+ core
    + "Official" TDF Mac builds are done w/o ext-wiki-publisher [Stephan Bergmann]
    + # Determining bMail was accidentally inverted (fdo#74366, fdo#38838) [Stephan Bergmann]
    + -Werror,-Wunused-variable [Stephan Bergmann]
    + add OnItemDblClicked and setOpenTemplateHdl in templateSearchView (fdo#65430) [Joren De Cuyper]
    + adjust PackageInfo for zip files [Bjoern Michaelsen]
    + allow long labels to line break [Caolán McNamara]
    + allow to codesign on Mac OS X Mavericks [Christian Lohmaier]
    + and set a minimum size to start center (fdo#65826, fdo#73605) [Zolnai Tamás]
    + avoid calling MarkDataChanged() when nothing is selected. (fdo#73606) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + avoid excessive and unnecessary heap allocation of array objects. (fdo#73606) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + avoid excessive building of escaped sheet names. (fdo#74516) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + avoid putting these cells in formula tree prematurely. (fdo#69244) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + backport Message dialog creation from message strings (fdo#73904, fdo#74104) [Caolán McNamara]
    + branch libreoffice-4-2-1 [Christian Lohmaier]
    + broadcast cells on undoing of "cut". (fdo#74014) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + broadcast changes during undo and redo after paste. (fdo#74014) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + broadcast here.... (fdo#74014) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + bump product version to [Christian Lohmaier]
    + bump product version to [Christian Lohmaier]
    + cairo canvas: Zero font's width means "the same as height". [Jan Holesovsky]
    + change the default color for reference border to non-red. (fdo#73263) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + CMYK labels are switched (fdo#73970) [Julien Nabet]
    + codesign: do not sign stuff that is inside the bundled python [Norbert Thiebaud]
    + configure: check for ICE and SM libraries too [Michael Stahl]
    + configure: ENABLE_NPAPI_FROM_BROWSER requires Xt library [Michael Stahl]
    + configure: we need both cups header and library [Michael Stahl]
    + correct export of User Variable Input Fields (i#124178, fdo#74780) [Oliver-Rainer Wittmann]
    + corrected Estonian [et-EE] quote characters [Mihkel Tõnnov]
    + correctly calculate the first edit cell row position. (fdo#72470) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + correctly handle note captions life cycles. (fdo#74556) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + coverity gold, Uninitialized m_refCount (coverity#707771) [Caolán McNamara]
    + create statement before execute/wasNull/getBoolean (fdo#37167) [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + dbaccess: ODF export: set "Version" property on target Storage [Michael Stahl]
    + default(Date|Time) is a UNO struct now (fdo#67235, fdo#69652) [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + dereference after null check (coverity#1169826) [Caolán McNamara]
    + designate which elements should shrink when limited width [Caolán McNamara]
    + do not loop 30 million cells to find a non-empty row [Eike Rathke]
    + do not reference a dangling OUString [Stephan Bergmann]
    + do not remove too much from the path (rhbz#1017379, fdo#33852) [David Tardon]
    + don't attempt to copy more than a string has to offer (fdo#74042) [Maxim Monastirsky]
    + don't bother with synonyms for text with mixed script types. (fdo#46707) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + don't drag around and use an uninitialized variable. (fdo#74519) [Michael Meeks]
    + don't forget clear the edit engine before re-using it. (fdo#74535) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + don't forget to receive returned object from for_each. (fdo#73986) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + don't set JAVA_HOME on Mac OS X [Stephan Bergmann]
    + don't unduly delay Bridge termination (fdo#56511) [Stephan Bergmann]
    + edit->changes->show has empty filter settings [Caolán McNamara]
    + EMF+: Only draw endcap outline if not filled, fix endcap scaling. [Andrzej Hunt]
    + ensure that all note objects have an sdr object before exporting. (fdo#74325) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + ensure that all the group fields are in cache upon file load. (fdo#72774) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + ensure that vector array has a numeric array of NaN's for empty range. [Kohei Yoshida]
    + ensure that we have non-null pointer to ScColumn. (fdo#74507) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + ensure that we import all tab settings from Excel. (fdo#73484) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + environment variables can contain >127 characters [Andras Timar]
    + failed to recognized Heading 6-Export to MediaWiki (fdo#74820) [Julien Nabet]
    + fastparser: avoid boost::optional where it is un-necessary. [Michael Meeks]
    + firebird XParameters::setString truncate to 65535 characters (fdo#74160) [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + fix auto correct of initial capitals on start of first para (fdo#74363) [Michael Stahl]
    + fix bogus mass-conversion equalsAsciiL -> startsWith [Stephan Bergmann]
    + fix build [David Tardon]
    + fix buttons in Custom animation toolbar (fdo#62082) [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
    + fix crash during file format detection, related (i#101863) [Markus Mohrhard]
    + fix crash during xls import, related (fdo#36580) [Markus Mohrhard]
    + fix crash on abi2010-1.doc example (fdo#72733) [Caolán McNamara]
    + fix deadlocks in librdf_Repository (fdo#72928) [Michael Stahl]
    + fix editable combo-boxes behavior under KDE4 (fdo#72521, fdo#73103) [Maxim Monastirsky]
    + fix for "General input/output error" while opening file (fdo#72786, fdo#68211) [Tushar Bende]
    + fix for corruption of symbols in docx (fdo#72219) [Rohit Deshmukh]
    + fix import crash related to ooo94186 [Markus Mohrhard]
    + fix quoted printable encoding bug in internal Python (fdo#70796) [Andras Timar]
    + fix unlocalized redline menu (fdo#74119) [Andras Timar]
    + FixedText (label) is implemented as no value (fdo#69873) [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + gbuild: AutoInstall: add support for ComponentCondition (fdo#74495) [Michael Stahl]
    + gbuild: UnoApi: fix rebuilds after IDL changes [Michael Stahl]
    + generate correct group items for the year group. (fdo#72774) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + generate escaped sheet names after the grammer is set. (fdo#74512) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + give an identifier to the app_bundle itself [Norbert Thiebaud]
    + give MSVC a hint to not break the build, related (fdo#74042) [Eike Rathke]
    + GPU Calc: mask formulae that aren't supported well on some OpenCL platforms [haochen]
    + GPU Calc: support reduction kernel in AVERAGE [haochen]
    + guard against null pointer access on LRU function list, (fdo#60036) [Eike Rathke]
    + implement KDE4 picker notifications (fdo#72187) [Jan-Marek Glogowski]
    + improper use of negative value (coverity#1130443) [Caolán McNamara]
    + in autodetected a11y HC mode, pull background color from theme (fdo#71511, fdo#35365) [Bjoern Michaelsen]
    + insert the border rectangle to the bottom of the stack. (fdo#72005) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + instdir/program/senddoc lacks executable mode bits [Stephan Bergmann]
    + keep the standard row height situation under control. [Kohei Yoshida]
    + let the list of bookmarks in the 'Edit bookmarks' dialog be resizable [Ulrich Kitzinger]
    + let's not shift the note twice. Once is enough. (fdo#74273) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + librdf_Repository: fix missing mutex lock in various destructors [Michael Stahl]
    + libxml2: don't grow dependency on liblzma if that happens to be installed [Michael Stahl]
    + libxmlsec: openssl conditional was accidentally inverted [Michael Stahl]
    + make all UIName localizable for filters [Fridrich Å trba]
    + make some items in the filter dialogs translatable. (fdo#73799) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + make strings localizable in *.ui (bin/ui-translatable.sh) [Andras Timar]
    + make the software interpreter selection stick in the UI. (fdo#73408) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + mbTiledRendering is uninitialized [Caolán McNamara]
    + more on broadcasting at appropriate places. (fdo#74014) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + no need to incremenet nRow here... It's just plain wrong. (fdo#74414) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + nPDescPos is never read (i#86296) [Stephan Bergmann]
    + ODF export: write stroke and fill color in graphic defaults (fdo#74230) [Michael Stahl]
    + OK to add optional bases to published old-style services [Stephan Bergmann]
    + only adjust tokens for top formula cells of formula group. (fdo#74453) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + only pick cell notes for that sheet, and skip the rest. (fdo#74521) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + oops. We don't want to leak here. [Kohei Yoshida]
    + overhaul cell borders to make them look sane. (fdo#73886, fdo#73487) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + plenty of space in the empty cell that can be used [Caolán McNamara]
    + prefer exact matches before case guess matching (fdo#61251) [Caolán McNamara]
    + presumably "eType ==" is missing here [Stephan Bergmann]
    + put only document (file) name in window title on OS X (fdo#70376) [Tor Lillqvist]
    + put these col entries back as rows again [Caolán McNamara]
    + re-intern shared strings copied between documents (fdo#74622) [Eike Rathke]
    + related forgot to 'unlink' setOpenTemplateHdl (fdo#65430) [Joren De Cuyper]
    + related Java on Mac doesn't use javaldx/library path fiddling (fdo#74597) [Stephan Bergmann]
    + related Set StartCenter's min width to display one column of docs (fdo#65826) [Zolnai Tamás]
    + related: Area tab page: prevent default gradient/hatch/bitmap (fdo#74230) [Michael Stahl]
    + related: conditional formatting doesn't fit on screen (rhbz#1047871) [Caolán McNamara]
    + remove unused private member: pAccExec [Zolnai Tamás]
    + reorganize opt view page to shrink neatly [Caolán McNamara]
    + replace '\n' to ' ' in fields (e.g. multiline headings) (fdo#74489) [Andras Timar]
    + reset (Multi)Selection on Clear() (fdo#51180) [Lionel Elie Mamane]
    + revert "Disable LTO for now - suspected cause of ." (fdo#73464) [Michael Stahl]
    + revert "Improve Spreadsheet performance ..." (i#121136, fdo#74194) [Eike Rathke]
    + RTF import: fix handling of font color from paragraph style [Miklos Vajna]
    + RTF import: fix memory leak (abi#2128, fdo#66011, cp#1000018) [Miklos Vajna]
    + sd: fix mis-detection of Visio files as PPT (fdo#73363) [Michael Stahl]
    + SDK settings.mk: Don't guess PLATFORM/PROCTYPE, and fix Mac OS X 64 bit [Stephan Bergmann]
    + SdrPageView::DrawLayer(): hack to avoid spuriously visible images (fdo#74435, fdo#73300) [Michael Stahl]
    + select elements that are to shrink when not enough space [Caolán McNamara]
    + set the bg color of the editeng from the text shape (fdo#35779) [Caolán McNamara]
    + sfx2: fix crash when editing template (fdo#74148) [Michael Stahl]
    + specify that grid color listbox can shrink... [Caolán McNamara]
    + specify which elements can shrink [Caolán McNamara]
    + startcenter: display more userfriendly file urls in tooltips (fdo#72947) [Zolnai Tamás]
    + startcenter: Don't cut off the thumbnails. [Jan Holesovsky]
    + startcenter: double click opens file only once [Zolnai Tamás]
    + startcenter: handle file urls and non-file urls on a different way (fdo#72947) [Zolnai Tamás]
    + startcenter: ignore repeated clicks inside recent docs view [Zolnai Tamás]
    + startcenter: Show busy mouse pointer when starting apps. (fdo#72338) [Jan Holesovsky]
    + stop condition reversed, sigh [Caolán McNamara]
    + stray FOO [Caolán McNamara]
    + stretch label to fill vertically for long text [Caolán McNamara]
    + support 8430x11700 jpegs (fdo#74051) [Caolán McNamara]
    + sw: don't swap in all images when loading files (fdo#73300) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: fix copy/paste of cross references (fdo#63553) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: fix Label wizard document creation (2 in 1) (fdo#74474) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: fix table cell Unprotect (fdo#67238) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: GraphicObjects are never swapped out (fdo#73300) [Michael Stahl]
    + sw: layout should never care about IsFirstShared() (fdo#68876) [Michael Stahl]
    + swap button order in ui to match typical reality [Caolán McNamara]
    + swap entries to optional checkbox is on last row [Caolán McNamara]
    + template manager-store selection before calling dialog (fdo#74506, fdo#74291) [Joren De Cuyper]
    + the end position is inclusive. (fdo#74323) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + these checkboxes should be indented to indicate their level [Caolán McNamara]
    + this search algorithm had another issue. This fixes it. (fdo#74209) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + treat empty cells as if they have a value of 0. (fdo#74479) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + trendline: correct R^2 for forced intercept (fdo#73374) [Laurent Balland-Poirier]
    + trigger update User Fields... (i#124179) [Oliver-Rainer Wittmann]
    + tweak autocaption option page to shrink nicely [Caolán McNamara]
    + tweak button order for alien warn dialog [Caolán McNamara]
    + typo decendant => descendant in winaccessibility/MAccessible [Julien Nabet]
    + ucb: fix inverted condition in webdav lcl_sendPartialGETRequest [Michael Stahl]
    + update mdds to 0.10.2 which fixes one crasher bug. (fdo#74824) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + updated core (fdo#74119) [Christian Lohmaier, Olivier R, Martin Srebotnjak, Zolnai Tamás, Andras Timar]
    + upload libabw 0.0.2 [David Tardon]
    + upload libetonyek-0.0.3 [David Tardon]
    + upload libodfgen-0.0.4 [David Tardon]
    + upload new libe-book [David Tardon]
    + use internal API to fill dxf styles during xlsx import. (cp#100030) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + use sal_Int32 to satisfy oox/helper/helper.hxx's convertLittleEndian [Douglas Mencken]
    + use the shared formula column position Excel tells you... (fdo#74553) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + vcl: GTK+ file picker: fix non-grouped filter patterns (fdo#44270) [Michael Stahl]
    + vcl: try to fix sizes in ImplBlendToBitmap (related: (fdo#74226) [Michael Stahl]
    + version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier]
    + WaE: macro is not used [Tor Lillqvist]
    + WaE: variable 'itResEnd' set but not used [Tor Lillqvist]
    + why!? (fdo#73281) [Kohei Yoshida]
    + wordlist truncated on left (fdo#74057) [Caolán McNamara]
    + wrong title, copied and paste from its neighbour [Caolán McNamara]
+ dictionaries
    + update French dictionary (v5.0.1) [Olivier R]
+ help
    + startcenter: help button point to local/wiki help, help part (fdo#72420) [Zolnai Tamás]
    + startcenter: make all helpid point to startcenter's main help page (fdo#72420) [Zolnai Tamás]
+ translations
    + fix unlocalized redline menu (fdo#74119) [Andras Timar]
    + update translations for 4.2.1 rc1 [Christian Lohmaier]
    + updated Slovenian translation [Andras Timar]