bnc#870233 2nd part of import font color from color fragment for SmartArts [Zolnai Tamás]
bnc#870237 wrong text position in grouped list [Zolnai Tamás]
fdo#40073 fix look for translated frame styles [Elie Roux]
fdo#52547 paste preference is image, then html, then text. [Andrzej Hunt]
fdo#56392 fix hyphenation (remove fix, except hard hyphen part) [László Németh]
fdo#64956 editeng: fix RTF color table export [Michael Stahl]
fdo#70455 B1:SOMENAME is not a valid singleton reference [Eike Rathke]
fdo#76752 don't add the changes toolbar to the forms window, [Markus Mohrhard]
fdo#76953 cannot start show at selected slide [Zolnai Tamás]
fdo#77454 sw: ww8 import: add heuristic to ignore mangled crop values [Michael Stahl]
fdo#78332 sw: fix separators in SwDDEFieldType::PutValue() [Michael Stahl]
fdo#78737 sw: fix setting tab stops via ruler [Michael Stahl]
fdo#78801 paste preference is image, then html, then text. [Andrzej Hunt]
fdo#78927 use different XML attribute names for asian and complex fonts. [Kohei Yoshida]
fdo#78976 correct way to determine the end position for matrix check. [Kohei Yoshida]
fdo#79372 fix hyphenation (remove fix, except hard hyphen part) [László Németh]
fdo#79392 don't access after last row, when last row is max last row [Caolán McNamara]
fdo#79719 recognize ##-MMM-## as date even if ambiguous [Eike Rathke]
rhbz#1096747 crash/hang on format-page on html document [Caolán McNamara]
rhbz#1101224 [abrt] libreoffice-core: ScTable::GetName(rtl::OUString&) const(): soffice.bin killed by SIGSEGV [Eike Rathke]