PR #23806: (kiorky) Lxc seeding
| refs: #23807
@ 2015-05-18T23:18:33Z
- ff3cc7d Merge pull request #23806 from makinacorpus/lxc_seeding
- 61b7aad runners/lxc: optim
PR #23892: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-18T23:07:57Z
- PR #23891: (basepi) Update the release notes index page
- PR #23888: (basepi) Update the 2014.7.6 release notes with CVE details
- PR #23871: (rallytime) Backport #23848 to 2014.7
- PR #23848: (dumol) Updated installation docs for SLES 12.
| refs: #23871
- 5f1a93d Merge pull request #23892 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- c2eed77 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- 17c5810 Merge pull request #23891 from basepi/releasenotes
- dec153b Update the release notes index page
- a93e58f Merge pull request #23888 from basepi/v2014.7.6release
- 49921b6 Update the 2014.7.6 release notes with CVE details
- 5073028 Merge pull request #23871 from rallytime/bp-23848
- 379c09c Updated for SLES 12.
PR #23875: (rallytime) Backport #23838 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-18T22:28:55Z
- PR #23838: (gtmanfred) add refresh_beacons and sync_beacons
| refs: #23875
- 66d1335 Merge pull request #23875 from rallytime/bp-23838
- 3174227 Add versionadded directives to new beacon saltutil functions
- 4a94b2c add refresh_beacons and sync_beacons
PR #23876: (rallytime) Switch digital ocean tests to v2 driver
@ 2015-05-18T22:17:13Z
- d294cf2 Merge pull request #23876 from rallytime/switch_digital_ocean_tests_v2
- dce9b54 Remove extra line
- 4acf58e Switch digital ocean tests to v2 driver
PR #23882: (garethgreenaway) Fixes to scheduler in 2015.5
@ 2015-05-18T22:09:24Z
- ISSUE #23792: (neogenix) Salt Scheduler Incorrect Response (True, should be False)
| refs: #23882
- b97a48c Merge pull request #23882 from garethgreenaway/23792_2015_5_wrong_return_code
- 37dbde6 Job already exists in schedule, should return False.
PR #23868: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-18T18:35:54Z
- ISSUE #20198: (jcftang) virt.get_graphics, virt.get_nics are broken, in turn breaking other things
| refs: #23809
- PR #23823: (gtmanfred) add link local for ipv6
- PR #23810: (rallytime) Backport #23757 to 2014.7
- PR #23809: (rallytime) Fix virtualport section of virt.get_nics loop
- PR #23802: (gtmanfred) if it is ipv6 ip_to_int will fail
- PR #23757: (clan) use abspath, do not eliminating symlinks
| refs: #23810
- PR #23573: (techhat) Scan all available networks for public and private IPs
| refs: #23802
- PR #21487: (rallytime) Backport #21469 to 2014.7
| refs: #23809
- PR #21469: (vdesjardins) fixes #20198: virt.get_graphics and virt.get_nics calls in module virt
| refs: #21487
- 61c922e Merge pull request #23868 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- c9ed233 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- aee00c8 Merge pull request #23810 from rallytime/bp-23757
- fb32c32 use abspath, do not eliminating symlinks
- 6b3352b Merge pull request #23809 from rallytime/virt_get_nics_fix
- 0616fb7 Fix virtualport section of virt.get_nics loop
- 188f03f Merge pull request #23823 from gtmanfred/2014.7
- 5ef006d add link local for ipv6
- f3ca682 Merge pull request #23802 from gtmanfred/2014.7
- 2da98b5 if it is ipv6 ip_to_int will fail
PR #23863: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit test
@ 2015-05-18T17:02:19Z
- 433f873 Merge pull request #23863 from rahulhan/states_timezone_unit_test
- 72fcabc Adding states/ unit test
PR #23862: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests
@ 2015-05-18T17:02:10Z
- 37b3ee5 Merge pull request #23862 from rahulhan/states_tomcat_unit_test
- 65d7752 Adding states/ unit tests
PR #23860: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests
@ 2015-05-18T17:01:49Z
- dde7207 Merge pull request #23860 from rahulhan/states_test_unit_test
- 1f4cf86 Adding states/ unit tests
PR #23859: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests
@ 2015-05-18T17:01:46Z
- 3c9b813 Merge pull request #23859 from rahulhan/states_sysrc_unit_test
- 6a903b0 Adding states/ unit tests
PR #23812: (rallytime) Backport #23790 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-18T15:30:34Z
- PR #23790: (aboe76) updated suse spec file to version 2015.5.0
| refs: #23812
- 4cf30a7 Merge pull request #23812 from rallytime/bp-23790
- 3f65631 updated suse spec file to version 2015.5.0
PR #23811: (rallytime) Backport #23786 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-18T15:30:27Z
- PR #23786: (kaithar) Log the error generated that causes returns.mysql.returner to except.
| refs: #23811
- c6f939a Merge pull request #23811 from rallytime/bp-23786
- 346f30b Log the error generated that causes returns.mysql.returner to except.
PR #23850: (jayeshka) adding sysbench unit test case
@ 2015-05-18T15:28:04Z
- ce60582 Merge pull request #23850 from jayeshka/sysbench-unit-test
- 280abde adding sysbench unit test case
PR #23843: (The-Loeki) Fix erroneous virtual:physical core grain detection
@ 2015-05-18T15:24:22Z
- 060902f Merge pull request #23843 from The-Loeki/patch-1
- 9e2cf60 Fix erroneous virtual:physical core grain detection
PR #23816: (Snergster) Doc for #23685 Added prereq, caution, and additional mask information
@ 2015-05-18T15:18:03Z
- ISSUE #23815: (Snergster) [beacons] inotify errors on subdir creation
| refs: #23816
- 3257a9b Merge pull request #23816 from Snergster/23685-doc-fix
- 0fca49d Added prereq, caution, and additional mask information
PR #23832: (ahus1) make saltify provider use standard boostrap procedure
@ 2015-05-18T02:18:29Z
- PR #23829: (ahus1) make saltify provider use standard boostrap procedure
| refs: #23832
- 3df3b85 Merge pull request #23832 from ahus1/ahus1_saltify_bootstrap_2015.5
- f5b1734 fixing problem in unit test
- cba47f6 make saltify to use standard boostrap procedure, therefore providing all options like master_sign_pub_file
PR #23791: (optix2000) Psutil compat
@ 2015-05-16T04:05:54Z
- 8ec4fb2 Merge pull request #23791 from optix2000/psutil_compat
- 5470cf5 Fix pylint errors and sloppy inline comments
- 64634b6 Update psutil.pid_list to use psutil.pids
- 5dd6d69 Fix imports that aren't in __all__
- 8a1da33 Fix test cases by mocking psutil_compat
- 558798d Fix net_io_counters deprecation issue
- 8140f92 Override unecessary pylint errors
- 7d02ad4 Fix some of the mock names for the new API
- 9b3023e Fix overloaded getters/setters. Fix line lengths
- 180eb87 Fix whitespace
- f8edf72 Use new psutil API in ps module
- e48982f Fix version checking in psutil_compat
- 93ee411 Create compatability psutil. psutil 3.0 drops 1.0 API, but we still support old psutil versions.
PR #23782: (terminalmage) Replace "command -v" with "which" and get rid of spurious log messages
@ 2015-05-16T04:03:10Z
- 405517b Merge pull request #23782 from terminalmage/issue23772
- 0f6f239 More ignore_retcode to suppress spurious log msgs
- b4c48e6 Ignore return code in lxc.attachable
- 08658c0 Replace "command -v" with "which"
PR #23783: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-15T21:38:51Z
- ISSUE #22959: (highlyunavailable) Windows Salt hangs if is trying to write to a drive that doesn't exist
- ISSUE #22332: (rallytime) [salt-ssh] Add a check for host in /etc/salt/roster
| refs: #23748
- ISSUE #16424: (stanvit) salt-run cloud.create fails with saltify
- PR #23748: (basepi) [2014.7] Log salt-ssh roster render errors more assertively and verbosely
- PR #23731: (twangboy) Fixes #22959: Trying to add a directory to an unmapped drive in windows
- PR #23730: (rallytime) Backport #23729 to 2014.7
- PR #23729: (rallytime) Partially merge #23437 (grains fix)
| refs: #23730
- PR #23688: (twangboy) Added inet_pton to utils/validate/ for ip.set_static_ip in windows
- PR #23488: (cellscape) LXC cloud fixes
- PR #23437: (cedwards) Grains item patch
| refs: #23729
- cb2eb40 Merge pull request #23783 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- 9df51ca __opts__.get
- 51d23ed Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- d9af0c3 Merge pull request #23488 from cellscape/lxc-cloud-fixes
- 64250a6 Remove profile from opts after creating LXC container
- c4047d2 Set destroy=True in opts when destroying cloud instance
- 9e1311a Store instance names in opts when performing cloud action
- 934bc57 Correctly pass custom env to lxc-attach
- 7fb85f7 Preserve test=True option in cloud states
- 9771b5a Fix detection of absent LXC container in cloud state
- fb24f0c Report failure when failed to create/clone LXC container
- 2d9aa2b Avoid shadowing variables in lxc module
- 792e102 Allow to override profile options in lxc.cloud_init_interface
- 42bd64b Return changes on successful lxc.create from salt-cloud
- 4409eab Return correct result when creating cloud LXC container
- 377015c Issue #16424: List all providers when creating salt-cloud instance without profile
- 808bbe1 Merge pull request #23748 from basepi/
- bc53e04 Log entire exception for render errors in roster
- 753de6a Log render errors in roster to error level
- e01a7a9 Always let the real YAML error through
- 72cf360 Merge pull request #23731 from twangboy/fix_22959
- 88e5495 Fixes #22959: Trying to add a directory to an unmapped drive in windows
- 2610195 Merge pull request #23730 from rallytime/bp-23729
- 1877cae adding support for nested grains to grains.item
- 3e9df88 Merge pull request #23688 from twangboy/fix_23415
- 6a91169 Fixed unused-import pylint error
- 5e25b3f fixed pylint errors
- 1a96766 Added inet_pton to utils/validate/ for ip.set_static_ip in windows
PR #23781: (jfindlay) fix unit test mock errors on arch
@ 2015-05-15T19:40:07Z
- 982f873 Merge pull request #23781 from jfindlay/fix_locale_tests
- 14c711e fix unit test mock errors on arch
PR #23740: (jfindlay) Binary write
@ 2015-05-15T18:10:44Z
- ISSUE #23566: (rks2286) Salt-cp corrupting the file after transfer to minion
| refs: #23740
- 916b1c4 Merge pull request #23740 from jfindlay/binary_write
- 626930a update incorrect comment wording
- a978f5c always use binary file write mode on windows
PR #23736: (jfindlay) always load pip execution module
@ 2015-05-15T18:10:16Z
- ISSUE #23682: (chrish42) Pip module requires system pip, even when not used (with env_bin)
| refs: #23736
- 348645e Merge pull request #23736 from jfindlay/fix_pip
- b8867a8 update pip tests
- 040bbc4 only check pip version in one place
- 6c453a5 check for executable status of bin_env
- 3337257 always load the pip module as pip could be anywhere
PR #23770: (cellscape) Fix cloud LXC container destruction
@ 2015-05-15T17:38:59Z
- 10cedfb Merge pull request #23770 from cellscape/fix-cloud-lxc-destruction
- 4f6021c Fix cloud LXC container destruction
PR #23759: (lisa2lisa) fixed the problem for not beable to revoke ., for more detail https…
@ 2015-05-15T17:38:38Z
PR #23769: (cellscape) Fix file_roots CA lookup in salt.utils.http.get_ca_bundle
@ 2015-05-15T16:21:49Z
- 10615ff Merge pull request #23769 from cellscape/utils-http-ca-file-roots
- 8e90f32 Fix file_roots CA lookup in salt.utils.http.get_ca_bundle
PR #23765: (jayeshka) adding states/makeconf unit test case
@ 2015-05-15T14:29:43Z
- fd8a1b7 Merge pull request #23765 from jayeshka/makeconf_states-unit-test
- 26e31af adding states/makeconf unit test case
PR #23760: (ticosax) [doc] document refresh argument
@ 2015-05-15T14:23:47Z
- ee13b08 Merge pull request #23760 from ticosax/2015.5
- e3ca859 document refresh argument
PR #23766: (jayeshka) adding svn unit test case
@ 2015-05-15T14:23:18Z
- a017f72 Merge pull request #23766 from jayeshka/svn-unit-test
- 19939cf adding svn unit test case
PR #23751: (rallytime) Backport #23737 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-15T03:58:37Z
- ISSUE #23734: (bradthurber) 2015.5.0 modules/ ZipFile instance has no attribute '__exit__' - only python 2.6?
| refs: #23737
- PR #23737: (bradthurber) fix for 2015.5.0 modules/ ZipFile instance has no attribute…
| refs: #23751
- 0ed9d45 Merge pull request #23751 from rallytime/bp-23737
- 8d1eb32 fix for 2015.5.0 modules/ ZipFile instance has no attribute '__exit__' - only python 2.6? #23734
PR #23710: (kiorky) Get more useful output from stateful commands
@ 2015-05-14T21:58:10Z
- ISSUE #23709: (kiorky) cmdmod: enhancement is really needed for stateful commands
| refs: #23710
- d73984e Merge pull request #23710 from makinacorpus/i23709
- c706909 Get more useful output from stateful commands
PR #23724: (rallytime) Backport #23609 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-14T19:34:22Z
- PR #23609: (kaidokert) file_map: chown created directories if not root #23608
| refs: #23724
- cdf421b Merge pull request #23724 from rallytime/bp-23609
- fe3a762 file_map: chmod created directories if not root
PR #23723: (rallytime) Backport #23568 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-14T19:34:11Z
- PR #23568: (techhat) Allow Salt Cloud to use either SCP or SFTP, as configured
| refs: #23723
- 94f9099 Merge pull request #23723 from rallytime/bp-23568
- bbec34a Allow Salt Cloud to use either SCP or SFTP, as configured
PR #23725: (rallytime) Backport #23691 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-14T19:32:30Z
- PR #23691: (dennisjac) add initial configuration documentation for varstack pillar
| refs: #23725
- 137e5ee Merge pull request #23725 from rallytime/bp-23691
- 28a846e add initial configuration documentation for varstack pillar
PR #23722: (rallytime) Backport #23472 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-14T19:31:52Z
- PR #23472: (techhat) Allow neutron network list to be used as pillar data
| refs: #23722
- 0c00995 Merge pull request #23722 from rallytime/bp-23472
- c3d0f39 Change versionadded tag for backport
- 023e88f Allow neutron network list to be used as pillar data
PR #23727: (jfindlay) fix npm execution module stacktrace
@ 2015-05-14T18:14:12Z
- ISSUE #23657: (arthurlogilab) [salt-cloud lxc] NameError: global name '__salt__' is not defined
| refs: #23727 #23898 #23897
- cbf4ca8 Merge pull request #23727 from jfindlay/npm_salt
- 05392f2 fix npm execution module stacktrace
PR #23718: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests
@ 2015-05-14T17:15:38Z
- ef536d5 Merge pull request #23718 from rahulhan/states_user_unit_tests
- aad27db Adding states/ unit tests
PR #23720: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-14T17:13:02Z
- ISSUE #23604: (Azidburn) service.dead on systemd Minion create an Error Message
| refs: #23607
- ISSUE #23548: (kkaig) grains.list_present produces incorrect (?) output
| refs: #23674
- ISSUE #23403: (iamfil) fun parameter is replaced
| refs: #23680
- PR #23680: (cachedout) Rename kwarg in cloud runner
- PR #23674: (cachedout) Handle lists correctly in grains.list_prsesent
- PR #23672: (twangboy) Fix user present
- PR #23670: (rallytime) Backport #23607 to 2014.7
- PR #23607: (Azidburn) Fix for #23604. No error reporting. Exitcode !=0 are ok
| refs: #23670
- a529d74 Merge pull request #23720 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- 06a3ebd Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- 1b86460 Merge pull request #23680 from cachedout/issue_23403
- d5986c2 Rename kwarg in cloud runner
- cd64af0 Merge pull request #23674 from cachedout/issue_23548
- da8a2f5 Handle lists correctly in grains.list_prsesent
- d322a19 Merge pull request #23672 from twangboy/fix_user_present
- 43f7025 Merge pull request #23670 from rallytime/bp-23607
- ed30dc4 Fix for #23604. No error reporting. Exitcode !=0 are ok
PR #23704: (jayeshka) adding states/lvs_server unit test case
@ 2015-05-14T14:22:10Z
- 13facbf Merge pull request #23704 from jayeshka/lvs_server_states-unit-test
- da323da adding states/lvs_server unit test case
PR #23703: (jayeshka) adding states/lvs_service unit test case
@ 2015-05-14T14:21:23Z
- f95ca31 Merge pull request #23703 from jayeshka/lvs_service_states-unit-test
- 66717c8 adding states/lvs_service unit test case
PR #23702: (jayeshka) Remove superfluous return statement.
@ 2015-05-14T14:20:42Z
- 07e987e Merge pull request #23702 from jayeshka/fix_lvs_service
- ecff218 fix lvs_service
PR #23686: (jfindlay) remove superflous return statement
@ 2015-05-14T14:20:18Z
- 39973d4 Merge pull request #23686 from jfindlay/fix_lvs_server
- 5aaeb73 remove superflous return statement
PR #23690: (rallytime) Backport #23424 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-13T23:04:36Z
- PR #23424: (jtand) Added python_shell=True for refresh_db in
| refs: #23690
- be7c7ef Merge pull request #23690 from rallytime/bp-23424
- 94574b7 Added python_shell=True for refresh_db in
PR #23681: (cachedout) Start on 2015.5.1 release notes
@ 2015-05-13T19:44:22Z
- 1a0db43 Merge pull request #23681 from cachedout/2015_5_1_release_notes
- bdbbfa6 Start on 2015.5.1 release notes
PR #23679: (jfindlay) Merge #23616
@ 2015-05-13T19:03:53Z
- PR #23616: (Snergster) virtual returning none warning fixed in dev but missed in 2015.5
| refs: #23679
- b54075a Merge pull request #23679 from jfindlay/merge_23616
- 6e15e19 appease pylint's blank line strictures
- 8750680 virtual returning none warning fixed in dev but missed in 2015.5
PR #23675: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-13T18:35:54Z
- ISSUE #23611: (hubez) master_type set to 'failover' but 'master' is not of type list but of type <type 'str'>
| refs: #23637
- ISSUE #23479: (danielmorlock) Typo in pkg.removed for Gentoo?
| refs: #23558
- ISSUE #23452: (michaelforge) minion crashed with empty grain
| refs: #23639
- ISSUE #23411: (dr4Ke) grains.append should work at any level of a grain
| refs: #23440
- ISSUE #23355: (dr4Ke) salt-ssh: 'sources: salt://' files from 'pkg' state are not included in salt_state.tgz
| refs: #23530
- ISSUE #23110: (martinhoefling) Copying files from gitfs in file.recurse state fails
- ISSUE #23004: (b18) 2014.7.5 - Windows - pkg.list_pkgs - "nxlog" never shows up in output.
| refs: #23433
- ISSUE #22908: (karanjad) Add failhard option to salt orchestration
| refs: #23389
- ISSUE #22141: (Deshke) grains.get_or_set_hash render error if hash begins with "%"
| refs: #23640
- PR #23661: (rallytime) Merge #23640 with whitespace fix
- PR #23640: (cachedout) Add warning to get_or_set_hash about reserved chars
| refs: #23661
- PR #23639: (cachedout) Handle exceptions raised by __virtual__
- PR #23637: (cachedout) Convert str master to list
- PR #23606: (twangboy) Fixed checkbox for starting service and actually starting it
- PR #23595: (rallytime) Backport #23549 to 2014.7
- PR #23594: (rallytime) Backport #23496 to 2014.7
- PR #23593: (rallytime) Backport #23442 to 2014.7
- PR #23592: (rallytime) Backport #23389 to 2014.7
- PR #23573: (techhat) Scan all available networks for public and private IPs
| refs: #23802
- PR #23558: (jfindlay) reorder emerge command line
- PR #23554: (jleroy) Debian: Hostname always updated
- PR #23551: (dr4Ke) grains.append unit tests, related to #23474
- PR #23549: (vr-jack) Update
| refs: #23595
- PR #23537: (t0rrant) Update changelog
- PR #23530: (dr4Ke) salt-ssh state: fix including all salt:// references
- PR #23496: (martinhoefling) Fix for issue #23110
| refs: #23594
- PR #23474: (dr4Ke) Fix grains.append in nested dictionnary grains #23411
- PR #23442: (clan) add directory itself to keep list
| refs: #23593
- PR #23440: (dr4Ke) fix grains.append in nested dictionnary grains #23411
| refs: #23474
- PR #23433: (twangboy) Obtain all software from the registry
- PR #23389: (cachedout) Correct fail_hard typo
| refs: #23592
- e480f13 Merge pull request #23675 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- bd63548 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- 0f006ac Merge pull request #23661 from rallytime/merge-23640
- 4427f42 Whitespace fix
- dd91154 Add warning to get_or_set_hash about reserved chars
- 84e2ef8 Merge pull request #23639 from cachedout/issue_23452
- d418b49 Syntax error!
- 45b4015 Handle exceptions raised by __virtual__
- bd9b94b Merge pull request #23637 from cachedout/issue_23611
- 56cb1f5 Fix typo
- f6fcf19 Convert str master to list
- f20c0e4 Merge pull request #23595 from rallytime/bp-23549
- 6efcac0 Update
- 1acaf86 Merge pull request #23594 from rallytime/bp-23496
- d5ae1d2 Fix for issue #23110 This resolves issues when the freshly created directory is removed by fileserver.update.
- 2c221c7 Merge pull request #23593 from rallytime/bp-23442
- 39869a1 check w/ low['name'] only
- 304cc49 another fix for file defined w/ id, but require name
- 8814d41 add directory itself to keep list
- fadd1ef Merge pull request #23606 from twangboy/fix_installer
- 038331e Fixed checkbox for starting service and actually starting it
- acdd3fc Fix lint
- 680e88f Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- 10b3f0f Merge pull request #23592 from rallytime/bp-23389
- 734cc43 Correct fail_hard typo
- cd34b9b Merge pull request #23573 from techhat/novaquery
- f92db5e Linting
- 26e00d3 Scan all available networks for public and private IPs
- 2a72cd7 Merge pull request #23558 from jfindlay/fix_ebuild
- 45404fb reorder emerge command line
- a664a3c Merge pull request #23530 from dr4Ke/fix_salt-ssh_to_include_pkg_sources
- 5df6a80 fix pylint warning
- d0549e5 salt-ssh state: fix including all salt:// references
- 55c3869 Merge pull request #23433 from twangboy/list_pkgs_fix
- 8ab5b1b Fix pylint error
- 2d11d65 Obtain all software from the registry
- 755bed0 Merge pull request #23554 from jleroy/debian-hostname-fix
- 5ff749e Debian: Hostname always updated
- 6ec87ce Merge pull request #23551 from dr4Ke/grains.append_unit_tests
- ebff9df fix pylint errors
- c495404 unit tests for grains.append module function
- 0c9a323 use MagickMock
- c838a22 unit tests for grains.append module function
- e96c5c5 Merge pull request #23474 from dr4Ke/fix_grains.append_nested
- a01a5bb grains.get, parameter delimititer, versionadded: 2014.7.6
- b39f504 remove debugging output
- b6e15e2 fix grains.append in nested dictionnary grains #23411
- ab7e1ae Merge pull request #23537 from t0rrant/patch-1
PR #23669: (rallytime) Backport #23586 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-13T18:27:11Z
- PR #23586: (Lothiraldan) Fix salt.state.file._unify_sources_and_hashes when sources is used without sources_hashes
| refs: #23669
- 0dad6be Merge pull request #23669 from rallytime/bp-23586
- ef4c6ad Remove another unused import
- 73cfda7 Remove unused import
- 52b68d6 Use the zip_longest from six module for python 3 compatiblity
- 18d5ff9 Fix salt.state.file._unify_sources_and_hashes when sources is used without sources_hashes
PR #23662: (rallytime) Merge #23642 with pylint fix
@ 2015-05-13T15:46:51Z
- PR #23642: (cachedout) Let saltmod handle lower-level exceptions gracefully
| refs: #23662
- fabef75 Merge pull request #23662 from rallytime/merge-23642
- aa7bbd8 Remove unused import
- 9e66d4c Let saltmod handle lower-level exceptions gracefully
PR #23622: (jfindlay) merge #23508
@ 2015-05-13T15:36:49Z
- PR #23508: (cro) Port mysql returner to postgres using jsonb datatype
| refs: #23622
- 072b927 Merge pull request #23622 from jfindlay/pgjsonb
- 454322c appease pylint's proscription on blank line excess
- 57c6171 Get time with timezone correct also in job return.
- e109d0f Get time with timezone correct.
- 21e06b9 Fix SQL, remove unneeded imports.
- 653f360 Stop making changes in 2 places.
- d6daaa0 Typo.
- 7d748bf SSL is handled differently by Pg, so don't set it here.
- cc7c377 Fill alter_time field in salt_events with current time with timezone.
- 43defe9 Port mysql module to Postgres using jsonb datatypes
PR #23651: (jayeshka) adding solr unit test case
@ 2015-05-13T15:26:15Z
- c1bdd4d Merge pull request #23651 from jayeshka/solr-unit-test
- 6e05148 adding solr unit test case
PR #23649: (jayeshka) adding states/libvirt unit test case
@ 2015-05-13T15:24:48Z
- ee43411 Merge pull request #23649 from jayeshka/libvirt_states-unit-test
- 0fb923a adding states/libvirt unit test case
PR #23648: (jayeshka) adding states/linux_acl unit test case
@ 2015-05-13T15:24:11Z
- c7fc466 Merge pull request #23648 from jayeshka/linux_acl_states-unit-test
- 3f0ab29 removed error.
- 11081c1 adding states/linux_acl unit test case
PR #23650: (jayeshka) adding states/kmod unit test case
@ 2015-05-13T15:09:18Z
- 4cba7ba Merge pull request #23650 from jayeshka/kmod_states-unit-test
- 1987015 adding states/kmod unit test case
PR #23633: (jayeshka) made changes to test_interfaces function.
@ 2015-05-13T06:51:07Z
- bc8faf1 Merge pull request #23633 from jayeshka/win_network-2015.5-unit-test
- 0936e1d made changes to test_interfaces function.
PR #23619: (jfindlay) fix kmod.present processing of module loading
@ 2015-05-13T01:16:56Z
- 7df3579 Merge pull request #23619 from jfindlay/fix_kmod_state
- 73facbf fix kmod.present processing of module loading
PR #23598: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests
@ 2015-05-12T21:47:36Z
- d4f3095 Merge pull request #23598 from rahulhan/states_win_dns_client_unit_test
- d08d885 Adding states/ unit tests
PR #23597: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests
@ 2015-05-12T21:46:30Z
- 811c6a1 Merge pull request #23597 from rahulhan/states_vbox_guest_unit_test
- 6a2909e Removed errors
- 4cde78a Adding states/ unit tests
PR #23615: (rallytime) Backport #23577 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-12T21:19:11Z
- PR #23577: (msciciel) Fix find and remove functions to pass database param
| refs: #23615
- 029ff11 Merge pull request #23615 from rallytime/bp-23577
- 6f74477 Fix find and remove functions to pass database param
PR #23603: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests
@ 2015-05-12T18:40:12Z
- b858953 Merge pull request #23603 from rahulhan/states_winrepo_unit_test
- a66e7e7 Adding states/ unit tests
PR #23602: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests
@ 2015-05-12T18:39:37Z
- 3cbbd6d Merge pull request #23602 from rahulhan/states_win_path_unit_test
- 122c29f Adding states/ unit tests
PR #23600: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests
@ 2015-05-12T18:39:01Z
- 3c904e8 Merge pull request #23600 from rahulhan/states_win_network_unit_test
- b418404 removed lint error
- 1be8023 Adding states/ unit tests
PR #23599: (rahulhan) Adding unit tests
@ 2015-05-12T18:37:49Z
- 10243a7 Merge pull request #23599 from rahulhan/states_win_firewall_unit_test
- 6cda890 Adding unit tests
PR #23601: (basepi) Add versionadded for jboss module/state
@ 2015-05-12T17:22:59Z
- e73071d Merge pull request #23601 from basepi/jboss.version.added
- 0174c8f Add versionadded for jboss module/state
PR #23469: (s0undt3ch) Call the windows specific function not the general one
@ 2015-05-12T16:47:22Z
- 9beb7bc Merge pull request #23469 from s0undt3ch/hotfix/call-the-win-func
- 83e88a3 Call the windows specific function not the general one
PR #23583: (jayeshka) adding states/ipset unit test case
@ 2015-05-12T16:31:55Z
- d2f0975 Merge pull request #23583 from jayeshka/ipset_states-unit-test
- 4330cf4 adding states/ipset unit test case
PR #23582: (jayeshka) adding states/keyboard unit test case
@ 2015-05-12T16:31:17Z
- 82a47e8 Merge pull request #23582 from jayeshka/keyboard_states-unit-test
- fa94d7a adding states/keyboard unit test case
PR #23581: (jayeshka) adding states/layman unit test case
@ 2015-05-12T16:30:36Z
- 77e5b28 Merge pull request #23581 from jayeshka/layman_states-unit-test
- 297b055 adding states/layman unit test case
PR #23580: (jayeshka) adding smf unit test case
@ 2015-05-12T16:29:58Z
- cbe3282 Merge pull request #23580 from jayeshka/smf-unit-test
- 4f97191 adding smf unit test case
PR #23572: (The-Loeki) Fix regression of #21355 introduced by #21603
@ 2015-05-12T16:28:05Z
- ISSUE #21603: (ipmb) ssh_auth.present fails on key without comment
| refs: #23572 #23572
- PR #21355: (The-Loeki) Fix for comments containing whitespaces
- 16a3338 Merge pull request #23572 from The-Loeki/ssh_auth_fix
- d8248dd Fix regression of #21355 introduced by #21603
PR #23565: (garethgreenaway) fix to aptpkg module
@ 2015-05-12T16:25:46Z
- ISSUE #23490: (lichtamberg) salt.modules.aptpkg.upgrade should have default "dist_upgrade=False"
| refs: #23565
- f843f89 Merge pull request #23565 from garethgreenaway/2015_2_aptpkg_upgrade_default_to_upgrade
- 97ae514 aptpkg.upgrade should default to upgrade instead of dist_upgrade.
PR #23550: (jfindlay) additional mock for rh_ip_test test_build_bond
@ 2015-05-12T15:17:16Z
- ISSUE #23473: (terminalmage) unit.modules.rh_ip_test.RhipTestCase.test_build_bond is not properly mocked
| refs: #23550
- c1157cd Merge pull request #23550 from jfindlay/fix_rh_ip_test
- e9b94d3 additional mock for rh_ip_test test_build_bond
PR #23552: (garethgreenaway) Fix for an issue caused by a previous pull request
@ 2015-05-11T21:54:59Z
- b593328 Merge pull request #23552 from garethgreenaway/2015_5_returner_fix_broken_previous_pr
- 7d70e2b Passed argumentes in the call _fetch_profile_opts to were in the wrong order
PR #23547: (slinu3d) Added AWS v4 signature support for 2015.5
@ 2015-05-11T21:52:24Z
- d0f9682 Merge pull request #23547 from slinu3d/2015.5
- f3bfdb5 Fixed urlparse and urlencode calls
- 802dbdb Added AWS v4 signature support for 2015.5
PR #23544: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-11T18:02:06Z
- ISSUE #23159: (aneeshusa) Unused validator
- ISSUE #20518: (ekle) module s3.get does not support eu-central-1
| refs: #23467
- ISSUE #563: (chutz) pidfile support for minion and master daemons
| refs: #23460 #23461
- PR #23538: (cro) Update date in LICENSE file
- PR #23505: (aneeshusa) Remove unused ssh config validator. Fixes #23159.
- PR #23467: (slinu3d) Added AWS v4 signature support
- PR #23460: (s0undt3ch) [2014.7] Update to latest stable bootstrap script v2015.05.07
- PR #23444: (techhat) Add create_attach_volume to nova driver
- PR #23439: (techhat) Add wait_for_passwd_maxtries variable
- 06c6a1f Merge pull request #23544 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- f8a36bc Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- b79fed3 Merge pull request #23538 from cro/licupdate
- 345efe2 Update date in LICENSE file
- a123a36 Merge pull request #23505 from aneeshusa/remove-unused-ssh-config-validator
- 90af167 Remove unused ssh config validator. Fixes #23159.
- ca2c21a Merge pull request #23467 from slinu3d/2014.7
- 0b4081d Fixed pylint error at line 363
- 5be5eb5 Fixed pylink errors
- e64f374 Fixed lint errors
- b9d1ac4 Added AWS v4 signature support
- e6f9eec Merge pull request #23444 from techhat/novacreateattach
- ebdb7ea Add create_attach_volume to nova driver
- e331463 Merge pull request #23460 from s0undt3ch/hotfix/bootstrap-script-2014.7
- edcd0c4 Update to latest stable bootstrap script v2015.05.07
- 7a8ce1a Merge pull request #23439 from techhat/maxtries
- 0ad3ff2 Add wait_for_passwd_maxtries variable
PR #23470: (twangboy) Fixed service.restart for salt-minion
@ 2015-05-11T17:54:47Z
- ISSUE #23426: (twangboy) Can't restart salt-minion on 64 bit windows (2015.5.0)
| refs: #23470
- aa5b896 Merge pull request #23470 from twangboy/fix_svc_restart
- b3f284c Fixed tests
- ad44d79 Fixed service.restart for salt-minion
PR #23539: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests
@ 2015-05-11T17:02:31Z
- 67988b2 Merge pull request #23539 from rahulhan/states_virtualenv_mod_unit_test
- 750bb07 Adding states/ unit tests
PR #23513: (gladiatr72) short-circuit auto-failure of iptables.delete state
@ 2015-05-11T15:18:33Z
- c3f03d8 Merge pull request #23513 from gladiatr72/RFC_stop_iptables.check_from_short-circuiting_position-only_delete_rule
- c71714c short-circuit auto-failure of iptables.delete state if position argument is set without the other accoutrements that check_rule requires.
PR #23534: (jayeshka) adding states/ini_manage unit test case
@ 2015-05-11T14:32:06Z
- 4e77f6f Merge pull request #23534 from jayeshka/ini_manage_states-unit-test
- 831223c adding states/ini_manage unit test case
PR #23533: (jayeshka) adding states/hipchat unit test case
@ 2015-05-11T14:30:22Z
- 11ba9ed Merge pull request #23533 from jayeshka/hipchat-states-unit-test
- 41d14b3 adding states/hipchat unit test case
PR #23532: (jayeshka) adding states/ipmi unit test case
@ 2015-05-11T14:28:15Z
- e542113 Merge pull request #23532 from jayeshka/ipmi-states-unit-test
- fc3e64a adding states/ipmi unit test case
PR #23531: (jayeshka) adding service unit test case
@ 2015-05-11T14:27:12Z
- 9ba85fd Merge pull request #23531 from jayeshka/service-unit-test
- 3ad5314 adding service unit test case
PR #23517: (garethgreenaway) fix to returners
@ 2015-05-11T14:20:51Z
- ISSUE #23512: (Code-Vortex) hipchat_returner / slack_returner not work correctly
| refs: #23517
- 32838cd Merge pull request #23517 from garethgreenaway/23512_2015_5_returners_with_profiles
- 81e31e2 fix for returners that utilize profile attributes. code in the if else statement was backwards. #23512
PR #23502: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests
@ 2015-05-08T19:47:18Z
- 6be7d8d Merge pull request #23502 from rahulhan/states_win_servermanager_unit_test
- 2490074 Adding states/ unit tests
PR #23495: (jayeshka) adding seed unit test case
@ 2015-05-08T17:30:38Z
- 6048578 Merge pull request #23495 from jayeshka/seed-unit-test
- 3f134bc adding seed unit test case
PR #23494: (jayeshka) adding sensors unit test case
@ 2015-05-08T17:30:18Z
- 70bc3c1 Merge pull request #23494 from jayeshka/sensors-unit-test
- 1fb48a3 adding sensors unit test case
PR #23493: (jayeshka) adding states/incron unit test case
@ 2015-05-08T17:29:59Z
- b981b20 Merge pull request #23493 from jayeshka/incron-states-unit-test
- cc7bc17 adding states/incron unit test case
PR #23492: (jayeshka) adding states/influxdb_database unit test case
@ 2015-05-08T17:29:51Z
- 4019c49 Merge pull request #23492 from jayeshka/influxdb_database-states-unit-test
- e1fcac8 adding states/influxdb_database unit test case
PR #23491: (jayeshka) adding states/influxdb_user unit test case
@ 2015-05-08T16:24:07Z
- d317a77 Merge pull request #23491 from jayeshka/influxdb_user-states-unit-test
- 9d4043f adding states/influxdb_user unit test case
PR #23477: (galet) LDAP auth: Escape filter value for group membership search
@ 2015-05-07T22:04:48Z
- e0b2a73 Merge pull request #23477 from galet/ldap-filter-escaping
- 33038b9 LDAP auth: Escape filter value for group membership search
PR #23476: (cachedout) Lint becaon
@ 2015-05-07T19:55:36Z
- e1719fe Merge pull request #23476 from cachedout/lint_23431
- 8d1ff20 Lint becaon
PR #23431: (UtahDave) Beacon fixes
| refs: #23476
@ 2015-05-07T19:53:47Z
- 1e299ed Merge pull request #23431 from UtahDave/beacon_fixes
- 152f223 remove unused import
- 81198f9 fix interval logic and example
- 5504778 update to proper examples
- 6890439 fix list for mask
- ee7b579 remove custom interval code.
PR #23468: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests
@ 2015-05-07T19:20:50Z
- ea55c44 Merge pull request #23468 from rahulhan/states_win_system_unit_test
- 33f8c12 Adding states/ unit tests
PR #23466: (UtahDave) minor spelling fix
@ 2015-05-07T19:19:06Z
- e6e1114 Merge pull request #23466 from UtahDave/2015.5local
- b2c399a minor spelling fix
PR #23461: (s0undt3ch) [2015.5] Update to latest stable bootstrap script v2015.05.07
@ 2015-05-07T19:16:18Z
- ISSUE #563: (chutz) pidfile support for minion and master daemons
| refs: #23460 #23461
- 4eeb1e6 Merge pull request #23461 from s0undt3ch/hotfix/bootstrap-script
- 638c63d Update to latest stable bootstrap script v2015.05.07
PR #23450: (jayeshka) adding scsi unit test case
@ 2015-05-07T19:00:28Z
- 8651278 Merge pull request #23450 from jayeshka/scsi-unit-test
- e7269ff adding scsi unit test case
PR #23449: (jayeshka) adding s3 unit test case
@ 2015-05-07T18:59:45Z
- 8b374ae Merge pull request #23449 from jayeshka/s3-unit-test
- 85786bf adding s3 unit test case
PR #23448: (jayeshka) adding states/keystone unit test case
@ 2015-05-07T18:58:59Z
- 49b431c Merge pull request #23448 from jayeshka/keystone-states-unit-test
- a3050eb adding states/keystone unit test case
PR #23447: (jayeshka) adding states/grafana unit test case
@ 2015-05-07T18:58:20Z
- 23d7e7e Merge pull request #23447 from jayeshka/grafana-states-unit-test
- 7e90a4a adding states/grafana unit test case
PR #23438: (techhat) Gate requests import
@ 2015-05-07T07:22:58Z
- 1fd0bc2 Merge pull request #23438 from techhat/gaterequests
- d5b15fc Gate requests import
PR #23429: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-07T05:35:13Z
- ISSUE #17245: (tomashavlas) localemod does not generate locale for Arch
| refs: #23307 #23397
- PR #23425: (basepi) [2014.7] Fix typo in FunctionWrapper
- PR #23422: (cro) $HOME should not be used, some shells don't set it.
- PR #23414: (jfindlay) 2015.2 -> 2015.5
- PR #23409: (terminalmage) Update Lithium docstrings in 2014.7 branch
| refs: #23410
- PR #23404: (hvnsweeting) saltapi cherrypy: initialize var when POST body is empty
- PR #23397: (jfindlay) add more flexible whitespace to locale_gen search
- PR #23385: (rallytime) Backport #23346 to 2014.7
- PR #23346: (ericfode) Allow file_map in salt-cloud to handle folders.
| refs: #23385
- 3c4f734 Merge pull request #23429 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- 7729834 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- 644eb75 Merge pull request #23422 from cro/gce_sh_home
- 4ef9e6b Don't use $HOME to find user's directory, some shells don't set it
- ef17ab4 Merge pull request #23425 from basepi/functionwrapper_typo
- c390737 Fix typo in FunctionWrapper
- 1b13ec0 Merge pull request #23385 from rallytime/bp-23346
- 9efc13c more linting fixes
- cf131c9 cleaned up some pylint errors
- f981699 added logic to sftp_file and file_map to allow folder uploads using file_map
- f8c7a62 Merge pull request #23414 from jfindlay/update_branch
- 54b3bd4 Merge pull request #23404 from hvnsweeting/cherrypy-post-emptybody-fix
- f85f8f9 initialize var when POST body is empty
- 160f703 Merge pull request #23409 from terminalmage/update-lithium-docstrings-2014.7
- bc97d01 Fix sphinx typo
- 20006b0 Update Lithium docstrings in 2014.7 branch
- aa5fb0a Merge pull request #23397 from jfindlay/fix_locale_gen
- 0941fef add more flexible whitespace to locale_gen search
PR #23396: (basepi) [2015.2] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.2
@ 2015-05-06T21:42:35Z
- ISSUE #23294: (variia) file.replace fails to append if repl string partially available
| refs: #23350
- ISSUE #23026: (adelcast) Incorrect salt-syndic logfile and pidfile locations
| refs: #23341
- ISSUE #22742: (hvnsweeting) salt-master says: "This master address: 'salt' was previously resolvable but now fails to resolve!"
| refs: #23344
- ISSUE #19114: (pykler) salt-ssh and gpg pillar renderer
| refs: #23272 #23347 #23188
- ISSUE #17245: (tomashavlas) localemod does not generate locale for Arch
| refs: #23307 #23397
- ISSUE #580: (thatch45) recursive watch not being caught
| refs: #23324
- ISSUE #552: (jhutchins) Support require and watch under the same state dec
| refs: #23324
- PR #23368: (kaithar) Backport #23367 to 2014.7
- PR #23367: (kaithar) Put the sed insert statement back in to the output.
| refs: #23368
- PR #23350: (lorengordon) Append/prepend: search for full line
- PR #23347: (basepi) [2014.7] Salt-SSH Backport FunctionWrapper.__contains__
- PR #23344: (cachedout) Explicitely set file_client on master
- PR #23341: (cachedout) Fix syndic pid and logfile path
- PR #23324: (s0undt3ch) [2014.7] Update to the latest stable release of the bootstrap script v2015.05.04
- PR #23318: (cellscape) Honor seed argument in LXC container initializaton
- PR #23311: (cellscape) Fix new container initialization in LXC runner
| refs: #23318
- PR #23307: (jfindlay) check for /etc/locale.gen
- PR #23272: (basepi) [2014.7] Allow salt-ssh minion config overrides via master config and roster
| refs: #23347
- PR #23188: (basepi) [2014.7] Work around bug in salt-ssh in config.get for gpg renderer
| refs: #23272
- PR #18368: (basepi) Merge forward from 2014.7 to develop
| refs: #23367 #23368
- PR #589: (epoelke) add --quiet and --outfile options to saltkey
| refs: #23324
- PR #567: (bastichelaar) Added upstart module
| refs: #23324
- PR #560: (UtahDave) The runas feature that was added in 93423aa2e5e4b7de6452090b0039560d2b13...
| refs: #23324
- PR #504: (SEJeff) File state goodies
| refs: #23324
- 1fb8445 Merge pull request #23396 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.2
- 2766c8c Fix typo in FunctionWrapper
- fd09cda Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.2
- 0c76dd4 Merge pull request #23368 from kaithar/bp-23367
- 577f419 Pylint fix
- 8d9acd1 Put the sed insert statement back in to the output.
- 3493cc1 Merge pull request #23350 from lorengordon/file.replace_assume_line
- b60e224 Append/prepend: search for full line
- 7be5c48 Merge pull request #23341 from cachedout/issue_23026
- e98e65e Fix tests
- 6011b43 Fix syndic pid and logfile path
- ea61abf Merge pull request #23272 from basepi/salt-ssh.minion.config.19114
- c223309 Add versionadded
- be7407f Lint
- c2c3375 Missing comma
- 8e3e8e0 Pass the minion_opts through the FunctionWrapper
- cb69cd0 Match the master config template in the master config reference
- 87fc316 Add Salt-SSH section to master config template
- 91dd9dc Add ssh_minion_opts to master config ref
- c273ea1 Add minion config to salt-ssh doc
- a0b6b76 Add minion_opts to roster docs
- 5212c35 Accept minion_opts from the target information
- e2099b6 Process ssh_minion_opts from master config
- 3b64214 Revert "Work around bug in salt-ssh in config.get for gpg renderer"
- 494953a Remove the strip (embracing multi-line YAML dump)
- fe87f0f Dump multi-line yaml into the SHIM
- b751a72 Inject local minion config into shim if available
- 4f760dd Merge pull request #23347 from basepi/salt-ssh.functionwrapper.contains.19114
- 30595e3 Backport FunctionWrapper.__contains__
- 02658b1 Merge pull request #23344 from cachedout/issue_22742
- 5adc96c Explicitely set file_client on master
- ba7605d Merge pull request #23318 from cellscape/honor-seed-argument
- 228b1be Honor seed argument in LXC container initializaton
- 4ac4509 Merge pull request #23307 from jfindlay/fix_locale_gen
- 101199a check for /etc/locale.gen
- f790f42 Merge pull request #23324 from s0undt3ch/hotfix/bootstrap-script-2014.7
- 6643e47 Update to the latest stable release of the bootstrap script v2015.05.04