Copyright (C) 1994, 1996, PictureTel Corporation
                                           222 Rosewood Dr.
                                           Danvers, MA  01923

              See accompanying copyright and license information file

Description of the "Deadline" sequence:

The "Deadline" sequence consists of 1374 CIF and QCIF frames and the
corresponding 16 bit digital audio.  The audio is not exactly synchronized
with the video.  The audio data extends temporally to either side of the
video data.


Each frame of the video sequence has its own filename, starting with:

  deadline_0001.yuv  and  deadline_qcif_0001.yuv

and ending with:

  deadline_1374.yuv  and  deadline_qcif_1374.yuv

Each frame is separated into its Y, Cb, and Cr components.  At the beginning
of each frame file, the 352 x 288 values for Y are found.  Following these
values are found the 176 x 144 Cb values, and then the 176 x 144 Cr values.
The file format for QCIF is the same as CIF other than image size parameters.
Each value is stored in a single unsigned byte with the luma information
ranging from 16 (black) to 235 (white), and the chroma information ranging
from 16 to 240. No headers exist in the files.


The audio file "deadline_audio" contains 48.36 seconds of 16 bit uniformly-
quantized PCM digital audio. The original source was an analog Betacam-SP
monophonic recording which was digitized at a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz.  The 
left and right channels (both containing the same information) are interleaved,
the left channel arriving first.  Extra audio (longer than the video sequence)
is provided to aid in the resynchronization process.  No header exists in the 