
Return config information


Return the backup mode

CLI Example:

salt '*' config.backup_mode

Pass in a configuration value that should be preceded by the module name and a dot, this will return a list of all read key/value pairs

CLI Example:

salt '*' config.dot_vals host

Download the salt-bootstrap script, and return its location

URL of alternate bootstrap script

CLI Example:

salt '*' config.gather_bootstrap_script
salt.modules.config.get(key, default='', delimiter=':', merge=None)

Attempt to retrieve the named value from the minion config file, pillar, grains or the master config. If the named value is not available, return the value specified by default. If not specified, the default is an empty string.

Values can also be retrieved from nested dictionaries. Assume the below data structure:

{'pkg': {'apache': 'httpd'}}

To retrieve the value associated with the apache key, in the sub-dictionary corresponding to the pkg key, the following command can be used:

salt myminion config.get pkg:apache

The : (colon) is used to represent a nested dictionary level.

Changed in version 2015.5.0: The delimiter argument was added, to allow delimiters other than : to be used.

This function traverses these data stores in this order:

  • Minion config file
  • Minion's grains
  • Minion's pillar data
  • Master config file

New in version 2015.5.0.

Override the delimiter used to separate nested levels of a data structure.


New in version 2015.5.0.

If passed, this parameter will change the behavior of the function so that, instead of traversing each data store above in order and returning the first match, the data stores are first merged together and then searched. The pillar data is merged into the master config data, then the grains are merged, followed by the Minion config data. The resulting data structure is then searched for a match. This allows for configurations to be more flexible.


The merging described above does not mean that grain data will end up in the Minion's pillar data, or pillar data will end up in the master config data, etc. The data is just combined for the purposes of searching an amalgam of the different data stores.

The supported merge strategies are as follows:

  • recurse - If a key exists in both dictionaries, and the new value is not a dictionary, it is replaced. Otherwise, the sub-dictionaries are merged together into a single dictionary, recursively on down, following the same criteria. For example:

    >>> dict1 = {'foo': {'bar': 1, 'qux': True},
                 'hosts': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
                 'only_x': None}
    >>> dict2 = {'foo': {'baz': 2, 'qux': False},
                 'hosts': ['d', 'e', 'f'],
                 'only_y': None}
    >>> merged
    {'foo': {'bar': 1, 'baz': 2, 'qux': False},
     'hosts': ['d', 'e', 'f'],
     'only_dict1': None,
     'only_dict2': None}
  • overwrite - If a key exists in the top level of both dictionaries, the new value completely overwrites the old. For example:

    >>> dict1 = {'foo': {'bar': 1, 'qux': True},
                 'hosts': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
                 'only_x': None}
    >>> dict2 = {'foo': {'baz': 2, 'qux': False},
                 'hosts': ['d', 'e', 'f'],
                 'only_y': None}
    >>> merged
    {'foo': {'baz': 2, 'qux': False},
     'hosts': ['d', 'e', 'f'],
     'only_dict1': None,
     'only_dict2': None}

CLI Example:

salt '*' config.get pkg:apache
salt '*' config.get lxc.container_profile:centos merge=recurse

Return a mode value, normalized to a string

CLI Example:

salt '*' config.manage_mode
salt.modules.config.merge(value, default='', omit_opts=False, omit_master=False, omit_pillar=False)

Retrieves an option based on key, merging all matches.

Same as option() except that it merges all matches, rather than taking the first match.

CLI Example:

salt '*' config.merge schedule
salt.modules.config.option(value, default='', omit_opts=False, omit_master=False, omit_pillar=False)

Pass in a generic option and receive the value that will be assigned

CLI Example:

salt '*' config.option

Returns a boolean value based on whether or not the URI passed has a valid remote file protocol designation

CLI Example:

salt '*' config.valid_fileproto salt://path/to/file