Currently the latest packages for Debian Old Stable, Stable and Unstable (Squeeze, Wheezy and Sid) are published in our ( Debian repository.
For squeeze, you will need to enable the Debian backports repository
as well as the repository. To do so, add the
following to /etc/apt/sources.list
or a file in
deb squeeze-saltstack main
deb squeeze-backports main contrib non-free
For wheezy, the following line is needed in either
or a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d
deb wheezy-saltstack main
For jessie, the following line is needed in either
or a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d
deb jessie-saltstack main
For sid, the following line is needed in either
or a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d
deb unstable main
You will need to import the key used for signing.
wget -q -O- "" | apt-key add -
You can optionally verify the key integrity with sha512sum
using the
public key signature shown here. E.g:
echo "b702969447140d5553e31e9701be13ca11cc0a7ed5fe2b30acb8491567560ee62f834772b5095d735dfcecb2384a5c1a20045f52861c417f50b68dd5ff4660e6 debian-salt-team-joehealy.gpg.key" | sha512sum -c
apt-get update
Install the Salt master, minion, or syndic from the repository with the apt-get command. These examples each install one daemon, but more than one package name may be given at a time:
apt-get install salt-master
apt-get install salt-minion
apt-get install salt-syndic
Now, go to the Configuring Salt page.
1. These packages will be backported from the packages intended to be uploaded into Debian unstable. This means that the packages will be built for unstable first and then backported over the next day or so.
2. These packages will be tracking the released versions of salt rather than maintaining a stable fixed feature set. If a fixed version is what you desire, then either pinning or manual installation may be more appropriate for you.
3. The version numbering and backporting process should provide clean upgrade paths between Debian versions.
If you have any questions regarding these, please email the mailing list or look for joehh on IRC.