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<title>XSPF: XML Shareable Playlist Format: About Us</title>
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	<h1>About Us</h1>

	<p>Our group started work in February 2004, achieved rough
	consensus on version 0 in April 2004, did implementations and
	fine tuning throughout summer and fall 2004, and declared the
	tuned version to be version 1 in January 2005.  During the
	spring of 2005 we settled into a permanent home at <a
	href="http://xiph.org">Xiph.org</a>.  Between August and
	November of 2006 we unfroze the version 1 document for a final
	round of improvements to the drafting and formatting, limiting
	changes to those which did not require any implementation to
	be modified.</p>

	<p>Ian C. Rogers and Robert Kaye bootstrapped our project.  Dave
	Brown, Dan Brickley, and Kevin Marks contributed ideas which had a
	strong influence on architecture and syntax. Sebastian Pipping and Ivo
	Emanuel Gonçalves were the drivers behind the 2006 revisions.
	Sebastian Pipping created the online validator.  Lucas Gonze,
	Bjorn Wijers and Sebastian Pipping maintain web resources like the
	applications and extensions directories.   Lucas Gonze, Matthias Friedrich, and
	Robert Kaye authored the specification documents. </p>

	<p>We are grateful for comments and feedback from Ryan Shaw,
	Alf Eaton, Steve Gedikian, Russell Garrett, Ben Tesch and Pau
	Garcia i Quiles.  Special thanks to the developers Tomas
	Franzén (who participated in our work from the very
	beginning), Jim Garrison, Brander Lien, Fabricio Zuardi
	and to everyone who contributed their time and skill on the
	mailing list and wiki.</p>

	<p>We are grateful to the Metabrainz foundation for their
	continuing generosity.  We are in awe of Fabricio Zuardi, who
	popularized the format by creating <a
	href="http://musicplayer.sourceforge.net">a player</a> which
	became a runaway hit.</p>

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