Salt Cloud

Provision systems on cloud providers / hypervisors and immediately bring them under management.

Getting Started

Salt Cloud is built-in to Salt and is configured on and executed from your Salt Master.

Define a Profile

The first step is to add the credentials for your cloud provider. Credentials and provider settings are stored in provider configuration files. Provider configurations contain the details needed to connect, and any global options that you want set on your cloud minions (such as the location of your Salt Master).

On your Salt Master, browse to /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ and create a file called <provider>.provider.conf, replacing <provider> with ec2, softlayer, and so on. The name helps you identify the contents, and is not important as long as the file ends in .conf.

Next, browse to the Provider specifics and add any required settings for your provider to this file. Here is an example for Amazon EC2:

  provider: ec2
  # Set the EC2 access credentials (see below)
  key: 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn'
  # Make sure this key is owned by root with permissions 0400.
  private_key: /etc/salt/my_test_key.pem
  keyname: my_test_key
  securitygroup: default
  # Optional: Set up the location of the Salt Master

The required configuration varies between providers so make sure you read the provider specifics.

List Cloud Provider Options

You can now query the cloud provider you configured for available locations, images, and sizes. This information is used when you set up VM profiles.

salt-cloud --list-locations <provider_name>  # my-ec2 in the previous example
salt-cloud --list-images <provider_name>
salt-cloud --list-sizes <provider_name>

Replace <provider_name> with the name of the provider configuration you defined.

Create VM Profiles

On your Salt Master, browse to /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/ and create a file called <provider>.profiles.conf, replacing <provider> with ec2, softlayer, and so on. The file must end in .conf.

You can now add any custom profiles you'd like to define to this file. Here are a few examples:

  provider: my-ec2
  image: ami-d514f291
  size: t1.micro

  provider: my-ec2
  image: ami-d514f291
  size: m3.medium

  provider: my-ec2
  image: ami-d514f291
  size: m3.large

Notice that the provider in our profile matches the provider name that we defined? That is how Salt Cloud knows how to connect to create a VM with these attributes.

Create VMs

VMs are created by calling salt-cloud with the following options:

salt-cloud -p <profile> <name1> <name2> ...

For example:

salt-cloud -p micro_ec2 minion1 minion2

Destroy VMs

Add a -d and the minion name you provided to destroy:

salt-cloud -d minion1 minion2

Query VMs

You can view details about the VMs you've created using --query:

salt-cloud --query

Cloud Provider Specifics