32 bit Compatibility Libraries|75 MB|Libraries which allow running 32 bit programs in 64 bit environment|32bit-compat-slacko-14.2.sfs|7.0
32 bit QT Libraries|30 MB|For using 32 bit QT dependent programs - REQUIRES 32 BIT COMPATIBILITY LIBRARIES|32compat_qt4-4.8.7_slacko64.sfs|4.8.7
Java Runtime Environment|60 MB|Oracle Java Runtime Environment|jre-8u131-x64_xz.sfs|8u131
Google Earth|52 MB|World maps and terrain from Google - REQUIRES ACCELERATED GRAPHICS|google-earth-pro-|
QT Libraries (native 64 bit)|43 MB|alternative to downloading QT dependencies with programs requiring QT|qt4-4.8.7_slacko64-7.0.sfs|4.8.7
Extreme Tux Racer|43 MB|Classic Tux Racer game|etr-0.7.4-x86_64_s700.sfs|0.7.4
Torcs Racing Sim|339 MB|Torcs is an opensource car racing simulator|torcs-1.3.7-x86_64_s700.sfs|1.3.7
Development Libraries|130 MB|GNU C Compiler and all development headers for shipped programs|devx_slacko64_6.3.6.sfs|6.3.6