+ out-of-bounds read (cid#1448222) [Caolán McNamara]
    + dereference before null check (cid#1448262) [Caolán McNamara]
    + delete/edit comment in context box not an option if comment is escaped without writing anything in it. (tdf#106000) [Miklos Vajna]
    + CRASH: Crash after undo operation (BigPtrArray::Index2Block(unsigned long) (tdf#107975) [Zdeněk Crhonek]
    + EDITING: The image within the selection doesn't disappear after cutting (tdf#110442) [Michael Stahl]
    + FILESAVE: DOC: Image got distorted after RT (tdf#112535) [Miklos Vajna]
    + Cannot start Certificate Manager with GPG4win v3 (tdf#116085) [Thorsten Behrens]
    + Crash when closing the document after a specific undo redo operation (Paste) due to inserted fly anchored at end of last paragraph in body (tdf#117185) [Michael Stahl]
    + Sidebar: Style is not added back to hierarchy after deleting and redoing it (tdf#118384) [Jim Raykowski]
    + (Supress-migration-dialog) [META] Firebird Migration: Suppress migration dialog when embedded HSQLDB not opened interactively (tdf#121599) [Xisco Fauli]
    + Forms: Right and bottom borders of form-controls set to 'FLAT' style not displayed (gtk3) (tdf#122358) [Caolán McNamara]
    + All items in AutoFilter popup menu are not keyboard accessible (tdf#122774) [Jim Raykowski]
    + Creating new "HSQLDB Embedded" database immediately brings up migration-to-Firebird dialog (tdf#123099) [Xisco Fauli]
    + Firebird - Incorrect Pasting of Numeric Data (tdf#123591) [Xisco Fauli]
    + FILEOPEN RTF Size of page margins is different in Word and Writer (tdf#123702) [László Németh]
    + auto-correction of typographic quotation marks and apostrophes broken for fr_CI (tdf#124108) [Eike Rathke]
    + LibO6.2 regression: bad misrendering of metafile (tdf#124700) [Caolán McNamara]
    + EDITING: Insert OLE Object behaves different if new document is generated from template (tdf#125100) [Ilhan Yesil]
    + Changing Locale does not update the label of the separator key (tdf#125483) [Caolán McNamara]
    + radiobutton receives item status changed event after listbox value selection (tdf#125609) [Justin Luth]
    + FORMATTING: Part of text loose yellow highlight reopening document (tdf#125628) [Tamás Zolnai]
    + Numbering and Bullets dialog Revert button closes window instead of reverting changes on Impress (tdf#125923) [Gülşah Köse]
    + New Bullets Dialog - Preview zone not resizable + levels above 6-7 not visible with default zone size (tdf#126070) [Gülşah Köse]
    + Crash in: rtl_uString_acquire: frame style undo redo (tdf#126168) [Vasily Melenchuk]
    + EDITING Writer: After scrolling extra header/footer are shown (tdf#126222) [Ilhan Yesil]
    + Top border not displayed on track changes (gtk3) (tdf#126227) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Opening RTF document with Hebrew RLT (right to left) text is shown with the text written from left to right (tdf#126309) [Miklos Vajna]
    + Wrong rendering with Greyscale TIF with no / transparent background (tdf#126460) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Mail merge ignores preselected printer when printing second time (tdf#126471) [Michael Weghorn]
    + Tabs and indents in numbering and item list were limited to less than 20 pt (tdf#126485) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Delete path to Gallery from graphics list in B&N dialog (tdf#126511) [Gülşah Köse]
    + in DOCX files, some styles's "text direction" appears Right-to-Left or Left-to-Right depending on User Interface Language (tdf#126544) [Justin Luth]
    + EDITING: Firebird: View could be executed, but crashes when trying to save (tdf#126588) [Noel Grandin]
    + FILEOPEN DOCX Absolute links broken in Writer (tdf#126590) [Tünde Tóth]
    + Don't crash Outlook 2016 when sending multiple attachments mail via SimpleMail (tdf#126597) [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
    + XML Form Document: instance Data Navigator isn't shown in toolbar (tdf#126611) [andreas kainz]
    + CRASH: pasting fly at-char selection (tdf#126626) [Michael Stahl]
    + CRASH: undoing redlinehide deletion (tdf#126627) [Michael Stahl]
    + Hyperlink to bookmark in doc[x] file does not work (tdf#126641) [Mike Kaganski]
    + Allow PDF form export with different defaults based on Archive setting (tdf#126642) [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
    + If I select LibreOffice Calc macros Python, an error message box mentions JRE is required. (tdf#126643) [Mike Kaganski]
    + XLSX: LibreOffice is freezed when I try open Style list in Sidebar (tdf#126663) [Julien Nabet, Noel Grandin]
    + Two Finger Horizontal Scroll is Reversed on Linux and macOS (tdf#126680) [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
    + Character Style border attributes UI doesn't show borders or allow change to borders (tdf#126684) [Mike Kaganski]
    + CRASH: selecting all in sheet (tdf#126685) [Noel Grandin]
    + Placement of items in Writer + Undo is 100% broken (tdf#126691) [Caolán McNamara]
    + EMF image lost in command-line conversion from .odt to .doc (tdf#126708) [Luke Deller]
    + FILEOPEN DOCX Numbered list item gets indent setting from next paragraphs footnote (tdf#126723) [Justin Luth]
    + FILEOPEN: Writer crashes on opening Docx file (tdf#126732) [Caolán McNamara]
    + In line dialog, tab "Line Styles", dash length and spacing cannot be larger than 5% (tdf#126736) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Closed shape cap style, losed after export to pptx (tdf#126746) [Bartosz Kosiorek]
    + Intermittent crash exporting a ODS to XLSX (tdf#126748) [Mike Kaganski]
    + FORMATTING -10000 sometimes shows up as .0000 (tdf#126766) [Eike Rathke]
    + Sidebar can't be collapsed clicking on the hide arrow (tdf#126769) [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
    + CRASH: Closing LibreOffice while 'Help is not Installed' dialog is open in extension manager (gen/gtk) (tdf#126790) [Caolán McNamara]
    + UI: Writer crashes opening the style edit window after doing many style edits (tdf#126808) [Miklos Vajna]
    + Find & Replace Dialog no longer permits me to format "Replace" text. (GTK3) (tdf#126844) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Drop-down filter window in Pivot table is flickering when move mouse point on it (tdf#126848) [Xisco Fauli]
    + Custom document properties cannot be accessed in LO 6.3 (tdf#126859) [Caolán McNamara]
    + HELP: Very large images in a page of online help (tdf#126889) [Olivier Hallot]
    + Wrong date formats for Upper Sorbian and Lower Sorbian (tdf#126931) [Eike Rathke]
    + CRASH: Closing LibreOffice while load Styles dialog is open ( gen ) (tdf#126943) [Caolán McNamara]
    + DRAW, IMPRESS: Menu 'Tools-Options-DRAW-Print' settings not respected (tdf#39742) [Gabor Kelemen]
    + Creating a new document from a template removes the signature from all Macros (tdf#42316) [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
    + PRINTING: Draw ignores global print options, forgets print dialog settings (tdf#44786) [Gabor Kelemen]
    + printing when a selection is active should take in account it and activate the "print selection" radio button (tdf#54908) [Daniel Silva]
    + Fill gradients dont work in area content panel of chart sidebar (tdf#94300) [Katarina Behrens]