+ i18n: update locale data for Estonian [et-EE] (tdf#130154) [Mihkel Tõnnov]
    + Page size in Writer doesn't show up anymore (tdf#132172) [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
    + Crash swlo!BigPtrArray::Index2Block+0xc8: (tdf#132911) [Michael Stahl]
    + Start Center: Document names mismatched with their thumbnails with RTL language UI (tdf#134085) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Error when saving bigger odt/ods with password (tdf#134332) [Luboš Luňák]
    + XLSX file saved in LibreOffice 7 is corrupted and it is later not possible to open in Excel (tdf#134769) [Serge Krot]
    + FILESAVE: big document with password can't be open afterwards (tdf#134796) [Luboš Luňák]
    + Print Preview: Image not displayed (gtk3 and win) (tdf#134841) [Caolán McNamara]
    + EDITING Document with chart keeps the needs save state (tdf#134973) [Mike Kaganski]
    + Not Redact E-mail address by Automatic Redaction (tdf#135032) [Julien Nabet]
    + keyboard shortcuts do not work in Qt interface since 7.0.rc1 release (tdf#135077) [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
    + Documents with charts open with the document set as already modified (tdf#31231) [Mike Kaganski]