+ Selecting a recent or favorite special character is not applied by OK in bullets and numbering dialog (tdf#113860) [Mark Vecsernyes]
    + FILEOPEN: html: File format error found at 920,8(row,col) (tdf#118579) [Caolán McNamara]
    + PivotTable: the last row of a worksheet can't be used in the PivotTable (crash) (tdf#118620) [Michael Meeks]
    + FILESAVE DOCX Next Style property for page styles lost (tdf#118702) [Xisco Fauli]
    + CRASH: Writer crashes when double click on first OLE object in to .doc file (tdf#118919) [Caolán McNamara]
    + FILESAVE: LO crashes while saving DOCX file containing table in footer (tdf#78907) [Xisco Fauli]