+ revert "dmapper: paragraph-level..." (bnc#758883) [Vasily Melenchuk]
    + libreoffice fails to build with Python 3.11: Fatal Python error: init_threadstate: thread state already initialized (rhbz#2097411) [Stephan Bergmann]
    + breeze: add Label Field icons (td#149036) [Rizal Muttaqin]
    + On GNU/Linux, with High Contrast theme, the icon set is not correct (tdf#117006) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Start Module - "Create" section on left is not scrollable on smaller devices such as netbooks. (tdf#119447) [Heiko Tietze]
    + Qt5 VCL UI Fonts are small (tdf#125925) [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
    + sending emails with attachments via "com.sun.star.system.SimpleSystemMail" can cause data loss (tdf#126263) [Mike Kaganski]
    + Cannot link to macOS address book - crashes and restarts (tdf#126961) [Christian Lohmaier]
    + filenames containing '#' get truncated when saving to GVFS smb:// paths (Samba share), effectively causing silent data loss (tdf#128196) [Julien Nabet]
    + [EMF+] FILEOPEN: PathGradient background no longer displayed (tdf#131506) [Bartosz Kosiorek]
    + Deleting a paragraph with backspace deletes the image (instead of moving up) (tdf#133957) [Michael Stahl]
    + FILEOPEN PPTX: Image shown with wider aspect ratio and different clipping - cropping not being applied (tdf#134210) [Mike Kaganski]
    + Print preview: "no data" on big print range for one page (tdf#135346) [Tomaž Vajngerl]
    + change tracking: Anchor to character deleted with backspace at anchor position (tdf#135976) [Michael Stahl]
    + FILEOPEN: Incorrect Shadow shape with Glow effect (tdf#136787) [Gülşah Köse]
    + Underline menu lines not visible in dark mode (tdf#136916) [Rizal Muttaqin]
    + CMIS dialog advances beyond lower right corner of the screen (tdf#137471) [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
    + UI Calc Wrong icons showing for format as general (tdf#138400) [Rizal Muttaqin]
    + Delete one of both paragraph below a text frame deletes the text frame (tdf#139514) [Michael Stahl]
    + EDITING: Image anchored "To Character" inside misspelled word is removed when word is corrected with Spell checking and track changes enabled (tdf#139982) [Michael Stahl]
    + UNDO Find and Replace leads to errors (tdf#140007) [Michael Stahl]
    + In Print dialog <alt>+G gives focus to Orientation too (tdf#141186) [Caolán McNamara]
    + "Enable remote control" is unavailable in Impress options on macOS (tdf#141313) [Christian Lohmaier]
    + Hint from AutoInput in formula bar stays on top after switching to another application (tdf#142368) [Caolán McNamara]
    + [EMF+] Brush Object with Type PathGradient is not supported (tdf#143031) [Bartosz Kosiorek]
    + insert/overwrite cursor shape lags in formula editing (tdf#143964) [Noel Grandin]
    + Create Calc's Cross Cursor for Every Icon Theme (tdf#144303) [Rizal Muttaqin]
    + Rotating image results in inverted colors (tdf#144601) [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
    + EDITING CELL contents in the contents/formula bar produces unexpected result (tdf#145248) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Drag-n-drop in formula bar creates mismatch between cell and formula bar (tdf#145603) [Noel Grandin]
    + Insert section dialog opened when pasting image from Firefox in Win (paste special is okay) (tdf#145875) [Szymon KÅ‚os]
    + Improper display of newly added text in front of formula object (tdf#146536) [Luboš Luňák]
    + FORMATTING - Currency format bug - "$ English (Canada)" displays as "BZ$ English (Belize)" (tdf#147265) [Eike Rathke]
    + Change Aranese {oc-ES} locale's language tag to {oc-ES-aranes}, Languedocien {oc-FR} to {oc-FR-lengadoc} (tdf#147390) [Eike Rathke]
    + Writer crashes trying to open file with 3000 pages (tdf#147708) [Caolán McNamara]
    + LO Calc with RadioButton Crash in: ScUnoListenerCalls::ExecuteAndClear() - steps Comment 22 (tdf#147822) [Eike Rathke]
    + Sheet-local named expression destroyed with Cut-Paste-Undo (tdf#148072) [Eike Rathke]
    + Paragraph numbering bold inverted for 2nd and 3rd level (tdf#148132) [Vasily Melenchuk]
    + LibreOffice Dark Color Scheme: Text boundaries are Dark Gray 3 but should have a lighter color (tdf#148138) [Roman Kuznetsov]
    + #REF! in incorrect references (tdf#148163) [Eike Rathke]
    + LibreOffice Document Recovery dialog shows weird text input field (tdf#148168) [Caolán McNamara]
    + LibreOffice Writer: Text "disappears" while writing between two formulas that are next to each other (tdf#148255) [Luboš Luňák]
    + Mail-merging a complex document with many data records significantly slower after fix for bug 144565 (tdf#148309) [Michael Stahl]
    + CRASH: Writer 7.4 enters infinite loop while opening DOCX file (high CPU, previously hangup) (tdf#148365) [Attila Bakos (NISZ)]
    + Undo line color changes aligns text centered (and doesn't undo the line color) (tdf#148522) [Miklos Vajna]
    + Crash in: GrVkPipelineState::setAndBindInputAttachment(GrVkGpu *,gr_sp<GrVkDescriptorSet const ,GrManagedResource,GrRecycledResource,{GrManagedResource::ref(void),0},{GrRecycledResource::recycle(void),0}>,GrVkCommandBuffer *) (tdf#148624) [Luboš Luňák]
    + FORMATTING - Background color of Cells in Excel sheet with conditional formatting is not correctly rendered (tdf#148820) [Balazs Varga]
    + Kubuntu 22.04 LTS LibreOffice Impress 7.3.3 Fails to Play Embedded Videos (tdf#148864) [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
    + Quirk when changing the first character after a picture in a table (tdf#148868) [Michael Stahl]
    + FILEOPEN: PPTX: Incorrect image in media file (tdf#148923) [Tünde Tóth]
    + icons for "Description" and "Insert Caption" are identical, but they should be different -- their functions are different (tdf#149008) [Rizal Muttaqin]
    + Missing icon for "Label Field" using Breeze icon theme (tdf#149036) [Rizal Muttaqin]
    + Impress slideshow: Crash on automatic advance of slide in GTK3 (tdf#149068) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Prevent 'Get' and 'Post' in submit methods field from being translated (tdf#149096) [Julien Nabet]
    + VBA parsing bug with multiline continuation in comment (tdf#149157) [Andreas Heinisch]
    + Table of contents editor not showing buttons in Dutch UI (tdf#149186) [Caolán McNamara]
    + FILESAVE DOCX with hyperlink makes is unopenable in MSO (tdf#149200) [Vasily Melenchuk]
    + Stylist does not show upper/lower case font effects (tdf#149304) [Noel Grandin]
    + VBA reference to a sheet by name, not index, crashes Calc (tdf#149325) [Eike Rathke]
    + After right-click cursor doesn't change back to the typing cursor (tdf#149329) [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
    + Using Breeze Icon with Gen Backend the UI Elements Are Not Matched with Latest Plasma Update (tdf#149368) [Rizal Muttaqin]
    + VBA parsing bug with multiline continuation in comment ending with a whitespace (tdf#149402) [Andreas Heinisch]
    + CRASH: opening the WriterInspectorTextPanel in a OLE object (tdf#149408) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Firebird: CLOB Field Types don't save the whole content with internal driver (tdf#149470) [Julien Nabet]
    + [FILEOPEN] ODS boolean number format missing (tdf#149484) [Eike Rathke]
    + multiple copies of dialogs can be opened from undocked toolbars (tdf#149490) [Caolán McNamara]
    + CRASH: Pasting content from sheet (tdf#149503) [Xisco Fauli]
    + CRASH: pasting and undoing (tdf#149507) [Michael Stahl]
    + Calc Insert Sheet + save Freeze (tdf#149529) [Caolán McNamara]
    + Excel Visual Basic compatibility issue in LibreOffice Calc: .Delete (tdf#149531) [Eike Rathke]
    + [UI] The Data Table dialog enables the button Move Row Up and disables the button Move Row Down when the opposite is needed (and vice versa). (tdf#149536) [Aron Budea]
    + HANG: deleting sheet (tdf#149574) [Attila Szűcs]
    + Calc fails to open context menu in edit-mode for some cell contents (breaks spell checker and other features) (tdf#149589) [Eike Rathke]
    + MacOS Safari (Monterey) does not display LibreOffice HELP (tdf#149603) [Christian Lohmaier]
    + HANG during basic macro using com.sun.star.datatransfer.dnd (tdf#149626) [Caolán McNamara]
    + FTBFS with GCC 13 (tdf#149639) [Stephan Bergmann]
    + LibreOffice Calc cursor not positioned correctly (tdf#149647) [Noel Grandin]
    + CRASH: importing document in ScQueryEvaluator::compareByString<0> (tdf#149679) [Luboš Luňák]
    + CRASH: importing document from commandline (tdf#149692) [Noel Grandin]
    + CRASH: closing area dialog after closing Add color palette via extension dialog (tdf#149787) [Caolán McNamara]
    + UI Control spin button for number of heading rows in dialog Insert Table is not working (tdf#89131) [Caolán McNamara]