
Return/control aspects of the grains data

salt.modules.grains.append(key, val, convert=False, delimiter=':')

New in version 0.17.0.

Append a value to a list in the grains config file. If the grain doesn't exist, the grain key is added and the value is appended to the new grain as a list item.

The grain key to be appended to
The value to append to the grain key
  • convert -- If convert is True, convert non-list contents into a list. If convert is False and the grain contains non-list contents, an error is given. Defaults to False.
  • delimiter -- The key can be a nested dict key. Use this parameter to specify the delimiter you use. You can now append values to a list in nested dictionnary grains. If the list doesn't exist at this level, it will be created. .. versionadded:: 2014.7.6

CLI Example:

salt '*' grains.append key val
salt.modules.grains.delval(key, destructive=False)

New in version 0.17.0.

Delete a grain from the grains config file

Parameters:destructive -- Delete the key, too. Defaults to False.

CLI Example:

salt '*' grains.delval key
salt.modules.grains.filter_by(lookup_dict, grain='os_family', merge=None, default='default')

New in version 0.17.0.

Look up the given grain in a given dictionary for the current OS and return the result

Although this may occasionally be useful at the CLI, the primary intent of this function is for use in Jinja to make short work of creating lookup tables for OS-specific data. For example:

{% set apache = salt['grains.filter_by']({
    'Debian': {'pkg': 'apache2', 'srv': 'apache2'},
    'RedHat': {'pkg': 'httpd', 'srv': 'httpd'},
}), default='Debian' %}

    - name: {{ apache.pkg }}
    - name: {{ apache.srv }}

Values in the lookup table may be overridden by values in Pillar. An example Pillar to override values in the example above could be as follows:

    pkg: apache_13
    srv: apache

The call to filter_by() would be modified as follows to reference those Pillar values:

{% set apache = salt['grains.filter_by']({
}, merge=salt['pillar.get']('apache:lookup')) %}
  • lookup_dict -- A dictionary, keyed by a grain, containing a value or values relevant to systems matching that grain. For example, a key could be the grain for an OS and the value could the name of a package on that particular OS.
  • grain -- The name of a grain to match with the current system's grains. For example, the value of the "os_family" grain for the current system could be used to pull values from the lookup_dict dictionary.
  • merge -- A dictionary to merge with the lookup_dict before doing the lookup. This allows Pillar to override the values in the lookup_dict. This could be useful, for example, to override the values for non-standard package names such as when using a different Python version from the default Python version provided by the OS (e.g., python26-mysql instead of python-mysql).
  • default --

    default lookup_dict's key used if the grain does not exists or if the grain value has no match on lookup_dict.

    New in version 2014.1.0.

CLI Example:

salt '*' grains.filter_by '{Debian: Debheads rule, RedHat: I love my hat}'
# this one will render {D: {E: I, G: H}, J: K}
salt '*' grains.filter_by '{A: B, C: {D: {E: F,G: H}}}' 'xxx' '{D: {E: I},J: K}' 'C'
salt.modules.grains.get(key, default='', delimiter=':')

Attempt to retrieve the named value from grains, if the named value is not available return the passed default. The default return is an empty string.

The value can also represent a value in a nested dict using a ":" delimiter for the dict. This means that if a dict in grains looks like this:

{'pkg': {'apache': 'httpd'}}

To retrieve the value associated with the apache key in the pkg dict this key can be passed:


Specify an alternate delimiter to use when traversing a nested dict

New in version 2014.7.0.

CLI Example:

salt '*' grains.get pkg:apache
salt.modules.grains.get_or_set_hash(name, length=8, chars='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%^&*(-_=+)')

Perform a one-time generation of a hash and write it to the local grains. If that grain has already been set return the value instead.

This is useful for generating passwords or keys that are specific to a single minion that don't need to be stored somewhere centrally.

State Example:

    - present
    - host: localhost
    - password: {{ salt['grains.get_or_set_hash']('mysql:some_mysql_user') }}

CLI Example:

salt '*' grains.get_or_set_hash 'django:SECRET_KEY' 50


This function could return strings which may contain characters which are reserved as directives by the YAML parser, such as strings beginning with %. To avoid issues when using the output of this function in an SLS file containing YAML+Jinja, surround the call with single quotes.


Determine whether a named value exists in the grains dictionary.

Given a grains dictionary that contains the following structure:

{'pkg': {'apache': 'httpd'}}

One would determine if the apache key in the pkg dict exists by:


CLI Example:

salt '*' grains.has_value pkg:apache
salt.modules.grains.item(*args, **kwargs)

Return one or more grains

CLI Example:

salt '*' grains.item os
salt '*' grains.item os osrelease oscodename

Sanitized CLI Example:

salt '*' grains.item host sanitize=True

Return all of the minion's grains

CLI Example:

salt '*' grains.items

Sanitized CLI Example:

salt '*' grains.items sanitize=True

Return a list of all available grains

CLI Example:

salt '*'
salt.modules.grains.remove(key, val)

New in version 0.17.0.

Remove a value from a list in the grains config file

CLI Example:

salt '*' grains.remove key val
salt.modules.grains.setval(key, val, destructive=False)

Set a grains value in the grains config file

Parameters:Destructive -- If an operation results in a key being removed, delete the key, too. Defaults to False.

CLI Example:

salt '*' grains.setval key val
salt '*' grains.setval key "{'sub-key': 'val', 'sub-key2': 'val2'}"
salt.modules.grains.setvals(grains, destructive=False)

Set new grains values in the grains config file

Parameters:Destructive -- If an operation results in a key being removed, delete the key, too. Defaults to False.

CLI Example:

salt '*' grains.setvals "{'key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2'}"