alias |
Configuration of email aliases |
alternatives |
Configuration of the alternatives system |
apache |
Apache state |
apache_module |
Manage Apache Modules |
apt |
Package management operations specific to APT- and DEB-based systems |
archive |
Extract an archive |
at |
Configuration disposable regularly scheduled tasks for at. |
augeas |
Configuration management using Augeas |
aws_sqs |
Manage SQS Queues |
blockdev |
Management of Block Devices |
boto_asg |
Manage Autoscale Groups |
boto_cloudwatch_alarm |
Manage Cloudwatch alarms |
boto_elasticache |
Manage Elasticache |
boto_elb |
Manage ELBs |
boto_iam_role |
Manage IAM roles. |
boto_lc |
Manage Launch Configurations |
boto_route53 |
Manage Route53 records |
boto_secgroup |
Manage Security Groups |
boto_sqs |
Manage SQS Queues |
cloud |
Using states instead of maps to deploy clouds |
cmd |
Execution of arbitrary commands |
composer |
Installation of Composer Packages |
cron |
Management of cron, the Unix command scheduler |
ddns |
Dynamic DNS updates |
debconfmod |
Management of debconf selections |
disk |
Disk monitoring state |
dockerio |
Manage Docker containers |
environ |
Support for getting and setting the environment variables of the current salt process. |
eselect |
Management of Gentoo configuration using eselect |
event |
Send events through Salt's event system during state runs |
file |
Operations on regular files, special files, directories, and symlinks |
gem |
Installation of Ruby modules packaged as gems |
git |
Interaction with Git repositories |
glusterfs |
Manage glusterfs pool. |
gnomedesktop |
Configuration of the GNOME desktop |
grains |
Manage grains on the minion |
group |
Management of user groups |
hg |
Interaction with Mercurial repositories |
host |
Management of addresses and names in hosts file |
htpasswd |
Support for htpasswd module |
incron |
Management of incron, the inotify cron |
influxdb_database |
Management of InfluxDB databases |
influxdb_user |
Management of InfluxDB users |
ini_manage |
Manage ini files |
ipset |
Management of ipsets |
iptables |
Management of iptables |
keyboard |
Management of keyboard layouts |
keystone |
Management of Keystone users |
kmod |
Loading and unloading of kernel modules |
layman |
Management of Gentoo Overlays using layman |
libvirt |
Manage libvirt certificates |
locale |
Management of languages/locales |
lvm |
Management of Linux logical volumes |
lvs_server |
Management of LVS (Linux Virtual Server) Real Server |
lvs_service |
Management of LVS (Linux Virtual Server) Service |
lxc |
lxc / Spin up and control LXC containers |
makeconf |
Management of Gentoo make.conf |
mdadm |
Managing software RAID with mdadm |
memcached |
States for Management of Memcached Keys |
modjk |
State to control Apache modjk |
modjk_worker |
Manage modjk workers |
module |
Execution of Salt modules from within states |
mongodb_database |
Management of Mongodb databases |
mongodb_user |
Management of Mongodb users |
mount |
Mounting of filesystems |
mysql_database |
Management of MySQL databases (schemas) |
mysql_grants |
Management of MySQL grants (user permissions) |
mysql_query |
Execution of MySQL queries |
mysql_user |
Management of MySQL users |
network |
Configuration of network interfaces |
nftables |
Management of nftables |
npm |
Installation of NPM Packages |
ntp |
Management of NTP servers |
openstack_config |
Manage OpenStack configuration file settings. |
pagerduty |
Create an Event in PagerDuty |
pecl |
Installation of PHP Extensions Using pecl |
pip_state |
Installation of Python Packages Using pip |
pkg |
Installation of packages using OS package managers such as yum or apt-get |
pkgng |
Manage package remote repo using FreeBSD pkgng |
pkgrepo |
Management of APT/YUM package repos |
portage_config |
Management of Portage package configuration on Gentoo |
ports |
Manage software from FreeBSD ports |
postgres_database |
Management of PostgreSQL databases |
postgres_extension |
Management of PostgreSQL extensions (e.g.: postgis) |
postgres_group |
Management of PostgreSQL groups (roles) |
postgres_user |
Management of PostgreSQL users (roles) |
powerpath |
Powerpath configuration support |
process |
Process Management |
pyenv |
Managing python installations with pyenv |
quota |
Management of POSIX Quotas |
rabbitmq_cluster |
Manage RabbitMQ Clusters |
rabbitmq_plugin |
Manage RabbitMQ Plugins |
rabbitmq_policy |
Manage RabbitMQ Policies |
rabbitmq_user |
Manage RabbitMQ Users |
rabbitmq_vhost |
Manage RabbitMQ Virtual Hosts |
rbenv |
Managing Ruby installations with rbenv |
rdp |
Manage RDP Service on Windows servers |
redismod |
Management of Redis server |
reg |
Manage the registry on Windows |
rvm |
Managing Ruby installations and gemsets with Ruby Version Manager (RVM) |
saltmod |
Control the Salt command interface |
schedule |
Management of the Salt scheduler |
selinux |
Management of SELinux rules |
serverdensity_device |
Monitor Server with Server Density |
service |
Starting or restarting of services and daemons |
smtp |
Sending Messages via SMTP |
ssh_auth |
Control of entries in SSH authorized_key files |
ssh_known_hosts |
Control of SSH known_hosts entries |
stateconf |
Stateconf System |
status |
Minion status monitoring |
supervisord |
Interaction with the Supervisor daemon |
svn |
Manage SVN repositories |
sysctl |
Configuration of the Linux kernel using sysctl |
test |
Test States |
timezone |
Management of timezones |
tomcat |
This state uses the manager webapp to manage Apache tomcat webapps |
user |
Management of user accounts |
virtualenv_mod |
Setup of Python virtualenv sandboxes |
win_dns_client |
Module for configuring DNS Client on Windows systems |
win_firewall |
State for configuring Windows Firewall |
win_network |
Configuration of network interfaces on Windows hosts |
win_path |
Manage the Windows System PATH |
win_servermanager |
Manage Windows features via the ServerManager powershell module |
win_system |
Management of Windows system information |
win_update |
Management of the windows update agent |
winrepo |
Manage Windows Package Repository |
xmpp |
Sending Messages over XMPP |
zcbuildout |
Management of zc.buildout |
zk_concurrency |
Control concurrency of steps within state execution using zookeeper |