bnc#524250 revert "win32-dont-attempt-restart.diff: Don't attempt to restart OOo after crash" [Stephan Bergmann]
bnc#759210 certain smartart drawings weren't imported. [Muthu Subramanian]
bnc#773515 SwPageFrm::PaintBorderAndShadow fix shadow color on partial redraw [Miklos Vajna]
bnc#774167 LibreOffice Impress Crashes opening pptx file [Muthu Subramanian]
fdo#36138 UI EDITING: UNDO button inactive also in DRAW [Ivan Timofeev]
fdo#37791 Insert selected word in the Find bar by Ctrl F [Zolnai Tamás]
fdo#38056 ODF import: Page Borders handling broken [Michael Stahl]
fdo#39812 TABLE borders do not terminate where they should with merged cells [Michael Stahl]
fdo#40152 Replace with empty string doesn't work in the BASIC IDE ("Replace all" does). [Uray M. János]
fdo#42470 Starting LO with "--nodefault" parameter should not open visible window [Stephan Bergmann]
fdo#42492 BASIC HEX command on 64-bit systems not returning 16 characters on negative long integer [Uray M. János, Noel Power]
fdo#43989 After installation first launch terminates after splash screen [Stephan Bergmann]
fdo#44534 EDITING: Connectors cannot be selected [David Tardon]
fdo#45090 PostgreSQL-SDBC fails to load on Unix / official binaries: missing [Stephan Bergmann]
fdo#45724 FILESAVE, FORMATTING, Text field data loss [Miklos Vajna]
fdo#46020 FILESAVE [DOC] [DOCX] Loss of footnotes when exporting to DOC- and DOCX- Files [Cédric Bosdonnat]
fdo#46518 UI: Header, footer & and page break indicators in multipage view [Ivan Timofeev]
fdo#46968 Resize text box does not undo [Uray M. János]
fdo#47036 Error in rendering of rtf files generated by Crystal Report engine which were previously OK in LibO 3.4. [Miklos Vajna]
fdo#47368 Many crashes when accessibility enabled on MacOS X [Michael Meeks]
fdo#47495 Problem with RTF documents created using Oracle Report [Miklos Vajna]
fdo#48033 FILEOPEN : Import RTF file but pictures are not well positioned on table/cells [Miklos Vajna]
fdo#48096 torn off color popups cause interaction difficulties in other windows [Thorsten Behrens]
fdo#48446 RTF Importer does not honor ansicpgN and cpgN control words -> fails to import some non-English documents properly [Miklos Vajna]
fdo#49268 <switchinline> tags don't work in Help tooltips [Andras Bartek]
fdo#49750 Search Bar history is always empty [Zolnai Tamás]
fdo#49892 Incorrect object placement in rtf documents [Miklos Vajna]
fdo#50631 Vertical rulers completely unreadable on MacOS X [Thorsten Behrens]
fdo#50632 VIEWING: IDE Crash because Object Catalog not updated when closing a document [Uray M. János]
fdo#50633 VIEWING: IDE Current module not selected in Object Catalog on open [Uray M. János]
fdo#50654 Writer, Ruler: Paint issue at bottom left-ruler [Ivan Timofeev]
fdo#50801 Wrong cross-reference text when Caption order is Numbering first [Uray M. János]
fdo#50907 FILEOPEN FORMATTING pptx some unreadable text at the top of slide [Muthu Subramanian]
fdo#50975 3.6.0b1: Segfault when accessing the LO About dialog with librsvg ≈ 2.16 [Caolán McNamara]
fdo#50990 MS Visio file displays as blanc page in Draw [Fridrich Å trba]
fdo#51034 FILESAVE: # in hyperlink corrupts .docx (MSO2007) document [Miklos Vajna]
fdo#51231 UI: Slide thumbnail overlay "start presentation, disable slide, copy slide" position depends on slides pane scroll slider position and mouse way [Ivan Timofeev]
fdo#51252 LO cannot start (reports runtime error with Visual C++ Runtime Library) [Stephan Bergmann]
fdo#51324 crash in xmloff.Impress.XMLContentImporter::com::sun::star::document::XImporter [Bjoern Michaelsen]
fdo#51336 checkboxes with text align positions are skewed [Noel Power]
fdo#51572 Extension Manager error message: msci_uno bridge error... [Caolán McNamara]
fdo#51716 enlarge and reduce font size shortcut CTRL +] and CTRL + [ not working [Abdulmajeed Al-Abaulrazzaq]
fdo#51772 general I/O error when opening a RTF file [Caolán McNamara]
fdo#51832 EDITING: CRASH in special case when 'Edit > Changes > Accept or reject > Reject' [Michael Stahl]
fdo#51890 On MacOS X, the progress bar and the new splash screen graphics are mis-aligned [Stefan Knorr (astron)]
fdo#51943 OSX: Text color setting is broken [Thorsten Behrens]
fdo#51957 When using .otf (OpenType PostScript) fonts, em-dashes become en-dashes in exported .pdf files [Caolán McNamara]
fdo#52066 FILEOPEN: RTF file opens with black boxes and wrong spacing [Miklos Vajna]
fdo#52205 EDITING: Regression: reference to CSV becomes a string, not an integer [Eike Rathke]
fdo#52223 IDE: "Object catalog" mismanages frames [Uray M. János]
fdo#52232 Hidden MediaWiki options page [Stephan Bergmann]
fdo#52240 [Task] EDITING: Incomplete Date values are no longer detected [Eike Rathke]
fdo#52241 Numbered bibliographies no longer work with more than a few entries [David Tardon]
fdo#52275 CRASH - Using Mysql native connector extension and ODB file when passing connection identifiers [Lionel Elie Mamane]
fdo#52340 EDITING: CRASH when Copy+Paste row with conditional formatting to other sheet and back to inserted row [Markus Mohrhard]
fdo#52351 EDITING: Remove "conditional formatting" not always successful [Markus Mohrhard]
fdo#52374 Please update bundled German dictionaries extension (dict-de) with version 2012-06-17 [Andras Timar]
fdo#52393 FILEOPEN 3.5.x spreadsheet with wrong row height [Markus Mohrhard]
fdo#52399 EDITING: Report-Builder does not show any properties [Stephan Bergmann]
fdo#52427 UI of Database Report Builder mostly without translations [David Tardon]
fdo#52457 Regression: Copy sheet drops conditional formats [Markus Mohrhard]
fdo#52546 Inconsistent behavior with filenames with dots under KDE [Luboš Luňák]
fdo#52565 (regression) Conditional Format formula for wrong cell is displayed [Markus Mohrhard]
fdo#52610 FILESAVE particular document as .docx (Office Open): Can not be opened with other office software [Cédric Bosdonnat]
fdo#52615 FILEOPEN: ADO driver inactive (thus no connection to MS Access databases) [David Tardon]
fdo#52639 ReportBuilder: Creating a new report destroys .odb [Stephan Bergmann]
fdo#52998 FILESAVE: Comments disappear when save as XLS [Noel Power]
fdo#53006 Autocorrection TWo INitial CApitals does not work because of bundled extensions problem [Stephan Bergmann]
fdo#53010 Conditional formatting of type "values is between" lost when reopening the file [Markus Mohrhard]
fdo#53012 FILEOPEN .csv will CRASH if "fixed width" is preselected [Eike Rathke]
fdo#53089 Numbers from external URL are always interpreted as text [Kohei Yoshida]
fdo#53154 Closing Report Wizard crashes LibreOffice [Michael Stahl]
fdo#53210 Writer crashes when hiding all sections [Miklos Vajna]
fdo#53246 Libo36 does not start, InvalidRegistryException from program/services/postgresql-sdbc.rdb [Stephan Bergmann]
fdo#53439 shadow background overlaps pages at small zoom [Miklos Vajna]
fdo#53456 FILEOPEN PIVOTTABLE failed to load source data when it contains formula cells (from xlsx) [Kohei Yoshida]
i#118877 [From Symphony] Calc crashes when Redo refreshing data [Markus Mohrhard]
i#99257 test scripts for cli_uno types failing, shared extension problem [Stephan Bergmann]
lp#1017125 erase on invalid iterators [Bjoern Michaelsen]
rhbz#806236 [abrt] libreoffice-core- Process /usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV) [Bjoern Michaelsen]
rhbz#823272 [abrt] libreoffice-core- Process /usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV) [Bjoern Michaelsen]
rhbz#842552 [abrt] oox::drawingml::applyStyleList [David Tardon]