cid#1401328 silence Uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1421164 uncaught exception [Caolán McNamara] cid#1493241 wrapper object use after free [Caolán McNamara] cid#1493474 arguments in wrong order [Caolán McNamara] cid#1493476 logically dead code [Caolán McNamara] cid#1494386 dereference null return value [Caolán McNamara] gcc#103022 add a comment referencing [Caolán McNamara] ofz#40404 try smaller documents to avoid timeouts [Caolán McNamara] ofz#40575 integer-overflow [Caolán McNamara] ofz#40593 remove Objects from m_xResizeDrawObjects if deleted during parse [Caolán McNamara] ofz#40625 avoid Integer-overflow [Caolán McNamara] ofz#40766 svtools, sw: HTMLParser: really stop inserting control chars [Michael Stahl] ofz#41081 divide by zero [Caolán McNamara] ofz#41250 use more SwUnoCursors [Caolán McNamara] ofz#41274 use FrameDeleteWatch to update if SwFlyFrameFormat is deleted [Caolán McNamara] ofz#41299 add testcase [Eike Rathke, Caolán McNamara] ofz#41345 negative-size-param [Caolán McNamara] rhbz#678440 opening urls fails with error 403 on picky servers [Michael Stahl] tdf#48622 Line thickness specification - too many choices, nonintuitive [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#62812 writer_pdf_Export Font GDI handle leaks [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#70519 The spelling and grammar checker wavy line is too faint, esp. in hi-res screens [Heiko Tietze] tdf#76836 Wrong display with text format applied to numeric cells [Xisco Fauli] tdf#78897 DISPLAY: Hashmarks instead of number with * repeat format code if the same number/format was displayed left of it in a wider column [Xisco Fauli] tdf#81507 FILESAVE: DOCX - w:sdtContent not exported correctly resulting in missing line breaks [Vasily Melenchuk] tdf#82677 PERF - Lots of PROPFIND requests when using cursor navigation on WebDAV file access [Giuseppe Castagno] tdf#82744 WebDAV LOCK is released when document is saved [Michael Stahl, Giuseppe Castagno] tdf#83531 Opening URL fails if it's WebDav and write access is restricted [Giuseppe Castagno] tdf#84012 FORMATTING: Partially missing text in shrink-to-fit cells [Xisco Fauli] tdf#84283 PDF: Export to PDF with footnotes in tables crash [Xisco Fauli] tdf#90700 FILEOPEN: Hang/freeze opening specific .doc with external links [Giuseppe Castagno] tdf#91060 LO impress crashes when opening pptx with comments [Xisco Fauli] tdf#91362 wrong defaults for format/orientation in printsettingsdialogs of printerdrivers [Tor Lillqvist] tdf#93747 Apply style in a selected table cell leaks to another table cell (when selecting "backwards") [Xisco Fauli] tdf#95217 Persian text not imported with "Link to External Data..." in Calc [Giuseppe Castagno] tdf#95792 Lock missing when saving a file (save as) on some webdav server [Giuseppe Castagno] tdf#96410 WEBDAV: old version opened after simultaneous open (read only) [Giuseppe Castagno] tdf#97046 ensure build system variables start with gb_ unless there are very, very good reasons not to [Sabyasachi Bhoi] tdf#97667 add xml dump methods for calc pool items [Felipe Lema] tdf#99499 FILEOPEN: ODS: Calc file with linked images take a long time to load [Giuseppe Castagno] tdf#101094 Add OPTIONS method to the WebDAV ucp provider [Giuseppe Castagno, Michael Stahl] tdf#102499 WebDAV ucp provider: Add management of unofficial HTTP response status codes [Michael Stahl, Giuseppe Castagno] tdf#104418 FILESAVE DOCX: Malformed table with nested sub table when reopened in LO (better in MSO) [Xisco Fauli] tdf#106955 SharePoint lists fail to open using WebDAV [Mike Kaganski] tdf#110003 Lower-case ß is capitalized as SS instead of ẞ [Eike Rathke] tdf#111785 PPTX: Hatch fill background color is not exported to PPTX [Xisco Fauli] tdf#114309 FILESAVE: RTF: columns/section lost after RT [Xisco Fauli] tdf#114441 Convert use of sal_uLong to better integer types [Natalia Gavrilova, Henrik Palomäki] tdf#114613 Repair function does not work after opening PPTX file [Xisco Fauli] tdf#116640 CRASH/Assertion when undoing columns [Xisco Fauli] tdf#117895 "Edit document properties before saving" option leaves just-saved document modified; changes are not saved [Caolán McNamara, Xisco Fauli] tdf#118776 FILEOPEN Text set to no fill in PPTX is black in Impress [Justin Luth] tdf#119155 Freeze after command format->text->Capitalize Every Word [Xisco Fauli] tdf#119162 Format > Text > Cycle Case on attached example file hangs Calc reproducibly [Xisco Fauli] tdf#119206 Freeze if Option “Edit document properties before saving†is Enabled [Caolán McNamara, Xisco Fauli] tdf#120343 Export to PDF opens PDF before the properties have been edited and the PDF is created [Caolán McNamara] tdf#121260 FILESAVE: Using "Excel A1" formula syntax in LibO Calc options results in charts losing their link to source data if the worksheet is saved in .xlsx format [Xisco Fauli] tdf#121546 CRASH undoing table paste [Michael Stahl, Xisco Fauli] tdf#122788 Find and replace dialog - Replace all doesn't work in specific situation [Xisco Fauli] tdf#124781 Formatting issue in PPTX exported presentation [Tibor Nagy] tdf#124904 'Reference' to headings does not have strike-through when modified with 'track changes' shown [László Németh] tdf#126605 Sidebar: Setting textbox directionality with Hebrew text crashes Impress [Xisco Fauli] tdf#128914 Drag-copy of formulas referencing labels gives wrong result in rows (copying vertically); works in columns (copying horizontally) [Xisco Fauli, Eike Rathke] tdf#129183 grouping a shape with an added textbox detaches the textbox from the shape [Attila Bakos (NISZ)] tdf#129638 Wrong Page Direction in Print UI [Justin Luth] tdf#130131 There is no Split item in combined shape's context menu in Draw [Justin Luth] tdf#130895 Insert > Table of Contents and Index > Bibliography Entry > Edit dialog is too tall/high, OK/Cancel button not visible [Heiko Tietze] tdf#131150 EDITING: Some align options are disabled in textboxes [Justin Luth] tdf#132470 UI: Tab of visible sheet looks the same as other selected tabs [Justin Luth] tdf#132499 Remove any remnants from ODBC < 3.0 + add missing functions + remove deprecated functions with ODBC > 3.0 [Julien Nabet] tdf#132643 [LOCALHELP] Translate section id to English mnemonics [Johnny_M] tdf#133804 Autofilter is very slow when deselecting one item and click OK if the column headers are not defined [Luboš Luňák] tdf#133835 Calc autofilter freeze after deselecting an item (in a column containing many unique string values) and pressing OK [Luboš Luňák, Noel Grandin] tdf#133867 Open file slightly slower & ctrl+a causes CPU to peak (autofilter related?) [Luboš Luňák] tdf#134294 Chapter numbering not updated when heading added in between (until heading applied again or reload ) [Bjoern Michaelsen] tdf#135033 Undo/redo not supported for animations [Xisco Fauli, Katarina Behrens] tdf#135727 [ko] Extend Autocorrect list for Korean language [DaeHyun Sung] tdf#135906 FILESAVE: DOCX with SmartArt roundtripped in Writer fails to open in Word [Justin Luth] tdf#136111 Scaling problem on chart driven by a macro. [Andras Timar] tdf#136472 Same content on left/right pages/ Same content on first page checked on file open DOCX [Justin Luth] tdf#136551 FILEOPEN DOTX Template rendered with only one element, missing text and shapes [Xisco Fauli] tdf#136838 AutoFilter Improvement: Use "Not Equal" (i.e., <>) when we selected all but one item [Luboš Luňák] tdf#136945 Custom Slide Show drag-and-drop not reordering slides as desired [Caolán McNamara] tdf#137438 LibreOffice Impress doesn't display text when it's text transparency is 100% in MS Office. [Justin Luth] tdf#137637 Object area for auto-layouts deselected after switching to Animation Sidebar deck [Xisco Fauli] tdf#137924 [KF5] UI not scaled correctly on HIDPI Wayland/KDE screens [Michael Weghorn] tdf#138223 FILEOPEN PPTX: text shown black on black (instead of black on white) [Justin Luth] tdf#138475 Asian and Complex font-size / font weight / font posture in Calc default styles are not the same as Western fonts [Kevin Suo] tdf#138698 Assertion when switching back to format tab in Field format during Table edition [Caolán McNamara] tdf#138826 Writer: Comments on text ranges are with offset when in Linux printed in margin [Caolán McNamara] tdf#139031 Some dropdowns in the PDF export dialog should be aligned better (kf5) [Ilmari Lauhakangas, Michael Weghorn] tdf#139205 Translated Calc styles lose hirearchical structure [Kevin Suo] tdf#139336 FILESAVE DOCX No second page after section containing footnote [Attila Szűcs] tdf#139444 VLOOKUP function very slow on Large Tables in Calc [Luboš Luňák] tdf#139460 Custom Sort popup in Autofilter popup can't be dismissed by scrolling away (GTK3) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#139612 Option "Search criteria = and <> must apply to whole cells" doesn't affect to calculation as must. [Xisco Fauli, Luboš Luňák] tdf#139734 Drop redundant asserts after MacrosTest::loadFromDesktop [Henrik Palomäki] tdf#139922 Tools > Autocorrect > Apply with "Capitalize first letter in every sentence" [M] does not work on first sentence of a document following an initial empty paragraph [Justin Luth, Xisco Fauli] tdf#140086 LO will many times the master password for open or save action an a remote server (webdav) [Michael Stahl] tdf#140111 [LOCALHELP] Update Calc View menu, synch with UI. [Olivier Hallot] tdf#140250 Effects: Glow Radius and Soft Edge Radius should be independent of one another (rather than linked) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#140321 Fontwork: Change in surface has no effect [Regina Henschel] tdf#140395 "Font effects" screenshot has to be updated so that it does not show "blinking" control [Olivier Hallot] tdf#140781 Add help page for Text (encoded) filter options [Olivier Hallot] tdf#141474 Documentation specifies incorrect parameter names for Basic functions [Alain Romedenne] tdf#141709 Opening Chinese PDF files generated by XeLaTeX loses Chinese characters [Michael Warner] tdf#141869 Rephrase "Insert Reference To" items [Ming Hua] tdf#141908 CppUnittests: replace usage of sal_Int32 with colors [Rishav Chattopadhya, Henrik Palomäki] tdf#142033 VIEWING: Embedded newline does not display correctly when set via SetDataArray() [Xisco Fauli, Andreas Heinisch] tdf#142420 Filter By Color: Hangs after apply a color filter and then deselect the filter [Caolán McNamara] tdf#142706 Shift+Ctrl+S (Special Characters) not working in Find & Replace in Linux (GTK3) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#142719 AUTO CORRECT: Undo adds exception of two initial capitals to exception list [Caolán McNamara] tdf#142781 HTML import: base64 PNG image is stretched on import (height is scaled to 200% and aspect ratio not kept) [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#142986 In "Data - Statistics - Sampling" options, not possible to use a sampling size greater than 100 [Xisco Fauli, Justin Luth] tdf#143021 Show font names used first [Regina Henschel] tdf#143128 Searching for German sharp s / eszett (ß,ẞ) provides wrong results [Eike Rathke, Xisco Fauli] tdf#143148 Use pragma once instead of include guards (Episode 2: Endgame) [Harjot] tdf#143254 "Greek Upper Letter" numbering style should be named "Greek Upper Numeral" [Jeff Huang] tdf#143316 FILESAVE: PPTX: Time field disappears in MSO after RT [Sarper Akdemir, Xisco Fauli] tdf#143443 Size of a comment box increasing after cut/paste action [Caolán McNamara] tdf#143462 Basic IDE Dark Mode: Row numbers are black with dark background [Heiko Tietze] tdf#143511 Writer: Comment oversized and text missing when printed in margin in Linux [Caolán McNamara] tdf#143548 3 dots missing after Select Macro string and Select Module [Jeff Huang] tdf#143643 The size of comment box isn't restored at undo (so plenty of space, but showing scrollbar) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#143837 Skia: Curve rendering broken with fat stroke [Luboš Luňák] tdf#143846 Create separate help pages for each function in the "Text Functions" page [Rafael Lima] tdf#143971 LibreOffice 7.2 introduced addition popup for read only file that shouldn't be showing [Matt K] tdf#143978 Calc: shrink to fit makes font size unnecessary small compared to cell width [Xisco Fauli] tdf#144036 New icon needed for the UNO Object Inspector [Rizal Muttaqin] tdf#144214 enabling skia on macOS results in 75% of window painted in red on macOS [Luboš Luňák] tdf#144247 Row height in Calc was 0,45 cm now it's 0,4516. Set rowheight to 10 it will be 9,9995 cm (since 7.2) [Xisco Fauli, Heiko Tietze] tdf#144249 Deleting 10.000 rows column in a spreadsheet: 15 sec with 4.1| 10 sec up to 300+ sec with 6.2| 130 sec with 7.3 [Luboš Luňák] tdf#144668 DOCX Customized numbering format lost on save and re-open [Vasily Melenchuk] tdf#144686 UI: comment box oversized on file open until click in document (triggering a resize) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#144695 Oracle Java JDK 17 recognition confusion on macOS [Stephan Bergmann] tdf#144769 UI Warning about unavailable hyperlink targets needs to UTF-encode the target file name [Gabor Kelemen] tdf#144793 EDITING: LO Base Absence of scrollbar in the SQL query modification window [Caolán McNamara] tdf#144914 FILESAVE PPTX Interactions placed on shapes are not exported [Tibor Nagy] tdf#144918 FILEOPEN PPTX Interaction placed on shape is not imported [Tibor Nagy] tdf#144961 Font matching issues [Chris Sherlock] tdf#144989 Exported PDF of master document with hidden sections in chapters loses pagination [Michael Stahl] tdf#144994 libreoffice crashes with kf5-wayland when LanguageTool extension is in use [Michael Weghorn] tdf#145079 hyperlink don't work anymore in version Calc (x64) [Tünde Tóth] tdf#145089 FILEOPEN DOCX Table change tracking insert blank row DOCX export wrong [László Németh] tdf#145091 FILESAVE DOCX Table change tracking deleted row DOCX export wrong (visible only e.g. in Word or Google Docs) [László Németh] tdf#145128 Setting the "PerformFileCheckExt" setting via the Windows Registry does not work correctly: Final is not applied [Gabor Kelemen] tdf#145158 character format dialog doesn't show the current character size any more [Xisco Fauli, Mike Kaganski] tdf#145205 Errormessage when I try to open a certain database table via LibreOffice 7.2 Database - no mysql connector native driver support for BIT datatype [Julien Nabet] tdf#145207 One click and three presses of TABs crashes Writer [Jim Raykowski, Xisco Fauli] tdf#145258 Comments cut-off in writer [Caolán McNamara] tdf#145311 EDITING Hovering over an empty list item will turn the empty list item into an insertion [László Németh] tdf#145317 FILESAVE DOC/X: Header/Footer text lost from follow style when first style has titlePage [Justin Luth] tdf#145323 [BASE] [REPORTBUILDER] [REGRESSION] [7.2.x] Moving a field to a different section corrupts the field [Noel Grandin] tdf#145326 Break link doesn't work with DDE links [Xisco Fauli, Bjoern Michaelsen] tdf#145354 Wrong slide to page layout in Print dialog preview [Tor Lillqvist] tdf#145361 Cannot convert to XHTML document containing list with line break [Noel Grandin, Xisco Fauli] tdf#145363 KDE Plasma: Enters loop when editing bullet style [Jan-Marek Glogowski, Caolán McNamara] tdf#145371 Global Array of defined user type : values lost [Andreas Heinisch] tdf#145377 Crash in: SvxScriptErrorDialog::ShowDialog(SvxScriptErrorDialog *,void *) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#145386 bogus lang-tag in status bar language selector [Eike Rathke] tdf#145391 Segfault importing Basic macros [Caolán McNamara] tdf#145398 Content overview in LO Help is wrong [Rafael Lima] tdf#145464 Crash when opening Digital signatures dialog from infobar (GTK3) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#145486 LO crashes with finalized ooSetupLastVersion [homeboy445] tdf#145496 Text is not wrapping in dialogs [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#145508 kf5: Assert hit when starting Impress presentation after e4abf879f4a24258bcc560eb58ca78b147768d46 [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#145511 FILESAVE to PPTX as read-only with additional password protection for editing not working [Tünde Tóth] tdf#145538 Use range based for loops [Harjot, Henrik Palomäki] tdf#145539 Convert string literals defined as const char[] in header files to constexpr OUStringLiteral [Jeff Huang] tdf#145567 Crash when click "File > Open" if previously a Draw document is opened via Writer and closed [Caolán McNamara] tdf#145582 Query → Edit in SQL-View treats file as changed when no changes have occurred [Caolán McNamara] tdf#145584 Writer crashes on exporting as PDF with its Range in PDF Options set to 'Selection' [Julien Nabet, Xisco Fauli] tdf#145610 The numbering of numbered list doesn't show when changing bulleted for numbered list [Vasily Melenchuk] tdf#145611 CRASH: Inserting page breaks and undoing [Attila Szűcs] tdf#145617 Documentation for CINT%: inappropriate, incomplete and misleading [Mike Kaganski] tdf#145621 Crash swlo!IDocumentMarkAccess::IsLegalPaMForCrossRefHeadingBookmark+0x2681 at overwriting certain area [Michael Stahl] tdf#145640 CALC Update references when sorting on an autofiltered range of cells evaluates incorrectly [Eike Rathke, Xisco Fauli] tdf#145645 calc: pivot table popdown don't dismiss when menu item selected [Caolán McNamara] tdf#145655 Add animation button only has the "Add" label [Caolán McNamara] tdf#145663 Not possible to turn light off in '3D View' dialog of a 3D chart [Caolán McNamara] tdf#145670 1.15 Line Spacing Icon in Format Menu is Missing [Rizal Muttaqin] tdf#145672 "Export Preview PDF" Need Icons [Rizal Muttaqin] tdf#145684 UI: Image deck is below 'effect' and shadow in draw [Heiko Tietze] tdf#145694 Fontwork doesn't show 'soft edge' and glow effects side panel [Szymon Kłos] tdf#145711 Error 1324: The Folder Path Contains an Invalid Character (Adobe Japan1/H) [Mike Kaganski] tdf#145714 in Base, the mediumblob MySQL fields are shown as Text[VARCHAR] - no mysql connector native driver support for MEDIUMBLOB datatype. [Julien Nabet] tdf#145718 DOCX import: support MoveTo/MoveFrom completely [László Németh] tdf#145719 ODT import/Changes In Margin mode: recognize text moving [László Németh] tdf#145721 sign tracked text moving not only with green text color + double strikethrough/underline, but in tooltips and Track Changes dialog box [László Németh] tdf#145725 Under Option VBAsupport 1 the RGB() wrongly interchanges the values for Red and Blue. [Julien Nabet] tdf#145731 CRASH: Closing document [Julien Nabet, Xisco Fauli] tdf#145748 Text boxes have black background with Skia on macOS [Luboš Luňák] tdf#145769 "File already exists" warning when trying to save new file to WebDAV share [Michael Stahl] tdf#145786 Crash in: Gtk-CRITICAL when attempting to change color palette (UI, Sidebar) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#145801 Different heights of sidebar content panel title elements [Heiko Tietze] tdf#145804 Wrong numbering style shown for predefined Heading styles [Caolán McNamara] tdf#145821 Layout divergence between GTK3 and Windows (gen) in Paragraph dialog / Outline & List tab [Heiko Tietze] tdf#145828 Cell line width applied by uno:SetBorderStyle should be the same as in "Format Cells" menu [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#145831 Typo in Portable Network Graphics string [Andrea Gelmini] tdf#145833 Remove ITEMVALMEASURETEXTTYPES part in SdrMeasureTextHPosItem [Julien Nabet] tdf#145840 UI Secure connection box reset incorrectly when opening&closing Edit Services dialog [Caolán McNamara] tdf#145842 UI Canceling Delete from WebDAV server makes files disappear from Remote files dialog [Caolán McNamara] tdf#145852 Printing with printer preselected no longer works (BASIC macro) [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#145863 Crash when click on autofilter dropdown, cancel and then click on the dropdown again [Caolán McNamara] tdf#145864 Submenus in Autofilter Dropdown requires double-click to expand, while in previous versions only single-click is needed [Caolán McNamara] tdf#145874 FILESAVE: PDF: gradient switch colors [Julien Nabet]