In Salt 0.14.0, an advanced cloud control system were introduced, allow private cloud vms to be managed directly with Salt. This system is generally referred to as Salt Virt.
The Salt Virt system already exists and is installed within Salt itself, this means that beside setting up Salt, no additional salt code needs to be deployed.
The main goal of Salt Virt is to facilitate a very fast and simple cloud. The cloud that can scale and fully featured. Salt Virt comes with the ability to set up and manage complex virtual machine networking, powerful image, and disk management, as well as virtual machine migration with and without shared storage.
This means that Salt Virt can be used to create a cloud from a blade center and a SAN, but can also create a cloud out of a swarm of Linux Desktops without a single shared storage system. Salt Virt can make clouds from truly commodity hardware, but can also stand up the power of specialized hardware as well.
The first step to set up the hypervisors involves getting the correct software installed and setting up the hypervisor network interfaces.
Salt Virt is made to be hypervisor agnostic but currently the only fully implemented hypervisor is KVM via libvirt.
The required software for a hypervisor is libvirt and kvm. For advanced features install libguestfs or qemu-nbd.
Libguestfs and qemu-nbd allow for virtual machine images to be mounted before startup and get pre-seeded with configurations and a salt minion
This sls will set up the needed software for a hypervisor, and run the routines to set up the libvirt pki keys.
Package names and setup used is Red Hat specific, different package names will be required for different platforms
pkg.installed: []
- name: /etc/sysconfig/libvirtd
- contents: 'LIBVIRTD_ARGS="--listen"'
- require:
- pkg: libvirt
- require:
- pkg: libvirt
- name: libvirtd
- require:
- pkg: libvirt
- network: br0
- libvirt: libvirt
- watch:
- file: libvirt
pkg.installed: []
- pkgs:
- libguestfs
- libguestfs-tools
The hypervisors will need to be running a network bridge to serve up network devices for virtual machines, this formula will set up a standard bridge on a hypervisor connecting the bridge to eth0:
- enabled: True
- type: eth
- bridge: br0
- enabled: True
- type: bridge
- proto: dhcp
- require:
- network: eth0
Salt Virt comes with a system to model the network interfaces used by the
deployed virtual machines; by default a single interface is created for the
deployed virtual machine and is bridged to br0
. To get going with the
default networking setup, ensure that the bridge interface named br0
on the hypervisor and is bridged to an active network device.
To use more advanced networking in Salt Virt, read the Salt Virt Networking document:
One of the challenges of deploying a libvirt based cloud is the distribution
of libvirt certificates. These certificates allow for virtual machine
migration. Salt comes with a system used to auto deploy these certificates.
Salt manages the signing authority key and generates keys for libvirt clients
on the master, signs them with the certificate authority and uses pillar to
distribute them. This is managed via the libvirt
state. Simply execute this
formula on the minion to ensure that the certificate is in place and up to
The above formula includes the calls needed to set up libvirt keys.
Salt Virt, requires that virtual machine images be provided as these are not generated on the fly. Generating these virtual machine images differs greatly based on the underlying platform.
Virtual machine images can be manually created using KVM and running through the installer, but this process is not recommended since it is very manual and prone to errors.
Virtual Machine generation applications are available for many platforms:
See also
Once virtual machine images are available, the easiest way to make them
available to Salt Virt is to place them in the Salt file server. Just copy an
image into /srv/salt
and it can now be used by Salt Virt.
For purposes of this demo, the file name centos.img
will be used.
Many existing Linux distributions distribute virtual machine images which can be used with Salt Virt. Please be advised that NONE OF THESE IMAGES ARE SUPPORTED BY SALTSTACK.
These images have been prepared for OpenNebula but should work without issue with Salt Virt, only the raw qcow image file is needed:
Images for Fedora Linux can be found here:
Images for Ubuntu Linux can be found here:
With hypervisors set up and virtual machine images ready, Salt can start issuing cloud commands.
Start by running a Salt Virt hypervisor info command:
salt-run virt.hyper_info
This will query what the running hypervisor stats are and display information for all configured hypervisors. This command will also validate that the hypervisors are properly configured.
Now that hypervisors are available a virtual machine can be provisioned. The
routine will create a new virtual machine:
salt-run virt.init centos1 2 512 salt://centos.img
This command assumes that the CentOS virtual machine image is sitting in the root of the Salt fileserver. Salt Virt will now select a hypervisor to deploy the new virtual machine on and copy the virtual machine image down to the hypervisor.
Once the VM image has been copied down the new virtual machine will be seeded. Seeding the VMs involves setting pre-authenticated Salt keys on the new VM and if needed, will install the Salt Minion on the new VM before it is started.
The biggest bottleneck in starting VMs is when the Salt Minion needs to be installed. Making sure that the source VM images already have Salt installed will GREATLY speed up virtual machine deployment.
Now that the new VM has been prepared, it can be seen via the virt.query
salt-run virt.query
This command will return data about all of the hypervisors and respective virtual machines.
Now that the new VM is booted it should have contacted the Salt Master, a
will reveal if the new VM is running.
Salt Virt comes with full support for virtual machine migration, and using the libvirt state in the above formula makes migration possible.
A few things need to be available to support migration. Many operating systems turn on firewalls when originally set up, the firewall needs to be opened up to allow for libvirt and kvm to cross communicate and execution migration routines. On Red Hat based hypervisors in particular port 16514 needs to be opened on hypervisors:
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 16514 -j ACCEPT
More in-depth information regarding distribution specific firewall settings can read in:
Salt also needs an additional flag to be turned on as well. The virt.tunnel
option needs to be turned on. This flag tells Salt to run migrations securely
via the libvirt TLS tunnel and to use port 16514. Without virt.tunnel
tries to bind to random ports when running migrations. To turn on virt.tunnel
simple apply it to the master config file:
virt.tunnel: True
Once the master config has been updated, restart the master and send out a call to the minions to refresh the pillar to pick up on the change:
salt \* saltutil.refresh_modules
Now, migration routines can be run! To migrate a VM, simply run the Salt Virt migrate routine:
salt-run virt.migrate centos <new hypervisor>
Salt Virt also sets up VNC consoles by default, allowing for remote visual
consoles to be oped up. The information from a virt.query
routine will
display the vnc console port for the specific vms:
CPU: 2
Memory: 524288
State: running
Graphics: vnc - hyper6:5900
Disk - vda:
Size: 2.0G
File: /srv/salt-images/ubuntu2/system.qcow2
File Format: qcow2
Nic - ac:de:48:98:08:77:
Source: br0
Type: bridge
The line Graphics: vnc - hyper6:5900 holds the key. First the port named, in this case 5900, will need to be available in the hypervisor's firewall. Once the port is open, then the console can be easily opened via vncviewer:
vncviewer hyper6:5900
By default there is no VNC security set up on these ports, which suggests that keeping them firewalled and mandating that SSH tunnels be used to access these VNC interfaces. Keep in mind that activity on a VNC interface that is accessed can be viewed by any other user that accesses that same VNC interface, and any other user logging in can also operate with the logged in user on the virtual machine.
Now with Salt Virt running, new hypervisors can be seamlessly added just by running the above states on new bare metal machines, and these machines will be instantly available to Salt Virt.