;
+			gpio-key,wakeup;
+		};
+	};
+	gpio-leds-cape-lcd {
+		compatible = "gpio-leds";
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&user_leds_s1>;
+		lcd-led0 {
+			label = "lcd:green:usr0";
+			gpios = <&gpio2 4 0>;
+			linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";
+			default-state = "off";
+		};
+		lcd-led1 {
+			label = "lcd:green:usr1";
+			gpios = <&gpio2 5 0>;
+			linux,default-trigger = "mmc0";
+			default-state = "off";
+		};
+	};
+	sound {
+		compatible = "ti,da830-evm-audio";
+		ti,model = "DA830 EVM";
+		ti,audio-codec = <&tlv320aic3x>;
+		ti,mcasp-controller = <&mcasp0>;
+		ti,codec-clock-rate = <12000000>;
+		ti,audio-routing =
+			"Headphone Jack",       "HPLOUT",
+			"Headphone Jack",       "HPROUT",
+			"MIC3L",                "Mic Jack",
+			"MIC3R",                "Mic Jack";
+	};
+#include "am335x-peripheral-panel-1024x600-24bit.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-pinmux-panel-1024x600-24bit.dtsi"
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-cape-bbb-exp-r.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-cape-bbb-exp-r.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..539409c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-cape-bbb-exp-r.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h>
+#include "am335x-peripheral-can0.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-pinmux-can0.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-peripheral-ttyS1.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS1.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-peripheral-ttyS2.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS2.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-peripheral-ttyS4.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-pinmux-ttyS4.dtsi"
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	user_leds_s1: user_leds_s1 {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x98 0x7	/* gpmc_wen.gpio2_4, OUTPUT | MODE7 */
+			0x9c 0x7	/* gpmc_ben0_cle.gpio2_5, OUTPUT | MODE7 */
+		>;
+	};
+	bb_lcd_pwm_backlight_pins: pinmux_bb_lcd_pwm_backlight_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			BONE_P9_14 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE6) /* gpmc_a2.ehrpwm1a */
+		>;
+	};
+	keymap3_pins: pinmux_keymap3_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x040 0x2f	/* KEY_UP gpmc_a0.gpio1_16, INPUT | PULLDIS | MODE7 */
+			0x04c 0x2f	/* KEY_DOWN gpmc_a3.gpio1_19, INPUT | PULLDIS | MODE7 */
+			0x078 0x2f	/* KEY_RIGHT gpmc_ben1.gpio1_28, INPUT | PULLDIS | MODE7 */
+			0x164 0x2f	/* KEY_LEFT ecap0_in_pwm0_out.gpio0_7, INPUT | PULLDIS | MODE7 */
+			0x1a4 0x2f	/* KEY_ENTER mcasp0_fxr.gpio3_19, INPUT | PULLDIS | MODE7 */
+		>;
+	};
+	i2c1_pins: pinmux_i2c1_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* spi0_d1.i2c1_sda, SLEWCTRL_SLOW | INPUT_PULLUP | MODE2 */
+			/* spi0_cs0.i2c1_scl, SLEWCTRL_SLOW | INPUT_PULLUP | MODE2 */
+		>;
+	};
+	mcasp0_pins: pinmux_mcasp0_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x190 0x20      /* mcasp0_aclkx.mcasp0_aclkx, INPUT | MODE0 */
+			0x194 0x20      /* mcasp0_fsx.mcasp0_fsx, INPUT | MODE0 */
+			0x198 0x20      /* mcasp0_axr0.mcasp0_axr0, INPUT | MODE0 */
+			0x19c 0x22      /* mcasp0_ahclkr.mcasp0_axr2, INPUT | MODE2 */
+		>;
+	};
+&epwmss1 {
+	status = "okay";
+&ehrpwm1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&bb_lcd_pwm_backlight_pins>;
+	status = "okay";
+&i2c1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&i2c1_pins>;
+	clock-frequency = <400000>;
+	tlv320aic3x: tlv320aic3x@1b {
+		compatible = "ti,tlv320aic3x";
+		reg = <0x1b>;
+		status = "okay";
+	};
+&mcasp0 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&mcasp0_pins>;
+	status = "okay";
+	op-mode = <0>;          /* MCASP_IIS_MODE */
+	tdm-slots = <2>;
+	num-serializer = <16>;
+	serial-dir = <  /* 0: INACTIVE, 1: TX, 2: RX */
+		1 0 2 0
+		0 0 0 0
+		0 0 0 0
+		0 0 0 0
+	>;
+	tx-num-evt = <1>;
+	rx-num-evt = <1>;
+&tscadc {
+	status = "okay";
+	tsc {
+		ti,wires = <4>;
+		ti,x-plate-resistance = <200>;
+		ti,coordinate-readouts = <5>;
+		ti,wire-config = <0x00 0x11 0x22 0x33>;
+	};
+	adc {
+		ti,adc-channels = <4 5 6 7>;
+	};
+/ {
+	backlight {
+		status = "okay";
+		compatible = "pwm-backlight";
+		pwms = <&ehrpwm1 0 50000 0>;
+		brightness-levels = <0 51 53 56 62 75 101 152 255>;
+		default-brightness-level = <8>;
+	};
+	gpio_keys {
+		compatible = "gpio-keys";
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&keymap3_pins>;
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		button@1 {
+			debounce_interval = <50>;
+			linux,code = <105>;
+			label = "left";
+			gpios = <&gpio0 7 0x1>;
+			gpio-key,wakeup;
+			autorepeat;
+		};
+		button@2 {
+			debounce_interval = <50>;
+			linux,code = <106>;
+			label = "right";
+			gpios = <&gpio1 28 0x1>;
+			gpio-key,wakeup;
+			autorepeat;
+		};
+		button@3 {
+			debounce_interval = <50>;
+			linux,code = <103>;
+			label = "up";
+			gpios = <&gpio1 16 0x1>;
+			gpio-key,wakeup;
+			autorepeat;
+		};
+		button@4 {
+			debounce_interval = <50>;
+			linux,code = <108>;
+			label = "down";
+			gpios = <&gpio1 19 0x1>;
+			gpio-key,wakeup;
+			autorepeat;
+		};
+		button@5 {
+			debounce_interval = <50>;
+			linux,code = <28>;
+			label = "enter";
+			gpios = <&gpio3 19 0x1>;
+			gpio-key,wakeup;
+		};
+	};
+	gpio-leds-cape-lcd {
+		compatible = "gpio-leds";
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&user_leds_s1>;
+		lcd-led0 {
+			label = "lcd:green:usr0";
+			gpios = <&gpio2 4 0>;
+			linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";
+			default-state = "off";
+		};
+		lcd-led1 {
+			label = "lcd:green:usr1";
+			gpios = <&gpio2 5 0>;
+			linux,default-trigger = "mmc0";
+			default-state = "off";
+		};
+	};
+	sound {
+		compatible = "ti,da830-evm-audio";
+		ti,model = "DA830 EVM";
+		ti,audio-codec = <&tlv320aic3x>;
+		ti,mcasp-controller = <&mcasp0>;
+		ti,codec-clock-rate = <12000000>;
+		ti,audio-routing =
+			"Headphone Jack",       "HPLOUT",
+			"Headphone Jack",       "HPROUT",
+			"MIC3L",                "Mic Jack",
+			"MIC3R",                "Mic Jack";
+	};
+#include "am335x-peripheral-panel-1024x600-24bit.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-pinmux-panel-1024x600-24bit.dtsi"
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-cape-rtc-ds1307.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-cape-rtc-ds1307.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bce6ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-cape-rtc-ds1307.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h>
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	i2c2_pins: pinmux_i2c2_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			BONE_P9_20 0x73 /* (SLEWCTRL_SLOW | PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3) uart1_ctsn.i2c2_sda */
+			BONE_P9_19 0x73 /* (SLEWCTRL_SLOW | PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3) uart1_rtsn.i2c2_scl */
+		>;
+	};
+&i2c2 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&i2c2_pins>;
+	status = "okay";
+	clock-frequency = <100000>;
+	rtc@68 {
+		compatible = "maxim,ds1307";
+		reg = <0x68>;
+	};
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-olimex-som.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-olimex-som.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b00ad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-olimex-som.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include "am33xx.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-som-common.dtsi"
+/ {
+	model = "Olimex AM335x SOM";
+	compatible = "olimex,am335x-olimex-som", "ti,am33xx";
+&ldo3_reg {
+	regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+	regulator-always-on;
+&mmc1 {
+	vmmc-supply = <&vmmcsd_fixed>;
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	lcd_pins_default: lcd_pins_default {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		0x20 0x01 /* gpmc_ad8.lcd_data16, OUTPUT | MODE1 */
+		0x24 0x01 /* gpmc_ad9.lcd_data17, OUTPUT | MODE1 */
+		0x28 0x01 /* gpmc_ad10.lcd_data18, OUTPUT | MODE1 */
+		0x2c 0x01 /* gpmc_ad11.lcd_data19, OUTPUT | MODE1 */
+		0x30 0x01 /* gpmc_ad12.lcd_data20, OUTPUT | MODE1 */
+		0x34 0x01 /* gpmc_ad13.lcd_data21, OUTPUT | MODE1 */
+		0x38 0x01 /* gpmc_ad14.lcd_data22, OUTPUT | MODE1 */
+		0x3c 0x01 /* gpmc_ad15.lcd_data23, OUTPUT | MODE1 */
+		0xa0 0x00 /* lcd_data0.lcd_data0, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xa4 0x00 /* lcd_data1.lcd_data1, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xa8 0x00 /* lcd_data2.lcd_data2, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xac 0x00 /* lcd_data3.lcd_data3, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xb0 0x00 /* lcd_data4.lcd_data4, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xb4 0x00 /* lcd_data5.lcd_data5, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xb8 0x00 /* lcd_data6.lcd_data6, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xbc 0x00 /* lcd_data7.lcd_data7, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xc0 0x00 /* lcd_data8.lcd_data8, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xc4 0x00 /* lcd_data9.lcd_data9, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xc8 0x00 /* lcd_data10.lcd_data10, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xcc 0x00 /* lcd_data11.lcd_data11, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xd0 0x00 /* lcd_data12.lcd_data12, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xd4 0x00 /* lcd_data13.lcd_data13, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xd8 0x00 /* lcd_data14.lcd_data14, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xdc 0x00 /* lcd_data15.lcd_data15, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xe0 0x00 /* lcd_vsync.lcd_vsync, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xe4 0x00 /* lcd_hsync.lcd_hsync, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xe8 0x00 /* lcd_pclk.lcd_pclk, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xec 0x00 /* lcd_ac_bias_en.lcd_ac_bias_en, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		>;
+	};
+	lcd_pins_sleep: lcd_pins_sleep {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		0x20 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* gpmc_ad8.lcd_data16 */
+		0x24 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* gpmc_ad9.lcd_data17 */
+		0x28 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* gpmc_ad10.lcd_data18 */
+		0x2c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* gpmc_ad11.lcd_data19 */
+		0x30 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* gpmc_ad12.lcd_data20 */
+		0x34 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* gpmc_ad13.lcd_data21 */
+		0x38 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* gpmc_ad14.lcd_data22 */
+		0x3c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* gpmc_ad15.lcd_data23 */
+		0xa0 (PULL_DISABLE | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_data0.lcd_data0 */
+		0xa4 (PULL_DISABLE | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_data1.lcd_data1 */
+		0xa8 (PULL_DISABLE | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_data2.lcd_data2 */
+		0xac (PULL_DISABLE | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_data3.lcd_data3 */
+		0xb0 (PULL_DISABLE | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_data4.lcd_data4 */
+		0xb4 (PULL_DISABLE | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_data5.lcd_data5 */
+		0xb8 (PULL_DISABLE | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_data6.lcd_data6 */
+		0xbc (PULL_DISABLE | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_data7.lcd_data7 */
+		0xc0 (PULL_DISABLE | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_data8.lcd_data8 */
+		0xc4 (PULL_DISABLE | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_data9.lcd_data9 */
+		0xc8 (PULL_DISABLE | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_data10.lcd_data10 */
+		0xcc (PULL_DISABLE | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_data11.lcd_data11 */
+		0xd0 (PULL_DISABLE | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_data12.lcd_data12 */
+		0xd4 (PULL_DISABLE | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_data13.lcd_data13 */
+		0xd8 (PULL_DISABLE | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_data14.lcd_data14 */
+		0xdc (PULL_DISABLE | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_data15.lcd_data15 */
+		/* lcd_vsync.lcd_vsync,OUTPUT | MODE0 */
+		0xe4 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_hsync.lcd_hsync */
+		0xe8 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* lcd_pclk.lcd_pclk */
+		/* lcd_ac_bias_en.lcd_ac_bias_en */
+		>;
+	};
+&lcdc {
+	pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&lcd_pins_default>;
+	pinctrl-1 = <&lcd_pins_sleep>;
+	status = "okay";
+	/*        display-timings {
+	 480x272 {
+	 hactive         = <480>;
+	 vactive         = <272>;
+	 hback-porch     = <43>;
+	 hfront-porch    = <8>;
+	 hsync-len       = <4>;
+	 vback-porch     = <12>;
+	 vfront-porch    = <4>;
+	 vsync-len       = <10>;
+	 clock-frequency = <9000000>;
+	 hsync-active    = <0>;
+	 vsync-active    = <0>;
+	 };
+	 };*/
+	display-timings {
+		native-mode = <&vga1024x768>;
+		lcd4: 480x272 {
+			clock-frequency = <9000000>;
+			hactive = <480>;
+			vactive = <272>;
+			hfront-porch = <3>;
+			hback-porch = <40>;
+			vback-porch = <8>;
+			vfront-porch = <7>;
+			hsync-len = <2>;
+			vsync-len = <1>;
+			hsync-active = <0>;
+			vsync-active = <0>;
+		};
+		lcd7: 800x480 {
+			clock-frequency = <33300000>;
+			hactive = <800>;
+			vactive = <480>;
+			hfront-porch = <210>;
+			hback-porch = <40>;
+			vback-porch = <23>;
+			vfront-porch = <20>;
+			hsync-len = <6>;
+			vsync-len = <2>;
+			hsync-active = <0>;
+			vsync-active = <0>;
+		};
+		lcd10: 1024x600 {
+			clock-frequency = <51200000>;
+			hactive = <1024>;
+			vactive = <600>;
+			hfront-porch = <160>;
+			hback-porch = <140>;
+			vback-porch = <20>;
+			vfront-porch = <12>;
+			hsync-len = <20>;
+			vsync-len = <3>;
+			hsync-active = <0>;
+			vsync-active = <0>;
+		};
+		vga800x600: 800x600 {
+			clock-frequency = <40000000>;
+			hactive = <800>;
+			vactive = <600>;
+			hfront-porch = <40>;
+			hback-porch = <88>;
+			vfront-porch = <1>;
+			vback-porch = <23>;
+			hsync-len = <128>;
+			vsync-len = <4>;
+			hsync-active = <0>;
+			vsync-active = <0>;
+		};
+		vga1024x768: 1024x768 {
+			clock-frequency = <65000000>;
+			hactive = <1024>;
+			hfront-porch = <24>;
+			hback-porch = <160>;
+			hsync-len = <136>;
+			vactive = <768>;
+			vfront-porch = <3>;
+			vback-porch = <29>;
+			vsync-len = <6>;
+			hsync-active = <0>;
+			vsync-active = <0>;
+		};
+	};
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-can0.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-can0.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4335e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-can0.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+&dcan0 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	status = "okay";
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-can1.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-can1.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02b5bd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-can1.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+&dcan1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	status = "okay";
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-emmc.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-emmc.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..603f34e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-emmc.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+&mmc2 {
+	vmmc-supply = <&vmmcsd_fixed>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	bus-width = <8>;
+	status = "okay";
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-i2c2.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-i2c2.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed9a0b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-i2c2.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+&i2c2 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	status = "okay";
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-nxp-hdmi.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-nxp-hdmi.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dfd26a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-nxp-hdmi.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+&lcdc {
+	status = "okay";
+	port {
+		lcdc_0: endpoint@0 {
+			remote-endpoint = <&hdmi_0>;
+		};
+	};
+&i2c0 {
+	tda19988 {
+		compatible = "nxp,tda998x";
+		reg = <0x70>;
+		port {
+			hdmi_0: endpoint@0 {
+				remote-endpoint = <&lcdc_0>;
+			};
+		};
+	};
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-panel-1024x600-24bit.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-panel-1024x600-24bit.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7c8f8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-panel-1024x600-24bit.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+&lcdc {
+	status = "okay";
+	blue-and-red-wiring = "crossed";
+/ {
+	panel {
+		status = "okay";
+		compatible = "ti,tilcdc,panel";
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		panel-info {
+			ac-bias           = <255>;
+			ac-bias-intrpt    = <0>;
+			dma-burst-sz      = <16>;
+			bpp               = <32>;
+			fdd               = <0x80>;
+			sync-edge         = <0>;
+			sync-ctrl         = <0>;
+			raster-order      = <1>;
+			fifo-th           = <0>;
+		};
+		display-timings {
+			native-mode = <&timing0>;
+			timing0: 1024x600 {
+				clock-frequency = <36000000>;
+				hactive = <1024>;
+				vactive = <600>;
+				hfront-porch = <1>;
+				hback-porch = <45>;
+				hsync-len = <30>;
+				vback-porch = <22>;
+				vfront-porch = <12>;
+				vsync-len = <2>;
+				hsync-active = <1>;
+				vsync-active = <1>;
+				de-active = <1>;
+				pixelclk-active = <0>;
+			};
+		};
+	};
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-spi0.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-spi0.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..969e352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-spi0.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+&spi0 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	status = "okay";
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-spi1.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-spi1.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac5fe97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-spi1.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+&spi1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	status = "okay";
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-spi1a.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-spi1a.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac5fe97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-spi1a.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+&spi1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	status = "okay";
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-ttyS1.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-ttyS1.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f59fa4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-ttyS1.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+&uart1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	status = "okay";
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-ttyS2.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-ttyS2.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a25d6cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-ttyS2.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+&uart2 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	status = "okay";
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-ttyS4.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-ttyS4.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adc89f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-ttyS4.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+&uart4 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	status = "okay";
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-ttyS5.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-ttyS5.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b42fb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-peripheral-ttyS5.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+&uart5 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	status = "okay";
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-pocketbeagle.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-pocketbeagle.dts
index 62fe5ca..0097faf 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-pocketbeagle.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-pocketbeagle.dts
@@ -60,24 +60,24 @@
 &am33xx_pinmux {
-	i2c2_pins: pinmux-i2c2-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x97c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3)	/* (D17) uart1_rtsn.I2C2_SCL */
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x978, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3)	/* (D18) uart1_ctsn.I2C2_SDA */
-		>;
-	};
+//	i2c2_pins: pinmux-i2c2-pins {
+//		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+//			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x97c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3)	/* (D17) uart1_rtsn.I2C2_SCL */
+//			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x978, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE3)	/* (D18) uart1_ctsn.I2C2_SDA */
+//		>;
+//	};
-	ehrpwm0_pins: pinmux-ehrpwm0-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE1)	/* (A13) mcasp0_aclkx.ehrpwm0A */
-		>;
-	};
+//	ehrpwm0_pins: pinmux-ehrpwm0-pins {
+//		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+//			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE1)	/* (A13) mcasp0_aclkx.ehrpwm0A */
+//		>;
+//	};
-	ehrpwm1_pins: pinmux-ehrpwm1-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x848, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE6)	/* (U14) gpmc_a2.ehrpwm1A */
-		>;
-	};
+//	ehrpwm1_pins: pinmux-ehrpwm1-pins {
+//		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+//			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x848, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE6)	/* (U14) gpmc_a2.ehrpwm1A */
+//		>;
+//	};
 	mmc0_pins: pinmux-mmc0-pins {
 		pinctrl-single,pins = <
@@ -88,27 +88,26 @@
 			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x8f0, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* (F17) mmc0_dat3.mmc0_dat3 */
 			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x904, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* (G18) mmc0_cmd.mmc0_cmd */
 			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x900, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* (G17) mmc0_clk.mmc0_clk */
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x9a0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE4)		/* (B12) mcasp0_aclkr.mmc0_sdwp */
-	spi0_pins: pinmux-spi0-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x950, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* (A17) spi0_sclk.spi0_sclk */
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x954, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* (B17) spi0_d0.spi0_d0 */
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x958, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* (B16) spi0_d1.spi0_d1 */
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x95c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* (A16) spi0_cs0.spi0_cs0 */
-		>;
-	};
+//	spi0_pins: pinmux-spi0-pins {
+//		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+//			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x950, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* (A17) spi0_sclk.spi0_sclk */
+//			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x954, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* (B17) spi0_d0.spi0_d0 */
+//			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x958, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* (B16) spi0_d1.spi0_d1 */
+//			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x95c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* (A16) spi0_cs0.spi0_cs0 */
+//		>;
+//	};
-	spi1_pins: pinmux-spi1-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x964, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4)	/* (C18) eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.spi1_sclk */
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x968, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4)	/* (E18) uart0_ctsn.spi1_d0 */
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x96c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4)	/* (E17) uart0_rtsn.spi1_d1 */
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x9b0, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4)	/* (A15) xdma_event_intr0.spi1_cs1 */
-		>;
-	};
+//	spi1_pins: pinmux-spi1-pins {
+//		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+//			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x964, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4)	/* (C18) eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.spi1_sclk */
+//			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x968, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4)	/* (E18) uart0_ctsn.spi1_d0 */
+//			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x96c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4)	/* (E17) uart0_rtsn.spi1_d1 */
+//			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x9b0, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4)	/* (A15) xdma_event_intr0.spi1_cs1 */
+//		>;
+//	};
 	usr_leds_pins: pinmux-usr-leds-pins {
 		pinctrl-single,pins = <
@@ -126,12 +125,839 @@
-	uart4_pins: pinmux-uart4-pins {
-		pinctrl-single,pins = <
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x870, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE6)	/* (T17) gpmc_wait0.uart4_rxd */
-			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x874, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE6)	/* (U17) gpmc_wpn.uart4_txd */
-		>;
-	};
+//	uart4_pins: pinmux-uart4-pins {
+//		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+//			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x870, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE6)	/* (T17) gpmc_wait0.uart4_rxd */
+//			AM33XX_IOPAD(0x874, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE6)	/* (U17) gpmc_wpn.uart4_txd */
+//		>;
+//	};
+	/************************/
+	/* P1 Header */
+	/************************/
+	/* P1_01                VIN-AC */
+	/* P1_02 (ZCZ ball R5) gpio2_23 */
+	P1_02_default_pin: pinmux_P1_02_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_hsync.gpio2_23 */
+	P1_02_gpio_pin: pinmux_P1_02_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_hsync.gpio2_23 */
+	P1_02_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P1_02_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_hsync.gpio2_23 */
+	P1_02_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P1_02_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_hsync.gpio2_23 */
+	P1_02_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P1_02_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_hsync.gpio2_23 */
+	P1_02_pruout_pin: pinmux_P1_02_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_hsync.pru1_out9 */
+	P1_02_pruin_pin: pinmux_P1_02_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_hsync.pru1_in9 */
+	/* P1_03 (ZCZ ball F15)  usb1_vbus_out         */
+	/* P1_04 (ZCZ ball R6) gpio2_25 */
+	P1_04_default_pin: pinmux_P1_04_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_ac_bias_en.gpio2_25 */
+	P1_04_gpio_pin: pinmux_P1_04_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_ac_bias_en.gpio2_25 */
+	P1_04_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P1_04_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_ac_bias_en.gpio2_25 */
+	P1_04_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P1_04_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_ac_bias_en.gpio2_25 */
+	P1_04_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P1_04_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_ac_bias_en.gpio2_25 */
+	P1_04_pruout_pin: pinmux_P1_04_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_ac_bias_en.pru1_out11 */
+	P1_04_pruin_pin: pinmux_P1_04_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08ec, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_ac_bias_en.pru1_in11 */
+	/* P1_05 (ZCZ ball T18)  usb1_vbus_in         */
+	/* P1_06 (ZCZ ball A16) spi0_cs0 */
+	P1_06_default_pin: pinmux_P1_06_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.spi0_cs0 */
+	P1_06_gpio_pin: pinmux_P1_06_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* spi0_cs0.gpio0_5 */
+	P1_06_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P1_06_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.gpio0_5 */
+	P1_06_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P1_06_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.gpio0_5 */
+	P1_06_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P1_06_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* spi0_cs0.gpio0_5 */
+	P1_06_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P1_06_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.spi0_cs0 */
+	P1_06_i2c_pin: pinmux_P1_06_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.i2c1_scl */
+	P1_06_pwm_pin: pinmux_P1_06_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.ehrpwm0_synci */
+	P1_06_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P1_06_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x095c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* spi0_cs0.pr1_uart0_txd */
+	/* P1_07                VIN-USB */
+	/* P1_08 (ZCZ ball A17) spi0_sclk */
+	P1_08_default_pin: pinmux_P1_08_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.spi0_sclk */
+	P1_08_gpio_pin: pinmux_P1_08_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* spi0_sclk.gpio0_2 */
+	P1_08_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P1_08_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.gpio0_2 */
+	P1_08_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P1_08_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.gpio0_2 */
+	P1_08_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P1_08_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* spi0_sclk.gpio0_2 */
+	P1_08_spi_sclk_pin: pinmux_P1_08_spi_sclk_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.spi0_sclk */
+	P1_08_uart_pin: pinmux_P1_08_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.uart2_rxd */
+	P1_08_i2c_pin: pinmux_P1_08_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.i2c2_sda */
+	P1_08_pwm_pin: pinmux_P1_08_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.ehrpwm0a */
+	P1_08_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P1_08_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0950, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* spi0_sclk.pr1_uart0_cts_n */
+	/* P1_09 (ZCZ ball R18)  USB1-DN         */
+	/* P1_10 (ZCZ ball B17) spi0_d0 */
+	P1_10_default_pin: pinmux_P1_10_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* spi0_d0.spi0_d0 */
+	P1_10_gpio_pin: pinmux_P1_10_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* spi0_d0.gpio0_3 */
+	P1_10_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P1_10_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_d0.gpio0_3 */
+	P1_10_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P1_10_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_d0.gpio0_3 */
+	P1_10_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P1_10_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* spi0_d0.gpio0_3 */
+	P1_10_spi_pin: pinmux_P1_10_spi_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* spi0_d0.spi0_d0 */
+	P1_10_uart_pin: pinmux_P1_10_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* spi0_d0.uart2_txd */
+	P1_10_i2c_pin: pinmux_P1_10_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* spi0_d0.i2c2_scl */
+	P1_10_pwm_pin: pinmux_P1_10_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* spi0_d0.ehrpwm0b */
+	P1_10_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P1_10_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0954, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* spi0_d0.pr1_uart0_rts_n */
+	/* P1_11 (ZCZ ball R17)  USB1-DP         */
+	/* P1_12 (ZCZ ball B16) spi0_d1 */
+	P1_12_default_pin: pinmux_P1_12_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* spi0_d1.spi0_d1 */
+	P1_12_gpio_pin: pinmux_P1_12_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* spi0_d1.gpio0_4 */
+	P1_12_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P1_12_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_d1.gpio0_4 */
+	P1_12_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P1_12_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* spi0_d1.gpio0_4 */
+	P1_12_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P1_12_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* spi0_d1.gpio0_4 */
+	P1_12_spi_pin: pinmux_P1_12_spi_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* spi0_d1.spi0_d1 */
+	P1_12_i2c_pin: pinmux_P1_12_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* spi0_d1.i2c1_sda */
+	P1_12_pwm_pin: pinmux_P1_12_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* spi0_d1.ehrpwm0_tripzone_input */
+	P1_12_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P1_12_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0958, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* spi0_d1.pr1_uart0_rxd */
+	/* P1_13 (ZCZ ball P17)  USB1-ID         */
+	/* P1_14                VOUT-3.3V */
+	/* P1_15                GND */
+	/* P1_16                GND */
+	/* P1_17 (ZCZ ball A9)  VREFN         */
+	/* P1_18 (ZCZ ball B9)  VREFP         */
+	/* P1_19 (ZCZ ball B6)  AIN0         */
+	/* P1_20 (ZCZ ball D14) gpio0_20 */
+	P1_20_default_pin: pinmux_P1_20_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* xdma_event_intr1.gpio0_20 */
+	P1_20_gpio_pin: pinmux_P1_20_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* xdma_event_intr1.gpio0_20 */
+	P1_20_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P1_20_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* xdma_event_intr1.gpio0_20 */
+	P1_20_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P1_20_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* xdma_event_intr1.gpio0_20 */
+	P1_20_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P1_20_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* xdma_event_intr1.gpio0_20 */
+	P1_20_pruin_pin: pinmux_P1_20_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE5) >; };			/* xdma_event_intr1.pru0_in16 */
+	/* P1_21 (ZCZ ball C7)  AIN1         */
+	/* P1_22                GND */
+	/* P1_23 (ZCZ ball B7)  AIN2         */
+	/* P1_24                VOUT-5V */
+	/* P1_25 (ZCZ ball A7)  AIN3         */
+	/* P1_26 (ZCZ ball D18) i2c2_sda */
+	P1_26_default_pin: pinmux_P1_26_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.i2c2_sda */
+	P1_26_gpio_pin: pinmux_P1_26_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart1_ctsn.gpio0_12 */
+	P1_26_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P1_26_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.gpio0_12 */
+	P1_26_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P1_26_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.gpio0_12 */
+	P1_26_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P1_26_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart1_ctsn.gpio0_12 */
+	P1_26_can_pin: pinmux_P1_26_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart1_ctsn.dcan0_tx */
+	P1_26_i2c_pin: pinmux_P1_26_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.i2c2_sda */
+	P1_26_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P1_26_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.spi1_cs0 */
+	P1_26_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P1_26_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0978, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* uart1_ctsn.pr1_uart0_cts_n */
+	/* P1_27 (ZCZ ball C8)  AIN4         */
+	/* P1_28 (ZCZ ball D17) i2c2_scl */
+	P1_28_default_pin: pinmux_P1_28_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.i2c2_scl */
+	P1_28_gpio_pin: pinmux_P1_28_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart1_rtsn.gpio0_13 */
+	P1_28_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P1_28_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.gpio0_13 */
+	P1_28_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P1_28_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.gpio0_13 */
+	P1_28_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P1_28_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart1_rtsn.gpio0_13 */
+	P1_28_can_pin: pinmux_P1_28_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart1_rtsn.dcan0_rx */
+	P1_28_i2c_pin: pinmux_P1_28_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.i2c2_scl */
+	P1_28_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P1_28_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.spi1_cs1 */
+	P1_28_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P1_28_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x097c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* uart1_rtsn.pr1_uart0_rts_n */
+	/* P1_29 (ZCZ ball A14) pru0_in7 */
+	P1_29_default_pin: pinmux_P1_29_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_ahclkx.pru0_in7 */
+	P1_29_gpio_pin: pinmux_P1_29_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_ahclkx.gpio3_21 */
+	P1_29_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P1_29_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkx.gpio3_21 */
+	P1_29_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P1_29_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkx.gpio3_21 */
+	P1_29_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P1_29_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_ahclkx.gpio3_21 */
+	P1_29_qep_pin: pinmux_P1_29_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkx.eqep0_strobe */
+	P1_29_pruout_pin: pinmux_P1_29_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkx.pru0_out7 */
+	P1_29_pruin_pin: pinmux_P1_29_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09ac, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_ahclkx.pru0_in7 */
+	/* P1_30 (ZCZ ball E16) uart0_txd */
+	P1_30_default_pin: pinmux_P1_30_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0974, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* uart0_txd.uart0_txd */
+	P1_30_gpio_pin: pinmux_P1_30_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0974, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart0_txd.gpio1_11 */
+	P1_30_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P1_30_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0974, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart0_txd.gpio1_11 */
+	P1_30_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P1_30_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0974, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart0_txd.gpio1_11 */
+	P1_30_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P1_30_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0974, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart0_txd.gpio1_11 */
+	P1_30_uart_pin: pinmux_P1_30_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0974, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* uart0_txd.uart0_txd */
+	P1_30_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P1_30_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0974, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* uart0_txd.spi1_cs1 */
+	P1_30_can_pin: pinmux_P1_30_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0974, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart0_txd.dcan0_rx */
+	P1_30_i2c_pin: pinmux_P1_30_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0974, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart0_txd.i2c2_scl */
+	P1_30_pruout_pin: pinmux_P1_30_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0974, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* uart0_txd.pru1_out15 */
+	P1_30_pruin_pin: pinmux_P1_30_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0974, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* uart0_txd.pru1_in15 */
+	/* P1_31 (ZCZ ball B12) pru0_in4 */
+	P1_31_default_pin: pinmux_P1_31_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_aclkr.pru0_in4 */
+	P1_31_gpio_pin: pinmux_P1_31_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_aclkr.gpio3_18 */
+	P1_31_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P1_31_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkr.gpio3_18 */
+	P1_31_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P1_31_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkr.gpio3_18 */
+	P1_31_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P1_31_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_aclkr.gpio3_18 */
+	P1_31_qep_pin: pinmux_P1_31_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkr.eqep0a_in */
+	P1_31_pruout_pin: pinmux_P1_31_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkr.pru0_out4 */
+	P1_31_pruin_pin: pinmux_P1_31_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_aclkr.pru0_in4 */
+	/* P1_32 (ZCZ ball E15) uart0_rxd */
+	P1_32_default_pin: pinmux_P1_32_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0970, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* uart0_rxd.uart0_rxd */
+	P1_32_gpio_pin: pinmux_P1_32_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0970, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart0_rxd.gpio1_10 */
+	P1_32_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P1_32_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0970, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart0_rxd.gpio1_10 */
+	P1_32_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P1_32_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0970, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart0_rxd.gpio1_10 */
+	P1_32_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P1_32_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0970, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart0_rxd.gpio1_10 */
+	P1_32_uart_pin: pinmux_P1_32_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0970, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* uart0_rxd.uart0_rxd */
+	P1_32_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P1_32_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0970, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* uart0_rxd.spi1_cs0 */
+	P1_32_can_pin: pinmux_P1_32_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0970, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart0_rxd.dcan0_tx */
+	P1_32_i2c_pin: pinmux_P1_32_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0970, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart0_rxd.i2c2_sda */
+	P1_32_pruout_pin: pinmux_P1_32_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0970, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* uart0_rxd.pru1_out14 */
+	P1_32_pruin_pin: pinmux_P1_32_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0970, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* uart0_rxd.pru1_in14 */
+	/* P1_33 (ZCZ ball B13) pru0_in1 */
+	P1_33_default_pin: pinmux_P1_33_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_fsx.pru0_in1 */
+	P1_33_gpio_pin: pinmux_P1_33_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_fsx.gpio3_15 */
+	P1_33_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P1_33_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsx.gpio3_15 */
+	P1_33_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P1_33_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsx.gpio3_15 */
+	P1_33_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P1_33_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_fsx.gpio3_15 */
+	P1_33_pwm_pin: pinmux_P1_33_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsx.ehrpwm0b */
+	P1_33_spi_pin: pinmux_P1_33_spi_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsx.spi1_d0 */
+	P1_33_pruout_pin: pinmux_P1_33_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsx.pru0_out1 */
+	P1_33_pruin_pin: pinmux_P1_33_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0994, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_fsx.pru0_in1 */
+	/* P1_34 (ZCZ ball T11) gpio0_26 */
+	P1_34_default_pin: pinmux_P1_34_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0828, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad10.gpio0_26 */
+	P1_34_gpio_pin: pinmux_P1_34_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0828, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad10.gpio0_26 */
+	P1_34_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P1_34_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0828, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad10.gpio0_26 */
+	P1_34_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P1_34_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0828, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad10.gpio0_26 */
+	P1_34_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P1_34_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0828, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad10.gpio0_26 */
+	P1_34_pwm_pin: pinmux_P1_34_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0828, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad10.ehrpwm2_tripzone_input */
+	/* P1_35 (ZCZ ball V5) pru1_in10 */
+	P1_35_default_pin: pinmux_P1_35_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_pclk.pru1_in10 */
+	P1_35_gpio_pin: pinmux_P1_35_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_pclk.gpio2_24 */
+	P1_35_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P1_35_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_pclk.gpio2_24 */
+	P1_35_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P1_35_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_pclk.gpio2_24 */
+	P1_35_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P1_35_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_pclk.gpio2_24 */
+	P1_35_pruout_pin: pinmux_P1_35_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_pclk.pru1_out10 */
+	P1_35_pruin_pin: pinmux_P1_35_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_pclk.pru1_in10 */
+	/* P1_36 (ZCZ ball A13) ehrpwm0a */
+	P1_36_default_pin: pinmux_P1_36_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.ehrpwm0a */
+	P1_36_gpio_pin: pinmux_P1_36_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_aclkx.gpio3_14 */
+	P1_36_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P1_36_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.gpio3_14 */
+	P1_36_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P1_36_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.gpio3_14 */
+	P1_36_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P1_36_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_aclkx.gpio3_14 */
+	P1_36_pwm_pin: pinmux_P1_36_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.ehrpwm0a */
+	P1_36_spi_sclk_pin: pinmux_P1_36_spi_sclk_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.spi1_sclk */
+	P1_36_pruout_pin: pinmux_P1_36_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_aclkx.pru0_out0 */
+	P1_36_pruin_pin: pinmux_P1_36_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0990, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_aclkx.pru0_in0 */
+	/************************/
+	/* P2 Header */
+	/************************/
+	/* P2_01 (ZCZ ball U14) ehrpwm1a */
+	P2_01_default_pin: pinmux_P2_01_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_a2.ehrpwm1a */
+	P2_01_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_01_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_a2.gpio1_18 */
+	P2_01_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_01_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a2.gpio1_18 */
+	P2_01_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_01_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a2.gpio1_18 */
+	P2_01_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_01_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_a2.gpio1_18 */
+	P2_01_pwm_pin: pinmux_P2_01_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0848, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_a2.ehrpwm1a */
+	/* P2_02 (ZCZ ball V17) gpio1_27 */
+	P2_02_default_pin: pinmux_P2_02_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x086c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a11.gpio1_27 */
+	P2_02_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_02_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x086c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_a11.gpio1_27 */
+	P2_02_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_02_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x086c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a11.gpio1_27 */
+	P2_02_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_02_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x086c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a11.gpio1_27 */
+	P2_02_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_02_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x086c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_a11.gpio1_27 */
+	/* P2_03 (ZCZ ball T10) gpio0_23 */
+	P2_03_default_pin: pinmux_P2_03_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad9.gpio0_23 */
+	P2_03_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_03_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad9.gpio0_23 */
+	P2_03_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_03_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad9.gpio0_23 */
+	P2_03_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_03_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad9.gpio0_23 */
+	P2_03_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_03_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad9.gpio0_23 */
+	P2_03_pwm_pin: pinmux_P2_03_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0824, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad9.ehrpwm2b */
+	/* P2_04 (ZCZ ball T16) gpio1_26 */
+	P2_04_default_pin: pinmux_P2_04_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0868, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a10.gpio1_26 */
+	P2_04_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_04_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0868, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_a10.gpio1_26 */
+	P2_04_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_04_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0868, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a10.gpio1_26 */
+	P2_04_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_04_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0868, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a10.gpio1_26 */
+	P2_04_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_04_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0868, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_a10.gpio1_26 */
+	/* P2_05 (ZCZ ball T17) uart4_rxd */
+	P2_05_default_pin: pinmux_P2_05_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_wait0.uart4_rxd */
+	P2_05_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_05_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_wait0.gpio0_30 */
+	P2_05_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_05_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wait0.gpio0_30 */
+	P2_05_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_05_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wait0.gpio0_30 */
+	P2_05_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_05_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_wait0.gpio0_30 */
+	P2_05_uart_pin: pinmux_P2_05_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0870, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_wait0.uart4_rxd */
+	/* P2_06 (ZCZ ball U16) gpio1_25 */
+	P2_06_default_pin: pinmux_P2_06_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0864, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a9.gpio1_25 */
+	P2_06_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_06_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0864, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_a9.gpio1_25 */
+	P2_06_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_06_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0864, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a9.gpio1_25 */
+	P2_06_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_06_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0864, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a9.gpio1_25 */
+	P2_06_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_06_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0864, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_a9.gpio1_25 */
+	/* P2_07 (ZCZ ball U17) uart4_txd */
+	P2_07_default_pin: pinmux_P2_07_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_wpn.uart4_txd */
+	P2_07_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_07_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_wpn.gpio0_31 */
+	P2_07_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_07_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wpn.gpio0_31 */
+	P2_07_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_07_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_wpn.gpio0_31 */
+	P2_07_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_07_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_wpn.gpio0_31 */
+	P2_07_uart_pin: pinmux_P2_07_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0874, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_wpn.uart4_txd */
+	/* P2_08 (ZCZ ball U18) gpio1_28 */
+	P2_08_default_pin: pinmux_P2_08_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0878, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_be1n.gpio1_28 */
+	P2_08_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_08_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0878, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_be1n.gpio1_28 */
+	P2_08_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_08_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0878, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_be1n.gpio1_28 */
+	P2_08_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_08_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0878, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_be1n.gpio1_28 */
+	P2_08_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_08_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0878, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_be1n.gpio1_28 */
+	/* P2_09 (ZCZ ball D15) i2c1_scl */
+	P2_09_default_pin: pinmux_P2_09_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_txd.i2c1_scl */
+	P2_09_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_09_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart1_txd.gpio0_15 */
+	P2_09_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_09_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_txd.gpio0_15 */
+	P2_09_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_09_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_txd.gpio0_15 */
+	P2_09_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_09_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart1_txd.gpio0_15 */
+	P2_09_uart_pin: pinmux_P2_09_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* uart1_txd.uart1_txd */
+	P2_09_can_pin: pinmux_P2_09_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart1_txd.dcan1_rx */
+	P2_09_i2c_pin: pinmux_P2_09_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_txd.i2c1_scl */
+	P2_09_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P2_09_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* uart1_txd.pr1_uart0_txd */
+	P2_09_pruin_pin: pinmux_P2_09_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0984, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* uart1_txd.pru0_in16 */
+	/* P2_10 (ZCZ ball R14) gpio1_20 */
+	P2_10_default_pin: pinmux_P2_10_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0850, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a4.gpio1_20 */
+	P2_10_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_10_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0850, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_a4.gpio1_20 */
+	P2_10_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_10_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0850, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a4.gpio1_20 */
+	P2_10_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_10_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0850, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_a4.gpio1_20 */
+	P2_10_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_10_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0850, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_a4.gpio1_20 */
+	P2_10_qep_pin: pinmux_P2_10_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0850, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_a4.eqep1a_in */
+	/* P2_11 (ZCZ ball D16) i2c1_sda */
+	P2_11_default_pin: pinmux_P2_11_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.i2c1_sda */
+	P2_11_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_11_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart1_rxd.gpio0_14 */
+	P2_11_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_11_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.gpio0_14 */
+	P2_11_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_11_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.gpio0_14 */
+	P2_11_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_11_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart1_rxd.gpio0_14 */
+	P2_11_uart_pin: pinmux_P2_11_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.uart1_rxd */
+	P2_11_can_pin: pinmux_P2_11_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart1_rxd.dcan1_tx */
+	P2_11_i2c_pin: pinmux_P2_11_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.i2c1_sda */
+	P2_11_pru_uart_pin: pinmux_P2_11_pru_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* uart1_rxd.pr1_uart0_rxd */
+	P2_11_pruin_pin: pinmux_P2_11_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0980, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* uart1_rxd.pru1_in16 */
+	/* P2_12                POWER_BUTTON */
+	/* P2_13                VOUT-5V */
+	/* P2_14                BAT-VIN */
+	/* P2_15                GND */
+	/* P2_16                BAT-TEMP */
+	/* P2_17 (ZCZ ball V12) gpio2_1 */
+	P2_17_default_pin: pinmux_P2_17_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x088c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_clk.gpio2_1 */
+	P2_17_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_17_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x088c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_clk.gpio2_1 */
+	P2_17_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_17_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x088c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_clk.gpio2_1 */
+	P2_17_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_17_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x088c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_clk.gpio2_1 */
+	P2_17_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_17_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x088c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_clk.gpio2_1 */
+	/* P2_18 (ZCZ ball U13) gpio1_15 */
+	P2_18_default_pin: pinmux_P2_18_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad15.gpio1_15 */
+	P2_18_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_18_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad15.gpio1_15 */
+	P2_18_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_18_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad15.gpio1_15 */
+	P2_18_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_18_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad15.gpio1_15 */
+	P2_18_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_18_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad15.gpio1_15 */
+	P2_18_qep_pin: pinmux_P2_18_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad15.eqep2_strobe */
+	P2_18_pru_ecap_pin: pinmux_P2_18_pru_ecap_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* gpmc_ad15.pr1_ecap0_ecap_capin_apwm_o */
+	P2_18_pruin_pin: pinmux_P2_18_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x083c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* gpmc_ad15.pru0_in15 */
+	/* P2_19 (ZCZ ball U12) gpio0_27 */
+	P2_19_default_pin: pinmux_P2_19_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x082c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad11.gpio0_27 */
+	P2_19_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_19_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x082c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad11.gpio0_27 */
+	P2_19_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_19_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x082c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad11.gpio0_27 */
+	P2_19_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_19_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x082c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad11.gpio0_27 */
+	P2_19_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_19_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x082c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad11.gpio0_27 */
+	P2_19_pwm_pin: pinmux_P2_19_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x082c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad11.ehrpwm0_synco */
+	/* P2_20 (ZCZ ball T13) gpio2_0 */
+	P2_20_default_pin: pinmux_P2_20_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0888, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn3.gpio2_0 */
+	P2_20_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_20_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0888, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_csn3.gpio2_0 */
+	P2_20_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_20_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0888, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn3.gpio2_0 */
+	P2_20_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_20_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0888, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_csn3.gpio2_0 */
+	P2_20_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_20_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0888, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_csn3.gpio2_0 */
+	/* P2_21                GND */
+	/* P2_22 (ZCZ ball V13) gpio1_14 */
+	P2_22_default_pin: pinmux_P2_22_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad14.gpio1_14 */
+	P2_22_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_22_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad14.gpio1_14 */
+	P2_22_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_22_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad14.gpio1_14 */
+	P2_22_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_22_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad14.gpio1_14 */
+	P2_22_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_22_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad14.gpio1_14 */
+	P2_22_qep_pin: pinmux_P2_22_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad14.eqep2_index */
+	P2_22_pruin_pin: pinmux_P2_22_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0838, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* gpmc_ad14.pru0_in14 */
+	/* P2_23                VOUT-3.3V */
+	/* P2_24 (ZCZ ball T12) gpio1_12 */
+	P2_24_default_pin: pinmux_P2_24_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad12.gpio1_12 */
+	P2_24_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_24_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad12.gpio1_12 */
+	P2_24_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_24_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad12.gpio1_12 */
+	P2_24_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_24_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad12.gpio1_12 */
+	P2_24_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_24_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad12.gpio1_12 */
+	P2_24_qep_pin: pinmux_P2_24_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad12.eqep2a_in */
+	P2_24_pruout_pin: pinmux_P2_24_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0830, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_ad12.pru0_out14 */
+	/* P2_25 (ZCZ ball E17) spi1_d1 */
+	P2_25_default_pin: pinmux_P2_25_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x096c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* uart0_rtsn.spi1_d1 */
+	P2_25_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_25_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x096c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart0_rtsn.gpio1_9 */
+	P2_25_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_25_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x096c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart0_rtsn.gpio1_9 */
+	P2_25_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_25_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x096c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart0_rtsn.gpio1_9 */
+	P2_25_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_25_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x096c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart0_rtsn.gpio1_9 */
+	P2_25_uart_pin: pinmux_P2_25_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x096c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* uart0_rtsn.uart4_txd */
+	P2_25_can_pin: pinmux_P2_25_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x096c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart0_rtsn.dcan1_rx */
+	P2_25_i2c_pin: pinmux_P2_25_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x096c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart0_rtsn.i2c1_scl */
+	P2_25_spi_pin: pinmux_P2_25_spi_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x096c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* uart0_rtsn.spi1_d1 */
+	P2_25_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P2_25_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x096c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* uart0_rtsn.spi1_cs0 */
+	/* P2_26                RESET# */
+	/* P2_27 (ZCZ ball E18) spi1_d0 */
+	P2_27_default_pin: pinmux_P2_27_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0968, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* uart0_ctsn.spi1_d0 */
+	P2_27_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_27_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0968, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* uart0_ctsn.gpio1_8 */
+	P2_27_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_27_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0968, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart0_ctsn.gpio1_8 */
+	P2_27_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_27_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0968, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* uart0_ctsn.gpio1_8 */
+	P2_27_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_27_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0968, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* uart0_ctsn.gpio1_8 */
+	P2_27_uart_pin: pinmux_P2_27_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0968, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* uart0_ctsn.uart4_rxd */
+	P2_27_can_pin: pinmux_P2_27_can_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0968, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) >; };		/* uart0_ctsn.dcan1_tx */
+	P2_27_i2c_pin: pinmux_P2_27_i2c_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0968, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* uart0_ctsn.i2c1_sda */
+	P2_27_spi_pin: pinmux_P2_27_spi_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0968, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* uart0_ctsn.spi1_d0 */
+	/* P2_28 (ZCZ ball D13) pru0_in6 */
+	P2_28_default_pin: pinmux_P2_28_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_axr1.pru0_in6 */
+	P2_28_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_28_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_axr1.gpio3_20 */
+	P2_28_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_28_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr1.gpio3_20 */
+	P2_28_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_28_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr1.gpio3_20 */
+	P2_28_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_28_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_axr1.gpio3_20 */
+	P2_28_qep_pin: pinmux_P2_28_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr1.eqep0_index */
+	P2_28_pruout_pin: pinmux_P2_28_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr1.pru0_out6 */
+	P2_28_pruin_pin: pinmux_P2_28_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_axr1.pru0_in6 */
+	/* P2_29 (ZCZ ball C18) spi1_sclk */
+	P2_29_default_pin: pinmux_P2_29_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.spi1_sclk */
+	P2_29_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_29_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.gpio0_7 */
+	P2_29_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_29_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.gpio0_7 */
+	P2_29_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_29_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.gpio0_7 */
+	P2_29_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_29_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.gpio0_7 */
+	P2_29_pwm_pin: pinmux_P2_29_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE0) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.ecap0_in_pwm0_out */
+	P2_29_uart_pin: pinmux_P2_29_uart_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.uart3_txd */
+	P2_29_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P2_29_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE2) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.spi1_cs1 */
+	P2_29_pru_ecap_pin: pinmux_P2_29_pru_ecap_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.pr1_ecap0_ecap_capin_apwm_o */
+	P2_29_spi_sclk_pin: pinmux_P2_29_spi_sclk_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0964, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.spi1_sclk */
+	/* P2_30 (ZCZ ball C12) pru0_in3 */
+	P2_30_default_pin: pinmux_P2_30_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_ahclkr.pru0_in3 */
+	P2_30_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_30_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_ahclkr.gpio3_17 */
+	P2_30_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_30_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.gpio3_17 */
+	P2_30_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_30_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.gpio3_17 */
+	P2_30_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_30_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_ahclkr.gpio3_17 */
+	P2_30_pwm_pin: pinmux_P2_30_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.ehrpwm0_synci */
+	P2_30_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P2_30_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.spi1_cs0 */
+	P2_30_pruout_pin: pinmux_P2_30_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.pru0_out3 */
+	P2_30_pruin_pin: pinmux_P2_30_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x099c, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_ahclkr.pru0_in3 */
+	/* P2_31 (ZCZ ball A15) spi1_cs1 */
+	P2_31_default_pin: pinmux_P2_31_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* xdma_event_intr0.spi1_cs1 */
+	P2_31_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_31_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b0, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* xdma_event_intr0.gpio0_19 */
+	P2_31_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_31_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* xdma_event_intr0.gpio0_19 */
+	P2_31_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_31_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* xdma_event_intr0.gpio0_19 */
+	P2_31_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_31_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* xdma_event_intr0.gpio0_19 */
+	P2_31_spi_cs_pin: pinmux_P2_31_spi_cs_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* xdma_event_intr0.spi1_cs1 */
+	P2_31_pruin_pin: pinmux_P2_31_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09b0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE5) >; };			/* xdma_event_intr0.pru1_in16 */
+	/* P2_32 (ZCZ ball D12) pru0_in2 */
+	P2_32_default_pin: pinmux_P2_32_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_axr0.pru0_in2 */
+	P2_32_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_32_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_axr0.gpio3_16 */
+	P2_32_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_32_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr0.gpio3_16 */
+	P2_32_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_32_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr0.gpio3_16 */
+	P2_32_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_32_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_axr0.gpio3_16 */
+	P2_32_pwm_pin: pinmux_P2_32_pwm_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr0.ehrpwm0_tripzone_input */
+	P2_32_spi_pin: pinmux_P2_32_spi_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE3) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr0.spi1_d1 */
+	P2_32_pruout_pin: pinmux_P2_32_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_axr0.pru0_out2 */
+	P2_32_pruin_pin: pinmux_P2_32_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0998, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_axr0.pru0_in2 */
+	/* P2_33 (ZCZ ball R12) gpio1_13 */
+	P2_33_default_pin: pinmux_P2_33_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad13.gpio1_13 */
+	P2_33_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_33_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* gpmc_ad13.gpio1_13 */
+	P2_33_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_33_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad13.gpio1_13 */
+	P2_33_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_33_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* gpmc_ad13.gpio1_13 */
+	P2_33_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_33_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* gpmc_ad13.gpio1_13 */
+	P2_33_qep_pin: pinmux_P2_33_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE4) >; };	/* gpmc_ad13.eqep2b_in */
+	P2_33_pruout_pin: pinmux_P2_33_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE6) >; };	/* gpmc_ad13.pru0_out15 */
+	/* P2_34 (ZCZ ball C13) pru0_in5 */
+	P2_34_default_pin: pinmux_P2_34_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_fsr.pru0_in5 */
+	P2_34_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_34_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* mcasp0_fsr.gpio3_19 */
+	P2_34_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_34_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsr.gpio3_19 */
+	P2_34_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_34_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsr.gpio3_19 */
+	P2_34_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_34_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* mcasp0_fsr.gpio3_19 */
+	P2_34_qep_pin: pinmux_P2_34_qep_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE1) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsr.eqep0b_in */
+	P2_34_pruout_pin: pinmux_P2_34_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* mcasp0_fsr.pru0_out5 */
+	P2_34_pruin_pin: pinmux_P2_34_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x09a4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* mcasp0_fsr.pru0_in5 */
+	/* P2_35 (ZCZ ball U5) gpio2_22 */
+	P2_35_default_pin: pinmux_P2_35_default_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_vsync.gpio2_22 */
+	P2_35_gpio_pin: pinmux_P2_35_gpio_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_OUTPUT | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };		/* lcd_vsync.gpio2_22 */
+	P2_35_gpio_pu_pin: pinmux_P2_35_gpio_pu_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_vsync.gpio2_22 */
+	P2_35_gpio_pd_pin: pinmux_P2_35_gpio_pd_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE7) >; };	/* lcd_vsync.gpio2_22 */
+	P2_35_gpio_input_pin: pinmux_P2_35_gpio_input_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7) >; };			/* lcd_vsync.gpio2_22 */
+	P2_35_pruout_pin: pinmux_P2_35_pruout_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | INPUT_EN | MUX_MODE5) >; };	/* lcd_vsync.pru1_out8 */
+	P2_35_pruin_pin: pinmux_P2_35_pruin_pin { pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		AM33XX_IOPAD(0x08e0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE6) >; };			/* lcd_vsync.pru1_in8 */
+	/* P2_36 (ZCZ ball C9)  AIN7         */
 &epwmss0 {
@@ -141,7 +967,8 @@
 &ehrpwm0 {
 	status = "okay";
 	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&ehrpwm0_pins>;
+	//pinctrl-0 = <&ehrpwm0_pins>;
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
 &epwmss1 {
@@ -151,7 +978,18 @@
 &ehrpwm1 {
 	status = "okay";
 	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&ehrpwm1_pins>;
+	//pinctrl-0 = <&ehrpwm1_pins>;
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&epwmss2 {
+	status = "okay";
+&ehrpwm2 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
 &i2c0 {
@@ -161,9 +999,18 @@
+&i2c1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+	status = "okay";
+	clock-frequency = <400000>;
 &i2c2 {
 	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&i2c2_pins>;
+//	pinctrl-0 = <&i2c2_pins>;
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
 	status = "okay";
 	clock-frequency = <400000>;
@@ -194,14 +1041,30 @@
 &uart0 {
 	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&uart0_pins>;
+	//pinctrl-0 = <&uart0_pins>;
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+	status = "okay";
+&uart1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+	status = "okay";
+&uart2 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
 	status = "okay";
 &uart4 {
 	pinctrl-names = "default";
-	pinctrl-0 = <&uart4_pins>;
+	//pinctrl-0 = <&uart4_pins>;
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
 	status = "okay";
@@ -235,3 +1098,1088 @@
 &cppi41dma  {
 	status = "okay";
+&spi0 {
+	#address-cells = <1>;
+	#size-cells = <0>;
+	status = "okay";
+	channel@0 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		compatible = "spidev";
+		reg = <0>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <24000000>;
+	};
+	channel@1 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		compatible = "spidev";
+		reg = <1>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <24000000>;
+		status = "disabled";
+	};
+&spi1 {
+	#address-cells = <1>;
+	#size-cells = <0>;
+	status = "okay";
+	channel@0 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		compatible = "spidev";
+		reg = <0>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <24000000>;
+	};
+	channel@1 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		compatible = "spidev";
+		reg = <1>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <24000000>;
+	};
+&dcan0 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&dcan1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <>;
+&ocp {
+	/************************/
+	/* P1 Header */
+	/************************/
+	/* P1_01                VIN-AC */
+	/* P1_02 (ZCZ ball R5) gpio_input */
+	P1_02_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P1_02_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P1_02_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P1_02_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P1_02_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P1_02_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P1_02_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P1_02_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P1_03 (ZCZ ball F15)  usb1_vbus_out         */
+	/* P1_04 (ZCZ ball R6) */
+	P1_04_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P1_04_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P1_04_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P1_04_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P1_04_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P1_04_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P1_04_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P1_04_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P1_05 (ZCZ ball T18)  usb1_vbus_in         */
+	/* P1_06 (ZCZ ball A16) spi_cs */
+	P1_06_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "i2c", "pwm", "pru_uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P1_06_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P1_06_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P1_06_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P1_06_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P1_06_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P1_06_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P1_06_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P1_06_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P1_06_pru_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P1_07                VIN-USB */
+	/* P1_08 (ZCZ ball A17) spi_sclk */
+	P1_08_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_sclk", "uart", "i2c", "pwm", "pru_uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P1_08_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P1_08_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P1_08_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P1_08_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P1_08_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P1_08_spi_sclk_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P1_08_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P1_08_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P1_08_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P1_08_pru_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P1_09 (ZCZ ball R18)  USB1-DN         */
+	/* P1_10 (ZCZ ball B17) spi */
+	P1_10_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi", "uart", "i2c", "pwm", "pru_uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P1_10_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P1_10_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P1_10_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P1_10_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P1_10_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P1_10_spi_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P1_10_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P1_10_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P1_10_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P1_10_pru_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P1_11 (ZCZ ball R17)  USB1-DP         */
+	/* P1_12 (ZCZ ball B16) spi */
+	P1_12_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi", "i2c", "pwm", "pru_uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P1_12_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P1_12_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P1_12_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P1_12_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P1_12_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P1_12_spi_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P1_12_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P1_12_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P1_12_pru_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P1_13 (ZCZ ball P17)  USB1-ID         */
+	/* P1_14                VOUT-3.3V */
+	/* P1_15                GND */
+	/* P1_16                GND */
+	/* P1_17 (ZCZ ball A9)  VREFN         */
+	/* P1_18 (ZCZ ball B9)  VREFP         */
+	/* P1_19 (ZCZ ball B6)  AIN0         */
+	/* P1_20 (ZCZ ball D14) */
+	P1_20_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P1_20_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P1_20_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P1_20_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P1_20_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P1_20_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P1_20_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P1_21 (ZCZ ball C7)  AIN1         */
+	/* P1_22                GND */
+	/* P1_23 (ZCZ ball B7)  AIN2         */
+	/* P1_24                VOUT-5V */
+	/* P1_25 (ZCZ ball A7)  AIN3         */
+	/* P1_26 (ZCZ ball D18) i2c */
+	P1_26_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "can", "i2c", "pru_uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P1_26_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P1_26_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P1_26_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P1_26_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P1_26_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P1_26_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P1_26_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P1_26_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P1_26_pru_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P1_27 (ZCZ ball C8)  AIN4         */
+	/* P1_28 (ZCZ ball D17) i2c */
+	P1_28_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "can", "i2c", "pru_uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P1_28_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P1_28_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P1_28_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P1_28_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P1_28_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P1_28_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P1_28_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P1_28_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P1_28_pru_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P1_29 (ZCZ ball A14) pruin */
+	P1_29_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P1_29_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P1_29_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P1_29_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P1_29_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P1_29_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P1_29_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P1_29_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P1_29_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P1_30 (ZCZ ball E16) uart */
+	P1_30_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "uart", "can", "i2c", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P1_30_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P1_30_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P1_30_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P1_30_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P1_30_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P1_30_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P1_30_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P1_30_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P1_30_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P1_30_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-10 = <&P1_30_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P1_31 (ZCZ ball B12) pruin */
+	P1_31_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P1_31_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P1_31_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P1_31_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P1_31_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P1_31_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P1_31_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P1_31_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P1_31_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P1_32 (ZCZ ball E15) uart */
+	P1_32_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "uart", "can", "i2c", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P1_32_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P1_32_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P1_32_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P1_32_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P1_32_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P1_32_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P1_32_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P1_32_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P1_32_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P1_32_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-10 = <&P1_32_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P1_33 (ZCZ ball B13) pruin */
+	P1_33_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi", "pwm", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P1_33_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P1_33_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P1_33_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P1_33_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P1_33_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P1_33_spi_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P1_33_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P1_33_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P1_33_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P1_34 (ZCZ ball T11) */
+	P1_34_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P1_34_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P1_34_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P1_34_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P1_34_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P1_34_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P1_34_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P1_35 (ZCZ ball V5) pruin */
+	P1_35_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P1_35_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P1_35_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P1_35_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P1_35_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P1_35_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P1_35_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P1_35_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P1_36 (ZCZ ball A13) pwm */
+	P1_36_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_sclk", "pwm", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P1_36_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P1_36_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P1_36_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P1_36_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P1_36_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P1_36_spi_sclk_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P1_36_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P1_36_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P1_36_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/************************/
+	/* P2 Header */
+	/************************/
+	/* P2_01 (ZCZ ball U14) pwm */
+	P2_01_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_01_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_01_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_01_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_01_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_01_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_01_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_02 (ZCZ ball V17) */
+	P2_02_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_02_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_02_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_02_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_02_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_02_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_03 (ZCZ ball T10) */
+	P2_03_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_03_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_03_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_03_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_03_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_03_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_03_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_04 (ZCZ ball T16) */
+	P2_04_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_04_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_04_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_04_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_04_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_04_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_05 (ZCZ ball T17) uart */
+	P2_05_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_05_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_05_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_05_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_05_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_05_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_05_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_06 (ZCZ ball U16) */
+	P2_06_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_06_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_06_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_06_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_06_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_06_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_07 (ZCZ ball U17) uart */
+	P2_07_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_07_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_07_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_07_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_07_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_07_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_07_uart_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_08 (ZCZ ball U18) */
+	P2_08_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_08_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_08_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_08_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_08_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_08_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_09 (ZCZ ball D15) i2c */
+	P2_09_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart", "can", "i2c", "pru_uart", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_09_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_09_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_09_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_09_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_09_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_09_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P2_09_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P2_09_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P2_09_pru_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P2_09_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_10 (ZCZ ball R14) */
+	P2_10_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_10_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_10_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_10_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_10_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_10_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_10_qep_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_11 (ZCZ ball D16) i2c */
+	P2_11_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "uart", "can", "i2c", "pru_uart", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_11_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_11_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_11_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_11_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_11_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_11_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P2_11_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P2_11_i2c_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P2_11_pru_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P2_11_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_12                POWER_BUTTON */
+	/* P2_13                VOUT-5V */
+	/* P2_14                BAT-VIN */
+	/* P2_15                GND */
+	/* P2_16                BAT-TEMP */
+	/* P2_17 (ZCZ ball V12) */
+	P2_17_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_17_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_17_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_17_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_17_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_17_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_18 (ZCZ ball U13) */
+	P2_18_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pru_ecap", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_18_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_18_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_18_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_18_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_18_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_18_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P2_18_pru_ecap_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P2_18_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_19 (ZCZ ball U12) */
+	P2_19_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pwm";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_19_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_19_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_19_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_19_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_19_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_19_pwm_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_20 (ZCZ ball T13) */
+	P2_20_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_20_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_20_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_20_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_20_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_20_gpio_input_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_21                GND */
+	/* P2_22 (ZCZ ball V13) */
+	P2_22_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_22_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_22_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_22_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_22_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_22_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_22_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P2_22_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_23                VOUT-3.3V */
+	/* P2_24 (ZCZ ball T12) */
+	P2_24_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_24_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_24_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_24_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_24_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_24_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_24_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P2_24_pruout_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_25 (ZCZ ball E17) spi */
+	P2_25_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi", "spi_cs", "uart", "can", "i2c";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_25_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_25_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_25_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_25_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_25_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_25_spi_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P2_25_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P2_25_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P2_25_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P2_25_i2c_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_26                RESET# */
+	/* P2_27 (ZCZ ball E18) spi */
+	P2_27_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi", "uart", "can", "i2c";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_27_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_27_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_27_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_27_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_27_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_27_spi_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P2_27_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P2_27_can_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P2_27_i2c_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_28 (ZCZ ball D13) pruin */
+	P2_28_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_28_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_28_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_28_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_28_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_28_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_28_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P2_28_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P2_28_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_29 (ZCZ ball C18) spi_sclk */
+	P2_29_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "spi_sclk", "uart", "pwm", "pru_ecap";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_29_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_29_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_29_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_29_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_29_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_29_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P2_29_spi_sclk_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P2_29_uart_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P2_29_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-9 = <&P2_29_pru_ecap_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_30 (ZCZ ball C12) pruin */
+	P2_30_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "pwm", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_30_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_30_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_30_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_30_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_30_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_30_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P2_30_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P2_30_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P2_30_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_31 (ZCZ ball A15) spi_cs */
+	P2_31_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi_cs", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_31_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_31_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_31_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_31_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_31_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_31_spi_cs_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P2_31_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_32 (ZCZ ball D12) pruin */
+	P2_32_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "spi", "pwm", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_32_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_32_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_32_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_32_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_32_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_32_spi_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P2_32_pwm_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P2_32_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-8 = <&P2_32_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_33 (ZCZ ball R12) */
+	P2_33_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_33_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_33_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_33_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_33_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_33_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_33_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P2_33_pruout_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_34 (ZCZ ball C13) pruin */
+	P2_34_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "qep", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_34_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_34_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_34_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_34_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_34_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_34_qep_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P2_34_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-7 = <&P2_34_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_35 (ZCZ ball U5) gpio_input */
+	P2_35_pinmux {
+		compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default", "gpio", "gpio_pu", "gpio_pd", "gpio_input", "pruout", "pruin";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&P2_35_default_pin>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&P2_35_gpio_pin>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&P2_35_gpio_pu_pin>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&P2_35_gpio_pd_pin>;
+		pinctrl-4 = <&P2_35_gpio_input_pin>;
+		pinctrl-5 = <&P2_35_pruout_pin>;
+		pinctrl-6 = <&P2_35_pruin_pin>;
+	};
+	/* P2_36 (ZCZ ball C9)  AIN7         */
+	cape-universal {
+		compatible = "gpio-of-helper";
+		status = "okay";
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <>;
+		P1_02 {
+			gpio-name = "P1_02";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 23 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P1_04 {
+			gpio-name = "P1_04";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 25 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P1_06 {
+			gpio-name = "P1_06";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 5 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P1_08 {
+			gpio-name = "P1_08";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 2 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P1_10 {
+			gpio-name = "P1_10";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 3 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P1_12 {
+			gpio-name = "P1_12";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 4 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P1_20 {
+			gpio-name = "P1_20";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 20 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P1_26 {
+			gpio-name = "P1_26";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 12 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P1_28 {
+			gpio-name = "P1_28";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 13 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P1_29 {
+			gpio-name = "P1_29";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 21 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P1_30 {
+			gpio-name = "P1_30";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 11 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P1_31 {
+			gpio-name = "P1_31";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 18 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P1_32 {
+			gpio-name = "P1_32";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 10 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P1_33 {
+			gpio-name = "P1_33";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 15 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P1_34 {
+			gpio-name = "P1_34";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 26 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P1_35 {
+			gpio-name = "P1_35";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 24 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P1_36 {
+			gpio-name = "P1_36";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 14 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_01 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_01";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 18 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_02 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_02";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 27 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_03 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_03";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 23 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_04 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_04";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 26 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_05 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_05";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 30 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_06 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_06";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 25 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_07 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_07";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 31 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_08 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_08";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 28 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_09 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_09";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 15 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_10 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_10";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 20 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_11 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_11";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 14 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_17 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_17";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 1 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_18 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_18";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 15 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_19 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_19";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 27 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_20 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_20";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 0 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_22 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_22";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 14 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_24 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_24";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 12 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_25 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_25";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 9 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_27 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_27";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 8 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_28 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_28";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 20 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_29 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_29";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 7 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_30 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_30";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 17 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_31 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_31";
+			gpio = <&gpio0 19 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_32 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_32";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 16 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_33 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_33";
+			gpio = <&gpio1 13 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_34 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_34";
+			gpio = <&gpio3 19 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+		P2_35 {
+			gpio-name = "P2_35";
+			gpio = <&gpio2 22 0>;
+			input;
+			dir-changeable;
+		};
+	};
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-sancloud-bbe.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-sancloud-bbe.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bd1489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-sancloud-bbe.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include "am33xx.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-bone-common.dtsi"
+#include "am335x-boneblack-common.dtsi"
+#include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h>
+/* #include "am335x-bone-jtag.dtsi" */
+/ {
+	model = "SanCloud BeagleBone Enhanced";
+	compatible = "sancloud,am335x-boneenhanced", "ti,am335x-bone-black", "ti,am335x-bone", "ti,am33xx";
+&mmc2 {
+	ti,vcc-aux-disable-is-sleep;
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&usb_hub_ctrl>;
+	cpsw_default: cpsw_default {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* Slave 1 */
+			0x114 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)	/* mii1_txen.rgmii1_tctl */
+			0x118 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)	/* mii1_rxdv.rgmii1_rctl */
+			0x11c (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)	/* mii1_txd3.rgmii1_td3 */
+			0x120 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)	/* mii1_txd2.rgmii1_td2 */
+			0x124 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)	/* mii1_txd1.rgmii1_td1 */
+			0x128 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)	/* mii1_txd0.rgmii1_td0 */
+			0x12c (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)	/* mii1_txclk.rgmii1_tclk */
+			0x130 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)	/* mii1_rxclk.rgmii1_rclk */
+			0x134 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)	/* mii1_rxd3.rgmii1_rd3 */
+			0x138 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)	/* mii1_rxd2.rgmii1_rd2 */
+			0x13c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)	/* mii1_rxd1.rgmii1_rd1 */
+			0x140 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE2)	/* mii1_rxd0.rgmii1_rd0 */
+		>;
+	};
+	cpsw_sleep: cpsw_sleep {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* Slave 1 reset value */
+		>;
+	};
+	davinci_mdio_default: davinci_mdio_default {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* MDIO */
+			0x148 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | SLEWCTRL_FAST | MUX_MODE0)	/* mdio_data.mdio_data */
+			0x14c (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)			/* mdio_clk.mdio_clk */
+		>;
+	};
+	davinci_mdio_sleep: davinci_mdio_sleep {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			/* MDIO reset value */
+		>;
+	};
+	usb_hub_ctrl: usb_hub_ctrl {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x144 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7)	/* mcasp0_ahclkr.gpio3_17 */
+		>;
+	};
+	mpu6050_pins: pinmux_mpu6050_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x168 (PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7)	/* spi0_sclk.gpio0_2 */
+		>;
+	};
+	lps3331ap_pins: pinmux_lps3331ap_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x6C (PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7)	/* conf_gpmc_a11.gpio1_27 */
+		>;
+	};
+&mac {
+	pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&cpsw_default>;
+	pinctrl-1 = <&cpsw_sleep>;
+&davinci_mdio {
+	pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&davinci_mdio_default>;
+	pinctrl-1 = <&davinci_mdio_sleep>;
+&cpsw_emac0 {
+	phy_id = <&davinci_mdio>, <0>;
+	phy-mode = "rgmii-txid";
+&i2c0 {
+	lps331ap: lps331ap@5C {
+		compatible = "st,lps331ap";
+		st,drdy-int-pin = <1>;
+		reg = <0x5C>;
+		interrupt-parent = <&gpio1>;
+		interrupts = <27 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
+	};
+	mpu6050: mpu6050@68 {
+		compatible = "invensense,mpu6050";
+		reg = <0x68>;
+		interrupt-parent = <&gpio0>;
+		interrupts = <2 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
+		//orientation = <0xff 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0xff>;
+	};
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-som-common.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-som-common.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb4399b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am335x-som-common.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+/ {
+	cpus {
+		cpu@0 {
+			cpu0-supply = <&dcdc2_fixed>;
+		};
+	};
+	memory {
+		device_type = "memory";
+		reg = <0x80000000 0x20000000>; /* 512 MB */
+	};
+	ocp {
+		uart0: serial@44e09000 {
+			pinctrl-names = "default";
+			pinctrl-0 = <&uart0_pins>;
+			status = "okay";
+		};
+		uart1: serial@48022000 {
+			pinctrl-names = "default";
+			pinctrl-0 = <&uart1_pins>;
+			status = "okay";
+		};
+		uart4: serial@481a8000 {
+			pinctrl-names = "default";
+			pinctrl-0 = <&uart4_pins>;
+			status = "okay";
+		};
+		epwmss0: epwmss@48300000 {
+			status = "okay";
+			ecap0: ecap@48300100 {
+				status = "okay";
+				pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
+				pinctrl-0 = <&ecap0_pins_default>;
+				pinctrl-1 = <&ecap0_pins_sleep>;
+			};
+		};
+		musb: usb@47400000 {
+			status = "okay";
+			control@44e10000 {
+				status = "okay";
+			};
+			usb-phy@47401300 {
+				status = "okay";
+			};
+			usb-phy@47401b00 {
+				status = "okay";
+			};
+			usb@47401000 {
+				status = "okay";
+				dr_mode = "otg";
+			};
+			usb@47401800 {
+				status = "okay";
+				dr_mode = "host";
+			};
+			dma-controller@07402000  {
+				status = "okay";
+			};
+		};
+		i2c0: i2c@44e0b000 {
+			pinctrl-names = "default";
+			pinctrl-0 = <&i2c0_pins>;
+			status = "okay";
+			clock-frequency = <100000>;
+			tps: tps@24 {
+				reg = <0x24>;
+			};
+		};
+	};
+	vmmcsd_fixed: fixedregulator@0 {
+		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+		regulator-name = "vmmcsd_fixed";
+		regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+		regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+	};
+	dcdc2_fixed: fixedregulator@1 {
+		/* VDD_MPU voltage limits 0.95V - 1.325V with +/-4% tolerance */
+		 compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+		regulator-name = "dcdc2_fixed";
+		regulator-min-microvolt = <1378000>;
+		regulator-max-microvolt = <1378000>;
+		regulator-boot-on;
+		regulator-always-on;
+	};
+	leds {
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&user_leds_s0>;
+		compatible = "gpio-leds";
+		led@1 {
+			label = "led1:green:heartbeat";
+			gpios = <&gpio0 19 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+			linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";
+		};
+		led@2 {
+			label = "led2:red:heartbeat";
+			gpios = <&gpio3 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+			linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";
+		};
+		led@3 {
+			label = "led3:yello:heartbeat";
+			gpios = <&gpio3 21 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+			linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";
+		};
+		led@4 {
+			label = "bkl";
+			gpios = <&gpio3 19 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+			linux,default-trigger = "default-on";
+		};
+	};
+	backlight {
+		compatible = "pwm-backlight";
+		pwms = <&ecap0 0 500000 1>;
+		brightness-levels = <
+			0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
+			10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
+			20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
+			30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
+			40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
+			50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
+			60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
+			70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
+			80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
+			90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
+			100
+		>;
+		default-brightness-level = <50>;
+	};
+&am33xx_pinmux {
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&clkout2_pin>;
+		user_leds_s0: user_leds_s0 {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <
+				0x1b0 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)	/* xdma_event_intr0.gpio0_19 */
+				0x198 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)	/* mcasp0_axr0.gpio3_20 */
+				0x1a8 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)	/* mcasp0_axr1.gpio3_21 */
+				0x1a4 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7) /* mcasp0_fsr.gpio3[19], INPUT_PULLDOWN | MODE7 */
+			>;
+		};
+		i2c0_pins: pinmux_i2c0_pins {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <
+				0x188 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* i2c0_sda.i2c0_sda */
+				0x18c (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* i2c0_scl.i2c0_scl */
+			>;
+		};
+		uart0_pins: pinmux_uart0_pins {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <
+				0x170 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* uart0_rxd.uart0_rxd */
+				0x174 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* uart0_txd.uart0_txd */
+			>;
+		};
+		uart1_pins: pinmux_uart1_pins {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			>;
+		};
+		uart4_pins: pinmux_uart4_pins {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			>;
+		};
+		clkout2_pin: pinmux_clkout2_pin {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <
+				0x1b4 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE7)	/* xdma_event_intr1.clkout2 */
+			>;
+		};
+		cpsw_default: cpsw_default {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <
+				/* Slave 1 */
+				0x110 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_rxerr.mii1_rxerr */
+				0x114 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_txen.mii1_txen */
+				0x118 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_rxdv.mii1_rxdv */
+				0x11c (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_txd3.mii1_txd3 */
+				0x120 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_txd2.mii1_txd2 */
+				0x124 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_txd1.mii1_txd1 */
+				0x128 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_txd0.mii1_txd0 */
+				0x12c (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_txclk.mii1_txclk */
+				0x130 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_rxclk.mii1_rxclk */
+				0x134 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_rxd3.mii1_rxd3 */
+				0x138 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_rxd2.mii1_rxd2 */
+				0x13c (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_rxd1.mii1_rxd1 */
+				0x140 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mii1_rxd0.mii1_rxd0 */
+				0x040 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_a0.gmii2_txen, OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MODE1 */
+				0x044 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE1 ) /* gpmc_a1.gmii2_rxdv, INPUT_PULLDOWN | MODE1 */
+				0x048 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_a2.gmii2_txd3, OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MODE1 */
+				0x04c (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_a3.gmii2_txd2, OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MODE1 */
+				0x050 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_a4.gmii2_txd1, OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MODE1 */
+				0x054 (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_a5.gmii2_txd0, OUTPUT_PULLDOWN | MODE1 */
+				0x058 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE1 ) /* gpmc_a6.gmii2_txclk, INPUT_PULLDOWN | MODE1 */
+				0x05c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE1 ) /* gpmc_a7.gmii2_rxclk, INPUT_PULLDOWN | MODE1 */
+				0x060 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE1 ) /* gpmc_a8.gmii2_rxd3, INPUT_PULLDOWN | MODE1 */
+				0x064 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE1 ) /* gpmc_a9.gmii2_rxd2, INPUT_PULLDOWN | MODE1 */
+				0x068 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE1 ) /* gpmc_a10.gmii2_rxd1, INPUT_PULLDOWN | MODE1 */
+				0x06c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE1 ) /* gpmc_a11.gmii2_rxd0, INPUT_PULLDOWN | MODE1 */
+				0x070 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1 )   /* gpmc_wait0.gmii2_crs, INPUT_PULLUP | MODE1 */
+				0x074 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1 )   /* gpmc_wpn.gmii2_rxer, INPUT_PULLUP | MODE1 */
+				0x078 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1 )   /* gpmc_ben1.gmii2_col, INPUT_PULLUP | MODE1 */
+			>;
+		};
+		cpsw_sleep: cpsw_sleep {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <
+				/* Slave 1 reset value */
+			>;
+		};
+		davinci_mdio_default: davinci_mdio_default {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <
+				/* MDIO */
+				0x148 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | SLEWCTRL_FAST | MUX_MODE0)	/* mdio_data.mdio_data */
+				0x14c (PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)			/* mdio_clk.mdio_clk */
+			>;
+		};
+		davinci_mdio_sleep: davinci_mdio_sleep {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <
+				/* MDIO reset value */
+			>;
+		};
+		mmc1_pins_default: pinmux_mmc1_pins {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <
+				0x0F0 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mmc0_dat3.mmc0_dat3 */
+				0x0F4 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mmc0_dat2.mmc0_dat2 */
+				0x0F8 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mmc0_dat1.mmc0_dat1 */
+				0x0FC (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mmc0_dat0.mmc0_dat0 */
+				0x100 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mmc0_clk.mmc0_clk */
+				0x104 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* mmc0_cmd.mmc0_cmd */
+				0x1A0 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE7)	/* mcasp0_aclkr.gpio3_18 */
+				0x160 (PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE7)		/* spi0_cs1.gpio0_6 */
+			>;
+		};
+		mmc1_pins_sleep: pinmux_mmc1_pins_sleep {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			>;
+		};
+		emmc_pins: pinmux_emmc_pins {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <
+				0x80 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) /* gpmc_csn1.mmc1_clk */
+				0x84 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE2) /* gpmc_csn2.mmc1_cmd */
+				0x00 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad0.mmc1_dat0 */
+				0x04 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad1.mmc1_dat1 */
+				0x08 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad2.mmc1_dat2 */
+				0x0c (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad3.mmc1_dat3 */
+				0x10 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad4.mmc1_dat4 */
+				0x14 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad5.mmc1_dat5 */
+				0x18 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad6.mmc1_dat6 */
+				0x1c (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* gpmc_ad7.mmc1_dat7 */
+			>;
+		};
+			ecap0_pins_default: backlight_pins {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <
+				0x164 0x0       /* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.eCAP0_in_PWM0_out MODE0 */
+			>;
+		};
+		ecap0_pins_sleep: ecap0_pins_sleep {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <
+				0x164  (PULL_DISABLE | MUX_MODE7)       /* eCAP0_in_PWM0_out.eCAP0_in_PWM0_out */
+			>;
+		};
+		dcan0_default: dcan0_default_pins {
+			pinctrl-single,pins = <
+				0x178 0x0a      /* uart1_ctsn.dcan0_tx_mux2, OUTPUT | MODE2 */
+				0x17c 0x2a      /* uart1_rtsn.dcan0_rx_mux2, INPUT | MODE2 */
+			>;
+		};
+	};
+&tps {
+	compatible = "ti,tps65217";
+	regulators {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		dcdc1_reg: regulator@0 {
+			reg = <0>;
+			regulator-always-on;
+		};
+		dcdc2_reg: regulator@1 {
+			reg = <1>;
+			/* VDD_MPU voltage limits 0.95V - 1.325V with +/-4% tolerance */
+			regulator-name = "vdd_mpu";
+			regulator-min-microvolt = <925000>;
+			regulator-max-microvolt = <1378000>;
+			regulator-boot-on;
+			regulator-always-on;
+		};
+		dcdc3_reg: regulator@2 {
+			reg = <2>;
+			/* VDD_CORE voltage limits 0.95V - 1.1V with +/-4% tolerance */
+			regulator-name = "vdd_core";
+			regulator-min-microvolt = <925000>;
+			regulator-max-microvolt = <1150000>;
+			regulator-boot-on;
+			regulator-always-on;
+		};
+		ldo1_reg: regulator@3 {
+			reg = <3>;
+			regulator-always-on;
+		};
+		ldo2_reg: regulator@4 {
+			reg = <4>;
+			regulator-always-on;
+		};
+		ldo3_reg: regulator@5 {
+			reg = <5>;
+			regulator-always-on;
+		};
+		ldo4_reg: regulator@6 {
+			reg = <6>;
+			regulator-always-on;
+		};
+	};
+&cpsw_emac0 {
+	phy_id = <&davinci_mdio>, <0>;
+	phy-mode = "mii";
+&cpsw_emac1 {
+	phy_id = <&davinci_mdio>, <1>;
+	phy-mode = "mii";
+&mac {
+	pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&cpsw_default>;
+	pinctrl-1 = <&cpsw_sleep>;
+	slaves = <2>;
+	dual_emac = <1>;
+	status = "okay";
+&davinci_mdio {
+	pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&davinci_mdio_default>;
+	pinctrl-1 = <&davinci_mdio_sleep>;
+	status = "okay";
+&mmc1 {
+	status = "okay";
+	bus-width = <0x4>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&mmc1_pins_default>;
+	pinctrl-1 = <&mmc1_pins_sleep>;
+	cd-gpios = <&gpio0 6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+	cd-inverted;
+&dcan0 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&dcan0_default>;
+	status = "okay";
+&tscadc {
+	status = "okay";
+	tsc {
+		ti,wires = <4>;
+		ti,x-plate-resistance = <200>;
+		ti,coordinate-readouts = <5>;
+		ti,wire-config = <0x00 0x11 0x22 0x33>;
+	};
+	adc {
+		ti,adc-channels = <0 1 2 3>;
+	};
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am33xx.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am33xx.dtsi
index abf5b86..5043535 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am33xx.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am33xx.dtsi
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
 		phy1 = &usb1_phy;
 		ethernet0 = &cpsw_emac0;
 		ethernet1 = &cpsw_emac1;
-		spi0 = &spi0;
-		spi1 = &spi1;
+		spi1 = &spi0;
+		spi2 = &spi1;
 	cpus {
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
 	 * for the moment, just use a fake OCP bus entry to represent
 	 * the whole bus hierarchy.
-	ocp {
+	ocp: ocp {
 		compatible = "simple-bus";
 		#address-cells = <1>;
 		#size-cells = <1>;
@@ -306,6 +306,39 @@
 			#interrupt-cells = <2>;
 			reg = <0x44e07000 0x1000>;
 			interrupts = <96>;
+			gpio-line-names =
+				"MDIO_DATA",	// 0
+				"MDIO_CLK",	// 1
+				"SPI0_SCLK",	// 2
+				"SPI0_D0",	// 3
+				"SPI0_D1",	// 4
+				"SPI0_CS0",	// 5
+				"SPI0_CS1",	// 6
+				"ECAP0_IN_PWM0_OUT",	// 7
+				"LCD_DATA12",	// 8
+				"LCD_DATA13",	// 9
+				"LCD_DATA14",	// 10
+				"LCD_DATA15",	// 11
+				"UART1_CTSN",	// 12
+				"UART1_RTSN",	// 13
+				"UART1_RXD",	// 14
+				"UART1_TXD",	// 15
+				"GMII1_TXD3",	// 16
+				"GMII1_TXD2",	// 17
+				"USB0_DRVVBUS",	// 18
+				"XDMA_EVENT_INTR0",	// 19
+				"XDMA_EVENT_INTR1",	// 20
+				"GMII1_TXD1",	// 21
+				"GPMC_AD8",	// 22
+				"GPMC_AD9",	// 23
+				"NC",	// 24
+				"NC",	// 25
+				"GPMC_AD10",	// 26
+				"GPMC_AD11",	// 27
+				"GMII1_TXD0",	// 28
+				"RMII1_REFCLK",	// 29
+				"GPMC_WAIT0",	// 30
+				"GPMC_WPN";	// 31
 		gpio1: gpio@4804c000 {
@@ -317,6 +350,39 @@
 			#interrupt-cells = <2>;
 			reg = <0x4804c000 0x1000>;
 			interrupts = <98>;
+			gpio-line-names =
+				"GPMC_AD0",	// 0
+				"GPMC_AD1",	// 1
+				"GPMC_AD2",	// 2
+				"GPMC_AD3",	// 3
+				"GPMC_AD4",	// 4
+				"GPMC_AD5",	// 5
+				"GPMC_AD6",	// 6
+				"GPMC_AD7",	// 7
+				"UART0_CTSN",	// 8
+				"UART0_RTSN",	// 9
+				"UART0_RXD",	// 10
+				"UART0_TXD",	// 11
+				"GPMC_AD12",	// 12
+				"GPMC_AD13",	// 13
+				"GPMC_AD14",	// 14
+				"GPMC_AD15",	// 15
+				"GPMC_A0",	// 16
+				"GPMC_A1",	// 17
+				"GPMC_A2",	// 18
+				"GPMC_A3",	// 19
+				"GPMC_A4",	// 20
+				"GPMC_A5",	// 21
+				"GPMC_A6",	// 22
+				"GPMC_A7",	// 23
+				"GPMC_A8",	// 24
+				"GPMC_A9",	// 25
+				"GPMC_A10",	// 26
+				"GPMC_A11",	// 27
+				"GPMC_BE1N",	// 28
+				"GPMC_CSN0",	// 29
+				"GPMC_CSN1",	// 30
+				"GPMC_CSN2";	// 31
 		gpio2: gpio@481ac000 {
@@ -328,6 +394,39 @@
 			#interrupt-cells = <2>;
 			reg = <0x481ac000 0x1000>;
 			interrupts = <32>;
+			gpio-line-names =
+				"GPMC_CSN3",	// 0
+				"GPMC_CLK",	// 1
+				"GPMC_ADVN_ALE",	// 2
+				"GPMC_OEN_REN",	// 3
+				"GPMC_WEN",	// 4
+				"GPMC_BE0N_CLE",	// 5
+				"LCD_DATA0",	// 6
+				"LCD_DATA1",	// 7
+				"LCD_DATA2",	// 8
+				"LCD_DATA3",	// 9
+				"LCD_DATA4",	// 10
+				"LCD_DATA5",	// 11
+				"LCD_DATA6",	// 12
+				"LCD_DATA7",	// 13
+				"LCD_DATA8",	// 14
+				"LCD_DATA9",	// 15
+				"LCD_DATA10",	// 16
+				"LCD_DATA11",	// 17
+				"GMII1_RXD3",	// 18
+				"GMII1_RXD2",	// 19
+				"GMII1_RXD1",	// 20
+				"GMII1_RXD0",	// 21
+				"LCD_VSYNC",	// 22
+				"LCD_HSYNC",	// 23
+				"LCD_PCLK",	// 24
+				"LCD_AC_BIAS_EN",	// 25
+				"MMC0_DAT3",	// 26
+				"MMC0_DAT2",	// 27
+				"MMC0_DAT1",	// 28
+				"MMC0_DAT0",	// 29
+				"MMC0_CLK",	// 30
+				"MMC0_CMD";	// 31
 		gpio3: gpio@481ae000 {
@@ -339,6 +438,39 @@
 			#interrupt-cells = <2>;
 			reg = <0x481ae000 0x1000>;
 			interrupts = <62>;
+			gpio-line-names =
+				"GMII1_COL",	// 0
+				"GMII1_CRS",	// 1
+				"GMII1_RXER",	// 2
+				"GMII1_TXEN",	// 3
+				"GMII1_RXDV",	// 4
+				"I2C0_SDA",	// 5
+				"I2C0_SCL",	// 6
+				"EMU0",	// 7
+				"EMU1",	// 8
+				"GMII1_TXCLK",	// 9
+				"GMII1_RXCLK",	// 10
+				"NC",	// 11
+				"NC",	// 12
+				"USB1_DRVVBUS",	// 13
+				"MCASP0_ACLKX",	// 14
+				"MCASP0_FSX",	// 15
+				"MCASP0_AXR0",	// 16
+				"MCASP0_AHCLKR",	// 17
+				"MCASP0_ACLKR",	// 18
+				"MCASP0_FSR",	// 19
+				"MCASP0_AXR1",	// 20
+				"MCASP0_AHCLKX",	// 21
+				"NC",	// 22
+				"NC",	// 23
+				"NC",	// 24
+				"NC",	// 25
+				"NC",	// 26
+				"NC",	// 27
+				"NC",	// 28
+				"NC",	// 29
+				"NC",	// 30
+				"NC";	// 31
 		uart0: serial@44e09000 {
@@ -575,6 +707,17 @@
+		pruss: pruss@4a300000 {
+			compatible = "ti,pruss-v2";
+			ti,hwmods = "pruss";
+			ti,deassert-hard-reset = "pruss", "pruss";
+			reg = <0x4a300000 0x080000>;
+			ti,pintc-offset = <0x20000>;
+			interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
+			status = "disabled";
+			interrupts = <20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27>;
+		};
 		rtc: rtc@44e3e000 {
 			compatible = "ti,am3352-rtc", "ti,da830-rtc";
 			reg = <0x44e3e000 0x1000>;
@@ -770,6 +913,16 @@
 				status = "disabled";
+			eqep0: eqep@0x48300180 {
+				compatible = "ti,am33xx-eqep";
+				reg = <0x48300180 0x80>;
+				clocks = <&l4ls_gclk>;
+				clock-names = "fck";
+				interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
+				interrupts = <79>;
+				status = "disabled";
+			};
 			ehrpwm0: pwm@48300200 {
 				compatible = "ti,am3352-ehrpwm",
@@ -804,6 +957,16 @@
 				status = "disabled";
+			eqep1: eqep@0x48302180 {
+				compatible = "ti,am33xx-eqep";
+				reg = <0x48302180 0x80>;
+				clocks = <&l4ls_gclk>;
+				clock-names = "fck";
+				interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
+				interrupts = <88>;
+				status = "disabled";
+			};
 			ehrpwm1: pwm@48302200 {
 				compatible = "ti,am3352-ehrpwm",
@@ -838,6 +1001,16 @@
 				status = "disabled";
+			eqep2: eqep@0x48304180 {
+				compatible = "ti,am33xx-eqep";
+				reg = <0x48304180 0x80>;
+				clocks = <&l4ls_gclk>;
+				clock-names = "fck";
+				interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
+				interrupts = <89>;
+				status = "disabled";
+			};
 			ehrpwm2: pwm@48304200 {
 				compatible = "ti,am3352-ehrpwm",
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am57xx-beagle-x15-common.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am57xx-beagle-x15-common.dtsi
index ad95311..cefaa26 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am57xx-beagle-x15-common.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am57xx-beagle-x15-common.dtsi
@@ -167,6 +167,10 @@
+&bb2d {
+	status = "okay";
 &i2c1 {
 	status = "okay";
 	clock-frequency = <400000>;
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/dra7.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/dra7.dtsi
index e03495a..45c468a 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/dra7.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/dra7.dtsi
@@ -1028,6 +1028,16 @@
 			ti,hwmods = "dmm";
+		bb2d: bb2d@59000000 {
+			compatible = "ti,dra7-bb2d","vivante,gc";
+			reg = <0x59000000 0x0700>;
+			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 120 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+			ti,hwmods = "bb2d";
+			clocks = <&dpll_core_h24x2_ck>;
+			clock-names = "fclk";
+			status = "disabled";
+		};
 		i2c1: i2c@48070000 {
 			compatible = "ti,omap4-i2c";
 			reg = <0x48070000 0x100>;
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5422-artik10-eval.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5422-artik10-eval.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1001255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5422-artik10-eval.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+ * SAMSUNG ARTIK10 board device tree source
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *             http://www.samsung.com
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+#include <dt-bindings/clock/samsung,s2mps11.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/sound/samsung-i2s.h>
+#include "exynos5800.dtsi"
+#include "exynos5422-cpus.dtsi"
+#include "exynos-mfc-reserved-memory.dtsi"
+/ {
+	model = "Samsung ARTIK10 board based on EXYNOS5422";
+	compatible = "samsung,artik10", "samsung,exynos5422", "samsung,exynos5";
+	memory@40000000 {
+		device_type = "memory";
+		reg = <0x40000000 0x7EA00000>;
+	};
+	chosen {
+		stdout-path = "serial2:115200n8";
+	};
+	firmware@02073000 {
+		compatible = "samsung,secure-firmware";
+		reg = <0x02073000 0x1000>;
+	};
+	fixed-rate-clocks {
+		oscclk {
+			compatible = "samsung,exynos5420-oscclk";
+			clock-frequency = <24000000>;
+		};
+	};
+	rtc {
+		status = "okay";
+	};
+&cpu0 {
+	cpu-supply = <&buck6_reg>;
+&cpu4 {
+	cpu-supply = <&buck2_reg>;
+&pinctrl_0 {
+	s2mps11_irq: s2mps11-irq {
+		samsung,pins = "gpx3-2";
+		samsung,pin-pud = <3>;
+		samsung,pin-drv = <3>;
+	};
+&hsi2c_4 {
+	clock-frequency = <400000>;
+	status = "okay";
+	s2mps11_pmic@66 {
+		compatible = "samsung,s2mps11-pmic";
+		interrupt-parent = <&gpx3>;
+		interrupts = <2 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>;
+		reg = <0x66>;
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&s2mps11_irq>;
+		s2mps11_osc: clocks {
+			#clock-cells = <1>;
+			clock-output-names = "s2mps11_ap",
+					"s2mps11_cp", "s2mps11_bt";
+		};
+		regulators {
+			ldo4_reg: LDO4 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_adc";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			ldo6_reg: LDO6 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_ldo6";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <1000000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1000000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			ldo7_reg: LDO7 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_ldo7";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			ldo13_reg: LDO13 {
+				regulator-name = "vqmmc";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+			};
+			ldo17_reg: LDO17 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_ldo17";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <2800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <2800000>;
+			};
+			ldo18_reg: LDO18 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_ldo18";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			ldo19_reg: LDO19 {
+				regulator-name = "vmmc";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			ldo20_reg: LDO20 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_ldo20";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			ldo23_reg: LDO23 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_mifs";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1100000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			ldo24_reg: LDO24 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_ldo24";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <2400000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <2400000>;
+			};
+			ldo25_reg: LDO25 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_ldo25";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+			};
+			ldo27_reg: LDO27 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_g3ds";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1100000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			ldo28_reg: LDO28 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_ldo28";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <2800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <2800000>;
+			};
+			ldo32_reg: LDO32 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_lcd_1v8";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+			};
+			ldo38_reg: LDO38 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_ldo38";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <2800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <2800000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			buck1_reg: BUCK1 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_mif";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <700000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1300000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			buck2_reg: BUCK2 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_eagle";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1500000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			buck3_reg: BUCK3 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_int";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1400000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			buck4_reg: BUCK4 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_g3d";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <700000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1400000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			buck6_reg: BUCK6 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_kfc";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1500000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			buck10_reg: BUCK10 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_cam_isp_1.0v";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <750000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1500000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+		};
+	};
+&mmc_0 {
+	status = "okay";
+	broken-cd;
+	card-detect-delay = <200>;
+	samsung,dw-mshc-ciu-div = <3>;
+	samsung,dw-mshc-sdr-timing = <0 4>;
+	samsung,dw-mshc-ddr-timing = <0 2>;
+	samsung,dw-mshc-hs400-timing = <0 2>;
+	samsung,read-strobe-delay = <90>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&sd0_clk &sd0_cmd &sd0_bus1 &sd0_bus4 &sd0_bus8
+		     &sd0_rclk>;
+	bus-width = <8>;
+	cap-mmc-highspeed;
+	keep-power-in-suspend;
+	non-removable;
+&mmc_2 {
+	status = "okay";
+	card-detect-delay = <200>;
+	samsung,dw-mshc-ciu-div = <3>;
+	samsung,dw-mshc-sdr-timing = <2 3>;
+	samsung,dw-mshc-ddr-timing = <1 2>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&sd2_clk &sd2_cmd &sd2_cd &sd2_bus1 &sd2_bus4>;
+	bus-width = <4>;
+	cap-sd-highspeed;
+	vmmc-supply = <&ldo28_reg>;
+&nocp_mem0_0 {
+	status = "okay";
+&nocp_mem0_1 {
+	status = "okay";
+&nocp_mem1_0 {
+	status = "okay";
+&nocp_mem1_1 {
+	status = "okay";
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6q-ccimx6sbc.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6q-ccimx6sbc.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29b6b8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6q-ccimx6sbc.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Robert Nelson (robertcnelson@gmail.com)
+ *
+ * This file is dual-licensed: you can use it either under the terms
+ * of the GPL or the X11 license, at your option. Note that this dual
+ * licensing only applies to this file, and not this project as a
+ * whole.
+ *
+ *  a) This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ *     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ *     version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ *     This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *     GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * Or, alternatively,
+ *
+ *  b) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+ *     obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+ *     files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+ *     restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+ *     copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+ *     sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ *     Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+ *     conditions:
+ *
+ *     The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ *     included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
+#include "imx6q.dtsi"
+/ {
+	model = "Digi ConnectCore-i.MX6 SBC Board";
+	compatible = "digi,connectcore/q", "fsl,imx6q";
+	chosen {
+		stdout-path = &uart4;
+	};
+	memory {
+		reg = <0x10000000 0x40000000>;
+	};
+	regulators {
+		compatible = "simple-bus";
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		reg_usbh1_reset: regulator@1 {
+			compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+			reg = <1>;
+			pinctrl-names = "default";
+			pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usbh1>;
+			regulator-name = "usbh1_reset";
+			regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>;
+			regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>;
+			gpio = <&gpio3 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+			enable-active-high;
+		};
+		reg_usb_otg_vbus: regulator@2 {
+			compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+			reg = <2>;
+			pinctrl-names = "default";
+			pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usbotg>;
+			regulator-name = "usb_otg_vbus";
+			regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>;
+			regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>;
+			gpio = <&gpio3 22 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+			enable-active-high;
+		};
+	};
+&fec {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_enet>;
+	phy-mode = "rgmii";
+	phy-reset-gpios = <&gpio1 25 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+	status = "okay";
+&hdmi {
+	ddc-i2c-bus = <&i2c3>;
+	status = "okay";
+&i2c2 {
+	clock-frequency = <400000>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_i2c2>;
+	status = "okay";
+	pmic@58 {
+		compatible = "dlg,da9063";
+		reg = <0x58>;
+		interrupt-parent = <&gpio1>;
+		interrupts = <17 0x8>; /* active-low GPIO0_17 */
+		regulators {
+			vdd_3v3_reg: bperi {
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			ldo3_reg: ldo3 {
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			ldo4_reg: ldo4 {
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			ldo6_reg: ldo6 {
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			ldo7_reg: ldo7 {
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+			ldo8_reg: ldo8 {
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+				regulator-always-on;
+			};
+		};
+	};
+&i2c3 {
+	clock-frequency = <100000>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_i2c3>;
+	status = "okay";
+&iomuxc {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_hog>;
+	imx6qdl-ccimx6sbc {
+		pinctrl_hog: hoggrp {
+			fsl,pins = <
+				/* da9063*/
+				MX6QDL_PAD_GPIO_17__GPIO7_IO12		0x80000000
+			>;
+		};
+		pinctrl_enet: enetgrp {
+			fsl,pins = <
+				MX6QDL_PAD_RGMII_TD0__RGMII_TD0		0x100b0
+				MX6QDL_PAD_RGMII_TD1__RGMII_TD1		0x100b0
+				MX6QDL_PAD_RGMII_TD2__RGMII_TD2		0x100b0
+				MX6QDL_PAD_RGMII_TD3__RGMII_TD3		0x100b0
+				MX6QDL_PAD_RGMII_RD0__RGMII_RD0		0x1b0b0
+				MX6QDL_PAD_RGMII_RD1__RGMII_RD1		0x1b0b0
+				MX6QDL_PAD_RGMII_RD2__RGMII_RD2		0x1b0b0
+				MX6QDL_PAD_RGMII_RD3__RGMII_RD3		0x1b0b0
+				/* Phy reset */
+				MX6QDL_PAD_ENET_CRS_DV__GPIO1_IO25	0x000b0
+			>;
+		};
+		pinctrl_i2c2: i2c2grp {
+			fsl,pins = <
+				MX6QDL_PAD_KEY_COL3__I2C2_SCL		0x4001b8b1
+				MX6QDL_PAD_KEY_ROW3__I2C2_SDA		0x4001b8b1
+			>;
+		};
+		pinctrl_i2c3: i2c3grp {
+			fsl,pins = <
+				MX6QDL_PAD_GPIO_5__I2C3_SCL		0x4001b8b1
+				MX6QDL_PAD_GPIO_6__I2C3_SDA		0x4001b8b1
+			>;
+		};
+		pinctrl_uart4: uart4grp {
+			fsl,pins = <
+			>;
+		};
+		pinctrl_usbh1: usbh1grp {
+			fsl,pins = <
+				/* need to force low for hub reset */
+				MX6QDL_PAD_EIM_DA10__GPIO3_IO10		0x10b0
+			>;
+		};
+		pinctrl_usbotg: usbotggrp {
+			fsl,pins = <
+				MX6QDL_PAD_GPIO_1__USB_OTG_ID		0x17059
+				MX6QDL_PAD_EIM_D21__USB_OTG_OC		0x1b0b0
+				/* power enable, high active */
+				MX6QDL_PAD_EIM_D22__GPIO3_IO22		0x10b0
+			>;
+		};
+		pinctrl_usdhc2: usdhc2grp {
+			fsl,pins = <
+				MX6QDL_PAD_SD2_CMD__SD2_CMD		0x17059
+				MX6QDL_PAD_SD2_CLK__SD2_CLK		0x10059
+				MX6QDL_PAD_SD2_DAT0__SD2_DATA0		0x17059
+				MX6QDL_PAD_SD2_DAT1__SD2_DATA1		0x17059
+				MX6QDL_PAD_SD2_DAT2__SD2_DATA2		0x17059
+				MX6QDL_PAD_SD2_DAT3__SD2_DATA3		0x17059
+			>;
+		};
+		pinctrl_usdhc4: usdhc4grp {
+			fsl,pins = <
+				MX6QDL_PAD_SD4_CMD__SD4_CMD		0x17059
+				MX6QDL_PAD_SD4_CLK__SD4_CLK		0x10059
+				MX6QDL_PAD_SD4_DAT0__SD4_DATA0		0x17059
+				MX6QDL_PAD_SD4_DAT1__SD4_DATA1		0x17059
+				MX6QDL_PAD_SD4_DAT2__SD4_DATA2		0x17059
+				MX6QDL_PAD_SD4_DAT3__SD4_DATA3		0x17059
+				MX6QDL_PAD_SD4_DAT4__SD4_DATA4		0x17059
+				MX6QDL_PAD_SD4_DAT5__SD4_DATA5		0x17059
+				MX6QDL_PAD_SD4_DAT6__SD4_DATA6		0x17059
+				MX6QDL_PAD_SD4_DAT7__SD4_DATA7		0x17059
+			>;
+		};
+	};
+&sata {
+	status = "okay";
+&ssi1 {
+	status = "okay";
+&uart4 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_uart4>;
+	status = "okay";
+&usbh1 {
+	vbus-supply = <&reg_usbh1_reset>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usbh1>;
+	status = "okay";
+&usbotg {
+	vbus-supply = <&reg_usb_otg_vbus>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usbotg>;
+	status = "okay";
+&usdhc2 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2>;
+	bus-width = <4>;
+	broken-cd; /* cd & wp, is not wired up on this board */
+	status = "okay";
+&usdhc4 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usdhc4>;
+	bus-width = <8>;
+	non-removable;
+	status = "okay";
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6qdl-wandboard-revb1.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6qdl-wandboard-revb1.dtsi
index 855dc6f..8476b89 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6qdl-wandboard-revb1.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6qdl-wandboard-revb1.dtsi
@@ -11,6 +11,24 @@
 #include "imx6qdl-wandboard.dtsi"
+/ {
+	rfkill {
+		compatible = "wand,imx6qdl-wandboard-rfkill";
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <>;
+		bluetooth-on = <&gpio3 13 0>;
+		bluetooth-wake = <&gpio3 14 0>;
+		bluetooth-host-wake = <&gpio3 15 0>;
+		wifi-ref-on = <&gpio2 29 0>;
+		wifi-rst-n = <&gpio5 2 0>;
+		wifi-reg-on = <&gpio1 26 0>;
+		wifi-host-wake = <&gpio1 29 0>;
+		wifi-wake = <&gpio1 30 0>;
+	};
 &iomuxc {
 	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_hog>;
@@ -36,6 +54,5 @@
 &usdhc2 {
 	pinctrl-names = "default";
 	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2>;
-	non-removable;
 	status = "okay";
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6qdl-wandboard-revc1.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6qdl-wandboard-revc1.dtsi
index 49a0a55..a909ac6 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6qdl-wandboard-revc1.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6qdl-wandboard-revc1.dtsi
@@ -11,6 +11,24 @@
 #include "imx6qdl-wandboard.dtsi"
+/ {
+	rfkill {
+		compatible = "wand,imx6qdl-wandboard-rfkill";
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <>;
+		bluetooth-on = <&gpio5 21 0>;
+		bluetooth-wake = <&gpio5 30 0>;
+		bluetooth-host-wake = <&gpio5 20 0>;
+		wifi-ref-on = <&gpio5 31 0>; /* Wifi Power Enable */
+		wifi-rst-n = <&gpio6 0 0>; /* WIFI_ON reset */
+		wifi-reg-on = <&gpio1 26 0>; /* WL_REG_ON */
+		wifi-host-wake = <&gpio1 29 0>; /* WL_HOST_WAKE */
+		wifi-wake = <&gpio1 30 0>; /* WL_WAKE */
+	};
 &iomuxc {
 	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_hog>;
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6ul-14x14-evk-ism43362-b81-evb.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6ul-14x14-evk-ism43362-b81-evb.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..891068d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6ul-14x14-evk-ism43362-b81-evb.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include "imx6ul.dtsi"
+/ {
+	model = "Freescale i.MX6 UltraLite 14x14 EVK Board";
+	compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-14x14-evk", "fsl,imx6ul";
+	chosen {
+		stdout-path = &uart1;
+	};
+	memory {
+		reg = <0x80000000 0x20000000>;
+	};
+	backlight_display: backlight-display {
+		compatible = "pwm-backlight";
+		pwms = <&pwm1 0 5000000>;
+		brightness-levels = <0 4 8 16 32 64 128 255>;
+		default-brightness-level = <6>;
+		status = "okay";
+	};
+	regulators {
+		compatible = "simple-bus";
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		reg_sd1_vmmc: sd1_regulator {
+			compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+			regulator-name = "VSD_3V3";
+			regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+			regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+			gpio = <&gpio1 9 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+			enable-active-high;
+		};
+		wlreg_on: fixedregulator@100 {
+			compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+			regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>;
+			regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>;
+			regulator-name = "wlreg_on";
+			gpio = <&gpio5 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+			startup-delay-us = <100>;
+			enable-active-high;
+		};
+	};
+	sound {
+		compatible = "simple-audio-card";
+		simple-audio-card,name = "mx6ul-wm8960";
+		simple-audio-card,format = "i2s";
+		simple-audio-card,bitclock-master = <&dailink_master>;
+		simple-audio-card,frame-master = <&dailink_master>;
+		simple-audio-card,widgets =
+			"Microphone", "Mic Jack",
+			"Line", "Line In",
+			"Line", "Line Out",
+			"Speaker", "Speaker",
+			"Headphone", "Headphone Jack";
+		simple-audio-card,routing =
+			"Headphone Jack", "HP_L",
+			"Headphone Jack", "HP_R",
+			"Speaker", "SPK_LP",
+			"Speaker", "SPK_LN",
+			"Speaker", "SPK_RP",
+			"Speaker", "SPK_RN",
+			"LINPUT1", "Mic Jack",
+			"LINPUT3", "Mic Jack",
+			"RINPUT1", "Mic Jack",
+			"RINPUT2", "Mic Jack";
+		simple-audio-card,cpu {
+			sound-dai = <&sai2>;
+		};
+		dailink_master: simple-audio-card,codec {
+			sound-dai = <&codec>;
+			clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_SAI2>;
+		};
+	};
+	panel {
+		compatible = "innolux,at043tn24";
+		backlight = <&backlight_display>;
+		port {
+			panel_in: endpoint {
+				remote-endpoint = <&display_out>;
+			};
+		};
+	};
+&clks {
+	assigned-clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_PLL4_AUDIO_DIV>;
+	assigned-clock-rates = <786432000>;
+&i2c2 {
+	clock_frequency = <100000>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_i2c2>;
+	status = "okay";
+	codec: wm8960@1a {
+		#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
+		compatible = "wlf,wm8960";
+		reg = <0x1a>;
+		wlf,shared-lrclk;
+	};
+&fec1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_enet1>;
+	phy-mode = "rmii";
+	phy-handle = <&ethphy0>;
+	status = "okay";
+&fec2 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_enet2>;
+	phy-mode = "rmii";
+	phy-handle = <&ethphy1>;
+	status = "okay";
+	mdio {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		ethphy0: ethernet-phy@2 {
+			reg = <2>;
+			micrel,led-mode = <1>;
+			clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ENET_REF>;
+			clock-names = "rmii-ref";
+		};
+		ethphy1: ethernet-phy@1 {
+			reg = <1>;
+			micrel,led-mode = <1>;
+			clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ENET2_REF>;
+			clock-names = "rmii-ref";
+		};
+	};
+&lcdif {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_lcdif_dat
+		     &pinctrl_lcdif_ctrl>;
+	status = "okay";
+	port {
+		display_out: endpoint {
+			remote-endpoint = <&panel_in>;
+		};
+	};
+&pwm1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_pwm1>;
+	status = "okay";
+&qspi {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_qspi>;
+	status = "okay";
+	flash0: n25q256a@0 {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <1>;
+		compatible = "micron,n25q256a";
+		spi-max-frequency = <29000000>;
+		reg = <0>;
+	};
+&sai2 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_sai2>;
+	assigned-clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_SAI2_SEL>,
+			  <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_SAI2>;
+	assigned-clock-parents = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_PLL4_AUDIO_DIV>;
+	assigned-clock-rates = <0>, <12288000>;
+	fsl,sai-mclk-direction-output;
+	status = "okay";
+&snvs_poweroff {
+	status = "okay";
+&tsc {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_tsc>;
+	xnur-gpio = <&gpio1 3 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+	measure-delay-time = <0xffff>;
+	pre-charge-time = <0xfff>;
+	status = "okay";
+&uart1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_uart1>;
+	status = "okay";
+&uart2 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_uart2>;
+	uart-has-rtscts;
+	status = "okay";
+&usbotg1 {
+	dr_mode = "otg";
+	status = "okay";
+&usbotg2 {
+	dr_mode = "host";
+	disable-over-current;
+	status = "okay";
+&usbphy1 {
+	fsl,tx-d-cal = <106>;
+&usbphy2 {
+	fsl,tx-d-cal = <106>;
+&reg_sd1_vmmc {
+	regulator-always-on;
+&usdhc1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default", "state_100mhz", "state_200mhz";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usdhc1>;
+	pinctrl-1 = <&pinctrl_usdhc1_100mhz>;
+	pinctrl-2 = <&pinctrl_usdhc1_200mhz>;
+	cd-gpios = <&gpio1 19 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+	no-1-8-v;
+	keep-power-in-suspend;
+	wakeup-source;
+	vmmc-supply = <&reg_sd1_vmmc>;
+	status = "okay";
+&usdhc2 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2>;
+	no-1-8-v;
+	keep-power-in-suspend;
+	wakeup-source;
+	status = "okay";
+&wdog1 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_wdog>;
+	fsl,ext-reset-output;
+&iomuxc {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl_csi1: csi1grp {
+		fsl,pins = <
+			MX6UL_PAD_CSI_DATA00__CSI_DATA02	0x1b088
+			MX6UL_PAD_CSI_DATA01__CSI_DATA03	0x1b088
+			MX6UL_PAD_CSI_DATA02__CSI_DATA04	0x1b088
+			MX6UL_PAD_CSI_DATA03__CSI_DATA05	0x1b088
+			MX6UL_PAD_CSI_DATA04__CSI_DATA06	0x1b088
+			MX6UL_PAD_CSI_DATA05__CSI_DATA07	0x1b088
+			MX6UL_PAD_CSI_DATA06__CSI_DATA08	0x1b088
+			MX6UL_PAD_CSI_DATA07__CSI_DATA09	0x1b088
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_enet1: enet1grp {
+		fsl,pins = <
+			MX6UL_PAD_ENET1_RX_EN__ENET1_RX_EN	0x1b0b0
+			MX6UL_PAD_ENET1_RX_ER__ENET1_RX_ER	0x1b0b0
+			MX6UL_PAD_ENET1_TX_EN__ENET1_TX_EN	0x1b0b0
+			MX6UL_PAD_ENET1_TX_CLK__ENET1_REF_CLK1	0x4001b031
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_enet2: enet2grp {
+		fsl,pins = <
+			MX6UL_PAD_GPIO1_IO07__ENET2_MDC		0x1b0b0
+			MX6UL_PAD_GPIO1_IO06__ENET2_MDIO	0x1b0b0
+			MX6UL_PAD_ENET2_RX_EN__ENET2_RX_EN	0x1b0b0
+			MX6UL_PAD_ENET2_RX_ER__ENET2_RX_ER	0x1b0b0
+			MX6UL_PAD_ENET2_TX_EN__ENET2_TX_EN	0x1b0b0
+			MX6UL_PAD_ENET2_TX_CLK__ENET2_REF_CLK2	0x4001b031
+			MX6UL_PAD_SNVS_TAMPER0__GPIO5_IO00	0x17059
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_flexcan1: flexcan1grp{
+		fsl,pins = <
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_flexcan2: flexcan2grp{
+		fsl,pins = <
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_i2c1: i2c1grp {
+		fsl,pins = <
+			MX6UL_PAD_UART4_TX_DATA__I2C1_SCL 0x4001b8b0
+			MX6UL_PAD_UART4_RX_DATA__I2C1_SDA 0x4001b8b0
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_i2c2: i2c2grp {
+		fsl,pins = <
+			MX6UL_PAD_UART5_TX_DATA__I2C2_SCL 0x4001b8b0
+			MX6UL_PAD_UART5_RX_DATA__I2C2_SDA 0x4001b8b0
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_lcdif_dat: lcdifdatgrp {
+		fsl,pins = <
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_lcdif_ctrl: lcdifctrlgrp {
+		fsl,pins = <
+			/* used for lcd reset */
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_qspi: qspigrp {
+		fsl,pins = <
+			MX6UL_PAD_NAND_CE0_B__QSPI_A_DATA01	0x70a1
+			MX6UL_PAD_NAND_CE1_B__QSPI_A_DATA02	0x70a1
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_sai2: sai2grp {
+		fsl,pins = <
+			MX6UL_PAD_JTAG_TMS__SAI2_MCLK		0x17088
+			MX6UL_PAD_SNVS_TAMPER4__GPIO5_IO04	0x17059
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_pwm1: pwm1grp {
+		fsl,pins = <
+			MX6UL_PAD_GPIO1_IO08__PWM1_OUT   0x110b0
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_sim2: sim2grp {
+		fsl,pins = <
+			MX6UL_PAD_CSI_DATA03__SIM2_PORT1_PD		0xb808
+			MX6UL_PAD_CSI_DATA05__SIM2_PORT1_RST_B		0xb808
+			MX6UL_PAD_CSI_DATA02__GPIO4_IO23		0x3008
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_tsc: tscgrp {
+		fsl,pins = <
+			MX6UL_PAD_GPIO1_IO01__GPIO1_IO01		0xb0
+			MX6UL_PAD_GPIO1_IO02__GPIO1_IO02		0xb0
+			MX6UL_PAD_GPIO1_IO03__GPIO1_IO03		0xb0
+			MX6UL_PAD_GPIO1_IO04__GPIO1_IO04		0xb0
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_uart1: uart1grp {
+		fsl,pins = <
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_uart2: uart2grp {
+		fsl,pins = <
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_usdhc1: usdhc1grp {
+		fsl,pins = <
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_CMD__USDHC1_CMD     	0x17059
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_CLK__USDHC1_CLK     	0x10071
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_DATA0__USDHC1_DATA0 	0x17059
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_DATA1__USDHC1_DATA1 	0x17059
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_DATA2__USDHC1_DATA2 	0x17059
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_DATA3__USDHC1_DATA3 	0x17059
+			MX6UL_PAD_UART1_RTS_B__GPIO1_IO19       0x17059 /* SD1 CD */
+			MX6UL_PAD_GPIO1_IO05__USDHC1_VSELECT    0x17059 /* SD1 VSELECT */
+			MX6UL_PAD_GPIO1_IO09__GPIO1_IO09        0x17059 /* SD1 RESET */
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_usdhc1_100mhz: usdhc1grp100mhz {
+		fsl,pins = <
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_CMD__USDHC1_CMD     0x170b9
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_CLK__USDHC1_CLK     0x100b9
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_DATA0__USDHC1_DATA0 0x170b9
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_DATA1__USDHC1_DATA1 0x170b9
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_DATA2__USDHC1_DATA2 0x170b9
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_DATA3__USDHC1_DATA3 0x170b9
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_usdhc1_200mhz: usdhc1grp200mhz {
+		fsl,pins = <
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_CMD__USDHC1_CMD     0x170f9
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_CLK__USDHC1_CLK     0x100f9
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_DATA0__USDHC1_DATA0 0x170f9
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_DATA1__USDHC1_DATA1 0x170f9
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_DATA2__USDHC1_DATA2 0x170f9
+			MX6UL_PAD_SD1_DATA3__USDHC1_DATA3 0x170f9
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_usdhc2: usdhc2grp {
+		fsl,pins = <
+			MX6UL_PAD_NAND_RE_B__USDHC2_CLK     0x17059
+			MX6UL_PAD_NAND_WE_B__USDHC2_CMD     0x17059
+		>;
+	};
+	pinctrl_wdog: wdoggrp {
+		fsl,pins = <
+		>;
+	};
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap3-beagle-xm.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap3-beagle-xm.dts
index d80587d..c913e1c 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap3-beagle-xm.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap3-beagle-xm.dts
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@
 	etb@5401b000 {
+		status = "disabled";
 		compatible = "arm,coresight-etb10", "arm,primecell";
 		reg = <0x5401b000 0x1000>;
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@
 	etm@54010000 {
+		status = "disabled";
 		compatible = "arm,coresight-etm3x", "arm,primecell";
 		reg = <0x54010000 0x1000>;
@@ -214,6 +216,25 @@
+	spi3_pins: pinmux_spi3_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x128 (PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE1) /* sdmmc2_clk.mcspi3_clk gpio_130 */
+			0x12a (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE1) /* sdmmc2_cmd.mcspi3_simo gpio_131 */
+			0x12c (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* sdmmc2_dat0.mcspi3_somi gpio_132 */
+			0x130 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE1) /* sdmmc2_dat2.mcspi3_cs1 gpio_134 */
+			0x132 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE1) /* sdmmc2_dat3.mcspi3_cs0 gpio_135 */
+		>;
+	};
+	spi4_pins: pinmux_spi4_pins {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0x15c (PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE1) /* mcbsp1_clkr.mcspi4_clk gpio_156 */
+			0x160 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE1) /* mcbsp1_dx.mcspi4_simo gpio_158 */
+			0x162 (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE1) /* mcbsp1_dr.mcspi4_somi gpio_159 */
+			0x166 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE1) /* mcbsp1_fsx.mcspi4_cs0 gpio_161 */
+		>;
+	};
 	hsusb2_pins: pinmux_hsusb2_pins {
 		pinctrl-single,pins = <
 			OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x21d4, PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | MUX_MODE3)	/* mcspi1_cs3.hsusb2_data2 */
@@ -291,7 +312,7 @@
 		twl_power: power {
-			compatible = "ti,twl4030-power-beagleboard-xm", "ti,twl4030-power-idle-osc-off";
+			compatible = "ti,twl4030-power-reset";
@@ -322,6 +343,36 @@
 	status = "disabled";
+&mcspi3 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&spi3_pins>;
+	status = "okay";
+	spidev0: spi@0 {
+		compatible = "spidev";
+		reg = <0>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <48000000>;
+	};
+	spidev1: spi@1 {
+		compatible = "spidev";
+		reg = <1>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <48000000>;
+	};
+&mcspi4 {
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&spi4_pins>;
+	status = "okay";
+	spidev2: spi@0 {
+		compatible = "spidev";
+		reg = <0>;
+		spi-max-frequency = <48000000>;
+	};
 &twl_gpio {
 	/* pullups: BIT(1) */
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap3-beagle.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap3-beagle.dts
index 3ca8991..64d6b74 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap3-beagle.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap3-beagle.dts
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
 	etb@540000000 {
+		status = "disabled";
 		compatible = "arm,coresight-etb10", "arm,primecell";
 		reg = <0x5401b000 0x1000>;
@@ -156,6 +157,7 @@
 	etm@54010000 {
+		status = "disabled";
 		compatible = "arm,coresight-etm3x", "arm,primecell";
 		reg = <0x54010000 0x1000>;
@@ -272,9 +274,18 @@
 			codec {
+		twl_power: power {
+			compatible = "ti,twl4030-power-reset";
+			ti,use_poweroff;
+		};
+&i2c2 {
+	clock-frequency = <400000>;
 #include "twl4030.dtsi"
 #include "twl4030_omap3.dtsi"
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda-a4.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda-a4.dts
index f1a6476..63b895b 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda-a4.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda-a4.dts
@@ -10,6 +10,18 @@
 #include "omap443x.dtsi"
 #include "omap4-panda-common.dtsi"
+&emif1 {
+	cs1-used;
+	device-handle = <&elpida_ECB240ABACN>;
+	status = "ok";
+&emif2 {
+	cs1-used;
+	device-handle = <&elpida_ECB240ABACN>;
+	status = "ok";
 /* Pandaboard Rev A4+ have external pullups on SCL & SDA */
 &dss_hdmi_pins {
 	pinctrl-single,pins = <
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda-common.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda-common.dtsi
index 5501d1b..b747c53 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda-common.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda-common.dtsi
@@ -469,16 +469,6 @@
-&emif1 {
-	cs1-used;
-	device-handle = <&elpida_ECB240ABACN>;
-&emif2 {
-	cs1-used;
-	device-handle = <&elpida_ECB240ABACN>;
 &mcbsp1 {
 	pinctrl-names = "default";
 	pinctrl-0 = <&mcbsp1_pins>;
diff --git b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda-es-b3.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda-es-b3.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f1dabc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda-es-b3.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include "omap4460.dtsi"
+#include "omap4-panda-common.dtsi"
+/ {
+	model = "TI OMAP4 PandaBoard-ES";
+	compatible = "ti,omap4-panda-es", "ti,omap4-panda", "ti,omap4460", "ti,omap4430", "ti,omap4";
+/* Audio routing is differnet between PandaBoard4430 and PandaBoardES */
+&sound {
+	ti,model = "PandaBoardES";
+	/* Audio routing */
+	ti,audio-routing =
+		"Headset Stereophone", "HSOL",
+		"Headset Stereophone", "HSOR",
+		"Ext Spk", "HFL",
+		"Ext Spk", "HFR",
+		"Line Out", "AUXL",
+		"Line Out", "AUXR",
+		"AFML", "Line In",
+		"AFMR", "Line In";
+/* PandaboardES has external pullups on SCL & SDA */
+&dss_hdmi_pins {
+	pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		0x5a (PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0)	/* hdmi_cec.hdmi_cec */
+		0x5c (PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* hdmi_scl.hdmi_scl */
+		0x5e (PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE0)		/* hdmi_sda.hdmi_sda */
+		>;
+&omap4_pmx_core {
+	led_gpio_pins: gpio_led_pmx {
+		pinctrl-single,pins = <
+			0xb6 (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3)	/* gpio_110 */
+		>;
+	};
+&led_wkgpio_pins {
+	pinctrl-single,pins = <
+		0x1c (PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3)	/* gpio_wk8 */
+	>;
+&leds {
+	pinctrl-0 = <
+		&led_gpio_pins
+		&led_wkgpio_pins
+	>;
+	heartbeat {
+		gpios = <&gpio4 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+	};
+	mmc {
+		gpios = <&gpio1 8 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+	};
+&gpio1 {
+	 ti,no-reset-on-init;
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda-es.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda-es.dts
index 940fe4f..a5ee1fa 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda-es.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda-es.dts
@@ -15,6 +15,18 @@
 	compatible = "ti,omap4-panda-es", "ti,omap4-panda", "ti,omap4460", "ti,omap4430", "ti,omap4";
+&emif1 {
+	cs1-used;
+	device-handle = <&elpida_ECB240ABACN>;
+	status = "ok";
+&emif2 {
+	cs1-used;
+	device-handle = <&elpida_ECB240ABACN>;
+	status = "ok";
 /* Audio routing is differnet between PandaBoard4430 and PandaBoardES */
 &sound {
 	ti,model = "PandaBoardES";
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda.dts
index a0e28b2..3ee41ef 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-panda.dts
@@ -14,3 +14,15 @@
 	model = "TI OMAP4 PandaBoard";
 	compatible = "ti,omap4-panda", "ti,omap4430", "ti,omap4";
+&emif1 {
+	cs1-used;
+	device-handle = <&elpida_ECB240ABACN>;
+	status = "ok";
+&emif2 {
+	cs1-used;
+	device-handle = <&elpida_ECB240ABACN>;
+	status = "ok";
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-sdp.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-sdp.dts
index 280d92d..05a5f6c 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-sdp.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-sdp.dts
@@ -502,11 +502,13 @@
 &emif1 {
 	device-handle = <&elpida_ECB240ABACN>;
+	status = "ok";
 &emif2 {
 	device-handle = <&elpida_ECB240ABACN>;
+	status = "ok";
 &keypad {
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4.dtsi
index e554b6e..64f519a 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4.dtsi
@@ -977,6 +977,7 @@
+			status = "disabled";
 		emif2: emif@4d000000 {
@@ -989,6 +990,7 @@
+			status = "disabled";
 		ocp2scp@4a0ad000 {
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-imx/devices/Kconfig b/arch/arm/mach-imx/devices/Kconfig
index 6ffe572..bb7bd88 100644
--- a/arch/arm/mach-imx/devices/Kconfig
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-imx/devices/Kconfig
@@ -68,3 +68,9 @@ config IMX_HAVE_PLATFORM_SDHCI_ESDHC_IMX
+	tristate "Wandboard RF Kill support"
+	depends on SOC_IMX6Q
+	default m
+	select RFKILL
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-imx/devices/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-imx/devices/Makefile
index e44758a..c179a55 100644
--- a/arch/arm/mach-imx/devices/Makefile
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-imx/devices/Makefile
@@ -26,3 +26,4 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_IMX_HAVE_PLATFORM_MXC_W1) += platform-mxc_w1.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_IMX_HAVE_PLATFORM_SDHCI_ESDHC_IMX) += platform-sdhci-esdhc-imx.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_IMX_HAVE_PLATFORM_SPI_IMX) +=  platform-spi_imx.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_IMX_HAVE_PLATFORM_MX2_EMMA) += platform-mx2-emma.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_WAND_RFKILL) += wand-rfkill.o
diff --git b/arch/arm/mach-imx/devices/wand-rfkill.c b/arch/arm/mach-imx/devices/wand-rfkill.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da7ef9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-imx/devices/wand-rfkill.c
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+ * arch/arm/mach-imx/devices/wand-rfkill.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Vladimir Ermakov <vooon341@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * based on net/rfkill/rfkill-gpio.c
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
+ * may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/of.h>
+#include <linux/of_gpio.h>
+#include <linux/of_device.h>
+#include <linux/pinctrl/consumer.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/rfkill.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+struct wand_rfkill_data {
+	struct rfkill *rfkill_dev;
+	int shutdown_gpio;
+	const char *shutdown_name;
+static int wand_rfkill_set_block(void *data, bool blocked)
+	struct wand_rfkill_data *rfkill = data;
+	pr_debug("wandboard-rfkill: set block %d\n", blocked);
+	if (blocked) {
+		if (gpio_is_valid(rfkill->shutdown_gpio))
+			gpio_direction_output(rfkill->shutdown_gpio, 0);
+	} else {
+		if (gpio_is_valid(rfkill->shutdown_gpio))
+			gpio_direction_output(rfkill->shutdown_gpio, 1);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static const struct rfkill_ops wand_rfkill_ops = {
+	.set_block = wand_rfkill_set_block,
+static int wand_rfkill_wifi_probe(struct device *dev,
+		struct device_node *np,
+		struct wand_rfkill_data *rfkill)
+	int ret;
+	int wl_ref_on, wl_rst_n, wl_reg_on, wl_wake, wl_host_wake;
+	wl_ref_on = of_get_named_gpio(np, "wifi-ref-on", 0);
+	wl_rst_n = of_get_named_gpio(np, "wifi-rst-n", 0);
+	wl_reg_on = of_get_named_gpio(np, "wifi-reg-on", 0);
+	wl_wake = of_get_named_gpio(np, "wifi-wake", 0);
+	wl_host_wake = of_get_named_gpio(np, "wifi-host-wake", 0);
+	if (!gpio_is_valid(wl_rst_n) || !gpio_is_valid(wl_ref_on) ||
+			!gpio_is_valid(wl_reg_on) || !gpio_is_valid(wl_wake) ||
+			!gpio_is_valid(wl_host_wake)) {
+		dev_err(dev, "incorrect wifi gpios (%d %d %d %d %d)\n",
+				wl_rst_n, wl_ref_on, wl_reg_on, wl_wake, wl_host_wake);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	dev_info(dev, "initialize wifi chip\n");
+	gpio_request(wl_rst_n, "wl_rst_n");
+	gpio_direction_output(wl_rst_n, 0);
+	msleep(11);
+	gpio_set_value(wl_rst_n, 1);
+	gpio_request(wl_ref_on, "wl_ref_on");
+	gpio_direction_output(wl_ref_on, 1);
+	gpio_request(wl_reg_on, "wl_reg_on");
+	gpio_direction_output(wl_reg_on, 1);
+	gpio_request(wl_wake, "wl_wake");
+	gpio_direction_output(wl_wake, 1);
+	gpio_request(wl_host_wake, "wl_host_wake");
+	gpio_direction_input(wl_host_wake);
+	rfkill->shutdown_name = "wifi_shutdown";
+	rfkill->shutdown_gpio = wl_wake;
+	rfkill->rfkill_dev = rfkill_alloc("wifi-rfkill", dev, RFKILL_TYPE_WLAN,
+			&wand_rfkill_ops, rfkill);
+	if (!rfkill->rfkill_dev) {
+		ret = -ENOMEM;
+		goto wifi_fail_free_gpio;
+	}
+	ret = rfkill_register(rfkill->rfkill_dev);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		goto wifi_fail_unregister;
+	dev_info(dev, "wifi-rfkill registered.\n");
+	return 0;
+	rfkill_destroy(rfkill->rfkill_dev);
+	if (gpio_is_valid(wl_rst_n))     gpio_free(wl_rst_n);
+	if (gpio_is_valid(wl_ref_on))    gpio_free(wl_ref_on);
+	if (gpio_is_valid(wl_reg_on))    gpio_free(wl_reg_on);
+	if (gpio_is_valid(wl_wake))      gpio_free(wl_wake);
+	if (gpio_is_valid(wl_host_wake)) gpio_free(wl_host_wake);
+	return ret;
+static int wand_rfkill_bt_probe(struct device *dev,
+		struct device_node *np,
+		struct wand_rfkill_data *rfkill)
+	int ret;
+	int bt_on, bt_wake, bt_host_wake;
+	bt_on = of_get_named_gpio(np, "bluetooth-on", 0);
+	bt_wake = of_get_named_gpio(np, "bluetooth-wake", 0);
+	bt_host_wake = of_get_named_gpio(np, "bluetooth-host-wake", 0);
+	if (!gpio_is_valid(bt_on) || !gpio_is_valid(bt_wake) ||
+			!gpio_is_valid(bt_host_wake)) {
+		dev_err(dev, "incorrect bt gpios (%d %d %d)\n",
+				bt_on, bt_wake, bt_host_wake);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	dev_info(dev, "initialize bluetooth chip\n");
+	gpio_request(bt_on, "bt_on");
+	gpio_direction_output(bt_on, 0);
+	msleep(11);
+	gpio_set_value(bt_on, 1);
+	gpio_request(bt_wake, "bt_wake");
+	gpio_direction_output(bt_wake, 1);
+	gpio_request(bt_host_wake, "bt_host_wake");
+	gpio_direction_input(bt_host_wake);
+	rfkill->shutdown_name = "bluetooth_shutdown";
+	rfkill->shutdown_gpio = bt_wake;
+	rfkill->rfkill_dev = rfkill_alloc("bluetooth-rfkill", dev, RFKILL_TYPE_BLUETOOTH,
+			&wand_rfkill_ops, rfkill);
+	if (!rfkill->rfkill_dev) {
+		ret = -ENOMEM;
+		goto bt_fail_free_gpio;
+	}
+	ret = rfkill_register(rfkill->rfkill_dev);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		goto bt_fail_unregister;
+	dev_info(dev, "bluetooth-rfkill registered.\n");
+	return 0;
+	rfkill_destroy(rfkill->rfkill_dev);
+	if (gpio_is_valid(bt_on))        gpio_free(bt_on);
+	if (gpio_is_valid(bt_wake))      gpio_free(bt_wake);
+	if (gpio_is_valid(bt_host_wake)) gpio_free(bt_host_wake);
+	return ret;
+static int wand_rfkill_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct wand_rfkill_data *rfkill;
+	struct pinctrl *pinctrl;
+	int ret;
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "Wandboard rfkill initialization\n");
+	if (!pdev->dev.of_node) {
+		dev_err(&pdev->dev, "no device tree node\n");
+		return -ENODEV;
+	}
+	rfkill = kzalloc(sizeof(*rfkill) * 2, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!rfkill)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	pinctrl = devm_pinctrl_get_select_default(&pdev->dev);
+	if (IS_ERR(pinctrl)) {
+		int ret = PTR_ERR(pinctrl);
+		dev_err(&pdev->dev, "failed to get default pinctrl: %d\n", ret);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	/* setup WiFi */
+	ret = wand_rfkill_wifi_probe(&pdev->dev, pdev->dev.of_node, &rfkill[0]);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		goto fail_free_rfkill;
+	/* setup bluetooth */
+	ret = wand_rfkill_bt_probe(&pdev->dev, pdev->dev.of_node, &rfkill[1]);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		goto fail_unregister_wifi;
+	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, rfkill);
+	return 0;
+	if (rfkill[1].rfkill_dev) {
+		rfkill_unregister(rfkill[1].rfkill_dev);
+		rfkill_destroy(rfkill[1].rfkill_dev);
+	}
+	/* TODO free gpio */
+	kfree(rfkill);
+	return ret;
+static int wand_rfkill_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct wand_rfkill_data *rfkill = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "Module unloading\n");
+	if (!rfkill)
+		return 0;
+	/* WiFi */
+	if (gpio_is_valid(rfkill[0].shutdown_gpio))
+		gpio_free(rfkill[0].shutdown_gpio);
+	rfkill_unregister(rfkill[0].rfkill_dev);
+	rfkill_destroy(rfkill[0].rfkill_dev);
+	/* Bt */
+	if (gpio_is_valid(rfkill[1].shutdown_gpio))
+		gpio_free(rfkill[1].shutdown_gpio);
+	rfkill_unregister(rfkill[1].rfkill_dev);
+	rfkill_destroy(rfkill[1].rfkill_dev);
+	kfree(rfkill);
+	return 0;
+static struct of_device_id wand_rfkill_match[] = {
+	{ .compatible = "wand,imx6q-wandboard-rfkill", },
+	{ .compatible = "wand,imx6dl-wandboard-rfkill", },
+	{ .compatible = "wand,imx6qdl-wandboard-rfkill", },
+	{}
+static struct platform_driver wand_rfkill_driver = {
+	.driver = {
+		.name = "wandboard-rfkill",
+		.owner = THIS_MODULE,
+		.of_match_table = of_match_ptr(wand_rfkill_match),
+	},
+	.probe = wand_rfkill_probe,
+	.remove = wand_rfkill_remove
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Vladimir Ermakov <vooon341@gmail.com>");
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Wandboard rfkill driver");
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/omap_device.c b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/omap_device.c
index 41c7b90..aaa0d1e 100644
--- a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/omap_device.c
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/omap_device.c
@@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ static int omap_device_build_from_dt(struct platform_device *pdev)
 	struct omap_hwmod *oh;
 	struct device_node *node = pdev->dev.of_node;
 	struct resource res;
-	const char *oh_name;
-	int oh_cnt, i, ret = 0;
+	const char *oh_name, *rst_name;
+	int oh_cnt, dstr_cnt, i, ret = 0;
 	bool device_active = false, skip_pm_domain = false;
 	oh_cnt = of_property_count_strings(node, "ti,hwmods");
@@ -197,6 +197,26 @@ static int omap_device_build_from_dt(struct platform_device *pdev)
 		if (r->name == NULL)
 			r->name = dev_name(&pdev->dev);
+	dstr_cnt =
+		of_property_count_strings(node, "ti,deassert-hard-reset");
+	if (dstr_cnt > 0) {
+		for (i = 0; i < dstr_cnt; i += 2) {
+			of_property_read_string_index(
+				node, "ti,deassert-hard-reset", i,
+				&oh_name);
+			of_property_read_string_index(
+				node, "ti,deassert-hard-reset", i+1,
+				&rst_name);
+			oh = omap_hwmod_lookup(oh_name);
+			if (!oh) {
+				dev_warn(&pdev->dev,
+				"Cannot parse deassert property for '%s'\n",
+				oh_name);
+				break;
+			}
+			omap_hwmod_deassert_hardreset(oh, rst_name);
+		}
+	}
 	if (!skip_pm_domain) {
 		dev_pm_domain_set(&pdev->dev, &omap_device_pm_domain);
diff --git a/drivers/gpio/Kconfig b/drivers/gpio/Kconfig
index 71c0ab4..6180a51 100644
--- a/drivers/gpio/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/gpio/Kconfig
@@ -73,6 +73,20 @@ config GPIO_SYSFS
 	  Kernel drivers may also request that a particular GPIO be
 	  exported to userspace; this can be useful when debugging.
+	bool "GPIO OF helper device (EXPERIMENTAL)"
+	depends on OF_GPIO
+	help
+	  Say Y here to add an GPIO OF helper driver
+	  Allows you specify a GPIO helper based on OF
+	  which allows simple export of GPIO functionality
+	  in user-space.
+	  Features include, value set/get, direction control,
+	  interrupt/value change poll support, event counting
+	  and others.
 	depends on HAS_IOMEM # Only for IOMEM drivers
diff --git a/drivers/gpio/Makefile b/drivers/gpio/Makefile
index 1324c8f..2c93266 100644
--- a/drivers/gpio/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/gpio/Makefile
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_GPIOLIB)		+= gpiolib-devprop.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_OF_GPIO)		+= gpiolib-of.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_GPIO_SYSFS)	+= gpiolib-sysfs.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_GPIO_ACPI)		+= gpiolib-acpi.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_GPIO_OF_HELPER)	+= gpio-of-helper.o
 # Device drivers. Generally keep list sorted alphabetically
 obj-$(CONFIG_GPIO_GENERIC)	+= gpio-generic.o
diff --git b/drivers/gpio/gpio-of-helper.c b/drivers/gpio/gpio-of-helper.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83f362f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpio/gpio-of-helper.c
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+ * GPIO OF based helper
+ *
+ * A simple DT based driver to provide access to GPIO functionality
+ * to user-space via sysfs.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Pantelis Antoniou <panto@antoniou-consulting.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/timer.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/bitops.h>
+#include <linux/err.h>
+#include <linux/of.h>
+#include <linux/of_device.h>
+#include <linux/of_gpio.h>
+#include <linux/pinctrl/pinctrl.h>
+#include <linux/pinctrl/pinmux.h>
+#include <linux/pinctrl/consumer.h>
+#include <linux/atomic.h>
+#include <linux/clk.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/math64.h>
+#include <linux/atomic.h>
+#include <linux/idr.h>
+/* fwd decl. */
+struct gpio_of_helper_info;
+enum gpio_type {
+struct gpio_of_entry {
+	int id;
+	struct gpio_of_helper_info *info;
+	struct device_node *node;
+	enum gpio_type type;
+	int gpio;
+	int irq;
+	const char *name;
+	atomic64_t counter;
+	unsigned int count_flags;
+#define COUNT_RISING_EDGE	(1 << 0)
+#define COUNT_FALLING_EDGE	(1 << 1)
+struct gpio_of_helper_info {
+	struct platform_device *pdev;
+	struct idr idr;
+static const struct of_device_id gpio_of_helper_of_match[] = {
+	{
+		.compatible = "gpio-of-helper",
+	},
+	{ },
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, gpio_of_helper_of_match);
+static ssize_t gpio_of_helper_show_status(struct device *dev,
+				struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
+	struct platform_device *pdev = to_platform_device(dev);
+	struct gpio_of_helper_info *info = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	struct gpio_of_entry *entry;
+	char *p, *e;
+	int id, n;
+	p = buf;
+	e = p + PAGE_SIZE;
+	n = 0;
+	idr_for_each_entry(&info->idr, entry, id) {
+		switch (entry->type) {
+			n = snprintf(p, e - p, "%2d %-24s %3d %-3s %llu\n",
+				entry->id, entry->name, entry->gpio, "IN",
+				(unsigned long long)
+					atomic64_read(&entry->counter));
+			break;
+			n = snprintf(p, e - p, "%2d %-24s %3d %-3s\n",
+				entry->id, entry->name, entry->gpio, "OUT");
+			break;
+		}
+		p += n;
+	}
+	return p - buf;
+static DEVICE_ATTR(status, S_IRUGO,
+		gpio_of_helper_show_status, NULL);
+static irqreturn_t gpio_of_helper_handler(int irq, void *ptr)
+	struct gpio_of_entry *entry = ptr;
+	/* caution - low speed interfaces only! */
+	atomic64_inc(&entry->counter);
+	return IRQ_HANDLED;
+static struct gpio_of_entry *
+gpio_of_entry_create(struct gpio_of_helper_info *info,
+		struct device_node *node)
+	struct platform_device *pdev = info->pdev;
+	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
+	struct gpio_of_entry *entry;
+	int err, gpio, irq;
+	unsigned int req_flags, count_flags, irq_flags;
+	enum gpio_type type;
+	enum of_gpio_flags gpio_flags;
+	const char *name;
+	/* get the type of the node first */
+	if (of_property_read_bool(node, "input"))
+		type = GPIO_TYPE_INPUT;
+	else if (of_property_read_bool(node, "output")
+			|| of_property_read_bool(node, "init-low")
+			|| of_property_read_bool(node, "init-high"))
+	else {
+		dev_err(dev, "Not valid gpio node type\n");
+		err = -EINVAL;
+		goto err_bad_node;
+	}
+	/* get the name */
+	if (of_property_read_string(node, "line-name", &name))
+		if (of_property_read_string(node, "gpio-name", &name))
+			name = node->name;
+	err = of_get_named_gpio_flags(node, "gpio", 0, &gpio_flags);
+	if (IS_ERR_VALUE(err)) {
+		dev_err(dev, "Failed to get gpio property of '%s'\n", name);
+		goto err_bad_node;
+	}
+	gpio = err;
+	req_flags = 0;
+	count_flags = 0;
+	/* set the request flags */
+	switch (type) {
+			req_flags = GPIOF_DIR_IN | GPIOF_EXPORT;
+			if (of_property_read_bool(node, "count-falling-edge"))
+				count_flags |= COUNT_FALLING_EDGE;
+			if (of_property_read_bool(node, "count-rising-edge"))
+				count_flags |= COUNT_RISING_EDGE;
+			break;
+			req_flags = GPIOF_DIR_OUT | GPIOF_EXPORT;
+			if (of_property_read_bool(node, "init-high"))
+				req_flags |= GPIOF_OUT_INIT_HIGH;
+			else if (of_property_read_bool(node, "init-low"))
+				req_flags |= GPIOF_OUT_INIT_LOW;
+			break;
+	}
+	if (of_property_read_bool(node, "dir-changeable"))
+	if (gpio_flags & OF_GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW)
+		req_flags |= GPIOF_ACTIVE_LOW;
+	if (gpio_flags & OF_GPIO_SINGLE_ENDED) {
+		if (gpio_flags & OF_GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW)
+			req_flags |= GPIOF_OPEN_DRAIN;
+		else
+			req_flags |= GPIOF_OPEN_SOURCE;
+	}
+	/* request the gpio */
+	err = devm_gpio_request_one(dev, gpio, req_flags, name);
+	if (err != 0) {
+		dev_err(dev, "Failed to request gpio '%s'\n", name);
+		goto err_bad_node;
+	}
+	irq = -1;
+	irq_flags = 0;
+	/* counter mode requested - need an interrupt */
+	if (count_flags != 0) {
+		irq = gpio_to_irq(gpio);
+		if (IS_ERR_VALUE(irq)) {
+			dev_err(dev, "Failed to request gpio '%s'\n", name);
+			goto err_bad_node;
+		}
+		if (count_flags & COUNT_RISING_EDGE)
+			irq_flags |= IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING;
+		if (count_flags & COUNT_FALLING_EDGE)
+			irq_flags |= IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING;
+	}
+//	if (!idr_pre_get(&info->idr, GFP_KERNEL)) {
+//		dev_err(dev, "Failed on idr_pre_get of '%s'\n", name);
+//		err = -ENOMEM;
+//		goto err_no_mem;
+//	}
+	idr_preload(GFP_KERNEL);
+	entry = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*entry), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (entry == NULL) {
+		dev_err(dev, "Failed to allocate gpio entry of '%s'\n", name);
+		err = -ENOMEM;
+		goto err_no_mem;
+	}
+	entry->id = -1;
+	entry->info = info;
+	entry->node = of_node_get(node);	/* get node reference */
+	entry->type = type;
+	entry->gpio = gpio;
+	entry->irq = irq;
+	entry->name = name;
+	/* interrupt enable is last thing done */
+	if (irq >= 0) {
+		atomic64_set(&entry->counter, 0);
+		entry->count_flags = count_flags;
+		err = devm_request_irq(dev, irq, gpio_of_helper_handler,
+				irq_flags, name, entry);
+		if (err != 0) {
+			dev_err(dev, "Failed to request irq of '%s'\n", name);
+			goto err_no_irq;
+		}
+	}
+	/* all done; insert */
+//	err = idr_get_new(&info->idr, entry, &entry->id);
+//	if (IS_ERR_VALUE(err)) {
+//		dev_err(dev, "Failed to idr_get_new  of '%s'\n", name);
+//		goto err_fail_idr;
+//	}
+	err = idr_alloc(&info->idr, entry, 0, 0, GFP_NOWAIT);
+	if (err >= 0)
+		entry->id = err;
+	idr_preload_end();
+	if (err < 0) {
+		dev_err(dev, "Failed to idr_get_new  of '%s'\n", name);
+		goto err_fail_idr;
+	}
+	dev_dbg(dev, "Allocated GPIO id=%d name='%s'\n", entry->id, name);
+	return entry;
+	/* nothing to do */
+	/* release node ref */
+	of_node_put(node);
+	/* nothing else needs to be done, devres handles it */
+	return ERR_PTR(err);
+static int gpio_of_entry_destroy(struct gpio_of_entry *entry)
+	struct gpio_of_helper_info *info = entry->info;
+	struct platform_device *pdev = info->pdev;
+	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
+	dev_dbg(dev, "Destroying GPIO id=%d\n", entry->id);
+	/* remove from the IDR */
+	idr_remove(&info->idr, entry->id);
+	/* remove node ref */
+	of_node_put(entry->node);
+	/* free gpio */
+	devm_gpio_free(dev, entry->gpio);
+	/* gree irq */
+	if (entry->irq >= 0)
+		devm_free_irq(dev, entry->irq, entry);
+	/* and free */
+	devm_kfree(dev, entry);
+	return 0;
+static int gpio_of_helper_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
+	struct gpio_of_helper_info *info;
+	struct gpio_of_entry *entry;
+	struct device_node *pnode = pdev->dev.of_node;
+	struct device_node *cnode;
+	struct pinctrl *pinctrl;
+	int err;
+	/* we only support OF */
+	if (pnode == NULL) {
+		dev_err(&pdev->dev, "No platform of_node!\n");
+		return -ENODEV;
+	}
+	pinctrl = devm_pinctrl_get_select_default(&pdev->dev);
+	if (IS_ERR(pinctrl)) {
+		/* special handling for probe defer */
+		if (PTR_ERR(pinctrl) == -EPROBE_DEFER)
+			return -EPROBE_DEFER;
+		dev_warn(&pdev->dev,
+			"pins are not configured from the driver\n");
+	}
+	info = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*info), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (info == NULL) {
+		dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Failed to allocate info\n");
+		err = -ENOMEM;
+		goto err_no_mem;
+	}
+	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, info);
+	info->pdev = pdev;
+	idr_init(&info->idr);
+	err = device_create_file(dev, &dev_attr_status);
+	if (err != 0) {
+		dev_err(dev, "Failed to create status sysfs attribute\n");
+		goto err_no_sysfs;
+	}
+	for_each_child_of_node(pnode, cnode) {
+		entry = gpio_of_entry_create(info, cnode);
+		if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(entry)) {
+			dev_err(dev, "Failed to create gpio entry\n");
+			err = PTR_ERR(entry);
+			goto err_fail_entry;
+		}
+	}
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "ready\n");
+	return 0;
+	device_remove_file(&pdev->dev, &dev_attr_status);
+	return err;
+static int gpio_of_helper_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct gpio_of_helper_info *info = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	struct gpio_of_entry *entry;
+	int id;
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "removing\n");
+	device_remove_file(&pdev->dev, &dev_attr_status);
+	id = 0;
+	idr_for_each_entry(&info->idr, entry, id) {
+		/* destroy each and every one */
+		gpio_of_entry_destroy(entry);
+	}
+	return 0;
+#ifdef CONFIG_PM
+static int gpio_of_helper_runtime_suspend(struct device *dev)
+	/* place holder */
+	return 0;
+static int gpio_of_helper_runtime_resume(struct device *dev)
+	/* place holder */
+	return 0;
+//#endif /* CONFIG_PM_RUNTIME */
+static struct dev_pm_ops gpio_of_helper_pm_ops = {
+	SET_RUNTIME_PM_OPS(gpio_of_helper_runtime_suspend,
+			   gpio_of_helper_runtime_resume, NULL)
+#define GPIO_OF_HELPER_PM_OPS (&gpio_of_helper_pm_ops)
+#endif /* CONFIG_PM */
+struct platform_driver gpio_of_helper_driver = {
+	.probe		= gpio_of_helper_probe,
+	.remove		= gpio_of_helper_remove,
+	.driver = {
+		.name		= "gpio-of-helper",
+		.owner		= THIS_MODULE,
+		.of_match_table	= gpio_of_helper_of_match,
+	},
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Pantelis Antoniou <panto@antoniou-consulting.com>");
diff --git a/drivers/gpio/gpiolib-sysfs.c b/drivers/gpio/gpiolib-sysfs.c
index 3dbaf48..7015730 100644
--- a/drivers/gpio/gpiolib-sysfs.c
+++ b/drivers/gpio/gpiolib-sysfs.c
@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ static DEFINE_MUTEX(sysfs_lock);
  * /sys/class/gpio/gpioN... only for GPIOs that are exported
  *   /direction
- *      * MAY BE OMITTED if kernel won't allow direction changes
  *      * is read/write as "in" or "out"
  *      * may also be written as "high" or "low", initializing
  *        output value as specified ("out" implies "low")
+ *      * read-only if kernel won't allow direction changes
  *   /value
  *      * always readable, subject to hardware behavior
  *      * may be writable, as zero/nonzero
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ static DEFINE_MUTEX(sysfs_lock);
  *      * is read/write as zero/nonzero
  *      * also affects existing and subsequent "falling" and "rising"
  *        /edge configuration
+ *   /label
+ *      * descriptor label
 static ssize_t direction_show(struct device *dev,
@@ -83,7 +85,9 @@ static ssize_t direction_store(struct device *dev,
-	if (sysfs_streq(buf, "high"))
+	if (!data->direction_can_change)
+		status = -EPERM;
+	else if (sysfs_streq(buf, "high"))
 		status = gpiod_direction_output_raw(desc, 1);
 	else if (sysfs_streq(buf, "out") || sysfs_streq(buf, "low"))
 		status = gpiod_direction_output_raw(desc, 0);
@@ -362,6 +366,23 @@ static ssize_t active_low_store(struct device *dev,
 static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(active_low);
+static ssize_t label_show(struct device *dev,
+		struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
+	struct gpiod_data *data = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	struct gpio_desc *desc = data->desc;
+	ssize_t			status;
+	mutex_lock(&data->mutex);
+	status = sprintf(buf, "%s\n", desc->label);
+	mutex_unlock(&data->mutex);
+	return status;
+static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(label);
 static umode_t gpio_is_visible(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
 			       int n)
@@ -373,12 +394,15 @@ static umode_t gpio_is_visible(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
 	if (attr == &dev_attr_direction.attr) {
 		if (!show_direction)
-			mode = 0;
+			mode &= 0444;
 	} else if (attr == &dev_attr_edge.attr) {
 		if (gpiod_to_irq(desc) < 0)
 			mode = 0;
 		if (!show_direction && test_bit(FLAG_IS_OUT, &desc->flags))
 			mode = 0;
+	} else if (attr == &dev_attr_value.attr) {
+		if (!show_direction && !test_bit(FLAG_IS_OUT, &desc->flags))
+			mode &= 0444;
 	return mode;
@@ -389,6 +413,7 @@ static struct attribute *gpio_attrs[] = {
+	&dev_attr_label.attr,
@@ -402,6 +427,10 @@ static const struct attribute_group *gpio_groups[] = {
+/* bwlegh, a second device in the same file... get out of my namespace! */
+#define dev_attr_label dev_attr_chip_label
+#define label_show chip_label_show
  * /sys/class/gpio/gpiochipN/
  *   /base ... matching gpio_chip.base (N)
diff --git a/drivers/gpio/gpiolib.c b/drivers/gpio/gpiolib.c
index e11a3bb..5be9f57 100644
--- a/drivers/gpio/gpiolib.c
+++ b/drivers/gpio/gpiolib.c
@@ -2269,9 +2269,9 @@ static int gpiod_request_commit(struct gpio_desc *desc, const char *label)
 	if (test_and_set_bit(FLAG_REQUESTED, &desc->flags) == 0) {
 		desc_set_label(desc, label ? : "?");
 		status = 0;
-	} else {
-		status = -EBUSY;
-		goto done;
+//	} else {
+//		status = -EBUSY;
+//		goto done;
 	if (chip->request) {
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/etnaviv/Kconfig b/drivers/gpu/drm/etnaviv/Kconfig
index 041a77e..9219a6c 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/etnaviv/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/etnaviv/Kconfig
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 	tristate "ETNAVIV (DRM support for Vivante GPU IP cores)"
 	depends on DRM
-	depends on ARCH_MXC || ARCH_DOVE || (ARM && COMPILE_TEST)
 	depends on MMU
 	select SHMEM
 	select SYNC_FILE
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/i2c/Kconfig b/drivers/gpu/drm/i2c/Kconfig
index 65d3acb..3eda0a7 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i2c/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i2c/Kconfig
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
 menu "I2C encoder or helper chips"
      depends on DRM && DRM_KMS_HELPER && I2C
+	tristate "ADI HDMI encoder"
+	default m if DRM_TILCDC
+	help
+	  Support for ADI HDMI encoder.
 config DRM_I2C_CH7006
 	tristate "Chrontel ch7006 TV encoder"
 	default m if DRM_NOUVEAU
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/i2c/Makefile b/drivers/gpu/drm/i2c/Makefile
index a962f6f..cadceaf 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i2c/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i2c/Makefile
@@ -8,3 +8,6 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_I2C_SIL164) += sil164.o
 tda998x-y := tda998x_drv.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_I2C_NXP_TDA998X) += tda998x.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_I2C_NXP_TDA9950) += tda9950.o
+adihdmi-y := adihdmi_drv.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_I2C_ADIHDMI) += adihdmi.o
diff --git b/drivers/gpu/drm/i2c/adihdmi.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/i2c/adihdmi.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58d9a2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i2c/adihdmi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+ * Analog Devices ADIHDMI HDMI transmitter driver
+ *
+ * Copyright 2012 Analog Devices Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the GPL-2.
+ */
+#ifndef __DRM_I2C_ADIHDMI_H__
+#define __DRM_I2C_ADIHDMI_H__
+#include <linux/hdmi.h>
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_N0				0x01
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_N1				0x02
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_N2				0x03
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_SPDIF_FREQ			0x04
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_CTS_MANUAL0			0x07
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_CTS_MANUAL1			0x08
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_CTS_MANUAL2			0x09
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_I2S_CONFIG			0x0c
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_I2S_WIDTH			0x0d
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_AUDIO_CFG1			0x12
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_AUDIO_CFG2			0x13
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_AUDIO_CFG3			0x14
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_I2C_FREQ_ID_CFG		0x15
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_CSC_UPPER(x)		(0x18 + (x) * 2)
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_CSC_LOWER(x)		(0x19 + (x) * 2)
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_SYNC_DECODER(x)		(0x30 + (x))
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_DE_GENERATOR		(0x35 + (x))
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_VIC_MANUAL			0x3c
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_VIC_SEND			0x3d
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_POWER			0x41
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_STATUS			0x42
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_EDID_I2C_ADDR		0x43
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_DSD_ENABLE			0x46
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_GC(x)			(0x4b + (x)) /* 0x4b - 0x51 */
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_AVI_INFOFRAME(x)		(0x55 + (x)) /* 0x55 - 0x6f */
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_AUDIO_INFOFRAME(x)		(0x73 + (x)) /* 0x73 - 0x7c */
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_INT_ENABLE(x)		(0x94 + (x))
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_INT(x)			(0x96 + (x))
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_PLL_STATUS			0x9e
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_HDMI_POWER			0xa1
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_AN(x)			(0xb0 + (x)) /* 0xb0 - 0xb7 */
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_BCAPS			0xbe
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_BKSV(x)			(0xc0 + (x)) /* 0xc0 - 0xc3 */
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_DDC_STATUS			0xc8
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_BSTATUS(x)			(0xca + (x)) /* 0xca - 0xcb */
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_POWER2			0xd6
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_SYNC_ADJUSTMENT(x)		(0xd7 + (x)) /* 0xd7 - 0xdc */
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_ARC_CTRL			0xdf
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_CEC_I2C_ADDR		0xe1
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_CEC_CTRL			0xe2
+#define ADIHDMI_REG_CHIP_ID_LOW			0xf6
+#define ADIHDMI_INT0_HDP			BIT(7)
+#define ADIHDMI_INT0_VSYNC			BIT(5)
+#define ADIHDMI_INT1_BKSV			BIT(6)
+#define ADIHDMI_I2S_SAMPLE_LEN_16		0x2
+#define ADIHDMI_I2S_SAMPLE_LEN_20		0x3
+#define ADIHDMI_I2S_SAMPLE_LEN_18		0x4
+#define ADIHDMI_I2S_SAMPLE_LEN_22		0x5
+#define ADIHDMI_I2S_SAMPLE_LEN_19		0x8
+#define ADIHDMI_I2S_SAMPLE_LEN_23		0x9
+#define ADIHDMI_I2S_SAMPLE_LEN_24		0xb
+#define ADIHDMI_I2S_SAMPLE_LEN_17		0xc
+#define ADIHDMI_I2S_SAMPLE_LEN_21		0xd
+#define ADIHDMI_SAMPLE_FREQ_44100		0x0
+#define ADIHDMI_SAMPLE_FREQ_48000		0x2
+#define ADIHDMI_SAMPLE_FREQ_32000		0x3
+#define ADIHDMI_SAMPLE_FREQ_88200		0x8
+#define ADIHDMI_SAMPLE_FREQ_96000		0xa
+#define ADIHDMI_SAMPLE_FREQ_176400		0xc
+#define ADIHDMI_SAMPLE_FREQ_192000		0xe
+#define ADIHDMI_I2S_FORMAT_I2S			0
+#define ADIHDMI_PACKET(p, x)	    ((p) * 0x20 + (x))
+enum adihdmi_input_clock {
+enum adihdmi_input_justification {
+enum adihdmi_input_sync_pulse {
+ * enum adihdmi_sync_polarity - Polarity for the input sync signals
+ * @ADIHDMI_SYNC_POLARITY_PASSTHROUGH:  Sync polarity matches that of
+ *				       the currently configured mode.
+ * @ADIHDMI_SYNC_POLARITY_LOW:	    Sync polarity is low
+ * @ADIHDMI_SYNC_POLARITY_HIGH:	    Sync polarity is high
+ *
+ * If the polarity is set to either LOW or HIGH the driver will configure the
+ * ADIHDMI to internally invert the sync signal if required to match the sync
+ * polarity setting for the currently selected output mode.
+ *
+ * If the polarity is set to PASSTHROUGH, the ADIHDMI will route the signal
+ * unchanged. This is used when the upstream graphics core already generates
+ * the sync signals with the correct polarity.
+ */
+enum adihdmi_sync_polarity {
+ * struct adihdmi_link_config - Describes adihdmi hardware configuration
+ * @input_color_depth:		Number of bits per color component (8, 10 or 12)
+ * @input_colorspace:		The input colorspace (RGB, YUV444, YUV422)
+ * @input_clock:		The input video clock style (1x, 2x, DDR)
+ * @input_style:		The input component arrangement variant
+ * @input_justification:	Video input format bit justification
+ * @clock_delay:		Clock delay for the input clock (in ps)
+ * @embedded_sync:		Video input uses BT.656-style embedded sync
+ * @sync_pulse:			Select the sync pulse
+ * @vsync_polarity:		vsync input signal configuration
+ * @hsync_polarity:		hsync input signal configuration
+ */
+struct adihdmi_link_config {
+	unsigned int input_color_depth;
+	enum hdmi_colorspace input_colorspace;
+	enum adihdmi_input_clock input_clock;
+	unsigned int input_style;
+	enum adihdmi_input_justification input_justification;
+	int clock_delay;
+	bool embedded_sync;
+	enum adihdmi_input_sync_pulse sync_pulse;
+	enum adihdmi_sync_polarity vsync_polarity;
+	enum adihdmi_sync_polarity hsync_polarity;
+ * enum adihdmi_csc_scaling - Scaling factor for the ADIHDMI CSC
+ * @ADIHDMI_CSC_SCALING_1: CSC results are not scaled
+ * @ADIHDMI_CSC_SCALING_2: CSC results are scaled by a factor of two
+ * @ADIHDMI_CSC_SCALING_4: CSC results are scalled by a factor of four
+ */
+enum adihdmi_csc_scaling {
+ * struct adihdmi_video_config - Describes adihdmi hardware configuration
+ * @csc_enable:			Whether to enable color space conversion
+ * @csc_scaling_factor:		Color space conversion scaling factor
+ * @csc_coefficents:		Color space conversion coefficents
+ * @hdmi_mode:			Whether to use HDMI or DVI output mode
+ * @avi_infoframe:		HDMI infoframe
+ */
+struct adihdmi_video_config {
+	bool csc_enable;
+	enum adihdmi_csc_scaling csc_scaling_factor;
+	const uint16_t *csc_coefficents;
+	bool hdmi_mode;
+	struct hdmi_avi_infoframe avi_infoframe;
+#endif /* __DRM_I2C_ADIHDMI_H__ */
diff --git b/drivers/gpu/drm/i2c/adihdmi_drv.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/i2c/adihdmi_drv.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ab4682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i2c/adihdmi_drv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1268 @@
+ * Analog Devices ADIHDMI HDMI transmitter driver
+ *
+ * Copyright 2012 Analog Devices Inc.
+ * Copyright 2015 Konsulko Group
+ *
+ * Licensed under the GPL-2.
+ */
+#include <linux/component.h>
+#include <linux/device.h>
+#include <linux/gpio/consumer.h>
+#include <linux/i2c.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/regmap.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <drm/drmP.h>
+#include <drm/drm_crtc_helper.h>
+#include <drm/drm_edid.h>
+#include <drm/drm_encoder_slave.h>
+#include <drm/drm_of.h>
+#include "adihdmi.h"
+struct adihdmi {
+	struct i2c_client *i2c_main;
+	struct i2c_client *i2c_edid;
+	struct regmap *regmap;
+	struct regmap *packet_memory_regmap;
+	enum drm_connector_status status;
+	bool powered;
+	unsigned int f_tmds;
+	unsigned int current_edid_segment;
+	uint8_t edid_buf[256];
+	bool edid_read;
+	wait_queue_head_t wq;
+	struct drm_encoder *encoder;
+	bool embedded_sync;
+	enum adihdmi_sync_polarity vsync_polarity;
+	enum adihdmi_sync_polarity hsync_polarity;
+	bool rgb;
+	struct edid *edid;
+	struct gpio_desc *gpio_pd;
+struct adihdmi2 {
+	struct adihdmi base;
+	struct drm_encoder encoder;
+	struct drm_connector connector;
+/* ADI recommended values for proper operation. */
+static const struct reg_sequence adihdmi_fixed_registers[] = {
+	{ 0x98, 0x03 },
+	{ 0x9a, 0xe0 },
+	{ 0x9c, 0x30 },
+	{ 0x9d, 0x61 },
+	{ 0xa2, 0xa4 },
+	{ 0xa3, 0xa4 },
+	{ 0xe0, 0xd0 },
+	{ 0xf9, 0x00 },
+	{ 0x55, 0x02 },
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Register access
+ */
+static const uint8_t adihdmi_register_defaults[] = {
+	0x12, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 00 */
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0e, 0xbc, 0x18, 0x01, 0x13,
+	0x25, 0x37, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 10 */
+	0x46, 0x62, 0x04, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x84,
+	0x1c, 0xbf, 0x04, 0xa8, 0x1e, 0x70, 0x02, 0x1e, /* 20 */
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0xa8, 0x08, 0x12, 0x1b, 0xac,
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 30 */
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb0,
+	0x00, 0x50, 0x90, 0x7e, 0x79, 0x70, 0x00, 0x00, /* 40 */
+	0x00, 0xa8, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 50 */
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 60 */
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+	0x01, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 70 */
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 80 */
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 90 */
+	0x0b, 0x02, 0x00, 0x18, 0x5a, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00,
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x08, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, /* a0 */
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x14,
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* b0 */
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* c0 */
+	0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x04,
+	0x30, 0xff, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* d0 */
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x01,
+	0x80, 0x75, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* e0 */
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x75, 0x11, 0x00, /* f0 */
+	0x00, 0x7c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+static bool adihdmi_register_volatile(struct device *dev, unsigned int reg)
+	switch (reg) {
+		case ADIHDMI_REG_GC(1):
+		case ADIHDMI_REG_INT(0):
+		case ADIHDMI_REG_INT(1):
+		case ADIHDMI_REG_AN(0):
+		case ADIHDMI_REG_AN(1):
+		case ADIHDMI_REG_AN(2):
+		case ADIHDMI_REG_AN(3):
+		case ADIHDMI_REG_AN(4):
+		case ADIHDMI_REG_AN(5):
+		case ADIHDMI_REG_AN(6):
+		case ADIHDMI_REG_AN(7):
+		case ADIHDMI_REG_BKSV(0):
+		case ADIHDMI_REG_BKSV(1):
+		case ADIHDMI_REG_BKSV(2):
+		case ADIHDMI_REG_BKSV(3):
+		case ADIHDMI_REG_BKSV(4):
+			return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+static const struct regmap_config adihdmi_regmap_config = {
+	.reg_bits = 8,
+	.val_bits = 8,
+	.max_register = 0xff,
+	.cache_type = REGCACHE_RBTREE,
+	.reg_defaults_raw = adihdmi_register_defaults,
+	.num_reg_defaults_raw = ARRAY_SIZE(adihdmi_register_defaults),
+	.volatile_reg = adihdmi_register_volatile,
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Hardware configuration
+ */
+	static void adihdmi_audio_setup(struct adihdmi * adihdmi)
+	/* Select I2S. */
+	regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_AUDIO_SOURCE, 0x01);
+	regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_I2S_CONFIG, 0x84);
+	/* Setup clocks for 48KHz. */
+	regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_N0, 0x00);
+	regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_N1, 0x18);
+	regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_N2, 0x00);
+	regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_I2C_FREQ_ID_CFG, 0xF0, 0x20);
+	/* Set audio word length to 24 bits. */
+	regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_AUDIO_CFG3, 0x0F, 0x0B);
+	/* Update audio infoframe. */
+	regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_INFOFRAME_UPDATE, 0x20, 0x20);
+	regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_AUDIO_INFOFRAME(0), 0x07, 0x01);
+	regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_AUDIO_INFOFRAME(3), 0x1F, 0x00);
+	regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_INFOFRAME_UPDATE, 0x20, 0x00);
+static void adihdmi_set_colormap(struct adihdmi *adihdmi, bool enable,
+		const uint16_t *coeff,
+		unsigned int scaling_factor)
+	unsigned int i;
+	regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_CSC_UPPER(1),
+	if (enable) {
+		for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
+			regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap,
+					0x1f, coeff[i] >> 8);
+			regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap,
+					coeff[i] & 0xff);
+		}
+	}
+	if (enable)
+		regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_CSC_UPPER(0),
+				0xe0, 0x80 | (scaling_factor << 5));
+	else
+		regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_CSC_UPPER(0),
+				0x80, 0x00);
+	regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_CSC_UPPER(1),
+static int adihdmi_packet_enable(struct adihdmi *adihdmi, unsigned int packet)
+	if (packet & 0xff)
+		regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_PACKET_ENABLE0,
+				packet, 0xff);
+	if (packet & 0xff00) {
+		packet >>= 8;
+		regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_PACKET_ENABLE1,
+				packet, 0xff);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int adihdmi_packet_disable(struct adihdmi *adihdmi, unsigned int packet)
+	if (packet & 0xff)
+		regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_PACKET_ENABLE0,
+				packet, 0x00);
+	if (packet & 0xff00) {
+		packet >>= 8;
+		regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_PACKET_ENABLE1,
+				packet, 0x00);
+	}
+	return 0;
+/* Coefficients for adihdmi color space conversion */
+static const uint16_t adihdmi_csc_ycbcr_to_rgb[] = {
+	0x0734, 0x04ad, 0x0000, 0x1c1b,
+	0x1ddc, 0x04ad, 0x1f24, 0x0135,
+	0x0000, 0x04ad, 0x087c, 0x1b77,
+static void adihdmi_set_config_csc(struct adihdmi *adihdmi,
+		struct drm_connector *connector,
+		bool rgb)
+	struct adihdmi_video_config config;
+	bool output_format_422, output_format_ycbcr;
+	unsigned int mode;
+	uint8_t infoframe[17];
+	if (adihdmi->edid)
+		config.hdmi_mode = drm_detect_hdmi_monitor(adihdmi->edid);
+	else
+		config.hdmi_mode = false;
+	hdmi_avi_infoframe_init(&config.avi_infoframe);
+	config.avi_infoframe.scan_mode = HDMI_SCAN_MODE_UNDERSCAN;
+	if (rgb) {
+		config.csc_enable = false;
+		config.avi_infoframe.colorspace = HDMI_COLORSPACE_RGB;
+	} else {
+		config.csc_scaling_factor = ADIHDMI_CSC_SCALING_4;
+		config.csc_coefficents = adihdmi_csc_ycbcr_to_rgb;
+		if ((connector->display_info.color_formats &
+				config.hdmi_mode) {
+			config.csc_enable = false;
+			config.avi_infoframe.colorspace =
+		} else {
+			config.csc_enable = true;
+			config.avi_infoframe.colorspace = HDMI_COLORSPACE_RGB;
+		}
+	}
+	if (config.hdmi_mode) {
+		switch (config.avi_infoframe.colorspace) {
+				output_format_422 = false;
+				output_format_ycbcr = true;
+				break;
+				output_format_422 = true;
+				output_format_ycbcr = true;
+				break;
+			default:
+				output_format_422 = false;
+				output_format_ycbcr = false;
+				break;
+		}
+	} else {
+		output_format_422 = false;
+		output_format_ycbcr = false;
+	}
+	adihdmi_packet_disable(adihdmi, ADIHDMI_INFOFRAME_PACKETS);
+	adihdmi_set_colormap(adihdmi, config.csc_enable,
+			config.csc_coefficents,
+			config.csc_scaling_factor);
+	regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_VIDEO_INPUT_CFG1, 0x81,
+			(output_format_422 << 7) | output_format_ycbcr);
+	regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_HDCP_HDMI_CFG,
+	hdmi_avi_infoframe_pack(&config.avi_infoframe, infoframe,
+			sizeof(infoframe));
+	/* The AVI infoframe id is not configurable */
+	regmap_bulk_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_AVI_INFOFRAME_VERSION,
+			infoframe + 1, sizeof(infoframe) - 1);
+	adihdmi_packet_enable(adihdmi, ADIHDMI_INFOFRAME_PACKETS);
+static void adihdmi_set_link_config(struct adihdmi *adihdmi,
+		const struct adihdmi_link_config *config)
+	/*
+	 * The input style values documented in the datasheet don't match the
+	 * hardware register field values :-(
+	 */
+	static const unsigned int input_styles[4] = { 0, 2, 1, 3 };
+	unsigned int clock_delay;
+	unsigned int color_depth;
+	unsigned int input_id;
+	clock_delay = (config->clock_delay + 1200) / 400;
+	color_depth = config->input_color_depth == 8 ? 3
+		: (config->input_color_depth == 10 ? 1 : 2);
+	/* TODO Support input ID 6 */
+	if (config->input_colorspace != HDMI_COLORSPACE_YUV422)
+		input_id = config->input_clock == ADIHDMI_INPUT_CLOCK_DDR
+			? 5 : 0;
+	else if (config->input_clock == ADIHDMI_INPUT_CLOCK_DDR)
+		input_id = config->embedded_sync ? 8 : 7;
+	else if (config->input_clock == ADIHDMI_INPUT_CLOCK_2X)
+		input_id = config->embedded_sync ? 4 : 3;
+	else
+		input_id = config->embedded_sync ? 2 : 1;
+	regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_I2C_FREQ_ID_CFG, 0xf,
+			input_id);
+	regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_VIDEO_INPUT_CFG1, 0x7e,
+			(color_depth << 4) |
+			(input_styles[config->input_style] << 2));
+	regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_VIDEO_INPUT_CFG2,
+			config->input_justification << 3);
+	regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_TIMING_GEN_SEQ,
+			config->sync_pulse << 2);
+	regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, 0xba, clock_delay << 5);
+	adihdmi->embedded_sync = config->embedded_sync;
+	adihdmi->hsync_polarity = config->hsync_polarity;
+	adihdmi->vsync_polarity = config->vsync_polarity;
+	adihdmi->rgb = config->input_colorspace == HDMI_COLORSPACE_RGB;
+static void adihdmi_power_on(struct adihdmi *adihdmi)
+	adihdmi->current_edid_segment = -1;
+	regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_INT(0),
+	regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_INT(1),
+	regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_POWER,
+	/*
+	 * Per spec it is allowed to pulse the HDP signal to indicate that the
+	 * EDID information has changed. Some monitors do this when they wakeup
+	 * from standby or are enabled. When the HDP goes low the adihdmi is
+	 * reset and the outputs are disabled which might cause the monitor to
+	 * go to standby again. To avoid this we ignore the HDP pin for the
+	 * first few seconds after enabling the output.
+	 */
+	regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_POWER2,
+	/*
+	 * Most of the registers are reset during power down or when HPD is low.
+	 */
+	regcache_sync(adihdmi->regmap);
+	adihdmi->powered = true;
+static void adihdmi_power_off(struct adihdmi *adihdmi)
+	/* TODO: setup additional power down modes */
+	regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_POWER,
+	regcache_mark_dirty(adihdmi->regmap);
+	adihdmi->powered = false;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Interrupt and hotplug detection
+ */
+static bool adihdmi_hpd(struct adihdmi *adihdmi)
+	unsigned int irq0;
+	int ret;
+	ret = regmap_read(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_INT(0), &irq0);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return false;
+	if (irq0 & ADIHDMI_INT0_HDP) {
+		regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_INT(0),
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+static int adihdmi_irq_process(struct adihdmi *adihdmi)
+	unsigned int irq0, irq1;
+	int ret;
+	ret = regmap_read(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_INT(0), &irq0);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return ret;
+	ret = regmap_read(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_INT(1), &irq1);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return ret;
+	regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_INT(0), irq0);
+	regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_INT(1), irq1);
+	if (irq0 & ADIHDMI_INT0_HDP)
+		drm_helper_hpd_irq_event(adihdmi->encoder->dev);
+		adihdmi->edid_read = true;
+		if (adihdmi->i2c_main->irq)
+			wake_up_all(&adihdmi->wq);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static irqreturn_t adihdmi_irq_handler(int irq, void *devid)
+	struct adihdmi *adihdmi = devid;
+	int ret;
+	ret = adihdmi_irq_process(adihdmi);
+	return ret < 0 ? IRQ_NONE : IRQ_HANDLED;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * EDID retrieval
+ */
+static int adihdmi_wait_for_edid(struct adihdmi *adihdmi, int timeout)
+	int ret;
+	if (adihdmi->i2c_main->irq) {
+		ret = wait_event_interruptible_timeout(adihdmi->wq,
+				adihdmi->edid_read, msecs_to_jiffies(timeout));
+	} else {
+		for (; timeout > 0; timeout -= 25) {
+			ret = adihdmi_irq_process(adihdmi);
+			if (ret < 0)
+				break;
+			if (adihdmi->edid_read)
+				break;
+			msleep(25);
+		}
+	}
+	return adihdmi->edid_read ? 0 : -EIO;
+static int adihdmi_get_edid_block(void *data, u8 *buf, unsigned int block,
+		size_t len)
+	struct adihdmi *adihdmi = data;
+	struct i2c_msg xfer[2];
+	uint8_t offset;
+	unsigned int i;
+	int ret;
+	if (len > 128)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (adihdmi->current_edid_segment != block / 2) {
+		unsigned int status;
+		ret = regmap_read(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_DDC_STATUS,
+				&status);
+		if (ret < 0)
+			return ret;
+		if (status != 2) {
+			adihdmi->edid_read = false;
+			regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_EDID_SEGMENT,
+					block);
+			ret = adihdmi_wait_for_edid(adihdmi, 200);
+			if (ret < 0)
+				return ret;
+		}
+		/* Break this apart, hopefully more I2C controllers will
+		 * support 64 byte transfers than 256 byte transfers
+		 */
+		xfer[0].addr = adihdmi->i2c_edid->addr;
+		xfer[0].flags = 0;
+		xfer[0].len = 1;
+		xfer[0].buf = &offset;
+		xfer[1].addr = adihdmi->i2c_edid->addr;
+		xfer[1].flags = I2C_M_RD;
+		xfer[1].len = 64;
+		xfer[1].buf = adihdmi->edid_buf;
+		offset = 0;
+		for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+			ret = i2c_transfer(adihdmi->i2c_edid->adapter, xfer,
+					ARRAY_SIZE(xfer));
+			if (ret < 0)
+				return ret;
+			else if (ret != 2)
+				return -EIO;
+			xfer[1].buf += 64;
+			offset += 64;
+		}
+		adihdmi->current_edid_segment = block / 2;
+	}
+	if (block % 2 == 0)
+		memcpy(buf, adihdmi->edid_buf, len);
+	else
+		memcpy(buf, adihdmi->edid_buf + 128, len);
+	return 0;
+static int adihdmi_mode_valid(struct drm_display_mode *mode)
+	if (mode->clock > 165000)
+		return MODE_CLOCK_HIGH;
+	return MODE_OK;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * DT and private structure operations
+ */
+#define conn_to_adihdmi2(x) \
+	container_of(x, struct adihdmi2, connector);
+#define enc_to_adihdmi2(x) \
+	container_of(x, struct adihdmi2, encoder);
+#define enc_to_adihdmi(x) \
+	(&(container_of(x, struct adihdmi2, encoder)->base))
+static int adihdmi_parse_dt(struct device_node *np,
+		struct adihdmi_link_config *config)
+	memset(config, 0, sizeof(*config));
+	config->input_color_depth = 8;
+	config->input_colorspace = HDMI_COLORSPACE_RGB;
+	//config->input_colorspace = HDMI_COLORSPACE_YUV422;
+	//config->input_colorspace = HDMI_COLORSPACE_YUV444;
+	config->input_clock = ADIHDMI_INPUT_CLOCK_1X;
+	//config->input_clock = ADIHDMI_INPUT_CLOCK_2X;
+	//config->input_clock = ADIHDMI_INPUT_CLOCK_DDR;
+	if (config->input_colorspace == HDMI_COLORSPACE_YUV422 ||
+			config->input_clock != ADIHDMI_INPUT_CLOCK_1X) {
+		config->input_style = 1;
+		//config->input_justification = ADIHDMI_INPUT_JUSTIFICATION_LEFT;
+		config->input_justification = ADIHDMI_INPUT_JUSTIFICATION_EVENLY;
+		//config->input_justification = ADIHDMI_INPUT_JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT;
+	} else {
+		config->input_style = 1;
+		config->input_justification = ADIHDMI_INPUT_JUSTIFICATION_LEFT;
+	}
+	config->clock_delay = 0;
+	config->embedded_sync = 0;
+	/* Hardcode the sync pulse configurations for now. */
+	config->sync_pulse = ADIHDMI_INPUT_SYNC_PULSE_NONE;
+	config->vsync_polarity = ADIHDMI_SYNC_POLARITY_PASSTHROUGH;
+	config->hsync_polarity = ADIHDMI_SYNC_POLARITY_PASSTHROUGH;
+	return 0;
+static const int edid_i2c_addr = 0x7e;
+static const int packet_i2c_addr = 0x70;
+static const int cec_i2c_addr = 0x78;
+static int adihdmi_create(struct i2c_client *i2c, struct adihdmi *adihdmi)
+	struct adihdmi_link_config link_config;
+	struct device *dev = &i2c->dev;
+	unsigned int val;
+	int ret;
+	adihdmi->powered = false;
+	adihdmi->status = connector_status_disconnected;
+	ret = adihdmi_parse_dt(NULL, &link_config);
+	if (ret)
+	{
+		pr_err("%s - %d - Bad parse\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * The power down GPIO is optional. If present, toggle it from active to
+	 * inactive to wake up the encoder.
+	 */
+	adihdmi->gpio_pd = devm_gpiod_get_optional(dev, "pd", GPIOD_OUT_HIGH);
+	if (IS_ERR(adihdmi->gpio_pd))
+	{
+		pr_err("%s - %d - Bad PD GPIO\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+		return PTR_ERR(adihdmi->gpio_pd);
+	}
+	if (adihdmi->gpio_pd) {
+		mdelay(5);
+		gpiod_set_value_cansleep(adihdmi->gpio_pd, 0);
+	}
+	adihdmi->regmap = devm_regmap_init_i2c(i2c, &adihdmi_regmap_config);
+	if (IS_ERR(adihdmi->regmap))
+	{
+		pr_err("%s - %d - Bad reg map init\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+		return PTR_ERR(adihdmi->regmap);
+	}
+	ret = regmap_read(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_CHIP_REVISION, &val);
+	if (ret)
+	{
+		pr_err("%s - %d - Bad reg map read\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	dev_dbg(dev, "Rev. %d\n", val);
+	ret = regmap_register_patch(adihdmi->regmap, adihdmi_fixed_registers,
+			ARRAY_SIZE(adihdmi_fixed_registers));
+	if (ret)
+	{
+		pr_err("%s - %d - Bad reg map patch\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_EDID_I2C_ADDR, edid_i2c_addr);
+	regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_PACKET_I2C_ADDR,
+			packet_i2c_addr);
+	regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_CEC_I2C_ADDR, cec_i2c_addr);
+	adihdmi_packet_disable(adihdmi, 0xffff);
+	adihdmi->i2c_main = i2c;
+	adihdmi->i2c_edid = i2c_new_dummy(i2c->adapter, edid_i2c_addr >> 1);
+	if (!adihdmi->i2c_edid)
+	{
+		pr_err("%s - %d - No mem for EDID\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	if (i2c->irq) {
+		init_waitqueue_head(&adihdmi->wq);
+		ret = devm_request_threaded_irq(dev, i2c->irq, NULL,
+				adihdmi_irq_handler,
+				IRQF_ONESHOT, dev_name(dev),
+				adihdmi);
+		if (ret)
+		{
+			pr_err("%s - %d - Bad IRQ thread request\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+			goto err_i2c_unregister_device;
+		}
+	}
+	/* CEC is unused for now */
+	regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_CEC_CTRL,
+	adihdmi_power_off(adihdmi);
+	adihdmi_set_link_config(adihdmi, &link_config);
+	adihdmi_audio_setup(adihdmi);
+	return 0;
+	i2c_unregister_device(adihdmi->i2c_edid);
+	return ret;
+static void adihdmi_destroy(struct adihdmi *priv)
+	i2c_unregister_device(priv->i2c_edid);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Encoder operations
+ */
+static int adihdmi_encoder_get_modes(struct adihdmi *adihdmi,
+		struct drm_connector *connector)
+	struct edid *edid;
+	unsigned int count;
+	/* Reading the EDID only works if the device is powered */
+	if (!adihdmi->powered) {
+		regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_INT(0),
+		regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_INT(1),
+		regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_POWER,
+		adihdmi->current_edid_segment = -1;
+	}
+	edid = drm_do_get_edid(connector, adihdmi_get_edid_block, adihdmi);
+	if (!adihdmi->powered)
+		regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_POWER,
+	kfree(adihdmi->edid);
+	adihdmi->edid = edid;
+	if (!edid)
+	{
+		pr_err("%s - %d - No EDID\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	drm_mode_connector_update_edid_property(connector, edid);
+	count = drm_add_edid_modes(connector, edid);
+	adihdmi_set_config_csc(adihdmi, connector, adihdmi->rgb);
+	return count;
+static void adihdmi_encoder_dpms(struct drm_encoder *encoder, int mode)
+	struct adihdmi2 *priv2 = enc_to_adihdmi2(encoder);
+	if (mode == DRM_MODE_DPMS_ON)
+		adihdmi_power_on(&priv2->base);
+	else
+		adihdmi_power_off(&priv2->base);
+	static enum drm_connector_status
+adihdmi_encoder_detect(struct adihdmi *adihdmi,
+		struct drm_connector *connector)
+	enum drm_connector_status status;
+	unsigned int val;
+	bool hpd;
+	int ret;
+	ret = regmap_read(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_STATUS, &val);
+	if (ret < 0)
+	{
+		pr_err("%s - %d - Disconnected\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+		return connector_status_disconnected;
+	}
+		status = connector_status_connected;
+	else
+		status = connector_status_disconnected;
+	hpd = adihdmi_hpd(adihdmi);
+	/* The chip resets itself when the cable is disconnected, so in case
+	 * there is a pending HPD interrupt and the cable is connected there was
+	 * at least one transition from disconnected to connected and the chip
+	 * has to be reinitialized. */
+	if (status == connector_status_connected && hpd && adihdmi->powered) {
+		regcache_mark_dirty(adihdmi->regmap);
+		adihdmi_power_on(adihdmi);
+		adihdmi_encoder_get_modes(adihdmi, connector);
+		if (adihdmi->status == connector_status_connected)
+			status = connector_status_disconnected;
+	} else {
+		/* Renable HDP sensing */
+		regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_POWER2,
+	}
+	adihdmi->status = status;
+	return status;
+static bool adihdmi_encoder_mode_fixup(struct drm_encoder *encoder, const struct drm_display_mode *mode, struct drm_display_mode *adjusted_mode)
+	return true;
+static int adihdmi_encoder_mode_valid(struct drm_encoder *encoder, struct drm_display_mode *mode)
+	return adihdmi_mode_valid(mode);
+static void adihdmi_encoder_mode_set(struct drm_encoder *encoder,
+		struct drm_display_mode *mode,
+		struct drm_display_mode *adj_mode)
+	unsigned int low_refresh_rate;
+	unsigned int hsync_polarity = 0;
+	unsigned int vsync_polarity = 0;
+	struct adihdmi *adihdmi = enc_to_adihdmi(encoder);
+	if (adihdmi->embedded_sync) {
+		unsigned int hsync_offset, hsync_len;
+		unsigned int vsync_offset, vsync_len;
+		hsync_offset = adj_mode->crtc_hsync_start -
+			adj_mode->crtc_hdisplay;
+		vsync_offset = adj_mode->crtc_vsync_start -
+			adj_mode->crtc_vdisplay;
+		hsync_len = adj_mode->crtc_hsync_end -
+			adj_mode->crtc_hsync_start;
+		vsync_len = adj_mode->crtc_vsync_end -
+			adj_mode->crtc_vsync_start;
+		/* The hardware vsync generator has a off-by-one bug */
+		vsync_offset += 1;
+		regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_HSYNC_PLACEMENT_MSB,
+				((hsync_offset >> 10) & 0x7) << 5);
+		regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_SYNC_DECODER(0),
+				(hsync_offset >> 2) & 0xff);
+		regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_SYNC_DECODER(1),
+				((hsync_offset & 0x3) << 6) |
+				((hsync_len >> 4) & 0x3f));
+		regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_SYNC_DECODER(2),
+				((hsync_len & 0xf) << 4) |
+				((vsync_offset >> 6) & 0xf));
+		regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_SYNC_DECODER(3),
+				((vsync_offset & 0x3f) << 2) |
+				((vsync_len >> 8) & 0x3));
+		regmap_write(adihdmi->regmap, ADIHDMI_REG_SYNC_DECODER(4),
+				vsync_len & 0xff);
+		hsync_polarity = !(adj_mode->flags & DRM_MODE_FLAG_PHSYNC);
+		vsync_polarity = !(adj_mode->flags & DRM_MODE_FLAG_PVSYNC);
+	} else {
+		enum adihdmi_sync_polarity mode_hsync_polarity;
+		enum adihdmi_sync_polarity mode_vsync_polarity;
+		/**
+		 * If the input signal is always low or always high we want to
+		 * invert or let it passthrough depending on the polarity of the
+		 * current mode.
+		 **/
+		if (adj_mode->flags & DRM_MODE_FLAG_NHSYNC)
+			mode_hsync_polarity = ADIHDMI_SYNC_POLARITY_LOW;
+		else
+			mode_hsync_polarity = ADIHDMI_SYNC_POLARITY_HIGH;
+		if (adj_mode->flags & DRM_MODE_FLAG_NVSYNC)
+			mode_vsync_polarity = ADIHDMI_SYNC_POLARITY_LOW;
+		else
+			mode_vsync_polarity = ADIHDMI_SYNC_POLARITY_HIGH;
+		if (adihdmi->hsync_polarity != mode_hsync_polarity &&
+				adihdmi->hsync_polarity !=
+			hsync_polarity = 1;
+		if (adihdmi->vsync_polarity != mode_vsync_polarity &&
+				adihdmi->vsync_polarity !=
+			vsync_polarity = 1;
+	}
+	if (mode->vrefresh <= 24000)
+		low_refresh_rate = ADIHDMI_LOW_REFRESH_RATE_24HZ;
+	else if (mode->vrefresh <= 25000)
+		low_refresh_rate = ADIHDMI_LOW_REFRESH_RATE_25HZ;
+	else if (mode->vrefresh <= 30000)
+		low_refresh_rate = ADIHDMI_LOW_REFRESH_RATE_30HZ;
+	else
+		low_refresh_rate = ADIHDMI_LOW_REFRESH_RATE_NONE;
+	regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, 0xfb,
+			0x6, low_refresh_rate << 1);
+	regmap_update_bits(adihdmi->regmap, 0x17,
+			0x60, (vsync_polarity << 6) | (hsync_polarity << 5));
+	/*
+	 * TODO Test first order 4:2:2 to 4:4:4 up conversion method, which is
+	 * supposed to give better results.
+	 */
+			adihdmi->f_tmds = mode->clock;
+static void adihdmi_encoder_prepare(struct drm_encoder *encoder)
+	adihdmi_encoder_dpms(encoder, DRM_MODE_DPMS_OFF);
+static void adihdmi_encoder_commit(struct drm_encoder *encoder)
+	adihdmi_encoder_dpms(encoder, DRM_MODE_DPMS_ON);
+static struct drm_encoder_helper_funcs adihdmi_encoder_helper_funcs = {
+	.dpms		= adihdmi_encoder_dpms,
+	.mode_fixup	= adihdmi_encoder_mode_fixup,
+	.prepare	= adihdmi_encoder_prepare,
+	.commit		= adihdmi_encoder_commit,
+	.mode_set	= adihdmi_encoder_mode_set,
+static void adihdmi_encoder_destroy(struct drm_encoder *encoder)
+	struct adihdmi2 *priv = enc_to_adihdmi2(encoder);
+	adihdmi_destroy(&priv->base);
+	drm_encoder_cleanup(encoder);
+static const struct drm_encoder_funcs adihdmi_encoder_funcs = {
+	.destroy = adihdmi_encoder_destroy,
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Slave operations
+ */
+static int adihdmi_encoder_slave_create_resources(struct drm_encoder *encoder, struct drm_connector *connector)
+	pr_debug("%s - %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+	return 0;
+static void adihdmi_encoder_slave_destroy(struct drm_encoder *encoder)
+	pr_debug("%s - %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+	static enum drm_connector_status
+adihdmi_encoder_slave_detect(struct drm_encoder *encoder,
+		struct drm_connector *connector)
+	return adihdmi_encoder_detect(enc_to_adihdmi(encoder),
+			connector);
+static int adihdmi_encoder_slave_get_modes(struct drm_encoder *encoder,
+		struct drm_connector *connector)
+	return adihdmi_encoder_get_modes(enc_to_adihdmi(encoder),
+			connector);
+static void adihdmi_encoder_slave_set_config(struct drm_encoder *encoder, void *params)
+	pr_debug("%s - %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+static int adihdmi_encoder_set_property(struct drm_encoder *encoder, struct drm_connector *connector, struct drm_property *property, uint64_t val)
+	pr_debug("%s - %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+	return 0;
+static struct drm_encoder_slave_funcs adihdmi_encoder_slave_funcs = {
+	.create_resources   = adihdmi_encoder_slave_create_resources,
+	.destroy            = adihdmi_encoder_slave_destroy,
+	.detect             = adihdmi_encoder_slave_detect,
+	.dpms               = adihdmi_encoder_dpms,
+	.get_modes          = adihdmi_encoder_slave_get_modes,
+	.mode_fixup         = adihdmi_encoder_mode_fixup,
+	.mode_set           = adihdmi_encoder_mode_set,
+	.mode_valid         = adihdmi_encoder_mode_valid,
+	.set_config         = adihdmi_encoder_slave_set_config,
+	.set_property       = adihdmi_encoder_set_property,
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Connector operations
+ */
+static int adihdmi_connector_get_modes(struct drm_connector *connector)
+	struct adihdmi2 *priv = conn_to_adihdmi2(connector);
+	return adihdmi_encoder_get_modes(&priv->base, connector);
+static int adihdmi_connector_mode_valid(struct drm_connector *connector,
+		struct drm_display_mode *mode)
+	return adihdmi_mode_valid(mode);
+	static struct drm_encoder *
+adihdmi_connector_best_encoder(struct drm_connector *connector)
+	struct adihdmi2 *priv = conn_to_adihdmi2(connector);
+	return &priv->encoder;
+static struct drm_connector_helper_funcs adihdmi_connector_helper_funcs = {
+	.get_modes          = adihdmi_connector_get_modes,
+	.mode_valid         = adihdmi_connector_mode_valid,
+	.best_encoder	    = adihdmi_connector_best_encoder,
+	static enum drm_connector_status
+adihdmi_connector_detect(struct drm_connector *connector, bool force)
+	struct adihdmi2 *priv = conn_to_adihdmi2(connector);
+	return adihdmi_encoder_detect(&priv->base, connector);
+static void adihdmi_connector_destroy(struct drm_connector *connector)
+	drm_connector_unregister(connector);
+	drm_connector_cleanup(connector);
+static struct drm_connector_funcs adihdmi_connector_funcs = {
+	.dpms = drm_helper_connector_dpms,
+	.fill_modes = drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes,
+	.detect = adihdmi_connector_detect,
+	.destroy = adihdmi_connector_destroy,
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Component operations
+ */
+static int adihdmi_bind(struct device *dev, struct device *master, void *data)
+	struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
+	struct drm_device *drm = data;
+	struct adihdmi2 *priv;
+	uint32_t crtcs = 0;
+	int ret;
+	priv = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*priv), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!priv)
+	{
+		pr_err("%s - %d - No memory for ADIHDMI\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	dev_set_drvdata(dev, priv);
+	if (dev->of_node)
+		crtcs = drm_of_find_possible_crtcs(drm, dev->of_node);
+	/* If no CRTCs were found, fall back to our old behaviour */
+	if (crtcs == 0) {
+		dev_warn(dev, "Falling back to first CRTC\n");
+		crtcs = 1 << 0;
+	}
+	priv->base.encoder = &priv->encoder;
+	priv->connector.interlace_allowed = 1;
+	priv->encoder.possible_crtcs = crtcs;
+	ret = adihdmi_create(client, &priv->base);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	drm_encoder_helper_add(&priv->encoder, &adihdmi_encoder_helper_funcs);
+	ret = drm_encoder_init(drm, &priv->encoder, &adihdmi_encoder_funcs,
+	if (ret)
+		goto err_encoder;
+	drm_connector_helper_add(&priv->connector,
+			&adihdmi_connector_helper_funcs);
+	ret = drm_connector_init(drm, &priv->connector,
+			&adihdmi_connector_funcs,
+	if (ret)
+		goto err_connector;
+	ret = drm_connector_register(&priv->connector);
+	if (ret)
+		goto err_sysfs;
+	priv->connector.encoder = &priv->encoder;
+	drm_mode_connector_attach_encoder(&priv->connector, &priv->encoder);
+	return 0;
+	drm_connector_cleanup(&priv->connector);
+	drm_encoder_cleanup(&priv->encoder);
+	adihdmi_destroy(&priv->base);
+	return ret;
+static void adihdmi_unbind(struct device *dev, struct device *master, void *data)
+	struct adihdmi2 *priv = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	drm_connector_cleanup(&priv->connector);
+	drm_encoder_cleanup(&priv->encoder);
+	adihdmi_destroy(&priv->base);
+static const struct component_ops adihdmi_ops =
+	.bind = adihdmi_bind,
+	.unbind = adihdmi_unbind,
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Init operations
+ */
+static int adihdmi_probe(struct i2c_client *i2c, const struct i2c_device_id *id)
+	return component_add(&i2c->dev, &adihdmi_ops);
+static int adihdmi_remove(struct i2c_client *i2c)
+	component_del(&i2c->dev, &adihdmi_ops);
+	return 0;
+static int adihdmi_encoder_init(struct i2c_client *i2c, struct drm_device *dev,
+		struct drm_encoder_slave *encoder_slave)
+	struct adihdmi *adihdmi;
+	int ret;
+	adihdmi = kzalloc(sizeof(*adihdmi), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!adihdmi)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	adihdmi->encoder = &encoder_slave->base;
+	ret = adihdmi_create(i2c, adihdmi);
+	if (ret) {
+		kfree(adihdmi);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	encoder_slave->slave_priv = adihdmi;
+	encoder_slave->slave_funcs = &adihdmi_encoder_slave_funcs;
+	return 0;
+static const struct i2c_device_id adihdmi_i2c_ids[] = {
+	{ "adv7511", 0 },
+	{ "adv7511w", 0 },
+	{ "adv7513", 0 },
+	{ }
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, adihdmi_i2c_ids);
+static const struct of_device_id adihdmi_of_ids[] = {
+	{ .compatible = "adi,adv7511", },
+	{ .compatible = "adi,adv7511w", },
+	{ .compatible = "adi,adv7513", },
+	{ }
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, adihdmi_of_ids);
+static struct drm_i2c_encoder_driver adihdmi_driver = {
+	.i2c_driver = {
+		.driver = {
+			.name = "adihdmi",
+			.of_match_table = adihdmi_of_ids,
+		},
+		.id_table = adihdmi_i2c_ids,
+		.probe = adihdmi_probe,
+		.remove = adihdmi_remove,
+	},
+	.encoder_init = adihdmi_encoder_init,
+static int __init adihdmi_init(void)
+	return drm_i2c_encoder_register(THIS_MODULE, &adihdmi_driver);
+static void __exit adihdmi_exit(void)
+	drm_i2c_encoder_unregister(&adihdmi_driver);
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Lars-Peter Clausen <lars@metafoo.de>");
diff --git a/drivers/input/misc/tps65218-pwrbutton.c b/drivers/input/misc/tps65218-pwrbutton.c
index a4455bb..b6d4321 100644
--- a/drivers/input/misc/tps65218-pwrbutton.c
+++ b/drivers/input/misc/tps65218-pwrbutton.c
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ struct tps6521x_data {
 static const struct tps6521x_data tps65217_data = {
 	.reg_status = TPS65217_REG_STATUS,
 	.pb_mask = TPS65217_STATUS_PB,
-	.name = "tps65217_pwrbutton",
+	.name = "tps65217_pwr_but",
 static const struct tps6521x_data tps65218_data = {
diff --git a/drivers/input/touchscreen/ar1021_i2c.c b/drivers/input/touchscreen/ar1021_i2c.c
index b35b640..a1d4019 100644
--- a/drivers/input/touchscreen/ar1021_i2c.c
+++ b/drivers/input/touchscreen/ar1021_i2c.c
@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@
 #define AR1021_MAX_X	4095
 #define AR1021_MAX_Y	4095
+#define AR1021_MAX_PRESSURE 255
+#define AR1021_CMD	0x55
+#define AR1021_CMD_ENABLE_TOUCH		0x12
 #define AR1021_CMD	0x55
@@ -27,8 +32,29 @@ struct ar1021_i2c {
 	struct i2c_client *client;
 	struct input_dev *input;
 	u8 data[AR1021_TOCUH_PKG_SIZE];
+	bool invert_x;
+	bool invert_y;
+	bool swap_xy;
+static bool ar1021_get_prop_u32(struct device *dev,
+				     const char *property,
+				     unsigned int default_value,
+				     unsigned int *value)
+	u32 val;
+	int error;
+	error = device_property_read_u32(dev, property, &val);
+	if (error) {
+		*value = default_value;
+		return false;
+	}
+	*value = val;
+	return true;
 static irqreturn_t ar1021_i2c_irq(int irq, void *dev_id)
 	struct ar1021_i2c *ar1021 = dev_id;
@@ -50,9 +76,22 @@ static irqreturn_t ar1021_i2c_irq(int irq, void *dev_id)
 	x = ((data[2] & 0x1f) << 7) | (data[1] & 0x7f);
 	y = ((data[4] & 0x1f) << 7) | (data[3] & 0x7f);
-	input_report_abs(input, ABS_X, x);
-	input_report_abs(input, ABS_Y, y);
+	if (ar1021->invert_x)
+		x = AR1021_MAX_X - x;
+	if (ar1021->invert_y)
+		y = AR1021_MAX_Y - y;
+	if (ar1021->swap_xy) {
+		input_report_abs(input, ABS_X, y);
+		input_report_abs(input, ABS_Y, x);
+	} else {
+		input_report_abs(input, ABS_X, x);
+		input_report_abs(input, ABS_Y, y);
+	}
 	input_report_key(input, BTN_TOUCH, button);
+	input_report_abs(input, ABS_PRESSURE, AR1021_MAX_PRESSURE);
@@ -94,6 +133,8 @@ static int ar1021_i2c_probe(struct i2c_client *client,
 	struct ar1021_i2c *ar1021;
 	struct input_dev *input;
 	int error;
+	unsigned int offset_x, offset_y;
+	bool data_present;
 	if (!i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter, I2C_FUNC_I2C)) {
 		dev_err(&client->dev, "i2c_check_functionality error\n");
@@ -117,10 +158,44 @@ static int ar1021_i2c_probe(struct i2c_client *client,
 	input->open = ar1021_i2c_open;
 	input->close = ar1021_i2c_close;
+	ar1021->invert_x = device_property_read_bool(&client->dev, "touchscreen-inverted-x");
+	ar1021->invert_y = device_property_read_bool(&client->dev, "touchscreen-inverted-y");
+	ar1021->swap_xy = device_property_read_bool(&client->dev, "touchscreen-swapped-x-y");
+	data_present = ar1021_get_prop_u32(&client->dev,
+						"touchscreen-offset-x",
+						0,
+						&offset_x);
+	if (data_present)
+		dev_info(&client->dev, "touchscreen-offset-x: %d\n", offset_x);
+	data_present = ar1021_get_prop_u32(&client->dev,
+						"touchscreen-offset-y",
+						0,
+						&offset_y);
+	if (data_present)
+		dev_info(&client->dev, "touchscreen-offset-y: %d\n", offset_y);
 	__set_bit(INPUT_PROP_DIRECT, input->propbit);
-	input_set_capability(input, EV_KEY, BTN_TOUCH);
-	input_set_abs_params(input, ABS_X, 0, AR1021_MAX_X, 0, 0);
-	input_set_abs_params(input, ABS_Y, 0, AR1021_MAX_Y, 0, 0);
+	//input_set_capability(input, EV_KEY, BTN_TOUCH);
+	input->evbit[0] = BIT_MASK(EV_KEY) | BIT_MASK(EV_ABS);
+	if(ar1021->swap_xy)
+	{
+		input_set_abs_params(input, ABS_X, 0, AR1021_MAX_Y, 0, 0);
+		input_set_abs_params(input, ABS_Y, 0, AR1021_MAX_X, 0, 0);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		input_set_abs_params(input, ABS_X, offset_x, AR1021_MAX_X-offset_x, 0, 0);
+		input_set_abs_params(input, ABS_Y, offset_y, AR1021_MAX_Y-offset_y, 0, 0);
+	}
+	input_set_abs_params(input, ABS_PRESSURE, 0, AR1021_MAX_PRESSURE, 0, 0);
 	input_set_drvdata(input, ar1021);
diff --git a/drivers/input/touchscreen/ti_am335x_tsc.c b/drivers/input/touchscreen/ti_am335x_tsc.c
index b86c1e5..8379e86 100644
--- a/drivers/input/touchscreen/ti_am335x_tsc.c
+++ b/drivers/input/touchscreen/ti_am335x_tsc.c
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 #define ADCFSM_STEPID		0x10
 #define SEQ_SETTLE		275
 #define MAX_12BIT		((1 << 12) - 1)
+#define PRESSURE_MAX		1000
@@ -232,6 +233,7 @@ static void titsc_read_coordinates(struct titsc *ts_dev,
 	for (i = 0; i < creads; i++) {
 		xvals[i] = titsc_readl(ts_dev, REG_FIFO0);
 		xvals[i] &= 0xfff;
+		pr_debug("i %d xval %d yval %d z1 %d z2 %d\n", i, xvals[i], yvals[i], *z1, *z2);
@@ -310,13 +312,13 @@ static irqreturn_t titsc_irq(int irq, void *dev)
 			 * Resistance(touch) = x plate resistance *
 			 * x postion/4096 * ((z2 / z1) - 1)
-			z = z1 - z2;
+			z = z2 - z1;
 			z *= x;
 			z *= ts_dev->x_plate_resistance;
-			z /= z2;
+			z /= z1;
 			z = (z + 2047) >> 12;
-			if (z <= MAX_12BIT) {
+			pr_debug("x %d y %d z1 %d z2 %d z %d\n", x, y, z1, z2, z);
+			if (z <= PRESSURE_MAX) {
 				input_report_abs(input_dev, ABS_X, x);
 				input_report_abs(input_dev, ABS_Y, y);
 				input_report_abs(input_dev, ABS_PRESSURE, z);
@@ -451,6 +453,7 @@ static int titsc_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
 	input_dev->name = "ti-tsc";
 	input_dev->dev.parent = &pdev->dev;
+	__set_bit(INPUT_PROP_DIRECT, input_dev->propbit);
 	input_dev->evbit[0] = BIT_MASK(EV_KEY) | BIT_MASK(EV_ABS);
 	input_dev->keybit[BIT_WORD(BTN_TOUCH)] = BIT_MASK(BTN_TOUCH);
diff --git a/drivers/misc/Kconfig b/drivers/misc/Kconfig
index 3726eac..8303a7e 100644
--- a/drivers/misc/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/misc/Kconfig
@@ -513,6 +513,17 @@ config MISC_RTSX
+config TIEQEP
+	tristate "EQEP Hardware quadrature encoder controller"
+	depends on SOC_AM33XX
+	select PWM_TIPWMSS
+	help
+	  Driver support for the EQEP quadrature encoder controller AM33XX
+	  TI SOC
+	  To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
+	  will be called tieqep.
 source "drivers/misc/c2port/Kconfig"
 source "drivers/misc/eeprom/Kconfig"
 source "drivers/misc/cb710/Kconfig"
@@ -523,6 +534,7 @@ source "drivers/misc/mei/Kconfig"
 source "drivers/misc/vmw_vmci/Kconfig"
 source "drivers/misc/mic/Kconfig"
 source "drivers/misc/genwqe/Kconfig"
+source "drivers/misc/cape/Kconfig"
 source "drivers/misc/echo/Kconfig"
 source "drivers/misc/cxl/Kconfig"
 source "drivers/misc/ocxl/Kconfig"
diff --git a/drivers/misc/Makefile b/drivers/misc/Makefile
index af22bbc..b836428 100644
--- a/drivers/misc/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/misc/Makefile
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ obj-y				+= ti-st/
 obj-y				+= lis3lv02d/
 obj-$(CONFIG_USB_SWITCH_FSA9480) += fsa9480.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_ALTERA_STAPL)	+=altera-stapl/
+obj-$(CONFIG_TIEQEP)		+= tieqep.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_INTEL_MEI)		+= mei/
 obj-$(CONFIG_VMWARE_VMCI)	+= vmw_vmci/
 obj-$(CONFIG_LATTICE_ECP3_CONFIG)	+= lattice-ecp3-config.o
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_SRAM)		+= sram.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_SRAM_EXEC)		+= sram-exec.o
 obj-y				+= mic/
 obj-$(CONFIG_GENWQE)		+= genwqe/
+obj-y				+= cape/
 obj-$(CONFIG_ECHO)		+= echo/
 obj-$(CONFIG_VEXPRESS_SYSCFG)	+= vexpress-syscfg.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CXL_BASE)		+= cxl/
diff --git b/drivers/misc/cape/Kconfig b/drivers/misc/cape/Kconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2ef85e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/misc/cape/Kconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Capes
+source "drivers/misc/cape/beaglebone/Kconfig"
diff --git b/drivers/misc/cape/Makefile b/drivers/misc/cape/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c4eb96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/misc/cape/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Makefile for cape like devices
+obj-y				+= beaglebone/
diff --git b/drivers/misc/cape/beaglebone/Kconfig b/drivers/misc/cape/beaglebone/Kconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeb6782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/misc/cape/beaglebone/Kconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Beaglebone capes
+	tristate "Beaglebone Pinmux Helper"
+	depends on ARCH_OMAP2PLUS && OF
+	default n
+	help
+	  Say Y here to include support for the pinmux helper
diff --git b/drivers/misc/cape/beaglebone/Makefile b/drivers/misc/cape/beaglebone/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f4617a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/misc/cape/beaglebone/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Makefile for beaglebone capes
+obj-$(CONFIG_BEAGLEBONE_PINMUX_HELPER)	+= bone-pinmux-helper.o
diff --git b/drivers/misc/cape/beaglebone/bone-pinmux-helper.c b/drivers/misc/cape/beaglebone/bone-pinmux-helper.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d81363a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/misc/cape/beaglebone/bone-pinmux-helper.c
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ * Pinmux helper driver
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Pantelis Antoniou <panto@antoniou-consulting.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/err.h>
+#include <linux/of.h>
+#include <linux/of_device.h>
+#include <linux/of_gpio.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <linux/pinctrl/pinctrl.h>
+#include <linux/pinctrl/pinmux.h>
+#include <linux/pinctrl/consumer.h>
+static const struct of_device_id bone_pinmux_helper_of_match[] = {
+	{
+		.compatible = "bone-pinmux-helper",
+	},
+	{ },
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, bone_pinmux_helper_of_match);
+struct pinmux_helper_data {
+	struct pinctrl *pinctrl;
+	char *selected_state_name;
+static ssize_t pinmux_helper_show_state(struct device *dev,
+		struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
+	struct platform_device *pdev = to_platform_device(dev);
+	struct pinmux_helper_data *data = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	const char *name;
+	name = data->selected_state_name;
+	if (name == NULL || strlen(name) == 0)
+		name = "none";
+	return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", name);
+static ssize_t pinmux_helper_store_state(struct device *dev,
+		struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
+	struct platform_device *pdev = to_platform_device(dev);
+	struct pinmux_helper_data *data = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	struct pinctrl_state *state;
+	char *state_name;
+	char *s;
+	int err;
+	/* duplicate (as a null terminated string) */
+	state_name = kmalloc(count + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (state_name == NULL)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	memcpy(state_name, buf, count);
+	state_name[count] = '\0';
+	/* and chop off newline */
+	s = strchr(state_name, '\n');
+	if (s != NULL)
+		*s = '\0';
+	/* try to select default state at first (if it exists) */
+	state = pinctrl_lookup_state(data->pinctrl, state_name);
+	if (!IS_ERR(state)) {
+		err = pinctrl_select_state(data->pinctrl, state);
+		if (err != 0)
+			dev_err(dev, "Failed to select state %s\n",
+					state_name);
+	} else {
+		dev_err(dev, "Failed to find state %s\n", state_name);
+		err = PTR_RET(state);
+	}
+	if (err == 0) {
+		kfree(data->selected_state_name);
+		data->selected_state_name = state_name;
+	}
+	return err ? err : count;
+static DEVICE_ATTR(state, S_IWUSR | S_IRUGO,
+		   pinmux_helper_show_state, pinmux_helper_store_state);
+static struct attribute *pinmux_helper_attributes[] = {
+	&dev_attr_state.attr,
+static const struct attribute_group pinmux_helper_attr_group = {
+	.attrs = pinmux_helper_attributes,
+static int bone_pinmux_helper_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
+	struct pinmux_helper_data *data;
+	struct pinctrl_state *state;
+	char *state_name;
+	const char *mode_name;
+	int mode_len;
+	int err;
+	data = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*data), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (data == NULL) {
+		dev_err(dev, "Failed to allocate data\n");
+		err = -ENOMEM;
+		goto err_no_mem;
+	}
+	state_name = kmalloc(strlen(PINCTRL_STATE_DEFAULT) + 1,
+	if (state_name == NULL) {
+		dev_err(dev, "Failed to allocate state name\n");
+		err = -ENOMEM;
+		goto err_no_state_mem;
+	}
+	data->selected_state_name = state_name;
+	strcpy(data->selected_state_name, PINCTRL_STATE_DEFAULT);
+	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, data);
+	data->pinctrl = devm_pinctrl_get(dev);
+	if (IS_ERR(data->pinctrl)) {
+		dev_err(dev, "Failed to get pinctrl\n");
+		err = PTR_RET(data->pinctrl);
+		goto err_no_pinctrl;
+	}
+	/* See if an initial mode is specified in the device tree */
+	mode_name = of_get_property(dev->of_node, "mode", &mode_len);
+	err = -1;
+	if (mode_name != NULL ) {
+		state_name = kmalloc(mode_len + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (state_name == NULL) {
+			dev_err(dev, "Failed to allocate state name\n");
+			err = -ENOMEM;
+			goto err_no_mode_mem;
+		}
+		strncpy(state_name, mode_name, mode_len);
+		/* try to select requested mode */
+		state = pinctrl_lookup_state(data->pinctrl, state_name);
+		if (!IS_ERR(state)) {
+			err = pinctrl_select_state(data->pinctrl, state);
+			if (err != 0) {
+				dev_warn(dev, "Unable to select requested mode %s\n", state_name);
+				kfree(state_name);
+			} else {
+				kfree(data->selected_state_name);
+				data->selected_state_name = state_name;
+				dev_notice(dev, "Set initial pinmux mode to %s\n", state_name);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* try to select default state if mode_name failed */
+	if ( err != 0) {
+		state = pinctrl_lookup_state(data->pinctrl,
+				data->selected_state_name);
+		if (!IS_ERR(state)) {
+			err = pinctrl_select_state(data->pinctrl, state);
+			if (err != 0) {
+				dev_err(dev, "Failed to select default state\n");
+				goto err_no_state;
+			}
+		} else {
+			data->selected_state_name = '\0';
+		}
+	}
+	/* Register sysfs hooks */
+	err = sysfs_create_group(&dev->kobj, &pinmux_helper_attr_group);
+	if (err) {
+		dev_err(dev, "Failed to create sysfs group\n");
+		goto err_no_sysfs;
+	}
+	return 0;
+	devm_pinctrl_put(data->pinctrl);
+	devm_kfree(dev, data->selected_state_name);
+	devm_kfree(dev, data);
+	return err;
+static int bone_pinmux_helper_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct pinmux_helper_data *data = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
+	sysfs_remove_group(&dev->kobj, &pinmux_helper_attr_group);
+	kfree(data->selected_state_name);
+	devm_pinctrl_put(data->pinctrl);
+	devm_kfree(dev, data);
+	return 0;
+struct platform_driver bone_pinmux_helper_driver = {
+	.probe		= bone_pinmux_helper_probe,
+	.remove		= bone_pinmux_helper_remove,
+	.driver = {
+		.name		= "bone-pinmux-helper",
+		.owner		= THIS_MODULE,
+		.of_match_table	= bone_pinmux_helper_of_match,
+	},
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Pantelis Antoniou");
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Beaglebone pinmux helper driver");
diff --git b/drivers/misc/tieqep.c b/drivers/misc/tieqep.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb69ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/misc/tieqep.c
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+ * TI eQEP driver for AM33xx devices
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Nathaniel R. Lewis - http://teknoman117.wordpress.com/
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 SoftPLC Corporation, Dick Hollenbeck <dick@softplc.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ * sysfs entries
+ *	 - position = absolute - current position; relative - last latched value
+ *	 - mode => 0 - absolute; 1 - relative
+ *	 - period => sampling period for the hardware
+ *	 - enable => 0 - eQEP disabled, 1 - eQEP enabled
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/io.h>
+#include <linux/err.h>
+#include <linux/clk.h>
+#include <linux/pm_runtime.h>
+#include <linux/of_device.h>
+#include <linux/pinctrl/consumer.h>
+#include <linux/input.h>
+/* eQEP register offsets from its base IO address */
+#define QPOSCNT		0x0000
+#define QPOSINIT	0x0004
+#define QPOSMAX		0x0008
+#define QPOSCMP		0x000C
+#define QPOSILAT	0x0010
+#define QPOSSLAT	0x0014
+#define QPOSLAT		0x0018
+#define QUTMR		0x001C
+#define QUPRD		0x0020
+#define QWDTMR		0x0024
+#define QWDPRD		0x0026
+#define QDECCTL		0x0028
+#define QEPCTL		0x002A
+#define QCAPCTL		0x002C
+#define QPOSCTL		0x002E
+#define QEINT		0x0030
+#define QFLG		0x0032
+#define QCLR		0x0034
+#define QFRC		0x0036
+#define QEPSTS		0x0038
+#define QCTMR		0x003A
+#define QCPRD		0x003C
+#define QCTMRLAT	0x003E
+#define QCPRDLAT	0x0040
+#define QREVID		0x005C
+#if 0	/* if you wanted another way to modify IP registers... */
+typedef volatile u32	REG32;
+typedef volatile u16	REG16;
+struct EQEP_REGS {
+	REG32	q_poscnt;		/*	0x00	position counter */
+	REG32	q_posinit;		/*	0x04	position counter initialization */
+	REG32	q_posmax;		/*	0x08	maximum position count */
+	REG32	q_poscmp;		/*	0x0C	position compare */
+	REG32	q_posilat;		/*	0x10	index position latch */
+	REG32	q_posslat;		/*	0x14	strobe position latch */
+	REG32	q_poslat;		/*	0x18	position counter latch */
+	REG32	q_utmr;			/*	0x1C	unit timer */
+	REG32	q_uprd;			/*	0x20	unit period */
+	REG16	q_wdtmr;		/*	0x24	watchdog timer */
+	REG16	q_wdprd;		/*	0x26	watchdog period */
+	REG16	q_decctl;		/*	0x28	decoder control */
+	REG16	q_epctl;		/*	0x2A	control register */
+	REG16	q_capctl;		/*	0x2C	capture control */
+	REG16	q_posctl;		/*	0x2E	position compare control */
+	REG16	q_eint;			/*	0x30	interrupt enable */
+	REG16	q_flg;			/*	0x32	interrupt flag */
+	REG16	q_clr;			/*	0x34	interrupt clear */
+	REG16	q_frc;			/*	0x36	interrupt force */
+	REG16	q_epsts;		/*	0x38	status */
+	REG16	q_ctmr;			/*	0x3A	capture timer */
+	REG16	q_cprd;			/*	0x3C	capture period */
+	REG16	q_ctmrlat;		/*	0x3E	capture timer latch */
+	REG16	q_prdlat;		/*	0x40	capture period latch */
+	char	q_fill1[0x5c-0x40];
+	REG32	q_revid;		/*	0x5C	revision id */
+/* Bits for the QDECTL register */
+#define QSRC1		(1 << 15)
+#define QSRC0		(1 << 14)
+#define SOEN		(1 << 13)
+#define SPSEL		(1 << 12)
+#define XCR		(1 << 11)
+#define SWAP		(1 << 10)
+#define IGATE		(1 << 9)
+#define QAP		(1 << 8)
+#define QBP		(1 << 7)
+#define QIP		(1 << 6)
+#define QSP		(1 << 5)
+/* Bits for the QEPCTL register */
+#define FREESOFT1	(1 << 15)
+#define FREESOFT0	(1 << 14)
+#define PCRM1		(1 << 13)
+#define PCRM0		(1 << 12)
+#define SEI1		(1 << 11)
+#define SEI0		(1 << 10)
+#define IEI1		(1 << 9)
+#define IEI0		(1 << 8)
+#define SWI		(1 << 7)
+#define SEL		(1 << 6)
+#define IEL1		(1 << 5)
+#define IEL0		(1 << 4)
+#define PHEN		(1 << 3)
+#define QCLM		(1 << 2)
+#define UTE		(1 << 1)
+#define WDE		(1 << 0)
+/* Bits for the QCAPCTL register */
+#define CEN		(1 << 15)
+#define CCPS2		(1 << 6)
+#define CCPS0		(1 << 5)
+#define CCPS1		(1 << 4)
+#define UPPS3		(1 << 3)
+#define UPPS2		(1 << 2)
+#define UPPS1		(1 << 1)
+#define UPPS0		(1 << 0)
+/* Bits for the QPOSCTL register */
+#define PCSHDW		(1 << 15)
+#define PCLOAD		(1 << 14)
+#define PCPOL		(1 << 13)
+#define PCE		(1 << 12)
+#define PCSPW11		(1 << 11)
+#define PCSPW10		(1 << 10)
+#define PCSPW9		(1 << 9)
+#define PCSPW8		(1 << 8)
+#define PCSPW7		(1 << 7)
+#define PCSPW6		(1 << 6)
+#define PCSPW5		(1 << 5)
+#define PCSPW4		(1 << 4)
+#define PCSPW3		(1 << 3)
+#define PCSPW2		(1 << 2)
+#define PCSPW1		(1 << 1)
+#define PCSPW0		(1 << 0)
+/* Bits for the interrupt registers */
+#define UTOF			(1 << 11)
+/* Bits to control the clock in the PWMSS subsystem */
+ * Modes for the eQEP unit
+ *	Absolute - the position entry represents the current position of the encoder.
+ *		   Poll this value and it will be notified every period nanoseconds
+ *	Relative - the position entry represents the last latched position of the encoder
+ *		   This value is latched every period nanoseconds and the internal counter
+ *		   is subsequenty reset
+ */
+/* Structure defining the characteristics of the eQEP unit */
+struct eqep_chip
+	/* Platform device for this eQEP unit */
+	struct platform_device *pdev;
+	/* Pointer to the base of the memory of the eQEP unit */
+	void __iomem	*mmio_base;
+	/* SYSCLKOUT to the eQEP unit */
+	u32		clk_rate;
+	/* IRQ for the eQEP unit */
+	u16		irq;
+	/* Mode of the eQEP unit */
+	u8		op_mode;
+	/* work stuct for the notify userspace work */
+	struct work_struct notify_work;
+	/* Backup for driver suspension */
+	u16		prior_qepctl;
+	u16		prior_qeint;
+/* Notify userspace work */
+static void notify_handler(struct work_struct *work)
+	/* Get a reference to the eQEP driver */
+	struct eqep_chip *eqep = container_of(work, struct eqep_chip, notify_work);
+	/* Notify the userspace */
+	sysfs_notify(&eqep->pdev->dev.kobj, NULL, "position");
+/* eQEP Interrupt handler */
+static irqreturn_t eqep_irq_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
+	/* Get the instance information */
+	struct platform_device	*pdev = dev_id;
+	struct eqep_chip	*eqep = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	/* Get the interrupt flags */
+	u16 iflags = readw(eqep->mmio_base + QFLG) & EQEP_INTERRUPT_MASK;
+	/* Check the interrupt source(s) */
+	if (iflags & UTOF) {
+		/* Handle the unit timer overflow interrupt by notifying any potential pollers */
+		schedule_work(&eqep->notify_work);
+	}
+	/* Clear interrupt flags (write back triggered flags to the clear register) */
+	writew(iflags, eqep->mmio_base + QCLR);
+	/* Return that the IRQ was handled successfully */
+	return IRQ_HANDLED;
+/* Function to read whether the eQEP unit is enabled or disabled */
+static ssize_t eqep_get_enabled(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
+	/* Get the instance structure */
+	struct eqep_chip *eqep = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	u16 enabled = 0;
+	/* Increment the device usage count and run pm_runtime_resume() */
+	pm_runtime_get_sync(dev);
+	/* Read the qep control register and mask all but the enabled bit */
+	enabled = readw(eqep->mmio_base + QEPCTL) & PHEN;
+	/* Return the target in string format */
+	return sprintf(buf, "%u\n", (enabled) ? 1 : 0);
+/* Function to set if the eQEP is enabled */
+static ssize_t eqep_set_enabled(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
+	/* Get the instance structure */
+	int	rc;
+	u16	val;
+	u8	enabled;
+	struct eqep_chip *eqep = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	/* Convert the input string to an 8 bit uint */
+	if ((rc = kstrtou8(buf, 0, &enabled)))
+		return rc;
+	/* Increment the device usage count and run pm_runtime_resume() */
+	pm_runtime_get_sync(dev);
+	/* Get the existing state of QEPCTL */
+	val = readw(eqep->mmio_base + QEPCTL);
+	/* If we passed a number that is not 0, enable the eQEP */
+	if (enabled)
+		/* Enable the eQEP (Set PHEN in QEPCTL) */
+		val |= PHEN;
+	else
+		/* Disable the eQEP (Clear PHEN in QEPCTL) */
+		val &= ~PHEN;
+	/* Write flags back to control register */
+	writew(val, eqep->mmio_base + QEPCTL);
+	/* Return buffer length consumed (all) */
+	return count;
+/* Function to read the current position of the eQEP */
+static ssize_t eqep_get_position(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
+	struct eqep_chip *eqep = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	s32 position = 0;
+	/* Increment the device usage count and run pm_runtime_resume() */
+	pm_runtime_get_sync(dev);
+	if (eqep->op_mode == TIEQEP_MODE_ABSOLUTE) {
+		position = readl(eqep->mmio_base + QPOSCNT);
+	} else if (eqep->op_mode == TIEQEP_MODE_RELATIVE) {
+		/* in relative mode, use the last latched value of the eQEP hardware */
+		position = readl(eqep->mmio_base + QPOSLAT);
+		dev_dbg(dev, "get_position:0x%08x\n", position);
+	}
+	return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", position);
+/* Function to set the position of the eQEP hardware */
+static ssize_t eqep_set_position(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
+	int rc;
+	s32 position;
+	struct eqep_chip *eqep = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	if ((rc = kstrtos32(buf, 0, &position)))
+		return rc;
+	/* Increment the device usage count and run pm_runtime_resume() */
+	pm_runtime_get_sync(dev);
+	/*
+	 * If we are in absolute mode, set the position of the encoder,
+	 * discard relative mode because thats pointless
+	 */
+	if (eqep->op_mode == TIEQEP_MODE_ABSOLUTE) {
+		/* If absolute mode, set the current value of the eQEP hardware */
+		writel(position, eqep->mmio_base + QPOSCNT);
+	}
+	/* Return buffer length consumed (all) */
+	return count;
+/* Function to read the period of the unit time event timer */
+static ssize_t eqep_get_timer_period(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
+	struct eqep_chip *eqep = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	u64 period;
+	/* Increment the device usage count and run pm_runtime_resume() */
+	pm_runtime_get_sync(dev);
+	/* Convert from counts per interrupt back into period_ns */
+	period = readl(eqep->mmio_base + QUPRD);
+	period = period * NSEC_PER_SEC;
+	do_div(period, eqep->clk_rate);
+	/* Otherwise write out the data */
+	return sprintf(buf, "%llu\n", period);
+/* Function to set the unit timer period.  0 = off, greater than zero sets the period */
+static ssize_t eqep_set_timer_period(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
+	int	rc;
+	u16	tmp;
+	u64	period;
+	struct eqep_chip *eqep = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	if ((rc = kstrtou64(buf, 0, &period)))
+		return rc;
+	/* Increment the device usage count and run pm_runtime_resume() */
+	pm_runtime_get_sync(dev);
+	/* Disable the unit timer before modifying its period register */
+	tmp = readw(eqep->mmio_base + QEPCTL);
+	tmp &= ~(UTE | QCLM);
+	writew(tmp, eqep->mmio_base + QEPCTL);
+	/* Zero the unit timer counter register */
+	writel(0, eqep->mmio_base + QUTMR);
+	/* If the timer is enabled (a non-zero period has been passed) */
+	if (period) {
+		/* update the period */
+		period = period * eqep->clk_rate;
+		do_div(period, NSEC_PER_SEC);
+		dev_dbg(dev, "eqep_set_timer_period:%llu\n", period);
+		writel(period, eqep->mmio_base + QUPRD);
+		/* Enable unit timer, and latch QPOSLAT to QPOSCNT on timer expiration */
+		tmp |= UTE | QCLM;
+		writew(tmp, eqep->mmio_base + QEPCTL);
+	}
+	return count;
+/* Function to read the mode of the eQEP hardware */
+static ssize_t eqep_get_mode(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
+	struct eqep_chip *eqep = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	return sprintf(buf, "%u\n", eqep->op_mode);
+/* Function to set the mode of the eQEP hardware */
+static ssize_t eqep_set_mode(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
+	int 	rc;
+	u16 	val;
+	u8	tmp_mode;
+	struct eqep_chip *eqep = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	if ((rc = kstrtou8(buf, 0, &tmp_mode)))
+		return rc;
+	dev_dbg(dev, "eqep_set_mode:%d\n", tmp_mode);
+	/* Increment the device usage count and run pm_runtime_resume() */
+	pm_runtime_get_sync(dev);
+	val = readw(eqep->mmio_base + QEPCTL);
+	if (tmp_mode == TIEQEP_MODE_ABSOLUTE) {
+		/*
+		 * In absolute mode, don't reset the hardware based on time,
+		 * so disable the unit timer position reset (Set PCRM[1:0] = 0)
+		 */
+		val &= ~(PCRM1 | PCRM0);
+		eqep->op_mode = TIEQEP_MODE_ABSOLUTE;
+	} else if (tmp_mode == TIEQEP_MODE_RELATIVE) {
+		/*
+		 * In relative mode, latch the value of the eQEP hardware on the
+		 * overflow of the unit timer.	So enable the unit timer position reset
+		 * (Set PCRM[1:0] = 3)
+		 */
+		val |= PCRM1 | PCRM0;
+		eqep->op_mode = TIEQEP_MODE_RELATIVE;
+	}
+	writew(val, eqep->mmio_base + QEPCTL);
+	return count;
+/* Bind read/write functions to sysfs entries */
+static DEVICE_ATTR(enabled,	0644, eqep_get_enabled,		eqep_set_enabled);
+static DEVICE_ATTR(position,	0644, eqep_get_position,	eqep_set_position);
+static DEVICE_ATTR(period,	0644, eqep_get_timer_period,	eqep_set_timer_period);
+static DEVICE_ATTR(mode,	0644, eqep_get_mode,		eqep_set_mode);
+/* Array holding all of the sysfs entries */
+static const struct attribute *eqep_attrs[] = {
+	&dev_attr_enabled.attr,
+	&dev_attr_position.attr,
+	&dev_attr_period.attr,
+	&dev_attr_mode.attr,
+/* Driver function group */
+static const struct attribute_group eqep_device_attr_group = {
+	.attrs = (struct attribute **) eqep_attrs,
+/* Driver compatibility list */
+static struct of_device_id eqep_of_match[] =
+	{ .compatible = "ti,am33xx-eqep" },
+	{ }
+/* Register our compatibilities for device trees */
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, eqep_of_match);
+/* Create an instance of the eQEP driver */
+static int eqep_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct resource	 *r;
+	struct clk	 *clk;
+	struct eqep_chip *eqep;
+	struct pinctrl	 *pinctrl;
+	u64	period;
+	u16	status;
+	u32	value;
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "ver. 1.0\n");
+	/* Select pins provided through the device tree */
+	pinctrl = devm_pinctrl_get_select_default(&pdev->dev);
+	if (IS_ERR(pinctrl))
+	{
+		dev_warn(&pdev->dev, "unable to select pin group\n");
+	}
+	/* Allocate a eqep_driver object */
+	eqep = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(struct eqep_chip), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!eqep) {
+		dev_err(&pdev->dev, "failed to allocate memory\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	/* Get a handle to the system clock object */
+	clk = devm_clk_get(pdev->dev.parent, "fck");
+	if (IS_ERR(clk)) {
+		dev_err(&pdev->dev, "failed to get clock\n");
+		return PTR_ERR(clk);
+	}
+	/* Get the frequency of the system clock */
+	eqep->clk_rate = clk_get_rate(clk);
+	if (!eqep->clk_rate) {
+		dev_err(&pdev->dev, "failed to get clock rate\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	/* Get a resource containing the IRQ for this eQEP controller */
+	r = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_IRQ, 0);
+	if (unlikely(!r)) {
+		dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Invalid IRQ resource\n");
+		return -ENODEV;
+	}
+	/* Store the irq */
+	eqep->irq = r->start;
+	/* Get a resource containing the requested (from DT) memory address and range of eQEP controller */
+	r = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
+	if (!r) {
+		dev_err(&pdev->dev, "no memory resource defined\n");
+		return -ENODEV;
+	}
+	/* Remap the eQEP controller memory into our own memory space */
+	eqep->mmio_base = devm_ioremap_resource(&pdev->dev, r);
+	if (IS_ERR(eqep->mmio_base))
+		return PTR_ERR(eqep->mmio_base);
+	/* Store the platform device in our eQEP data structure for later usage */
+	eqep->pdev = pdev;
+	/* Subscribe to the eQEP interrupt */
+	if (request_irq(eqep->irq, eqep_irq_handler, IRQF_IRQPOLL, "eqep_interrupt", pdev))
+	{
+		dev_err(&pdev->dev, "unable to request irq for eQEP\n");
+		return -ENODEV;
+	}
+	/* Register controls to sysfs */
+	if (sysfs_create_group(&pdev->dev.kobj, &eqep_device_attr_group))
+	{
+		dev_err(&pdev->dev, "sysfs creation failed\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	/* set QDECCTL */
+	status = 0;	/* default to Quadrature count mode, QSRC1 & QSRC0 = 0 */
+	/* set QSRC1 & QSRC0 bits, one of 4 count_modes. */
+	if (!of_property_read_u32(pdev->dev.of_node, "count_mode", &value) && value <= 3) {
+		status |= value << 14;
+		/*
+		 * in count up or count down mode, count on rising edge only
+		 * not on both edges.
+		 */
+		if (value >= 2)
+			status |= XCR;
+	}
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "count_mode:%d\n", value);
+	/* Should we invert the qa input */
+	if (!of_property_read_u32(pdev->dev.of_node, "invert_qa", &value))
+		status = value ? status | QAP : status & ~QAP;
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "invert_qa:%d\n", value);
+	/* Should we invert the qb input */
+	if (!of_property_read_u32(pdev->dev.of_node, "invert_qb", &value))
+		status = value ? status | QBP : status & ~QBP;
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "invert_qb:%d\n", value);
+	/* Should we invert the index input */
+	if (!of_property_read_u32(pdev->dev.of_node, "invert_qi", &value))
+		status = value ? status | QIP : status & ~QIP;
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "invert_qi:%d\n", value);
+	/* Should we invert the strobe input */
+	if (!of_property_read_u32(pdev->dev.of_node, "invert_qs", &value))
+		status = value ? status | QSP : status & ~QSP;
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "invert_qs:%d\n", value);
+	/* Should we swap the cha and chb inputs */
+	if (!of_property_read_u32(pdev->dev.of_node, "swap_inputs", &value))
+		status = value ? status | SWAP : status & ~SWAP;
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "swap_inputs:%d\n", value);
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "QDECCTL:0x%04x\n", status);
+	/* Write the decoder control settings back to the control register */
+	writew(status, eqep->mmio_base + QDECCTL);
+	writel( 0, eqep->mmio_base + QPOSINIT);
+	writel(~0, eqep->mmio_base + QPOSMAX);
+	writel( 0, eqep->mmio_base + QPOSCNT);
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "QPOSINIT:0x%08x\n", readl(eqep->mmio_base + QPOSINIT));
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "QPOSMAX:0x%08x\n", readl(eqep->mmio_base + QPOSMAX));
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "QPOSCNT:0x%08x\n", readl(eqep->mmio_base + QPOSCNT));
+	status = UTOF;		/* Enable Unit Time Period interrupt. */
+	if (!of_property_read_u32(pdev->dev.of_node, "omit_interrupt", &value) && value) {
+		status = 0;	/* no interrupt */
+	}
+	writew(status, eqep->mmio_base + QEINT);
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "omit_interrupt:%d\n", value);
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "QEINT:0x%04x\n", status);
+	/* Calculate the timer ticks per second */
+	period = 1000000000;
+	period = period * eqep->clk_rate;
+	do_div(period, NSEC_PER_SEC);
+	/* Set this period into the unit timer period register */
+	writel(period, eqep->mmio_base + QUPRD);
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "QUPRD:0x%08x\n", (u32) period);
+	/*
+	 * Enable the eQEP with basic position counting turned on
+	 * PHEN - Quadrature position counter enable bit
+	 * UTE	- unit timer enable
+	 * QCLM - latch QPOSLAT to QPOSCNT upon unit timer overflow
+	 * IEL0 - Latch QPOSILAT on index signal.  Rising or falling, IEL[1:0] = 0 is reserved
+	 * SWI	- Software initialization of position count register, i.e. set QPOSCNT <= QPOSINIT,
+	 *  but this bit was not being reset by hardware as advertised in TRM,
+	 *  (so omit & clear QPOSCNT manually elsewhere?)
+	 */
+	status = PHEN | UTE | QCLM | IEL0 | SWI;
+	writew(status, eqep->mmio_base + QEPCTL);
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "QEPCTL:0x%04x write\n", status);
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "QEPCTL:0x%04x read\n", readw(eqep->mmio_base + QEPCTL));
+	/* We default to absolute mode */
+	eqep->op_mode = TIEQEP_MODE_ABSOLUTE;
+	/* Enable the power management runtime */
+	pm_runtime_enable(&pdev->dev);
+	/* Increment the device usage count and run pm_runtime_resume() */
+	pm_runtime_get_sync(&pdev->dev);
+	/* Initialize the notify work struture */
+	INIT_WORK(&eqep->notify_work, notify_handler);
+	/* Decrement the device usage count (twice) and run pm_runtime_idle() if zero */
+	pm_runtime_put_sync(&pdev->dev);
+	/* Set the platform driver data to the data object we've been creating for the eQEP unit */
+	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, eqep);
+	/* Success! */
+	dev_info(&pdev->dev, "irq:%d, clk_rate:%u\n", eqep->irq, eqep->clk_rate);
+	return 0;
+/* Remove an instance of the eQEP driver */
+static int eqep_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	/* Get the eQEP driver data from the platform device structure */
+	struct eqep_chip *eqep = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	/* Cancel work */
+	cancel_work_sync(&eqep->notify_work);
+	/* Unmap from sysfs */
+	sysfs_remove_group(&pdev->dev.kobj, &eqep_device_attr_group);
+	/* Release important assets */
+	free_irq(eqep->irq, pdev);
+	/* Increment the device usage count and run pm_runtime_resume() */
+	pm_runtime_get_sync(&pdev->dev);
+	/* Decrement the device usage count (twice) and run pm_runtime_idle() if zero */
+	pm_runtime_put_sync(&pdev->dev);
+	pm_runtime_put_sync(&pdev->dev);
+	/* Disable the runtime power management of this device */
+	pm_runtime_disable(&pdev->dev);
+	/* Return success */
+	return 0;
+/* Power management suspend device */
+static int eqep_suspend(struct device *dev)
+	/* Get the eqep driver information */
+	struct eqep_chip   *eqep = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	u16					tmp;
+	/* Shut down interrupts */
+	eqep->prior_qeint = readw(eqep->mmio_base + QEINT);
+	tmp = eqep->prior_qeint & ~UTOF;
+	writew(tmp, eqep->mmio_base + QEINT);
+	/* Get the existing state of QEPCTL */
+	eqep->prior_qepctl = readw(eqep->mmio_base + QEPCTL);
+	/* Disable eQEP controller */
+	writew(eqep->prior_qepctl & ~PHEN, eqep->mmio_base + QEPCTL);
+	/* Decrement the device usage count and run pm_runtime_idle() if zero */
+	pm_runtime_put_sync(dev);
+	/* Return success */
+	return 0;
+/* Power management wake device back up */
+static int eqep_resume(struct device *dev)
+	/* Get the eqep driver information */
+	struct eqep_chip *eqep = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	/* Restore interrupt enabled register */
+	writew(eqep->prior_qeint, eqep->mmio_base + QEINT);
+	/* Restore prior qep control register */
+	writew(eqep->prior_qepctl, eqep->mmio_base + QEPCTL);
+	/* Increment the device usage count and run pm_runtime_resume() */
+	pm_runtime_get_sync(dev);
+	/* Success */
+	return 0;
+/* create pm functions object */
+static SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(eqep_pm_ops, eqep_suspend, eqep_resume);
+/* Platform driver information */
+static struct platform_driver eqep_driver = {
+	.driver = {
+		.name	= "eqep",
+		.owner	= THIS_MODULE,
+		.pm	= &eqep_pm_ops,
+		.of_match_table = eqep_of_match,
+	},
+	.probe = eqep_probe,
+	.remove = eqep_remove,
+/* Register this platform driver */
+/* Module information */
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Nathaniel R. Lewis");
diff --git a/drivers/misc/tsl2550.c b/drivers/misc/tsl2550.c
index adf4607..3fce3b6 100644
--- a/drivers/misc/tsl2550.c
+++ b/drivers/misc/tsl2550.c
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ static int tsl2550_calculate_lux(u8 ch0, u8 ch1)
 		} else
 			lux = 0;
-		return -EAGAIN;
+		return 0;
 	/* LUX range check */
 	return lux > TSL2550_MAX_LUX ? TSL2550_MAX_LUX : lux;
diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/davinci_mdio.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/davinci_mdio.c
index a98aeda..a981c5e 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/davinci_mdio.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/davinci_mdio.c
@@ -107,6 +107,10 @@ struct davinci_mdio_data {
 	u32		clk_div;
+static void davinci_mdio_update_dt_from_phymask(u32 phy_mask);
 static void davinci_mdio_init_clk(struct davinci_mdio_data *data)
 	u32 mdio_in, div, mdio_out_khz, access_time;
@@ -174,6 +178,12 @@ static int davinci_mdio_reset(struct mii_bus *bus)
 		/* restrict mdio bus to live phys only */
 		dev_info(data->dev, "detected phy mask %x\n", ~phy_mask);
 		phy_mask = ~phy_mask;
+		if (of_machine_is_compatible("ti,am335x-bone"))
+			davinci_mdio_update_dt_from_phymask(phy_mask);
+		#endif
 	} else {
 		/* desperately scan all phys */
 		dev_warn(data->dev, "no live phy, scanning all\n");
@@ -487,6 +497,93 @@ static int davinci_mdio_runtime_resume(struct device *dev)
 	return 0;
+static void davinci_mdio_update_dt_from_phymask(u32 phy_mask)
+	int i, len, skip;
+	u32 addr;
+	__be32 *old_phy_p, *phy_id_p;
+	struct property *phy_id_property = NULL;
+	struct device_node *node_p, *slave_p;
+	addr = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < PHY_MAX_ADDR; i++) {
+		if ((phy_mask & (1 << i)) == 0) {
+			addr = (u32) i;
+		break;
+		}
+	}
+	for_each_compatible_node(node_p, NULL, "ti,cpsw") {
+		for_each_node_by_name(slave_p, "slave") {
+			skip = 1;
+			// Hack, the overlay fixup "slave" doesn't have phy-mode...
+			old_phy_p = (__be32 *) of_get_property(slave_p, "phy-mode", &len);
+			if (len != (sizeof(__be32 *) * 1))
+			{
+				skip = 0;
+			}
+			if (skip) {
+			old_phy_p = (__be32 *) of_get_property(slave_p, "phy_id", &len);
+			if (len != (sizeof(__be32 *) * 2))
+				goto err_out;
+			if (old_phy_p) {
+				phy_id_property = kzalloc(sizeof(*phy_id_property), GFP_KERNEL);
+				if (! phy_id_property)
+					goto err_out;
+				phy_id_property->length = len;
+				phy_id_property->name = kstrdup("phy_id", GFP_KERNEL);
+				phy_id_property->value = kzalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL);
+				if (! phy_id_property->name)
+					goto err_out;
+				if (! phy_id_property->value)
+					goto err_out;
+				memcpy(phy_id_property->value, old_phy_p, len);
+				phy_id_p = (__be32 *) phy_id_property->value + 1;
+				*phy_id_p = cpu_to_be32(addr);
+				of_update_property(slave_p, phy_id_property);
+				pr_info("davinci_mdio: dt: updated phy_id[%d] from phy_mask[%x]\n", addr, phy_mask);
+				++addr;
+			}
+		}
+		}
+	}
+	return;
+	if (phy_id_property) {
+		if (phy_id_property->name)
+			kfree(phy_id_property->name);
+	if (phy_id_property->value)
+		kfree(phy_id_property->value);
+	if (phy_id_property)
+		kfree(phy_id_property);
+	}
diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/wiznet/w5100-spi.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/wiznet/w5100-spi.c
index 93a2d3c..e981d2a 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/wiznet/w5100-spi.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/wiznet/w5100-spi.c
@@ -442,6 +442,21 @@ static int w5100_spi_remove(struct spi_device *spi)
 	return w5100_remove(&spi->dev);
+#ifdef CONFIG_OF
+static const struct of_device_id w5100_spi_of_match[] = {
+	{ .compatible = "wiznet,w5500" },
+	{ }
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, w5100_spi_of_match);
+#ifdef CONFIG_OF
+static const struct spi_device_id w5100_spi_ids[] = {
+	{ "w5500", W5500 },
+	{}
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(spi, w5100_spi_ids);
 static const struct spi_device_id w5100_spi_ids[] = {
 	{ "w5100", W5100 },
 	{ "w5200", W5200 },
@@ -449,11 +464,13 @@ static const struct spi_device_id w5100_spi_ids[] = {
 MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(spi, w5100_spi_ids);
 static struct spi_driver w5100_spi_driver = {
 	.driver		= {
 		.name	= "w5100",
 		.pm	= &w5100_pm_ops,
+		.of_match_table = of_match_ptr(w5100_spi_of_match),
 	.probe		= w5100_spi_probe,
 	.remove		= w5100_spi_remove,
diff --git a/drivers/opp/of.c b/drivers/opp/of.c
index 7af0dde..e526951 100644
--- a/drivers/opp/of.c
+++ b/drivers/opp/of.c
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ static int _opp_add_static_v2(struct opp_table *opp_table, struct device *dev,
-	return ret;
+	return 0;
 /* Initializes OPP tables based on new bindings */
diff --git a/drivers/pwm/sysfs.c b/drivers/pwm/sysfs.c
index 7c71cdb..f3f7b5a 100644
--- a/drivers/pwm/sysfs.c
+++ b/drivers/pwm/sysfs.c
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 #include <linux/kdev_t.h>
 #include <linux/pwm.h>
+static struct class pwm_class;
 struct pwm_export {
 	struct device child;
 	struct pwm_device *pwm;
@@ -239,6 +241,10 @@ static struct attribute *pwm_attrs[] = {
+static const struct device_type pwm_channel_type = {
+	.name		= "pwm_channel",
 static void pwm_export_release(struct device *child)
 	struct pwm_export *export = child_to_pwm_export(child);
@@ -248,6 +254,7 @@ static void pwm_export_release(struct device *child)
 static int pwm_export_child(struct device *parent, struct pwm_device *pwm)
+	struct pwm_chip *chip = dev_get_drvdata(parent);
 	struct pwm_export *export;
 	int ret;
@@ -263,12 +270,13 @@ static int pwm_export_child(struct device *parent, struct pwm_device *pwm)
 	export->pwm = pwm;
-	export->child.class = parent->class;
 	export->child.release = pwm_export_release;
 	export->child.parent = parent;
+	export->child.type = &pwm_channel_type;
 	export->child.devt = MKDEV(0, 0);
+	export->child.class = &pwm_class;
 	export->child.groups = pwm_groups;
-	dev_set_name(&export->child, "pwm%u", pwm->hwpwm);
+	dev_set_name(&export->child, "pwm-%d:%u", chip->base, pwm->hwpwm);
 	ret = device_register(&export->child);
 	if (ret) {
@@ -374,7 +382,6 @@ ATTRIBUTE_GROUPS(pwm_chip);
 static struct class pwm_class = {
 	.name = "pwm",
 	.owner = THIS_MODULE,
-	.dev_groups = pwm_chip_groups,
 static int pwmchip_sysfs_match(struct device *parent, const void *data)
@@ -390,7 +397,8 @@ void pwmchip_sysfs_export(struct pwm_chip *chip)
 	 * If device_create() fails the pwm_chip is still usable by
 	 * the kernel its just not exported.
-	parent = device_create(&pwm_class, chip->dev, MKDEV(0, 0), chip,
+	parent = device_create_with_groups(&pwm_class, chip->dev, MKDEV(0, 0),
+			       chip, pwm_chip_groups,
 			       "pwmchip%d", chip->base);
 	if (IS_ERR(parent)) {
diff --git a/drivers/spi/spidev.c b/drivers/spi/spidev.c
index cda1071..bad88bf 100644
--- a/drivers/spi/spidev.c
+++ b/drivers/spi/spidev.c
@@ -724,11 +724,11 @@ static int spidev_probe(struct spi_device *spi)
 	 * compatible string, it is a Linux implementation thing
 	 * rather than a description of the hardware.
-	if (spi->dev.of_node && !of_match_device(spidev_dt_ids, &spi->dev)) {
-		dev_err(&spi->dev, "buggy DT: spidev listed directly in DT\n");
-		WARN_ON(spi->dev.of_node &&
-			!of_match_device(spidev_dt_ids, &spi->dev));
-	}
+//	if (spi->dev.of_node && !of_match_device(spidev_dt_ids, &spi->dev)) {
+//		dev_err(&spi->dev, "buggy DT: spidev listed directly in DT\n");
+//		WARN_ON(spi->dev.of_node &&
+//			!of_match_device(spidev_dt_ids, &spi->dev));
+//	}
diff --git a/drivers/staging/fbtft/fb_ssd1306.c b/drivers/staging/fbtft/fb_ssd1306.c
index 9276be4..94e824c 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/fbtft/fb_ssd1306.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/fbtft/fb_ssd1306.c
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ static int init_display(struct fbtft_par *par)
 		write_reg(par, 0x3F);
 	else if (par->info->var.yres == 48)
 		write_reg(par, 0x2F);
+	else if (par->info->var.yres == 39)
+		write_reg(par, 0x27);	/* https://libstock.mikroe.com/projects/download/1111/2577/1411057038_oled_b_click___e_mikroc_arm.zip */
 		write_reg(par, 0x1F);
@@ -72,16 +74,24 @@ static int init_display(struct fbtft_par *par)
 	/* Set Memory Addressing Mode */
 	write_reg(par, 0x20);
-	/* Vertical addressing mode  */
+	/* Vertical Addressing mode  */
 	write_reg(par, 0x01);
 	/* Set Segment Re-map */
-	/* column address 127 is mapped to SEG0 */
-	write_reg(par, 0xA0 | 0x1);
+	if (par->info->var.yres == 39)
+		/* no segment re-map */
+		write_reg(par, 0xA0 | 0x0);
+	else
+		/* column address 127 is mapped to SEG0 */
+		write_reg(par, 0xA0 | 0x1);
 	/* Set COM Output Scan Direction */
-	/* remapped mode. Scan from COM[N-1] to COM0 */
-	write_reg(par, 0xC8);
+	if (par->info->var.yres == 39)
+		/* no columnt re-map mode. Scan from COM0 to COM[N-1] */
+		write_reg(par, 0xC0 | 0x0);
+	else
+		/* remapped mode. Scan from COM[N-1] to COM0 */
+		write_reg(par, 0xC0 | 0x8);
 	/* Set COM Pins Hardware Configuration */
 	write_reg(par, 0xDA);
@@ -91,18 +101,27 @@ static int init_display(struct fbtft_par *par)
 	else if (par->info->var.yres == 48)
 		/* A[4]=1b, Alternative COM pin configuration */
 		write_reg(par, 0x12);
+	else if (par->info->var.yres == 39)
+		/* A[4]=1b, Alternative COM pin configuration */
+		write_reg(par, 0x12);
 		/* A[4]=0b, Sequential COM pin configuration */
 		write_reg(par, 0x02);
 	/* Set Pre-charge Period */
 	write_reg(par, 0xD9);
-	write_reg(par, 0xF1);
+	if (par->info->var.yres == 39)
+		write_reg(par, 0x25);
+	else
+		write_reg(par, 0xF1);
 	/* Set VCOMH Deselect Level */
 	write_reg(par, 0xDB);
-	/* according to the datasheet, this value is out of bounds */
-	write_reg(par, 0x40);
+	if (par->info->var.yres == 39)
+		write_reg(par, 0x20);
+	else
+		/* according to the datasheet, this value is out of bounds */
+		write_reg(par, 0x40);
 	/* Entire Display ON */
 	/* Resume to RAM content display. Output follows RAM content */
@@ -133,17 +152,35 @@ static void set_addr_win_64x48(struct fbtft_par *par)
 	write_reg(par, 0x5);
+static void set_addr_win_96x39(struct fbtft_par *par)
+	/* Set Page Address */
+	write_reg(par, 0xB0);
+	/* Set Column Address */
+	write_reg(par, 0x21);
+	write_reg(par, 0x00);
+	write_reg(par, 0x5F);
+	/* Set Page Address Range */
+	write_reg(par, 0x22);
+	write_reg(par, 0x0);
+	write_reg(par, 0x4);
 static void set_addr_win(struct fbtft_par *par, int xs, int ys, int xe, int ye)
-	/* Set Lower Column Start Address for Page Addressing Mode */
+	/* Set Lower Column Start Address for Vertical Addressing Mode */
 	write_reg(par, 0x00 | 0x0);
-	/* Set Higher Column Start Address for Page Addressing Mode */
+	/* Set Higher Column Start Address for Vertical Addressing Mode */
 	write_reg(par, 0x10 | 0x0);
 	/* Set Display Start Line */
 	write_reg(par, 0x40 | 0x0);
 	if (par->info->var.xres == 64 && par->info->var.yres == 48)
+	else if (par->info->var.xres == 96 && par->info->var.yres == 39)
+		set_addr_win_96x39(par);
 static int blank(struct fbtft_par *par, bool on)
@@ -187,11 +224,19 @@ static int write_vmem(struct fbtft_par *par, size_t offset, size_t len)
 				*buf |= (vmem16[(y * 8 + i) * xres + x] ? 1 : 0) << i;
+		if (yres % 8) {
+			*buf = 0x00;
+			for (i = 0; i < (yres - (y * 8)); i++)
+				*buf |= (vmem16[(y * 8 + i) * xres + x] ? 1 : 0) << i;
+			buf++;
+			y++;
+		}
 	/* Write data */
 	gpio_set_value(par->gpio.dc, 1);
-	ret = par->fbtftops.write(par, par->txbuf.buf, xres * yres / 8);
+	ret = par->fbtftops.write(par, par->txbuf.buf, xres * (yres / 8 + (yres % 8 != 0)));
+	//ret = par->fbtftops.write(par, par->txbuf.buf, xres * 128 / 8);
 	if (ret < 0)
 		dev_err(par->info->device, "write failed and returned: %d\n",
diff --git a/drivers/staging/fbtft/fbtft_device.c b/drivers/staging/fbtft/fbtft_device.c
index ec84776..4bbd64c 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/fbtft/fbtft_device.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/fbtft/fbtft_device.c
@@ -382,6 +382,25 @@ static struct fbtft_device_display displays[] = {
+	}, {
+		.name = "mikroe_oledb",
+		.spi = &(struct spi_board_info) {
+			.modalias = "fb_ssd1306",
+			.max_speed_hz = 16000000,
+			.mode = SPI_MODE_0,
+			.platform_data = &(struct fbtft_platform_data) {
+				.display = {
+					.width = 96,
+					.height = 39,
+					.buswidth = 8,
+				},
+				.gpios = (const struct fbtft_gpio []) {
+					{ "reset", 45 },
+					{ "dc", 110 },
+					{},
+				},
+			}
+		}
 	}, {
 		.name = "admatec_c-berry28",
 		.spi = &(struct spi_board_info) {
diff --git a/drivers/tty/serial/8250/8250_omap.c b/drivers/tty/serial/8250/8250_omap.c
index 1b337fe..4989729 100644
--- a/drivers/tty/serial/8250/8250_omap.c
+++ b/drivers/tty/serial/8250/8250_omap.c
@@ -1493,10 +1493,10 @@ static int __init omap8250_console_fixup(void)
 	add_preferred_console("ttyS", idx, options);
-	pr_err("WARNING: Your 'console=ttyO%d' has been replaced by 'ttyS%d'\n",
+	pr_info("WARNING: Your 'console=ttyO%d' has been replaced by 'ttyS%d'\n",
 	       idx, idx);
-	pr_err("This ensures that you still see kernel messages. Please\n");
-	pr_err("update your kernel commandline.\n");
+	pr_info("This ensures that you still see kernel messages. Please\n");
+	pr_info("update your kernel commandline.\n");
 	return 0;
diff --git a/drivers/uio/Kconfig b/drivers/uio/Kconfig
index 7e8dc78..e0c68ac 100644
--- a/drivers/uio/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/uio/Kconfig
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ config UIO_PRUSS
 	depends on HAS_IOMEM && HAS_DMA
-	  PRUSS driver for OMAPL138/DA850/AM18XX devices
+	  PRUSS driver for OMAPL138/DA850/AM18XX and AM33XX devices
 	  PRUSS driver requires user space components, examples and user space
 	  driver is available from below SVN repo - you may use anonymous login
diff --git a/drivers/uio/uio_pruss.c b/drivers/uio/uio_pruss.c
index 91aea88..0fc2bac 100644
--- a/drivers/uio/uio_pruss.c
+++ b/drivers/uio/uio_pruss.c
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include <linux/module.h>
 #include <linux/moduleparam.h>
 #include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/of_gpio.h>
 #include <linux/uio_driver.h>
 #include <linux/platform_data/uio_pruss.h>
 #include <linux/io.h>
@@ -27,13 +28,23 @@
 #include <linux/sizes.h>
 #include <linux/slab.h>
 #include <linux/genalloc.h>
+#include <linux/of_address.h>
+#include <linux/of_device.h>
+#include <linux/pinctrl/consumer.h>
+#include <linux/err.h>
+#include <linux/pm_runtime.h>
 #define DRV_NAME "pruss_uio"
 #define DRV_VERSION "1.0"
+/* XXX the sram pool support right now is supported for prussv1, even though
+ * it seems to me it should be easy to support this for prussv2 as well.
+ */
 static int sram_pool_sz = SZ_16K;
 module_param(sram_pool_sz, int, 0);
 MODULE_PARM_DESC(sram_pool_sz, "sram pool size to allocate ");
 static int extram_pool_sz = SZ_256K;
 module_param(extram_pool_sz, int, 0);
@@ -63,14 +74,16 @@ MODULE_PARM_DESC(extram_pool_sz, "external ram pool size to allocate");
 struct uio_pruss_dev {
 	struct uio_info *info;
 	struct clk *pruss_clk;
-	dma_addr_t sram_paddr;
 	dma_addr_t ddr_paddr;
 	void __iomem *prussio_vaddr;
-	unsigned long sram_vaddr;
 	void *ddr_vaddr;
 	unsigned int hostirq_start;
 	unsigned int pintc_base;
+	dma_addr_t sram_paddr;
+	unsigned long sram_vaddr;
 	struct gen_pool *sram_pool;
 static irqreturn_t pruss_handler(int irq, struct uio_info *info)
@@ -106,14 +119,18 @@ static void pruss_cleanup(struct device *dev, struct uio_pruss_dev *gdev)
 		dma_free_coherent(dev, extram_pool_sz, gdev->ddr_vaddr,
 	if (gdev->sram_vaddr)
+	pm_runtime_put(dev);
+	pm_runtime_disable(dev);
 static int pruss_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
@@ -121,9 +138,15 @@ static int pruss_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
 	struct uio_info *p;
 	struct uio_pruss_dev *gdev;
 	struct resource *regs_prussio;
+	struct resource res;
 	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
 	int ret = -ENODEV, cnt = 0, len;
 	struct uio_pruss_pdata *pdata = dev_get_platdata(dev);
+	struct pinctrl *pinctrl;
+	int count;
+	struct device_node *child;
+	const char *pin_name;
 	gdev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct uio_pruss_dev), GFP_KERNEL);
 	if (!gdev)
@@ -135,14 +158,24 @@ static int pruss_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
 		return -ENOMEM;
+	pm_runtime_enable(dev);
+	ret = pm_runtime_get_sync(dev);
+	if (ret < 0) {
+		dev_err(dev, "pm_runtime_get_sync() failed\n");
+		pm_runtime_disable(dev);
+		kfree(gdev->info);
+		kfree(gdev);
+		return ret;
+	}
 	/* Power on PRU in case its not done as part of boot-loader */
 	gdev->pruss_clk = clk_get(dev, "pruss");
 	if (IS_ERR(gdev->pruss_clk)) {
 		dev_err(dev, "Failed to get clock\n");
 		ret = PTR_ERR(gdev->pruss_clk);
-		kfree(gdev->info);
-		kfree(gdev);
-		return ret;
+		gdev->pruss_clk = NULL;
+		goto out_free;
 	} else {
 		ret = clk_enable(gdev->pruss_clk);
 		if (ret) {
@@ -153,11 +186,21 @@ static int pruss_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
 			return ret;
-	regs_prussio = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
-	if (!regs_prussio) {
-		dev_err(dev, "No PRUSS I/O resource specified\n");
-		goto out_free;
+	if (dev->of_node) {
+		ret = of_address_to_resource(dev->of_node, 0, &res);
+		if (IS_ERR_VALUE(ret)) {
+			dev_err(dev, "failed to parse DT reg\n");
+			goto out_free;
+		}
+		regs_prussio = &res;
+	} else {
+		regs_prussio = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
+		if (!regs_prussio) {
+			dev_err(dev, "No PRUSS I/O resource specified\n");
+			goto out_free;
+		}
 	if (!regs_prussio->start) {
@@ -165,7 +208,64 @@ static int pruss_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
 		goto out_free;
-	if (pdata->sram_pool) {
+	/* XXX this stuff below is complete garbage:
+	 *	1. It's quite common for pruss to have no pinctrl.
+	 *	2. If the pins are to be used as fast PRU I/O then requesting
+	 *	   the same pins as regular gpios is a conflict (which would be
+	 *	   detected by the kernel if the dts bothered to declare the
+	 *	   gpio-to-pinctrl mapping).
+	 *	3. If you really do just want to request a bunch of regular
+	 *	   gpios, then use gpio-of-helper.  That's what it's for.
+	 *
+	 *	- Matthijs van Duin
+	 */
+#if 0
+	pinctrl = devm_pinctrl_get_select_default(dev);
+	if (IS_ERR(pinctrl))
+		dev_warn(dev,
+			"pins are not configured from the driver\n");
+	else{
+		count = of_get_child_count(dev->of_node);
+		if (!count){
+			dev_info(dev, "No children\n");
+			return -ENODEV;
+		}
+		// Run through all children. They have lables for easy reference.
+		for_each_child_of_node(dev->of_node, child){
+			enum of_gpio_flags flags;
+			unsigned gpio;
+			count = of_gpio_count(child);
+			ret = of_property_count_strings(child, "pin-names");
+			if (ret < 0) {
+				dev_err(dev, "Failed to get pin-names\n");
+				continue;
+			}
+			if(count != ret){
+				dev_err(dev, "The number of gpios (%d) does not match"\
+					" the number of pin names (%d)\n", count, ret);
+				continue;
+			}
+			for(cnt=0; cnt<count; cnt++){
+				ret = of_property_read_string_index(child,
+					"pin-names", cnt, &pin_name);
+				if (ret != 0)
+					dev_err(dev, "Error on pin-name #%d\n", cnt);
+				gpio = of_get_gpio_flags(child, cnt, &flags);
+				ret = devm_gpio_request_one(dev, gpio, flags, pin_name);
+				if (ret < 0) {
+		                        dev_err(dev, "Failed to request GPIO %d (%s) flags: '%d', error %d\n",
+					gpio, pin_name, flags, ret);
+		                }
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (pdata && pdata->sram_pool) {
 		gdev->sram_pool = pdata->sram_pool;
 		gdev->sram_vaddr =
 			(unsigned long)gen_pool_dma_alloc(gdev->sram_pool,
@@ -175,6 +275,7 @@ static int pruss_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
 			goto out_free;
 	gdev->ddr_vaddr = dma_alloc_coherent(dev, extram_pool_sz,
 				&(gdev->ddr_paddr), GFP_KERNEL | GFP_DMA);
@@ -186,26 +287,45 @@ static int pruss_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
 	len = resource_size(regs_prussio);
 	gdev->prussio_vaddr = ioremap(regs_prussio->start, len);
 	if (!gdev->prussio_vaddr) {
-		dev_err(dev, "Can't remap PRUSS I/O  address range\n");
+		dev_err(dev, "Can't remap PRUSS I/O address range\n");
 		goto out_free;
-	gdev->pintc_base = pdata->pintc_base;
+	if (dev->of_node) {
+		ret = of_property_read_u32(dev->of_node,
+					   "ti,pintc-offset",
+					   &gdev->pintc_base);
+		if (ret < 0) {
+			dev_err(dev, "Can't parse ti,pintc-offset property\n");
+			goto out_free;
+		}
+	} else
+		gdev->pintc_base = pdata->pintc_base;
 	gdev->hostirq_start = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0);
 	for (cnt = 0, p = gdev->info; cnt < MAX_PRUSS_EVT; cnt++, p++) {
+		p->mem[0].name = "pruss";
 		p->mem[0].addr = regs_prussio->start;
 		p->mem[0].size = resource_size(regs_prussio);
 		p->mem[0].memtype = UIO_MEM_PHYS;
+		/* note: some userspace code uses hardcoded indices... */
+		p->mem[1].name = "sram";
 		p->mem[1].addr = gdev->sram_paddr;
 		p->mem[1].size = sram_pool_sz;
 		p->mem[1].memtype = UIO_MEM_PHYS;
+		p->mem[2].name = "ddr";
 		p->mem[2].addr = gdev->ddr_paddr;
 		p->mem[2].size = extram_pool_sz;
 		p->mem[2].memtype = UIO_MEM_PHYS;
+		p->mem[1].name = "ddr";
+		p->mem[1].addr = gdev->ddr_paddr;
+		p->mem[1].size = extram_pool_sz;
+		p->mem[1].memtype = UIO_MEM_PHYS;
 		p->name = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "pruss_evt%d", cnt);
 		p->version = DRV_VERSION;
@@ -235,11 +355,20 @@ static int pruss_remove(struct platform_device *dev)
 	return 0;
+static const struct of_device_id pruss_dt_ids[] = {
+	{ .compatible = "ti,pruss-v1", .data = NULL, },
+	{ .compatible = "ti,pruss-v2", .data = NULL, },
+	{},
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, pruss_dt_ids);
 static struct platform_driver pruss_driver = {
 	.probe = pruss_probe,
 	.remove = pruss_remove,
 	.driver = {
 		   .name = DRV_NAME,
+		   .of_match_table = pruss_dt_ids,
diff --git b/include/dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h b/include/dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35f6d57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/dt-bindings/board/am335x-bbw-bbb-base.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ * This header provides constants for bbw/bbb pinctrl bindings.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Robert Nelson <robertcnelson@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Numbers Based on: https://github.com/derekmolloy/boneDeviceTree/tree/master/docs
+ */
+#define BONE_P8_03 0x018
+#define BONE_P8_04 0x01C
+#define BONE_P8_05 0x008
+#define BONE_P8_06 0x00C
+#define BONE_P8_07 0x090
+#define BONE_P8_08 0x094
+#define BONE_P8_09 0x09C
+#define BONE_P8_10 0x098
+#define BONE_P8_11 0x034
+#define BONE_P8_12 0x030
+#define BONE_P8_13 0x024
+#define BONE_P8_14 0x028
+#define BONE_P8_15 0x03C
+#define BONE_P8_16 0x038
+#define BONE_P8_17 0x02C
+#define BONE_P8_18 0x08C
+#define BONE_P8_19 0x020
+#define BONE_P8_20 0x084
+#define BONE_P8_21 0x080
+#define BONE_P8_22 0x014
+#define BONE_P8_23 0x010
+#define BONE_P8_24 0x004
+#define BONE_P8_25 0x000
+#define BONE_P8_26 0x07C
+#define BONE_P8_27 0x0E0
+#define BONE_P8_28 0x0E8
+#define BONE_P8_29 0x0E4
+#define BONE_P8_30 0x0EC
+#define BONE_P8_31 0x0D8
+#define BONE_P8_32 0x0DC
+#define BONE_P8_33 0x0D4
+#define BONE_P8_34 0x0CC
+#define BONE_P8_35 0x0D0
+#define BONE_P8_36 0x0C8
+#define BONE_P8_37 0x0C0
+#define BONE_P8_38 0x0C4
+#define BONE_P8_39 0x0B8
+#define BONE_P8_40 0x0BC
+#define BONE_P8_41 0x0B0
+#define BONE_P8_42 0x0B4
+#define BONE_P8_43 0x0A8
+#define BONE_P8_44 0x0AC
+#define BONE_P8_45 0x0A0
+#define BONE_P8_46 0x0A4
+#define BONE_P9_11 0x070
+#define BONE_P9_12 0x078
+#define BONE_P9_13 0x074
+#define BONE_P9_14 0x048
+#define BONE_P9_15 0x040
+#define BONE_P9_16 0x04C
+#define BONE_P9_17 0x15C
+#define BONE_P9_18 0x158
+#define BONE_P9_19 0x17C
+#define BONE_P9_20 0x178
+#define BONE_P9_21 0x154
+#define BONE_P9_22 0x150
+#define BONE_P9_23 0x044
+#define BONE_P9_24 0x184
+#define BONE_P9_25 0x1AC
+#define BONE_P9_26 0x180
+#define BONE_P9_27 0x1A4
+#define BONE_P9_28 0x19C
+#define BONE_P9_29 0x194
+#define BONE_P9_30 0x198
+#define BONE_P9_31 0x190
+/* Shared P21 of P11 */
+#define BONE_P9_41A 0x1B4
+#define BONE_P9_41B 0x1A8
+/* Shared P22 of P11 */
+#define BONE_P9_42A 0x164
+#define BONE_P9_42B 0x1A0
diff --git a/samples/seccomp/Makefile b/samples/seccomp/Makefile
index ba942e3..8e4e941 100644
--- a/samples/seccomp/Makefile
+++ b/samples/seccomp/Makefile
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ bpf-direct-objs := bpf-direct.o
 # Try to match the kernel target.
 ifndef CONFIG_64BIT
+ifndef CONFIG_ARM
 # s390 has -m31 flag to build 31 bit binaries
 ifndef CONFIG_S390
@@ -36,3 +37,4 @@ HOSTLOADLIBES_dropper += $(MFLAG)
 always := $(hostprogs-m)