+ [abrt] libreoffice-core: SvxSearchDialogWrapper::GetSearchLabel()(): soffice.bin killed by SIGSEGV (rhbz#1820868) [Caolán McNamara] + GSoC table template: The saved file is invalid ODF 1.2 extended (tdf#101710) [Maxim Monastirsky] + FILEOPEN: DOC(X) table with minus left spacing in MSO Word 2013+ (tdf#106742) [Michael Stahl] + FILEOPEN: Some labels in charts are not displayed by default (tdf#117088) [Balazs Varga] + CRASH Impress: UI locks up when I drag a slide from the left "Slides" view to the Windows taskbar (tdf#118893) [Mike Kaganski] + After Update to 6.1.4 on macOS fonts are blurred on retina display (xcode 10) (tdf#122218) [Stephan Bergmann] + Wrong calculation number of pages(field NUMPAGES) if page numbering(field PAGE) starts from EVEN number (tdf#125682) [Michael Stahl] + Writer: Numbering problem in Mail Merge toolbar (tdf#126366) [Caolán McNamara] + Untitled document remains open when have a default template (tdf#126700) [Jan-Marek Glogowski] + All libreoffice programs are duplicating the inputs (tdf#126785) [Michael Weghorn] + In LO Calc: Right arrow causes a large unexpected column jump in protected sheet. (tdf#126904) [Noel Grandin] + Numbering style editor: Leaving Customize tab with a non-default level selected, then returning to it, gives multiple levels selected, and selection behaves erratically (tdf#127112) [Seth Chaiklin] + Non-breaking spaces not inserted when LibreOffice-KDE5 is installed, since Libo 6.3.x (French typo) (tdf#127815) [Michael Weghorn] + btlr text not rendered in some tables (tdf#128880) [Miklos Vajna] + docx: recovered document losing password protection (tdf#129096) [Vasily Melenchuk] + FILEOPEN DOCX 100 percent stacked area chart data is imported as percentage (tdf#129173) [Xisco FaulÃ] + FILEOPEN XLSX 100 percent stacked area chart data labels appear as ratio (tdf#129175) [Xisco FaulÃ] + FILEOPEN: PPTX: CRASH: File format error found at SfxBaseModel::storeToStorage: 0x20d(row,col) – works w/ PowerPoint 2013 (tdf#129372) [Julien Nabet] + Slide Pane: Context menu is not displayed under certain conditions (gen) (tdf#129446) [Caolán McNamara] + Cannot open 819-pages ODT (tdf#129529) [Michael Stahl] + Assert replacing in a specific text (tdf#129553) [Michael Stahl] + FILEOPEN: DOCX: footer is missing on page 2 (tdf#129582) [Michael Stahl] + LibreOffice Writer crash while moving one letter with hyperlink (gtk3/kf5) (tdf#129809) [Michael Weghorn, Caolán McNamara] + Hex color code truncated, when Pasting into field of the "Pick a Color" dialog (tdf#129933) [Caolán McNamara] + FILEOPEN: LWP: files with tables/columns don't open after LO3.3.4, broken formatting (tdf#129993) [Noel Grandin] + Shortcuts don't work in Find&Replace dialog if vcl=kde5 and LANG=ru_RU.UTF8 (tdf#130071) [Michael Weghorn] + Gallery drop-down list in Impress B&N dialog shows only start of full path instead item name (tdf#130148) [Onur Yilmaz] + Object list in catalog doesn't refresh after adding a Module or dialog (tdf#130161) [Caolán McNamara] + CRASH: Closing LibreOffice while Infobox is displayed ( gtk3 ) (tdf#130239) [Caolán McNamara] + Writer thinks a two page doc file has an infinite number of pages (tdf#130262) [Patrick Jaap] + TRACK CHANGES: Crash in swlo.dll with track changes enabled and AutoCorrect (tdf#130274) [Michael Stahl] + When navigating validity dropdown using the arrow keys, the first option from the list is chosen right away (tdf#130325) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + calc: editing: ui: weakness with named ranges, move of cell to another sheet destroys referencing to local name reference there (tdf#130370) [Eike Rathke] + Undo in impress always switches back to first slide (tdf#130440) [Xisco Fauli, Caolán McNamara] + URL in unicode interpretate as file link (PDF export) (tdf#130501) [Stephan Bergmann] + Time field in Base form will not display correct format. (tdf#130515) [Noel Grandin] + Page right and bottom margins in Writer in Landscape always zero (tdf#130548) [Caolán McNamara] + Crash when clearing the 'Find' text field (tdf#130555) [Stephan Bergmann] + Crash on adding word to User-defined dictionary (gtk3) (tdf#130658) [Caolán McNamara] + Draw: Convert to polygon doesn't work (tdf#130679) [Noel Grandin] + CRASH: cutting content of document (tdf#130680) [Michael Stahl] + Firebird: wrong precision and scale for DECIMAL and NUMERIC (tdf#130708) [Julien Nabet] + Writer crashes when Alt+Arrow Up keys are pressed within a table row spanning two pages (tdf#130746) [Justin Luth] + CRASH: traversing tabs with Ctrl+PageUp/Down (gen) (tdf#130756) [Caolán McNamara] + Degrees spinbutton is no longer wraps around (gen) (tdf#130762) [Caolán McNamara] + PPTX import: Missing bullet in Smartart (tdf#130776) [GülÅŸah Köse] + Basic Dialog does not import/export images (tdf#130793) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + kf5: Keyboard input ignored (tdf#130794) [Michael Weghorn] + local name breaks if previous sheet is deleted (tdf#130825) [Eike Rathke] + FILESAVE DOCX Signature line export creates invalid document (tdf#130917) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] + VIEWING DOCX Chart custom label text multiplied (tdf#130955) [Balazs Varga] + Chapter Numbering can't load custom style ( gen ) (tdf#130989) [Caolán McNamara] + Greek dictionary cannot be loaded on Collabora Online ( (tdf#130999) [Andras Timar] + Form control property editor for combo box opens very slow for large entry list (tdf#131000) [Jan-Marek Glogowski] + FILEOPEN DOCX Column chart X axis labels are truncated (tdf#131060) [Balazs Varga] + Automatic Control Focus not working in gen (tdf#131088) [Noel Grandin] + Calc crashes when viewing details of two Statistical functions in Function Wizard (tdf#131096) [Eike Rathke] + EDITING: Base Crashes on Tools>User Administration... (Firebird) (tdf#131164) [Julien Nabet] + Sheet - Named Ranges and Expressions - Labels... - Define Label Name - Delete NOT WORKING (tdf#131170) [Caolán McNamara] + LO Writer "hangs" on scrolling/saving of a document where embedded image doesn't exist (tdf#131185) [GülÅŸah Köse] + Crash on double click to paragraph style (tdf#131208) [Jim Raykowski] + Implement change user password in Firebird (tdf#131212) [Julien Nabet] + Crash when closing SQL Edit Query (gtk3 only) (tdf#131248) [Caolán McNamara] + Advance Timing Setting doesn't work correctly (tdf#131254) [GülÅŸah Köse] + Crash when pasting quotes with fixed width (tdf#131273) [Julien Nabet] + EDITING: Chart: Not possible to change format in labels ( only 6.3 ) (tdf#131291) [Xisco FaulÃ] + FILESAVE XLSX Paste special of #N/A formula result result gives in Err:520 in Calc after reload (tdf#131372) [Eike Rathke] + Crash when opening xlsx file, FILEOPEN (tdf#131380) [Caolán McNamara] + Crash when trying to create an index of Writer in Japanese locale (tdf#131464) [Julien Nabet] + Unable to edit button control's Label in master after MLE => Edit control change (tdf#131522) [Thorsten Behrens] + A PPTX with SmartArt shapes crashes Impress (tdf#131553) [nd101] + Crash when clicking the "Text direction from top to bottom" toolbar icon (tdf#131571) [Julien Nabet] + Base EDITING Crash on SQL select command or double click on table with non null float field - mysql native connector (mariadb) (tdf#131712) [Julien Nabet] + Document recovery strips encryption (tdf#93389) [Mike Kaganski] + FILEOPEN XLSX Slow to open (tdf#93831) [Noel Grandin]