A module to pull data from Foreman via its API into the Pillar dictionary
Set the following Salt config to setup Foreman as external pillar source:
- foreman:
key: foreman # Nest results within this key
only: ['hostgroup_name', 'parameters'] # Add only these keys to pillar
foreman.url: https://example.com/foreman_api
foreman.user: username # default is admin
foreman.password: password # default is changeme
The following options are optional:
foreman.api: apiversion # default is 2 (1 is not supported yet)
foreman.verifyssl: False # default is True
foreman.certfile: /etc/ssl/certs/mycert.pem # default is None
foreman.keyfile: /etc/ssl/private/mykey.pem # default is None
foreman.cafile: /etc/ssl/certs/mycert.ca.pem # default is None
foreman.lookup_parameters: True # default is True
An alternative would be to use the Foreman modules integrating Salt features in the Smart Proxy and the webinterface.
Further information can be found on Github.