Welcome to Slackware 8.1!

Slackware 8.1 is a complete distribution of the GNU/Linux operating system.
This version contains the 2.4.18 Linux kernel, plus recent versions of these
(and many more) software packages:

- C compiler             gcc-2.95.3 and gcc-3.1
- Binutils     
- GNU C Library          glibc-2.2.5
- Shadow Password Suite  shadow-4.0.3
- Util-linux             util-linux-2.11r
- X Window System        XFree86 4.2.0

For installation instructions, see the file 'Slackware-HOWTO'.

These are some of the important files and directories found on the Slackware
FTP site:


If you're reading this on a CD-ROM, these directories will probably be
split across several discs.

|-- BOOTING.TXT          Tips for troubleshooting boot problems.
|-- CHECKSUMS            CRC format file checksums.
|-- CHECKSUMS.md5        MD5 format file checksums.
|-- COPYING              The GNU Public License.
|-- COPYRIGHT.TXT        Slackware copyright and trademark information.
|-- CRYPTO_NOTICE.TXT    Legal information about encryption in Slackware.
|-- ChangeLog.txt        Log of system changes from Slackware 8.0 to 8.1.
|-- FAQ.TXT              Frequently asked questions and answers.
|-- FILELIST.TXT         List of files on the Slackware FTP site.
|-- PACKAGES.TXT         A detailed list of the core Slackware packages.
|-- SPEAKUP_DOCS.TXT     Documentation for the Speakup speech synth software.
|-- SPEAK_INSTALL.TXT    How to install with Speakup speech synthesis.
|-- Slackware-HOWTO      Instructions for installing Slackware from CD.
|                        If you're new to Slackware, start with this.
|-- UPGRADE.TXT          Instructions for upgrading from earlier versions.
|-- bootdisks/           Bootdisks for installing without a bootable CD-ROM or
|   |                    for starting a Linux system from floppy disk.  See
|   |                    also the rootdisks/ directory below.
|   |
|   |-- RAWRITE.EXE      The "RAWRITE" programs are used to write a floppy
|   |-- RAWRITE12.DOC    image under DOS or Windows.  Because there are a lot
|   |-- RAWRITE12.EXE    of versions of DOS and Windows, there are several
|   |-- RAWRITENT.DOC    versions of RAWRITE, and you may have to try a few
|   |-- RAWRITENT.EXE    before finding one that works with your version of DOS
|   |-- RAWRITEXP.EXE    or Windows.
|   | 
|   |-- README.TXT       Detailed descriptions of all the boot floppies.
|   |
|   |-- adaptec.s        Adaptec bootdisk.
|   |-- bare.i           Standard IDE/ATAPI bootdisk (default kernel).
|   |-- ibmmca.s         IBM PS/2 Microchannel bus bootdisk.
|   |-- jfs.i            Bootdisk with IBM JFS support.
|   |-- lowmem.i         Bootdisk for machines too low on RAM to boot bare.i.
|   |-- old_cd.i         Old non-SCSI non-IDE CD-ROM drive support bootdisk.
|   |-- pportide.i       Parallel port IDE bootdisk.
|   |-- raid.s           SCSI/IDE RAID bootdisk.
|   |-- scsi.s           Supports some SCSI cards (see bootdisks/README.TXT).
|   |-- scsi2.s          Supports some SCSI cards (see bootdisks/README.TXT).
|   |-- speakaha.s       adaptec.s + Speakup speech support.
|   |-- speakup.i        bare.i + Speakup speech support.
|   |-- speakup.s        scsi.s + Speakup speech support.
|   |-- speakup2.s       scsi2.s + Speakup speech support.
|   |-- usb.i            bare.i + USB keyboard/mouse support.
|   |-- usb.s            scsi.s + USB keyboard/mouse support.
|   |-- usb2.s           scsi2.s + USB keyboard/mouse support.
|   |-- usbaha.s         adaptec.s + USB keyboard/mouse support.
|   |-- xfs.i            Bootdisk with support for SGI XFS.
|   `-- xt.i             Bootdisk with support for old MFM drives.
|-- extra/               Extra packages for Slackware like:
|                        aumix-2.7, blackbox-0.62.1, brltty-2.99.8,
|                        cups-1.1.15, emacspeak-16.0, emacspeak-ss-1.9.1,
|                        espgs-7.05.2, gcc-3.1, ham radio packages,
|                        iproute2-2.4.7-now-ss020116-try, isdn4k-utils,
|                        java2-runtime-environment, libsafe-2.0-12,
|                        openmotif-2.2.1, parted-1.6.1, rp-pppoe-3.3,
|                        sdl-1.2.4, sgml-tools-1.0.9,
|                        and xcdroast-0.98alpha10.
|-- isolinux/            The ISOLINUX loader and initrd.img used to install
|   |                    Slackware from a CD-ROM.  You'll also find the
|   |                    PCMCIA and network images (these can be loaded
|   |                    from the installation CD-ROM), and a README.TXT
|   |                    describing how to create a Slackware installation
|   |                    ISO image and burn it to CD-R.
|   |
|   |-- README.TXT       How to burn a Bootable Slackware CD-ROM.
|   |-- initrd.img       Installation initrd (can also be loaded with Loadlin)
|   |-- network.dsk      Image containing network modules.
|   `-- pcmcia.dsk       Image containing PCMCIA modules.
|-- kernels/             Many precompiled Linux 2.4.18 kernel images.
|   |
|   |-- adaptec.s/       Adaptec kernel.
|   |-- bare.i/          Standard IDE kernel.
|   |-- ibmmca.s/        IBM Microchannel kernel.
|   |-- jfs.i/           IBM Journaled Filesystem supporting kernel.
|   |-- loadlin16c.txt   Loadlin README file.
|   |-- loadlin16c.zip   Loadlin boot loader (used to boot Linux from DOS)
|   |-- lowmem.i/        Kernel that uses very little memory.
|   |-- old_cd.i/        Old non-SCSI non-IDE CD-ROM support kernel.
|   |-- pportide.i/      Parallel port IDE kernel.
|   |-- raid.s/          SCSI/IDE RAID kernel.
|   |-- scsi.s/          Supports some SCSI cards (see bootdisks/README.TXT).
|   |-- scsi2.s/         Supports some SCSI cards (see bootdisks/README.TXT).
|   |-- speakaha.s/      adaptec.s + Speakup speech support.
|   |-- speakup.i/       bare.i + Speakup speech support.
|   |-- speakup.s/       scsi.s + Speakup speech support.
|   |-- speakup2.s/      scsi2.s + Speakup speech support.
|   |-- usb.i/           bare.i + USB keyboard/mouse support.
|   |-- usb.s/           scsi.s + USB keyboard/mouse support.
|   |-- usb2.s/          scsi2.s + USB keyboard/mouse support.
|   |-- usbaha.s/        adaptec.s + USB keyboard/mouse support.
|   |-- xfs.i/           Kernel with support for SGI XFS.
|   |-- xt.i/            Kernel with support for old MFM drives.
|   `-- zipslack.s/      Kernel with Iomega support.
|-- pasture/             These are packages that have been removed
|                        from Slackware, but are useful enough to
|                        keep around.  Packages currently found here
|                        include old XFree86-3.3.6-servers,
|                        gnu-pop3d-0.9.8, libglut-3.7, pop3d-1.020i,
|                        wu-ftpd-2.6.2, and xview-3.2p1.4.
|-- rootdisks/           Slackware installation and rescue floppy images.
|   |
|   |-- RAWRITE.EXE      The "RAWRITE" programs are used to write a floppy
|   |-- RAWRITE12.DOC    image under DOS or Windows.
|   |-- RAWRITE12.EXE
|   |
|   |-- README.TXT       This README.TXT file explains the various choices.
|   |-- install.1        install.[1-5] are the installation floppy images.
|   |-- install.2        If you will be starting the install using a boot
|   |-- install.3        floppy, then you will need to load all 5 of these.
|   |-- install.4
|   |-- install.5
|   |
|   |-- install.zip          install.zip is a version of the installer that
|   |-- install.zip.README   runs from a DOS partition.  See the README.
|   |
|   |-- network.dsk          This is used also with install.[1-5] to do
|   |-- network.dsk.README   installation from an NFS server.
|   |
|   |-- pcmcia.dsk           This is used to activate PCMCIA devices (laptop
|   |-- pcmcia.dsk.README    cards) needed during installation.
|   |
|   |-- rescue.dsk           A simple rescue floppy you can load with a
|   `-- rescue.dsk.README    bootdisk.  Handy when you want Linux but don't
|                            want to load 6 floppy disks.
|-- slackware/           This directory contains the core software packages
|   |                    for Slackware 8.1.
|   |
|   |-- a/               The A (base) package series.
|   |-- ap/              The AP (applications) package series.
|   |-- d/               The D (development) package series.
|   |-- e/               The E (GNU Emacs) package series.
|   |-- f/               The F (FAQ/Documentation) package series.
|   |-- gnome/           The GNOME package series.
|   |-- k/               The K (kernel source) package series.
|   |-- kde/             The KDE package series.
|   |-- kdei/            The KDE internationalization package series.
|   |-- l/               The L (libraries) package series.
|   |-- n/               The N (networking) package series.
|   |-- t/               The T (TeX) package series.
|   |-- tcl/             The TCL (Tcl/Tk and related) package series.
|   |-- x/               The X (XFree86) package series.
|   |-- xap/             The XAP (X applications) package series.
|   `-- y/               The Y (BSD games) package series.
|-- source/              This directory contains source code for the core
|   |                    software packages in Slackware.
|   |
|   |-- a/               Source for the A (base) series.
|   |-- ap/              Source for the AP (applications) series.
|   |-- d/               Source for the D (development) series.
|   |-- e/               Source for the E (GNU Emacs) series.
|   |-- f/               slack-desc files for the F (FAQ) series.
|   |-- gnome/           Source for the GNOME series.
|   |-- k/               Source for the K (kernel source) series.
|   |-- kde/             Source for the KDE series.
|   |-- kdei/            Source for the KDEI series.
|   |-- l/               Source for the L (libraries) series.
|   |-- n/               Source for the N (networking) series.
|   |-- rootdisks/       Source for utilities on the rootdisks.
|   |-- t/               Source for the T (TeX) series.
|   |-- tcl/             Source for the TCL (Tcl/Tk and related) series.
|   |-- x/               Source for the X (XFree86) series.
|   |-- xap/             Source for the XAP (X applications) series.
|   `-- y/               Source for the Y (BSD games) series.
`-- zipslack/            This is ZipSlack, a small (100MB) Slackware
    |                    system packaged as a Zip file.  Installation
    |                    is as simple as unzipping zipslack.zip on a FAT or
    |                    FAT32 partition, or Zip disk.  It does not come
    |                    with X, but is otherwise fairly complete, including
    |                    many networking tools.  The package management tools
    |                    allow you to add as much extra software as you need
    |                    (such as X) once you boot the system.  For more
    |                    information, see the README.1st file.
    |-- ChangeLog.txt    Changes to ZipSlack.
    |-- FAQ.TXT          ZipSlack FAQ.
    |-- RAWRITE.EXE      The "RAWRITE" programs are used to write a floppy
    |-- RAWRITE12.DOC    image under DOS or Windows.
    |-- RAWRITE12.EXE*
    |-- README.1st       ZipSlack README and installation instructions.
    |-- README.ppa       Information about parallel port Zip drives.
    |-- bootdisk.img     A bootdisk you can use to boot ZipSlack.
    |-- fourmeg.txt      README for the 8MB swapfile package for ZipSlack.
    |-- fourmeg.zip      An 8MB swapfile useful on machines with low RAM.
    |-- split/           ZipSlack split into floppy-sized chunks.
    `-- zipslack.zip     ZipSlack as a single Zip archive.

If you like Slackware, please consider supporting the project by becoming
a Slackware subscriber.  The announcement (ANNOUNCE_8.1) in this directory
has information about subscribing to the Slackware CD-ROM releases, or you
can read about it (and check out other Slackware products) by visiting the
Slackware store:



Patrick Volkerding