Sentry Logging Handler

New in version 0.17.0.

This module provides a Sentry logging handler.


The Raven library needs to be installed on the system for this logging handler to be available.

Configuring the python Sentry client, Raven, should be done under the sentry_handler configuration key. At the bare minimum, you need to define the DSN. As an example:

  dsn: https://pub-key:[email protected]/app-id

More complex configurations can be achieved, for example:

  project: app-id
  public_key: deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef
  secret_key: beefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdead

All the client configuration keys are supported, please see the Raven client documentation.

The default logging level for the sentry handler is ERROR. If you wish to define a different one, define log_level under the sentry_handler configuration key:

  dsn: https://pub-key:[email protected]/app-id
  log_level: warning

The available log levels are those also available for the salt cli tools and configuration; salt --help should give you the required information.

Threaded Transports

Raven's documents rightly suggest using its threaded transport for critical applications. However, don't forget that if you start having troubles with Salt after enabling the threaded transport, please try switching to a non-threaded transport to see if that fixes your problem.