Install Python packages with pip to either the system or a virtualenv
New in version 2014.7.4.
Salt now uses a portable python. As a result the entire pip module is now
functional on the salt installation itself. You can pip install dependencies
for your custom modules. You can even upgrade salt itself using pip. For this
to work properly, you must specify the Current Working Directory (cwd
) and
the Pip Binary (bin_env
) salt should use. The variable pip_bin
can be
either a virtualenv path or the path to the pip binary itself.
For example, the following command will list all software installed using pip to your current salt environment:
salt <minion> pip.list cwd='C:\salt\bin\Scripts' bin_env='C:\salt\bin\Scripts\pip.exe'
Specifying the cwd
and bin_env
options ensures you're modifying the
salt environment. If these are omitted, it will default to the local
installation of python. If python is not installed locally it will fail saying
it couldn't find pip.
This functionality works in states as well. If you need to pip install colorama with a state, for example, the following will work:
- name: colorama
- cwd: 'C:\salt\bin\scripts'
- bin_env: 'C:\salt\bin\scripts\pip.exe'
- upgrade: True
You can now update salt using pip to any version from the 2014.7 branch forward. Previous version require recompiling some of the dependencies which is painful in windows.
To do this you just use pip with git to update to the version you want and then restart the service. Here is a sample state file that upgrades salt to the head of the 2015.5 branch:
- cwd: 'C:\salt\bin\scripts'
- bin_env: 'C:\salt\bin\scripts\pip.exe'
- editable: git+
- upgrade: True
- name: salt-minion
- enable: True
- watch:
- pip: install_salt
If you're having problems, you might try doubling the back slashes. For example, cwd: 'C:\salt\bin\scripts'. Sometimes python thinks the single back slash is an escape character.
(bin_env=None, user=None, cwd=None, use_vt=False)Return a list of installed packages either globally or in the specified virtualenv
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.freeze /home/code/path/to/virtualenv/
(pkgs=None, requirements=None, env=None, bin_env=None, use_wheel=False, no_use_wheel=False, log=None, proxy=None, timeout=None, editable=None, find_links=None, index_url=None, extra_index_url=None, no_index=False, mirrors=None, build=None, target=None, download=None, download_cache=None, source=None, upgrade=False, force_reinstall=False, ignore_installed=False, exists_action=None, no_deps=False, no_install=False, no_download=False, global_options=None, install_options=None, user=None, no_chown=False, cwd=None, activate=False, pre_releases=False, cert=None, allow_all_external=False, allow_external=None, allow_unverified=None, process_dependency_links=False, __env__=None, saltenv='base', env_vars=None, use_vt=False)Install packages with pip
Install packages individually or from a pip requirements file. Install packages globally or to a virtualenv.
Path to pip bin or path to virtualenv. If doing a system install, and want to use a specific pip bin (pip-2.7, pip-2.6, etc..) just specify the pip bin you want.
If installing into a virtualenv, just use the path to the
virtualenv (e.g. /home/code/path/to/virtualenv/
. Note
that the user:password@
is optional and required only if you are
behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide
then you will be prompted for a password.git+
instead of installing themdownload_cache
packages into source
). Use
multiple --install-option options to pass multiple options to
install. If you are using an option with a directory path, be sure to
use absolute path.Activates the virtual environment, if given via bin_env, before running install.
Deprecated since version 2014.7.2: If bin_env is given, pip will already be sourced from that virualenv, making activate effectively a noop.
Set environment variables that some builds will depend on. For example, a Python C-module may have a Makefile that needs INCLUDE_PATH set to pick up a header file while compiling. This must be in the form of a dictionary or a mapping.
salt '*' pip.install django_app env_vars="{'CUSTOM_PATH': '/opt/django_app'}"
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.install <package name>,<package2 name>
salt '*' pip.install requirements=/path/to/requirements.txt
salt '*' pip.install <package name> bin_env=/path/to/virtualenv
salt '*' pip.install <package name> bin_env=/path/to/pip_bin
Complicated CLI example:
salt '*' pip.install markdown,django editable=git+ upgrade=True no_deps=True
(prefix=None, bin_env=None, user=None, cwd=None)Filter list of installed apps from freeze
and check to see if
exists in the list of packages installed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.list salt
(bin_env=None, user=None, cwd=None)Check whether or not an upgrade is available for all packages
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.list_upgrades
(pkgs=None, requirements=None, bin_env=None, log=None, proxy=None, timeout=None, user=None, no_chown=False, cwd=None, __env__=None, saltenv='base', use_vt=False)Uninstall packages with pip
Uninstall packages individually or from a pip requirements file. Uninstall packages globally or from a virtualenv.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.uninstall <package name>,<package2 name>
salt '*' pip.uninstall requirements=/path/to/requirements.txt
salt '*' pip.uninstall <package name> bin_env=/path/to/virtualenv
salt '*' pip.uninstall <package name> bin_env=/path/to/pip_bin
(bin_env=None, user=None, cwd=None, use_vt=False)New in version 2015.5.0.
Upgrades outdated pip packages
Returns a dict containing the changes.
- {'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>',
- 'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.upgrade