bnc#693238 dmapper: fix margin values vs SBkc = 0 at the end of the doc [Miklos Vajna]
bnc#758883 dmapper: take care of border width when setting margins [Miklos Vajna]
bnc#763168 big formula performance improvement for xlsx import & [Noel Power]
bnc#765942 xlsx document consumes 100% CPU and does not open in LibreOffice [Noel Power]
bnc#766481 dmapper: don't import fake paragraph containing sectpr only, take two [Miklos Vajna]
bnc#766487 dmapper: sprmCHpsBi should affect sprmCHps, if the later is not set [Miklos Vajna]
fdo#33746 WIKIHELP, LOCALHELP item "Split Cells" not valid for CALC [Andras Timar]
fdo#34093 Partial PDFEXPORT of particular Master Documents breaks hyperlinks [Ivan Timofeev]
fdo#36824 embedded hsqldb; in view, computed row without alias makes whole file unusable [Lionel Elie Mamane]
fdo#37626 Page background could not be set in form wizard [Lionel Elie Mamane]
fdo#39141 CALC LOCALHELP: Items for Options missing [Andras Timar]
fdo#39415 Painting of collapsing table borders broken in Writer [Michael Stahl]
fdo#41556 VIEWING: Incomplete font substitution when FontConfig matches italic font [Caolán McNamara]
fdo#43180 About Box: Copyright range is "(c)2000, 2011"; should be "(c)2000 - 2011" [Robinson Tryon]
fdo#44207 Help for Tools > Options > LOdev > General is obsolete + incomplete [Andras Timar]
fdo#44292 FILEOPEN particular docx shows wrong number of columns [Miklos Vajna]
fdo#44879 LOCALHELP: TOC incomplete for WRITER menus [Andras Timar]
fdo#46099 Missing Search and Replace shortcut [Andras Timar]
fdo#46338 Substitution of missing references with "#REF!" makes correcting formulas impossible [Eike Rathke]
fdo#46510 Turn on Quickstarter by silent install [Andras Timar]
fdo#46966 RTF reader overrides margins when \header is present [Miklos Vajna]
fdo#47222 Formula N() don't work properly [Eike Rathke]
fdo#47636 Extremely slow display with font fallback [Caolán McNamara]
fdo#48335 FILESAVE: RTF export [Miklos Vajna]
fdo#48602 FILEOPEN: The Greek codepage instead the Russian codepage (*.vsd by MS_Visio-2000) [Fridrich Å trba]
fdo#49582 FILESAVE: Long delays saving in XP .XLS format [Markus Mohrhard]
fdo#49764 [EDITING] Conditional formatting make very slow introduce data in cells with conditional formatting [Markus Mohrhard]
fdo#49919 Don't default to desktop pollution [Andras Timar]
fdo#50415 Shortcut names are not localized on Linux [Mihkel Tõnnov]
fdo#50587 FILEOPEN: LibreOffice 3.6 Alpha reports File I/O Error [Kohei Yoshida]
fdo#50682 On MacOS X 10.7, 'import uno' crashes in the LibreOffice-provided Python [Stephan Bergmann]
fdo#50831 RTF: FILESAVE empty lines get different font size after reopening document [Miklos Vajna]
fdo#50967 File >> Wizards >> Address Data Source Yields No UI [Caolán McNamara]
fdo#51040 EDITING: CRASH when zoom to "Page Width" is used under "Page Preview" [Noel Power, Markus Mohrhard]
fdo#51115 [FILEOPEN] PDF is not opened in draw, but as text file [Michael Stahl]
fdo#51174 CRASH when FILEOPEN particular .ods [Markus Mohrhard]
fdo#51222 Pivot table, user defined subtotals do not work [Kohei Yoshida]
fdo#51249 Crash while saving a document with track-changes enabled [Pierre-Eric Pelloux-Prayer]
fdo#51266 Pivot table - refresh -> bad numbers after refresh [regression] [Kohei Yoshida]
fdo#51270 On UNINSTALLING, LibreOffice leaves dirt behind [Andras Timar]
fdo#51274 VSD/VST files are not associated with LO Draw [Andras Timar]
fdo#51326 CRASH when FILESAVE particular document with CHART [Markus Mohrhard]
fdo#51368 EDITING: CRASH when Merge Cells with "move contents" and first of merged Cells is involved in calculation [Markus Mohrhard]
fdo#51416 Help strings from key-ID xxQl to lBDo outdated [Andras Timar]
fdo#51442 N() does not work with position dependent range intersection [Eike Rathke]
fdo#51478 T() does not work in array context [Eike Rathke]
fdo#51507 FILEOPEN 3.5 document: conditional formatting of type "Formula is" not recognized correctly, lost after saved [Markus Mohrhard]
fdo#51543 UI: incomplete slide number info in status bar [Ivan Timofeev]
fdo#51555 FORMATTING Not possible to add Conditional formatting [Markus Mohrhard]
fdo#51577 IDE: CRASH when Search (Ctrl F) [Michael Meeks]
fdo#51582 EDITING: BACKSPACE in cell with hyphenation will CRASH [Kohei Yoshida]
fdo#51590 UI: Conditional formatting : wrong preview when editing [Markus Mohrhard]
fdo#51599 UI Conditional Formatting: last condition input truncated at bottom [Markus Mohrhard]
fdo#51601 Cannot open xlsx file [Eike Rathke]
fdo#51619 [CRASH] legacy reports: asks for parameters, then for empty parameters list then CRASH [Lionel Elie Mamane]
fdo#51667 FILEOPEN particular .xls from PlanMaker with CHART will CRASH [Markus Mohrhard]
i#119400 Undo broken in several contexts (Basic Editor, Math Editor, Calc Input Line, MultiLine controls, etc) [Ivan Timofeev]
i#9860 Table has no top border when over 2+ pages [Michael Stahl]