+ help page for Basic IDE Options (TDF#80588) [Olivier Hallot]
    + Renaming 'Page Preview' to 'Print Preview' (fdo#86289) [Stanislav Horacek]
    + LOCALHELP: write help page for Calc OpenCL implementation (fdo#86637) [Olivier Hallot]
    + Local Help: multiple dialogs incorrect targeting of tips and extended-tips (fdo#88970) [Caolán McNamara]
    + # TYPE() formula help doesn't document value 64 for arrays (i#126516) [Damjan Jovanovic]
    + LOCALHELP for Glue Points: Wrong Numbering, incomplete contents (tdf#61397) [Olivier Hallot]
    + No help items for the new subroutines IFNA and IFERROR (tdf#64773) [Olivier Hallot]
    + UI: Category location of functions COUNTBLANK, COUNTIF and COUNTIFS (tdf#69685) [Stanislav Horacek]
    + UI: Location of ISEVEN and ISODD functions (tdf#70733) [Stanislav Horacek]
    + Words in input fields are broken between lines at the end of line (tdf#77014) [Tomaž Vajngerl]
    + LOCALHELP: write help page for Tools - Options- LibreOffice - Personalizations (tdf#80586) [Olivier Hallot]
    + LOCALHELP: write help page for Tools - Options- LibreOffice - Basic IDE Options (tdf#80588) [Olivier Hallot]
    + LOCALHELP: write help page for Tools - Options - LibreOffice - Advanced - Expert Configuration (tdf#80589) [Olivier Hallot]
    + Writer: Please amend the Help for "Changing the Default Template" (tdf#84262) [Adolfo Jayme Barrientos]
    + LOCALHELP: write help page for AGGREGATE Calc function (tdf#85228) [tagezi]
    + Link to Help Page of Start Center Broken (tdf#86301) [Andras Timar]
    + LOCALHELP: write help page for Calc OpenCL implementation (tdf#86637) [Olivier Hallot]
    + LibreLogo Help: Use clearer example of RECTANGLE command (tdf#87085) [Andras Timar]
    + Scanner control/access: help needs to be updated to the new menu (tdf#89294) [Stanislav Horacek]
    + Ordinal suffix should never be auto-corrected to superscript in some languages (tdf#89437) [Niklas Johansson]
    + Named formula not documented correctly (tdf#90782) [Olivier Hallot]
    + Update help for all menu changes (tdf#92825) [Yousuf Philips]
    + References to external files with macros in formulas won't update properly (tdf#93613) [Eike Rathke]
    + Calc does not save your own created autoformat presets (tdf#94173) [Julien Nabet]
    + Please update the el_GR hunspell dictionary (tdf#94415) [Andras Timar]
    + EDITING: Text selection with Shift+PageDown broken part2 (tdf#94679) [Justin Luth]
    + Cross references break on reload. (tdf#94804) [Michael Stahl, Oliver Specht]