Salt (stable) is currently available via the Arch Linux Official repositories. There are currently -git packages available in the Arch User repositories (AUR) as well.
Install Salt stable releases from the Arch Linux Official repositories as follows:
pacman -S salt-zmq
To install Salt stable releases using the RAET protocol
use the following:
pacman -S salt-raet
To install the bleeding edge version of Salt (may include bugs!), use the -git package. Installing the -git package as follows:
tar xf salt-git.tar.gz
cd salt-git/
makepkg -is
If a tool such as Yaourt is used, the dependencies will be gathered and built automatically.
The command to install salt using the yaourt tool is:
yaourt salt-git
Activate the Salt Master and/or Minion via systemctl
as follows:
systemctl enable salt-master.service
systemctl enable salt-minion.service
Start the Master
Once you've completed all of these steps you're ready to start your Salt Master. You should be able to start your Salt Master now using the command seen here:
systemctl start salt-master
Now go to the Configuring Salt page.